Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1351: horse eater

  Chapter 1351 The Man Who Eats Horses

  It was already dark, and the moon and stars came as promised. Marquis Linhuai also kept his promise and came to test the homework of the bear again. In fact, the test was not the purpose, he just wanted to beat the bear. Fortunately, it was Zihou this time. If it was someone else, wouldn't it be cheating if he yelled that I married my aunt again? !

  Take the test and test the homework, give him a good education, let him have a long memory, and understand what can be said and what can't be said.

   This time he changed the props, instead of the cane, he brought a board, a spanking board.

  The bear kid had already made preparations, and seeing his father coming, he was right at all, and even looked forward to it.

The Marquis of Linhuai didn't talk too much nonsense, and started to check your homework directly, "I'm here to check your homework for my father. The so-called good start and good end, I tested the beginning of your "Chen Qing Biao" this morning, so this time I will test the ending sentence. 'When you are born, you should die, and when you die, you should weed grass. I am so overwhelmed by the fear of dogs and horses, I would like to ask you to hear about it' What's the explanation?"

Hearing what Linhuaihou said, Xiongzi's fat face became excited immediately, and at the same time, he was full of admiration for the fifth brother-in-law. The fifth brother-in-law is really good, and he actually won the question. He said that my father might start well and finish the exam well. This sentence, I didn't expect my father to really start well and finish the final sentence, it's amazing.

  Hmph, I was already prepared.

"Father, listen carefully. 'I should lose my head when I'm alive, and weeds when I die. I can't bear the fear of dogs and horses. I would like to ask you to hear it'. This sentence means 'I should lose my head when I am alive, and I should lose my head when I die. You should go to bale hay. I carefully wrote a list for you to hear, with a terrified expression that is worse than dogs and horses."

The bear child confidently raised his fat face, held his head high, with a pair of chubby hands behind his back, pacing on his short legs, and while pacing, he opened his mouth and replied. a feeling of.

At first, Marquis Linhuai was overwhelmed by the imposing manner of the brat, thinking that this brat would really know it, but when he heard it later, he suddenly laughed angrily, this ignorant brat, the translation is **** .

   "I'll make you bale! Let you bale. It's just a straw bale."

  Marquis Linhuai immediately pressed the bear boy on the chair, and he got up with two sticks. Of course, he kept his strength in mind, after all, it was his own, so it was impossible and he was not willing to make heavy moves.


  The brat was hit by a stick, and immediately screamed, his nose was bubbling.

   "Father, you just want to beat me up?" After being hit by two sticks, the brat raised his fat face with bubbling snot, and his small eyes were full of questioning.

   Damn it!

   Was discovered by the brat? ! Is this brat enlightened? ! It turned out that Lao Tzu had ulterior motives.

  Hearing the words, the Marquis of Linhuai trembled all over his fat body. After all, he had eaten more salt than a bear child had eaten rice, and his face remained the same.

"Hmph, the fifth brother-in-law taught me the translation of this sentence. The fifth brother-in-law is the number one scholar, how could he be wrong. I did the right thing, but you still beat me, so, you just want to beat me up?!" It's the same as being possessed by Zhuge Liang.

   "You are ignorant, and you are still relying on your brother-in-law! Your brother-in-law, the number one scholar, will translate like this?! You are so perfunctory when you make up an excuse, and you don't pay attention at all. I am really **** off."

   As he spoke, Marquis Linhuai pressed the bear child on the chair again, and taught him another lesson.

   "Oh, my brother-in-law taught me." The bear child's voice rang out from the chair.

   "Heh, you kid still doesn't admit it."


After finishing this round of lessons, Marquis Linhuai pulled the bear child up, and said with a serious face, "You have been in Yingtian Mansion for so long, and you have learned a lot from several teachers. Pick a few to test you, if it continues to be so absurd, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

   "You take the test." Although he was taught a lesson, the brat's confidence remained undiminished.

"Good boy! You have the guts! This is up to your father! Then this "Teacher's Talk", come and tell me, what does this phrase 'the sage is impermanent teacher' mean?" Linhuai Hou laughed angrily, and casually Open Xiongzi's book, turn to the "Teacher's Talk", point to a sentence in it, and ask Xiongzi.

Um? ! Dad didn't test my opening sentence like before? ! My brother-in-law never taught me this sentence.

   Besides, I didn't listen carefully to my homework, so I really don't know how to do it.

  The bear was stunned, cold sweat appeared on his forehead, but the next second the bear regained his confidence.

  He remembered that his brother-in-law had taught him not to panic, but to believe in himself and follow his feelings.

  Think about how my brother-in-law taught me, take apart each word and then reassemble it, and when you encounter a word you don’t know, think about the relevant vocabulary

  So, after a few seconds, the bear boy raised his fat face, which was full of confidence, and answered confidently, "'Sage Master of Impermanence' said that 'sages and sages don't have normal teachers'"

   "How did you explain it just now?" Marquis Linhuai was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked, staring at the bear in disbelief.

  'Sages have impermanent teachers', it means that sages don’t have normal teachers.” The bear boy repeated.

   "Sages don't have normal teachers?! I let you have no normal teacher, I let you have no normal teacher, is it true that I will find you an abnormal, crazy teacher so you are satisfied"

  Marquis Lin Huai was stunned, and angrily pressed the bear child on the chair again, and raised the stick in his hand.


  When the bear child was suppressed on the chair again, he felt that his father wanted to beat him even more strongly.

   "What is the explanation for 'the horse eater does not know that it can run a thousand miles' in "Ma Shuo"?" Linhuai Hou continued to test.

  Brother-in-law didn’t teach me, but don’t panic, believe in yourself and follow your feelings.

  “‘A horse eater doesn’t know it can run a thousand miles, so he eats it’ means: people who eat a horse don’t know it can run a thousand miles and eat it.”

   After thinking for a moment, the bear boy looked up and explained.

   "I'll let you eat, eat, eat, eat, you'll know how to eat!" Linhuaihou suppressed the bear boy on the chair again, and waved the stick.


  Bear boy's voice is as confident as he is, never false.

  After Lin Huaihou taught the bear boy another lesson, he felt a lot more relieved, and the fire in his stomach almost disappeared, "For the father, I will test you for the last one. I hope you will not let the father down again."

   "Do you still want to beat me up again?" The brat raised his fat face and asked.

  Seeing Xiongzi's appearance, Marquis Linhuai couldn't help but clenched his stick tightly, feeling that it was necessary to give him another question.

  (end of this chapter)

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