Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1681: Urge to send troops

  Chapter 1681 Urges to send troops

On this day, Xu Hai, Ma Ye, Chen Dong, and Beitiao Dao San Zhuanen Taiwojian, who were entrenched in Tuolin, Chuanshabao, Huating and other places in Songjiang Prefecture, Zhejiang Province, played "Tiancha Pinghai General", "Tiancha Banners such as Chaping Hai Da Sima, Tiancha Pinghai Dazhu Kingdom, and Tiancha Pinghai Daming Family Superintendent have superficially integrated the pirates from all walks of life who have come to gather one after another, forming four major groups of pirates. .

  After the integration, Xu Hai and his Japanese arrogance became more and more rampant, and they attacked Zhapu and Haining counties at the same time on the same day.

  When the county towns of Zhapu and Haining were on the verge of collapse, the Japanese pirates suddenly changed direction and killed Chongde County. Chongde County was unprepared, and was caught off guard by Japanese pirates, and Chongde County fell.

  After burning, killing and looting in Chongde County, the Japanese pirates swayed, sang and danced, just like visiting their own back garden, pulling horses and oxen, driving hundreds of horse-drawn carriages, and returned to Tuolin's lair with a full load.

The people of Songjiang Mansion are miserable. Many people in the streets and alleys scolded the court for being incompetent and unable to protect the people. Some people also called the governor of Jiangnan, Zhang Jing, an enlightened man. looting.

  In Yingtian City, there are many similar voices. There are many voices criticizing Governor Zhang Jing in teahouses and restaurants.

  After Zhao Wenhua learned the news that Japanese pirates had breached Chongde County, he went straight to Fuheng, Zhang Jing's general restaurant, and broke into Zhang Jing's office building without waiting for an announcement.

"Governor Zhang, the Japanese pirates are so lawless. In broad daylight, they blatantly attacked my county seat in Daming. They even broke through a county seat, burning, killing, and looting. I also ask Governor Zhang to send troops quickly to wipe out Xu Hai, Ma Ye, Chen Dong, Hojo Dosan and other Japanese pirates who are entrenched in Tuolin, Chuanshabao, Huating and other places in Zhejiang, and eliminate harm for the people."

  As soon as he entered the room, Zhao Wenhua directly urged Zhang Jing to send troops to destroy Xu Hai and other Japanese pirates.

In the room, Zhang Jing was arranging the deployment work for the officials of the Ministry of War. Seeing Zhao Wenhua barged in without notification, his expression was worried. I feel even more worried, you, a person who is not as high as I am in office, not as powerful as I am, and has a better name than me, and who still recognizes someone as a father, what right do you have to boss around me, Zhang Jing.

  Send troops to suppress Japanese? !

  I think too, more than anyone else, I want to send troops to wipe out those **** Japanese pirates! But now we can't send troops!

  Nowadays, how can the soldiers under his command have the ability to suppress the Japanese, how can the officers and soldiers from all over the country have the ability to suppress the Japanese, thank God they can guard their homes.

Although Yingtian has several Beijing battalions, the strength and combat effectiveness are not bad, but the main responsibility of the Beijing battalion is to protect Yingtian's city and the emperor's mausoleum. Don't mobilize the few Beijing camps that guard Yingtian and the emperor's tomb.

  Usually call the Beijing camp, at most one-third of the Beijing camp must be transferred, and sufficient troops must be left to protect Yingtian City and the Imperial Mausoleum. Otherwise, if Yingtian and Diling made the slightest mistake, I would definitely be guilty of an unforgivable crime, and I would be to blame for all deaths.

Although in addition to the Beijing camp, some officers and soldiers from other places have been transferred to Yingtian, all of these officers and soldiers can be dispatched, but the number of these officers and soldiers is less than 20,000, and their equipment and combat effectiveness are not as good as those of the Beijing camp. On the way here, there are generals Self-reliant and brave, he took the initiative to lead the army to find the Japanese pirates to fight, but suffered several defeats in succession, and his morale dropped sharply. In addition, there are veterans who hold their own qualifications, have high positions and rich experience, and do not obey orders very much.

  It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. In such a situation, how to go out to suppress the Japanese? ! With today's military strength and combat power, they are no match for the Japanese pirates at all. Losing the war will only make the Japanese pirates more arrogant, make the people more disappointed, and make the situation worse.

   Therefore, we should not act rashly, and we must wait for the arrival of combat-capable soldiers and horses, such as Liangguang wolf soldiers and Shandong spearmen, before sending troops to suppress the Japanese.

  The wolf soldiers of Guangdong and Guangxi are powerful and capable of fighting well. In the past, I made great achievements as the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and was deeply loved by the wolf soldiers. After the wolf soldiers arrive, after careful deployment, they are confident that they can complete their work in one battle.

   If you don’t move, you’re done, and you’re done!

Therefore, Zhang Jing glanced at Zhao Wenhua impatiently, and said coldly, "Now is not the time to send troops to destroy the Japanese. Master Zhao can just sacrifice to the sea with his heart. I have made my own arrangements for the suppression of the Japanese, so I don't bother Master Zhao." bother."

  Zhao Wenhua's face was very ugly, "Now is not the time to send troops, so when is the time to send troops?"

   "This official has his own arrangements. The sacrifice to the sea is about to begin, Mr. Zhao should focus on the sacrifice to the sea."

  Zhang Jing didn't bother to pay any attention to Zhao Wenhua, so he dismissed Zhao Wenhua in an official perfunctory sentence.

   "What arrangements does Governor Zhang have that you can't tell me? Governor Zhang needs to remember that in addition to the imperial envoys who offer sacrifices to the sea, I also have imperial envoys who supervise military affairs. I have the right and the responsibility to know Governor Zhang's arrangements for the suppression of Japanese pirates."

  Zhao Wenhua's face turned black, and he said to Zhang Jing angrily, in order to persuade Zhang Jing, Zhao Wenhua moved out of Emperor Jiajing.

   "Master Zhao also said that your imperial envoy is to supervise military affairs, not command military affairs." Zhang Jing said lightly.

"You..." Zhao Wenhua was so choked that he didn't speak for a while, but he is also a veteran in the officialdom, and he quickly found a way to break the situation, saying word by word, "Yes, my imperial envoy is to supervise military affairs, not to command Military affairs, but supervising military affairs naturally also includes supervising Governor Zhang and how the generals command military affairs."

   "I still have to inspect the military camps. I don't have time to play word games with Mr. Zhao. Please go back, Mr. Zhao."

   Zhang Jing got up and said.

"I'm not playing word games with Governor Zhang, and the suppression of Japanese is not a game. Today Xu Hai, Ma Ye, Chen Dong and other Japanese pirates broke through Chongde. Countless people in Chongde were littered with corpses and blood flowed in rivers. Waiting for us to avenge them, the living people are waiting for us to wipe out the Japanese pirates and bring them safety, and the Holy One is also waiting for us to play the song of victory in Xiyuan! Governor Zhang, I just ask today, when will we send troops to suppress the Japanese? "Zhao Wenhua stood in front of Zhang Jing and asked without giving in.

   "We will send troops when the time comes!" Zhang Jing said impatiently when he was stopped by Zhao Wenhua.

   "When is the time? Hehe, Governor Zhang is afraid of the Japanese pirates, and he wants to wait for the Japanese pirates to plunder their feet and escape, to suppress the remaining pirates and avenge their crimes?"

   Zhao Wenhua sneered.

   "Fart! I'm waiting for the wolf soldiers from Guangdong and Guangxi to arrive!" Zhang Jing was so annoyed by Zhao Wenhua's words that he uttered a foul language.

  (end of this chapter)

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