Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1536: The potion is on fire

  Chapter 1536 The secret medicine is on fire

  The secret medicine really has such a miraculous effect?

   Doctor Liu, Doctor Wang, and Doctor Li opened their eyes and opened their mouths in disbelief.

  The three of them are all medical experts in the field of knife trauma treatment. They have decades of clinical experience, but they are still stunned by the degree of improvement of the black three, which is far contrary to the current medical common sense.


how come!

   Must be a coincidence!

  After the three of them looked at each other in disbelief, they all had a critical and questioning attitude, and quickly followed up with all the remaining seriously injured patients in the military camp.

  As the follow-up visits progressed, their eyes widened and their mouths opened wider.

After follow-up visits, they found that the other seriously injured patients in the camp have also improved greatly, and there is no danger of life. The injured legs and injured hands are healing well. There is no need to worry about the danger of broken legs and hands. They just need to rest for more than a hundred days. It is another alive and kicking hero who can go to the battlefield again.

  One black three is a coincidence, so many seriously injured patients in that battalion all recovered quickly, is it all a coincidence?!

   So, this is no coincidence!

  Dr. Liu, Dr. Wang, and Dr. Li specifically asked them about their treatment methods during their follow-up visits. It was learned that they were all treated with medicine according to Dr. Liu's will, and the only one who did not follow Dr. Liu's will took orally and externally applied the powdered medicine called "Secret Method Knife Sore Medicine".

  Thus, the three had to come to an unbelievable but factual conclusion: the secret medicine for sores really works!

When they learned that Zhu Ping'an and his party went to several military camps such as Zhenwu Camp, Shui Jun Camp, and Hu Zongxian Pioneer Camp yesterday, Dr. Li and Dr. Wang hurriedly took Dr. Liu to bid farewell to Zhu Pingan, who was enthusiastic about leaving food, and rushed together non-stop. Went to Zhenwu Camp.

  Dr. Li and Dr. Wang had a free consultation in Zhenwu Camp yesterday, and they couldn't be more clear about the situation of the wounded soldiers in Zhenwu Camp.

  After learning that Zhu Pingan also used the secret knife to create medicine for the seriously injured patients in Zhenwu Camp, he naturally couldn't wait to go to Zhenwu Camp for further verification and see the situation of the seriously injured patients in Zhenwu Camp after medication.

  If the seriously ill patients in Zhenwu Camp who have been treated with the secret knife wound medicine all get better than usual like the seriously injured patients in the Zhejiang Army, then the miraculous curative effect of the "secret law knife wound medicine" can be affirmed.

  When they arrived at Zhenwu Camp, the three of them did not delay for a moment, and quickly started follow-up consultations. They found that the situation of the seriously injured soldiers in Zhenwu Camp was the same as that of the Zhejiang Army. They all improved at a speed far contrary to medical common sense.

  Even a seriously wounded soldier in the battalion who was dying of coma and was sentenced to death by them miraculously woke up!

   "The secret knife creation medicine in the hands of Master Zhu of the Zhejiang Army is really a miracle medicine!"

  The three doctors couldn't help feeling loudly after seeing the last wounded soldier in Zhenwu Camp.

  Zhang Baihu is in charge of the wounded barracks. He has been accompanying Dr. Liu and the others for follow-up visits. After hearing the sighs from Dr. Liu and the others, he opened his mouth in surprise, shocked and suddenly realized:

"What? Are you saying that the reason why my soldiers are getting better is because of the secret medicine that Mr. Zhu sent yesterday?! Let me just say, why do the seriously injured seem to recover faster than the slightly injured? The injured wounds haven’t healed yet, but their serious injuries have formed scars instead. I thought it was because of the medicine you gave to the seriously injured patients, but I didn’t expect it to be the secret medicine sent by Mr. Zhu! This makes sense. Zhang Laosan, who was seriously injured and passed out, was asked by Doctor Wang to prepare for his funeral yesterday, but he woke up this morning and drank a bowl of millet porridge. The family took the time to see him for the last time. I didn’t expect him to be better. Let me just say, this kid has recovered in the morning. Why did he eat half of my roast chicken and a piece of bad fish at noon? I thought he was going to die , I bought money to treat him to eat, no wonder he is getting more and more energetic now, he has no intention of leaving at all, his family is a little impatient for waiting, it turns out that it is not the return of the sun, but the improvement of the injury, and there is no danger of life Zhang Laosan has been rescued, the medicine Master Zhu sent yesterday is really a magic medicine!"

