Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1562: Performance assessment

  Chapter 1562 Performance Assessment

  After racking their brains, all the Zhejiang soldiers still couldn't think of any good solution, so they shook their heads.

Standing on the high platform, Zhu Ping'an took everyone's expressions into his eyes. Seeing that no one had proposed a solution, he slowly said: "Everyone has also seen that even a monk with all four elements empty and six senses pure has so many things, so troublesome. What about us who are ordinary people, what about us in the Zhejiang Army?"

   "Well, we seem to have more problems and more troubles."

"Yes, there are too many people here, and it's easy to go wrong when you compare them. I won't say anything about others. I actually have complaints in my heart. I practice hard every day, but there are many people who are just fooling around. In the end, we get the same salary. .”

   "I also have what I want to say. The last time we Wu killed the Japanese pirates, I did the most. I sacrificed my life to stop the Japanese pirates. It was really dangerous. Fortunately, I stopped and severely injured them, but the money was still shared equally by everyone."

"I say one thing and one thing, and I never hide it. In our team, except for the corps leader, I am the best in skill. Every time I compete, I am second, but the salary and skills are the worst. Just like Wang Dandan, I have long felt uncomfortable."

  Everyone in the audience was buzzing, and then vaguely understood why the adults would tell everyone the story of the three monks.

"That's right, whether we admit it or not, we have more problems and complain more than those monks in the story. If we don't solve these problems, our Zhejiang Army will have more and more hidden dangers, not only can't train a team A strong army capable of fighting well may suffer from disintegration and disintegration."

  Zhu Ping'an stood on the high platform and sighed.

   "My lord, how should we solve it?" All the Zhejiang soldiers asked one after another.

   "Don't worry, everyone, I have already figured out a solution. This is the first thing I want to announce. From today, our Zhejiang Army will implement the disciplinary performance assessment system." Standing on the high platform, Zhu Pingan said word by word.

   "Disciplinary Performance Assessment?"

   "What is discipline performance assessment?"

   All the Zhejiang Army were stunned, not knowing what the so-called disciplinary performance assessment system was.

"What is discipline performance assessment?! Let's take the monk just now as a simple example. The abbot conducts discipline performance assessment for them, which is to assess and score their work, such as fetching water, from the aspects of water storage and water quality. , divided into different ratings such as upper, middle and lower; for example, cooking is assessed from the aspects of steamed bun fermentation, cooking color, aroma, etc., and is also divided into different ratings such as upper, middle and lower. Scoring, corresponding rewards and punishments for each monk, and the monk's board and lodging treatment and promotion are also linked to the merits of the assessment, this is the performance assessment."

  Zhu Pingan gave the example of a monk, and briefly explained to the Zhejiang army what discipline evaluation is.

  The examples given by Zhu Ping'an are very vivid, simple and easy to understand, and the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army immediately understood the discipline performance assessment.

"Well, this discipline performance assessment is good. Whether you are drinking water well or cooking well, you will be assessed and scored. Based on the assessment scores, rewards and punishments will be given. Remuneration and promotion are all linked to the quality of the assessment. Good job Those who do well will be rewarded, and those who do not will be punished, so that those who are doing nothing will not be able to do nothing.”

   "Well, with this performance assessment, the temple will no longer be chaotic, and the monks will have their heads."

   "My lord is worthy of being a lord, you can even come up with such an idea, you are indeed worthy of being a Wenqu star descending from the sky."

   "Why do we carry out performance appraisal?"

  After understanding the disciplinary performance assessment, the officers and men of the Zhejiang Army admired it and wondered how the military barracks will implement discipline performance assessment in the future.

"From this time today, our Zhejiang Army has begun to implement discipline performance assessment. Whether it is an officer or a soldier, they are all within the scope of discipline performance assessment. Before, the salary of our Zhejiang Army was one or two and a half silver per month. The same; however, after the disciplinary performance assessment is implemented, your military pay will be different. According to the results of each individual's disciplinary performance assessment, the soldiers who are outstanding in the assessment will receive generous military pay. How generous is it? Let me tell you, the best The second class will be higher than the official's salary!"

   Zhu Pingan stood on the stage and said loudly.

   "What?! The best second class is even higher than the salary of the adults?!" All the Zhejiang soldiers opened their mouths excitedly.

  Zhu Ping'an's prestige in the barracks convinced all the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army to believe in what Zhu Pingan said. Your Excellency said that the best second class would have a higher salary than your own, so that must be the case.

   So, they were thrilled.

   "Of course, those who are inferior in the assessment will also be severely punished. Those who are serious will be dismissed from the barracks and will never be hired."

  Zhu Ping'an reminded with a serious face.

   There are rewards and punishments, and if it is serious, they will be expelled from the Zhejiang Army. The Zhejiang Army has calmed down a lot from the excitement.

   "How does our Zhejiang Army assess its discipline and performance, and how do we assess and score it?" Many soldiers of the Zhejiang Army asked with concern.

"The disciplinary performance assessment of our Zhejiang Army is divided into three aspects. The first aspect is the daily drill performance of the officers and soldiers; the second aspect is the daily discipline of the officers and soldiers; the third aspect is the actual combat killing of the enemy. The results of the assessment are divided into Upper-upper, upper-middle, upper-lower, middle-upper, middle-middle, middle-lower, lower-upper, lower-middle, and lower-lower, totaling three grades and nine grades. In addition to these three grades and nine grades, there is also a special super grade. Excellent assessment results Soldiers, you can get silver rewards and opportunities for promotion, and those who are inferior in the assessment results will be punished and degraded. The results of each assessment will be recorded in your files in our army."

  As Zhu Pingan spoke, he stretched out three fingers one by one, explaining to the Zhejiang army in the audience.

   "My lord, how do you evaluate and score the three aspects?" The soldiers of the Zhejiang Army asked one after another.

Zhu Pingan stood on the high platform and announced loudly to everyone: "First, the performance of your daily drills will be assessed and graded through personal drill demonstrations, two-person comparison tests, two-army, two-shoulder confrontation exercises, and maintenance of weapons and armor. In the second aspect, the daily discipline of the officers and soldiers is assessed and scored based on your daily observance of military discipline, including marching military discipline, camping military discipline, sentry military discipline, infantry combat military discipline, etc.; The performance of the soldiers during the battle will be evaluated and scored, including charging into battle, beheading generals and capturing the flag, blocking the enemy, rescuing one's own side, etc. Excellent evaluation results and progress will be rewarded, and poor evaluation results and regressive performance will be punished. He was punished five times in a row and was dismissed from the military. At the same time, all officers in the battalion, including the corporal commanders and special commanders, used the overall assessment results of the soldiers under their command as the performance assessment results, and were rewarded or punished for this.”

  (end of this chapter)

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