Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1563: The New Book of Ji Xiao of the Zhejiang Army

  Chapter 1563 Zhejiang Army Jixiao New Book

   "The specific and detailed assessment rules, I have compiled a book called "Zhejiang Army Disciplinary Effect New Book". Now it will be distributed, one copy for each corps, and the corps leaders will be responsible for leading the whole army to study in the future."

  Zhu Ping'an waved his hand as he spoke, and a team of personal soldiers who had been prepared for a long time under the stage carried stacks of "Zhejiang Army's New Book of Disciplinary Effects" with simple binding costs, distributed them one by one, and sent them to the corps leader.

   "Captain, let us see how the assessment is done?"

   "Captain, we are illiterate, read it to us quickly, I am so excited."

The soldiers of each corps couldn't wait to surround their corporal leaders and watch "Zhejiang Army Jixiao New Book", and then almost all the soldiers found that they could not read at all, just like reading ghosts and symbols. Read what's inside.

   All corps commanders and above officers were forcibly driven into night school literacy classes by Zhu Pingan.

   Therefore, most of the corporal leaders can barely recognize the content of "Zhejiang Army Jixiao New Book".

"Ahem, a bunch of blind, illiterate people are joining in the fun. Hurry up, get out of the way, and don't block the light. Let me read a passage to you every year, and I will read it to you during the break. Well, okay That's it, this is the page." A corporal commander cleared his throat triumphantly, despising his own soldiers, then flipped a page and read it triumphantly.

"Well, compare. Oh, this word reads martial arts, and compares martial arts articles. The martial arts competition, according to the results of the competition, the initial test is determined as upper upper, upper middle, upper lower; middle upper, middle middle, middle lower; lower upper, lower middle, lower In the second competition, if the original rank remains the same, neither reward nor punishment; if one ranks higher, one point of silver will be awarded; If you are promoted to middle class, or from middle class to top class, you will be rewarded with five silver points. If you are in the same class for the first time, you will be exempted from liability; If it is more than five times, it is still the same rule, if you hit forty sticks, you will withdraw from the Zhejiang Army. If anyone does not want to hit the army stick, chase one cent of silver each time, chase two cents of silver for the second time, and chase for three cents of silver. Three points, and all the recovered silver will be rewarded to those who improve in the competition, as an extra reward."

Wu Zhang opened this page and read down. He was illiterate, but fortunately, Zhu Pingan took into account the general culture of the Zhejiang Army when he wrote it. After a lot of stuttering and guessing, I finished reading it fairly smoothly.

   "Wow! If you are promoted, you will be rewarded with one point of silver, and if you are promoted to the first class, you will be rewarded with five points of silver."

   "You kid only sees thieves eating meat, not watching thieves being beaten. If you don't make progress twice, you will get five sticks, three times you will get ten sticks, and five times you will get forty sticks and you will be dismissed."

   "What are you afraid of? As long as you study hard and practice hard, can you still regress?! If you want to talk about literacy, we can't do it, and if you want to talk about hard work, who are we afraid of?"

   "Well, it makes sense."

   "But, I'm not good at punching, what should I do?"

   "Pull it down, you are not good at punching and kicking, you are lazy, you will pay when you usually practice, just like the lazy monk in the temple."

  After listening to the corporal leader read a section of detailed rules, most of the soldiers were very excited, gearing up, ready to flex their muscles next time, practice hard, strive for promotion, etc. In the future, promotion and fortune will no longer be a dream.

   There are also some people who are mourning their concubines. After the performance assessment is implemented, their life of dawdling is gone forever. If they want to avoid being punished or dismissed, they have to practice hard.

  Of course, there are also some corporal leaders who were driven into the literacy class, but they just entered the literacy class, but they didn’t enter the heart. They fell asleep in the literacy class.

  This caused them to hold the "Zhejiang Army Jixiao New Book", and like the soldiers under them, they could not read.

  Warlord Wu held a copy of "Zhejiang Army Jixiao New Book" and was surrounded by a group of soldiers. Wuchang looked down at the book and then at his soldiers, staring at them like a fool.

"Ahem, Corporal, why don't you read a paragraph to us? I see that the Niu Corporal next to you has already read a paragraph. Uh, Corporal, you have been in the night school literacy class for more than a month, don't you? Do you know the words?"

  Finally a soldier couldn't bear it anymore, and boldly asked questions.

   "Ahem, who said I can't read. It's just, ahem, it just so happens that there are no words I can read in this book." The corporal leader blushed immediately when he was exposed as illiterate, and he had no confidence to insist.

   "What a coincidence? There are no characters you know in any book? Hehe, Corporal, you really don't know how to read."

  The soldiers below found out the truth and couldn't help laughing out loud.

   "Laugh, let me see who dares to laugh, I will drill you hard later, and let you know why flowers are so popular!"

   Chief Wu said angrily.

   However, it had no effect, and the soldiers below laughed even harder.

Zhu Ping'an also noticed this scene, and couldn't help but feel a pain in his liver, and immediately said on the high platform: "If the corporal commander and above officers are illiterate, they can go to the night school literacy class at night to study! If the learning progress can't keep up, their discipline Efficiency assessment shall not be rated above average”

A group of illiterate corporal commanders and other military officers suddenly felt ashamed and could not be rated as medium, which meant that their positions were also unstable. They immediately regretted that they did not study hard in the literacy class, and vowed that from tonight, they must be in the literacy class. Class read well.

   "This is the first thing I announced. What's your opinion?" Zhu Pingan looked at everyone with burning eyes.

   "Support! Support adults! With this performance assessment, every drop of sweat we shed will not be in vain."

   "No opinion, we have no opinion, all hands and feet in favor."

  All the Zhejiang Army expressed their support.

  Of course, there were some people who raised different opinions, but they were few and their voices were low, and they were overshadowed by all the voices of approval.

   "Hehe, if you have any opinions, leave them to me." Zhu Pingan said with a smile.


  Everyone in the audience burst into laughter when they heard the words.

"A military camp is not a place for the elderly, let alone a good hall. You sweat more in peacetime, so you can bleed less in wartime. Now the Japanese plague is getting worse. Japanese pirates are burning, killing, looting and committing all kinds of crimes in China. Our soldiers are the fists and sharp knives to defend our country. , if our fists are not hard enough and our sharp knives are not sharp enough, how can we eliminate Japanese pirates and defend our country? An army of tigers and wolves that will come when called upon, who can fight when they come, and who will surely win if they fight.”

  Zhu Ping'an stood on the stage, waving his fists, and said to the Zhejiang Army with a serious face.


   A group of Zhejiang troops shouted, their morale soaring.

  (end of this chapter)

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