   Well, Zhang Baihu is a chatterbox.

   This news is amazing!

  The medicine Master Zhu gave away for free yesterday turned out to be a miracle medicine, and even the people who had half a foot in the Temple of Yama were pulled back!

   Immediately, the whole military camp spread the word that the medicine given away by Master Zhu Pingan of the Zhejiang Army yesterday was a magic medicine!

The reason why the seriously injured patients in the camp recovered so quickly, and the reason why they miraculously saved their lives and legs, was all because of the medicine given by Mr. Zhu! The person who was sentenced to death by the doctor was also rescued by Lord Zhu's medicine! You said that the medicine is not good!

   "Haha, I'm rich now, and I still have two packs of the secret medicine presented by Mr. Zhu."

   "What is your medicine? It is our medicine. Master Zhu gave it to our battalion as a gift, and a lot of it is for you personally."

   "It's mine in my hand, I'll wipe it, don't grab it, it's mine, return it to me quickly."

   "Hey, whoever you said has it belongs to him. Now that the medicine is in my hand, it naturally belongs to me."

  In a short time, everyone in the Zhenwu camp knew the miraculous curative effect of the secret knife medicine, and immediately you scrambled to grab the dozens of packs of the secret knife medicine that Zhu Pingan left in the barracks yesterday, and snatched it.

In addition to the Zhenwu camp, the same is true for the naval camp of Marquis Linhuai. When the doctor came for a follow-up visit, he found that several seriously injured soldiers in the camp had improved beyond normal. You read wrong, logically speaking, after taking my medicine, shouldn't you recover so quickly? ! After some questioning, after learning that Mr. Zhu Pingan had applied the secret knife medicine to them internally and externally yesterday, he suddenly realized that it was the effect of the secret knife medicine.

  However, Hu Zongxian's Pioneer Camp has the deepest influence and the strongest feeling. The Pioneer Battalion had the most serious injuries, and so many of them improved overnight, so it was hard not to be noticed.

Before Zhu Pingan delivered the medicine, three seriously injured patients died one after another in the camp, but since the use of the secret medicine knife sent by Zhu Pingan, no one died in the camp, and almost all the serious injuries were miraculously recovered overnight. It's getting better.

  Before the doctor's follow-up consultation, the people in the camp already suspected that it was the result of the secret magic knife creating medicine. After the doctor's follow-up visit confirmed that it was the effect of the secret knife medicine, the camp was boiling. Like the Zhenwu camp and other camps, there was also an upsurge of scrambling for the dozens of packets of the secret knife medicine that Zhu Pingan left in the camp.

  If Hu Zongxian hadn't appeared in time to control the situation, maybe there would be bloodshed and sacrifices due to the scramble.

  The popularity of the secret knife and medicine can be seen from this.

In this way, the name of the secret knife, the creation medicine, and the magic medicine first spread to the outside of several military camps that had tried it, and within a day, it spread to all the large and small military camps in Yingtian City, and almost every soldier knew about it. The Zhejiang army has a magic medicine that can be said to be able to live to the death of human flesh and bones-the secret method knife creation medicine. No matter how big the injury is, as long as you still have a breath, the secret knife and medicine can save you.

   There are seriously injured patients who testified, and Dr. Liu, Dr. Wang and other famous trauma doctors stamped and certified.

   Even, the name of the secret magic knife, the creation medicine and the magic medicine became popular in the military circle, in the medical circle, and in the streets and alleys from the medical circle.

  One medicine in hand is equivalent to half life extra!

  Who would not want to have such a medicine!

  (end of this chapter)

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