Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1352: Difficult to pay

  Chapter 1352 Hard to pay

"My lord in Taiwan, the so-called smart woman can't live without rice. Food and wages are the basis of military equipment. Recruiting militia, supplying armaments, training soldiers and fighting. These all need food and wages. If there is no food and wages, how will the lower officials organize the military equipment?! I also ask the adults of Taiwan to hurry up Allocate food and salaries so that the lower officials can organize the army."

  Shortly after going to work in the morning, Zhu Pingan appeared on time again in the office room of the adults in Taiwan, begging for payment of food and salary.

  Twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, Zhu Ping'an came to report to adults in Taiwan on time and asked for payment of food and wages. Today is the third day, and this is the fifth time Zhu Pingan has come.

"Zihou, it's not that I don't give you food and pay, but that the imperial court didn't give us a penalty and the procurator to allocate food and pay. Zihou, when you inspected Taicang, you must have known that the imperial court's finances are getting tighter. Barely maintained, and now the Japanese pirates are on the rise again, and the imperial court’s finances are even more stretched. In addition, some time ago, Zhu Bochen in the military department gave the reason that the residents outside the capital city are multiplying, business travelers are gathering, and the border is becoming more and more troublesome. Please refer to the former site of Tucheng, For the construction of the outer city of the capital, the Holy Majesty has approved it, and started construction. The Ministry of Households paid 240,000 taels of silver for this project, and the Ministry of War and Engineering paid 180,000 taels of silver, totaling 420,000 taels of silver. Ten thousand taels. During this period, no matter whether it is the capital city or the local area, every budget has to be given to the outer cities of the capital. I have asked the imperial court to ask for food and salaries for training groups, but I have been suppressed. To be honest, Zihou, I More impatient than you."

  The adults in Taiwan explained helplessly after Zhu Ping'an came to ask for food and salary for the fifth time.

   "My lord, can't we allocate even a grain of food for the large yamen of the procuratorate?"

  Zhu Ping'an's mouth is dry when he speaks to adults in Taiwan, and now he feels flustered when he speaks.

"It's true that there is no money. Our yamen is not big, but there are many dishes. We need money to go up and down, inside and out. The money allocated by the imperial court is limited. Now we are tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall, encouraging maintenance. "

  The adults in Taiwan spread their hands and said helplessly.

   "My lord, let's tear down another wall, and build a wall for the military training regiment of the lower official."

  Zhu Pingan beat the snake and climbed with the pole, laughing.

Hearing this, the adults in Taiwan could not help pointing at Zhu Pingan and smiled wryly, "Zi Hou, it doesn't mean that it can be demolished. The government office really has no money. Otherwise, if you are so thick, you should recruit a militia group first. With the troops, I can apply for food and payment from the imperial court, so the reason is more sufficient."

"Your Majesty of Taiwan, the so-called soldiers and horses go first before the food and grass are used. It means that the food and grass go first, and then the soldiers and horses. I will pull out the soldiers and horses first. If the food and salary cannot be applied for and the supply cannot be supplied, what should I do? ! Throughout the ages, there have been countless mutinies and disasters caused by untimely payment of food and salaries."

  Zhu Ping'an smiled wryly.

   "If you don't look so thick, you can see what is valuable in my house, and you can **** it first"

  The adults in Taiwan seemed to have no other choice. He pointed to the belongings in the room and said to Zhu Ping'an.

  Zhu Ping'an was speechless, can I **** the belongings in your room? ! In a feudal society that pays attention to superiority and inferiority, if I do this, won't I be poked in the back? ! Isn't it looking for impeachment? !

  Besides, the items in your room are not worth anything, at best, they only count two silver coins.

  After the cup of tea time, Zhu Ping'an came out of the adults' room in disgrace again, just like the previous few times.

   "How about it, I said that Zhu Zihou will return without success?! Fatty Chu, I would like to accept the bet and bring the money quickly."

  Seeing this scene in the corridor outside, Zhang Chufeng couldn't help but smiled and stretched out his hand to push Chuxiong, urging him.

   "Sigh. Liu Bei invited Wuhou Zhuge Liang out of the mountain after three visits to the thatched cottage. Brother Zhu has paid two more visits than Liu Bei, yet he still hasn't been able to ask for food and wages. It really hurts to see it."

  Chu Xiong took out a ten tael bank note from his sleeve with a wry smile, and stuffed it into Zhang Chufeng's hand with distress.

   "Where is the next one?" Zhuo Yan stretched out his hand seriously.

   "Oh, I'm going to tighten my belt again this month." Chu Xiong took out another photo with a painful face, and took it in Zhuo Yan's hand.

   "Don't come here, Fatty Chu! In our yamen, there is no one richer than you, Fatty Chu." Zhang Chufeng smiled.

   Come on, Zhu Pingan's application for food and payment has become the object of their gambling.

  In the afternoon, Zhu Ping'an went there again, but returned in the same disgrace.

  In the evening, Zhu Ping'an returned to the small courtyard in the hall where Hua'er and the witch Ruonan had already prepared dinner.

"Heck. Looking at you, I know that the food and salary have not been paid. My father has sent someone to write back, saying that they have recruited a copycat for you. A certain person made a solemn promise back then, guaranteeing that we will eat the emperor's food and receive the army's salary. .Won't let us drink Mistral now."

  The demon girl Ruonan couldn't help but rolled her eyes when she saw Zhu Pingan's disheveled appearance, and sneered.

"Ruo Nan, my uncle is already disappointed enough, you are still talking sarcastic." Hua'er glared hard at the witch Ruo Nan, and then attentively stepped forward to serve Zhu Ping'an to change his regular clothes, clean his hands with water, and looked at Zhu Ping'an worriedly , and said cautiously, "Grandpa, don't listen to Ruonan's sarcastic remarks, don't take it to heart, Hua'er believes in you, you will definitely be able to."

"It doesn't matter, she's not all sarcastic. I really haven't applied for the salary yet." Zhu Pingan cleaned his hands with the basin on the painting, smiled slightly, and then looked at the witch Ruonan honestly, "Don't worry, never I won’t let you drink the Northwest Wind, I, Zhu Ping’an, made a promise, and I will definitely keep it.”

"I don't care, but they really came here to eat the royal rations and lead the army. They are not good people, nor do they have the noble feelings of dying for the country and the people. If there is no rations, they will definitely not do it." Yes, there will definitely be chaos at that time," the witch Ruonan reminded.

   "I know." Zhu Pingan nodded.

"Grandpa, I still have more than 80 taels here, and a lot of gold and silver jewellery. You can take them all. I know, these are definitely not enough, but you don't have to worry, my lady is rich, tens of thousands of taels Well, there are more masters, the master loves the lady the most, as long as the lady asks, the master will agree."

  While talking, Hua'er took out a purse with body temperature from her arms, and handed it to Zhu Ping'an without hesitation.

   "No need!" Zhu Pingan shook his head with a smile, "I know Shu'er is rich, but I can't."

   "Why? It's all silver, why not?" Hua'er was puzzled.

   "This regiment is the imperial court's regiment, not our family's regiment. It must and can only be provided by the court. If I pay for the regiment myself, it will become my own private soldier, and it will be a big taboo."

   Zhu Ping'an simply explained.

  (end of this chapter)

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