Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1535: Secret Medicine Shows Its Power (3)

  Chapter 1535 Secret medicine showing power (3)

   During this trip, Zhu Ping'an was in a much better mood after successfully selling and trying the secret medicine for sores to several military camps.

Seeing that his lord was in a better mood, a soldier finally couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart, and boldly asked Zhu Pingan, "My lord, I don't understand, aren't we going to sell the secret magic knife sore medicine?" , why do you rush to give it to other military camps for free, and give it to their seriously injured patients for free, so who else will we sell our medicine to?"

His voice fell behind, and another soldier echoed with doubts, "That's right, my lord, we bought the secret magic knife and medicine from Wuxi barbarian seedlings for money, why are we giving it away for nothing? What’s the use? Also, it’s obvious that we are kind enough to help them, send them medicine, and rescue the seriously injured in their camp, but it’s as if we’re asking for something from them.”

  Actually, even Liu Mu was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask. He knew that the young master's trip must have a deep meaning, but what the young master's deep meaning was, he didn't fail to understand it for a while.

  Hearing their questions, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but smiled, and explained softly: "Hehe, this is called advertising. Advertisers should spread the word widely. This is a necessary investment and a high-return investment."

Seeing their more bewildered expressions, Zhu Pingan smiled and explained to them in concise words, "Let's put it this way. The smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys. No matter how good the wine is, if it is hidden in a deep alley, the smell of wine will not spread out." Not many people know about the alley, and naturally not many people will come to buy wine. But if the smell of the wine is spread out of the alley, and more people can smell the smell of the wine, it will naturally attract many people. There will be an endless stream of drinkers, so there will be an endless stream of people who buy wine. We deliver medicine to them, and give them medicine for serious injuries free of charge. It is to spread the smell of wine out of the alley and let more people know about the secret magic knife in our hands. miraculous healing."

What the adults said seems to make sense, but we still don’t seem to understand how to give them medicine for free, and give them medicine for free so that more people can know that our medicine is good. What does it matter? The soldiers are still at a loss, with question marks in their eyes.

Looking at their still bewildered faces, Zhu Pingan smiled, and continued: "After a few days, the seriously injured patients in their camp will recover and their injuries will be relieved, then they will become our live advertisements. It is the best publicity for the miraculous curative effect of our secret medicine knife creation medicine. A pack of medicine is equivalent to half a life. People who know it are naturally willing to buy it. They will promote the magic of our secret medicine every day after that. The curative effect will attract people to come to negotiate and buy the sore medicine in our hands every day. Over time, people who come to buy the medicine will flock to it. Then our secret medicine will not worry about selling in the future, sitting in the camp and counting the money Isn't he fragrant?!"

   "Hey hey, fragrant, fragrant, hey hey."

   "It turns out that we delivered medicine to them, and there are so many things to say. Your lord is indeed a lord."

  The guards couldn’t help grinning, and now they finally understood why their lord gave medicines for free, and gave medicines for free. So it was like this, so it was an advertisement.

   On the second day, the sky cleared up, and the air was much warmer. It was a good day for recuperating.

  The wounded people in the Zhejiang army all applied the secret knife sore medicine externally, and those who were more seriously injured also took the secret knife sore medicine internally at the same time. After a day of recuperation, the wounded and wounded in the camp were much better. Even seriously injured patients, their injuries have improved a lot. Even those who were dying and unconscious, not only saved their lives, but also woke up. They drank a big bowl of chicken soup and millet porridge. If it wasn't for the fear that his body would not be able to take it, according to him, he would be bald for more than three bowls.

   Liu Dadao, Liu Dachui and others are as strong as cattle, and they recover faster than ordinary people. After a night of recuperation, they can already go for a walk on the ground. If their faces are not a little pale, they can hardly see the injury.

   In the afternoon, Dr. Liu, who saw the wounded patients of the Zhejiang Army yesterday, came for a follow-up visit as scheduled.

   This time, not only did he come, but he also brought two doctors in their fifties. These two people are Dr. Li and Dr. Wang. They are famous doctors in Ying Tiancheng who treat sword injuries, and they are quite famous in Ying Tiancheng. It can be said that they are experts in the treatment of sword trauma.

"Doctor Li, Doctor Wang, yesterday you went to Zhenwu Camp for consultation. It was a hard day, and today you have to work hard again. Come with me. Turn around, I will treat you to a drink and thank you very much." Doctor Liu clasped his fists to his colleagues Dr. Li and Dr. Wang thanked each other.

"Whether it is hard work or not, this is what we should do. The Zhejiang Army is the hero who protected our Yingtian and our benefactor. At that time, the Japanese pirates besieged the city, and there were 100,000 officers and soldiers in the city. None of them dared to go out of the city to suppress the Japanese. Only less than a thousand people from the Zhejiang Army stepped forward and resolutely rushed to the Japanese pirates. First, they drove away the Japanese pirates, and then attacked and wiped out all the Japanese pirates overnight. Without them, we would not have a peaceful life today. You invited us to come together, which just gave us a chance to repay our kindness. In addition, we have long admired Zhu Pingan, the commander of the Zhejiang Army, Master Zhu. This time you invited us to come together, and you also gave us a chance to look up to Master Zhu, so Said, it should be us who buy you a drink."

   Doctor Li and Doctor Wang smiled and clasped their fists in return.

After the three of them politely said a few more words, Doctor Liu explained the reason for inviting them over, "There are a few seriously injured patients in the Zhejiang army, such as Hei San, who were so seriously injured that they had to give up their legs or hands if they wanted to save their lives. However, seriously injured patients such as Hei San could not accept the reality of abandoning their injured legs or hands, and Mr. Zhu was also deceived by some wild doctor with the "secret knife and medicine", thinking that after oral administration and external application, he could save his legs, hands and life Alas, they are our benefactors, how can we just sit back and watch them lose their lives because of quack medicine and medicine, so I invite you to come and try to persuade them that life is the most important thing."

"Well, don't worry, Doctor Liu. There are two similarly serious patients in Zhenwu Camp. They can only choose to save their lives. This time, we will help you convince them. They didn't die on the battlefield, but died at the hands of quack doctors and medicine. Absolutely. This tragedy cannot be allowed to happen!"

  Dr. Li and Dr. Wang nodded vigorously, expressing that they would cooperate with Dr. Liu in persuading the severely wounded patients of the Zhejiang Army to accept the reality and make the right choice.

  Through the way, the three of them thought of a reason to persuade them and entered the temporary camp of the Zhejiang Army.

  Dr. Li and Dr. Wang were very excited to meet Zhu Pingan as they wished, but they did not forget the purpose of their trip.

  Look at the minor injuries first, and then the seriously injured. When Dr. Liu visited the slightly injured patients, he found that they recovered much faster than expected.

  Maybe the food is good, and the recovery will be faster, Doctor Liu thought so.

   Soon, when it was time for Hei San to review, Dr. Liu gave Dr. Li and Dr. Wang a look.

  The two of them knew the point was coming.

   Go through the persuasive words again in my mind, brew all the emotions in place, and get ready to speak.

  The next second, they heard Dr. Liu couldn't help being surprised, "Ah?! This."

  Dr. Li and Dr. Wang couldn't help but thump in their hearts. Could it be that Mr. Zhu and the others used some kind of secret medicine from a quack doctor yesterday to make their condition worse, and they have already missed the opportunity to save their lives? !

   Hastily stepped forward, silent pulse to see a doctor.

"Eh?! This injury is not enough to abandon his leg to save his life?! No, the wound has already scabbed. He was injured yesterday, how could he scab so quickly today?! Also, judging by the size of the wound on his leg, the injury is serious That's very true, in theory, it's just like Doctor Liu said, if you want to save your life, you have to abandon your legs."

   "Could it be the effect of that secret medicine?!"

  The three of them looked at each other in shock, their eyes widened in disbelief

  (end of this chapter)

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