Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1338: on the way

  Chapter 1338 On the way to the post

  Zhu Ping'an's destination is Yingtianfu, the seat of Zhejiang's criminal justice department and procuratorate, which is thousands of miles away from Jingnan. In modern times, this distance is only more than 500 kilometers, and it takes half a day to drive there. But in ancient times, it took several days, and this was still the case when horses were used as means of transportation.

   Originally, it was estimated that it would take five days to reach Yingtian Mansion, but it seems that it will take at least six days.

  The people in Jingnan, together with the old and the young, insisted on sending Zhu Pingan all the way, no matter how persuaded

  Looking around, the road is full of people, and the road will be blocked as far as the eye can see. Looking at the uncle and aunt walking tremblingly, Zhu Pingan couldn't bear it, so he could only get out of the car and walk all the way.

  So until the evening, Zhu Ping'an was still in Jingnan, and he had walked less than a few miles in total.

  In the evening, Zhu Ping'an and his party entered Duanxi Town, Jingnan, and stayed in an inn, pretending to have a rest in the town tonight. However, after tea time, Zhu Ping'an and his party came out from the back door of the inn in disguise, leaving Liu Daqiang and Liu Dachui in the inn to confuse the people, and they drove the carriage on the road the next day.

   "Liggle, a certain person is obviously promoted, but he looks like a bereaved dog."

  Witch girl Ruo Nan walks side by side with Zhu Ping'an on horseback, giggling and teasing Zhu Ping'an.

   "Grandpa is not a lost dog." Hua'er pouted and twisted her body on the horse's back in protest.

   "Giggle, twist around again, fall down and make a face, and be rejected by a bereaved dog, don't blame me." The witch Ruonan giggled, and leaned over Hua'er's ear and blew.

   "Young master is not a bereaved dog. People hate you, they say that you are the master of Qingtian. You are in a hurry." Hua'er heard the witch Ruonan say that Zhu Ping'an is a bereaved dog, so she couldn't help but glared at the witch Ruonan with puffed cheeks, and insisted.

   "It's such a bereaved dog, so it doesn't matter a few more times."

  Zhu Ping'an looked at the demon girl like a man, twitched the corner of his mouth proudly, and said something leisurely.

   Traveling with light clothes was much faster. Before the curfew, Zhu Ping'an had already left Jingnan County and arrived in Taiping County.

  Taiping County was once ravaged by Japanese pirates. Zhu Ping’an walked along the way, and burned ruins can be seen everywhere. Almost every house hung white flags, and the mourning of children and daughters, fathers and mothers was endless.

  Heavy, heavy, indignant

   Along the way, Zhu Pingan remained silent, with mixed emotions in his heart, his anger towards the Japanese pirates soared all the way, and he vowed countless times to wipe out the Japanese pirates.

   "Zhu Ping'an, I now understand why the people in Jingnan are so reluctant to let you go"

  The witch Ruonan saw the ubiquitous tragedies in Taiping County, looked up at Zhu Pingan with a heavy face, and said slowly.

The people in Jingnan are really reluctant to be nerds. There are nerds. The people in Jingnan survived two Japanese plagues and one flood. It is rare to live a stable life, especially compared with the adjacent Taiping County (Taiping County The common people were ravaged twice by Japanese pirates and once by floods, most of the common people in the territory were killed or injured), the common people in Jingnan seemed to be living in Peach Blossom Land, how could they be willing to let Zhu Pingan leave.

"If Haiyan, Heqing, and the world are peaceful, I would like to be their county magistrate for the rest of my life." Zhu Ping'an turned his head to look in the direction of Jingnan and said softly, then shook his head and sighed, "Unfortunately, now that Japanese pirates are raging, there is no peace in the south of the Yangtze River." Day, what can I do for it"

   "The world is very big, there is more than one Jingnan; there are many people, more than 100,000 Jingnan people."

   "Drive! There is an inn in front, so let's go there and settle down."

  Zhu Ping'an said that he clamped the horse's belly, pointed to the inn not far ahead, and drove the horse fast.

  The name of the inn is very vulgar, "Welcome to guests", and there are traces of arson at the door of the inn, which seems to have encountered Japanese invasion. However, Yingkelai Inn is lucky, at least it can still operate.

  The **** shop next to the Welcome Inn is nothing but bare, dark ruins.

   "Guest officer, please. Just leave the horse to the younger one."

  The store waiter saw Zhu Ping'an and his party coming to the door, and came up to greet him warmly.

  Zhu Ping'an and his party are one of the few businesses in their shop today. Just a few days after the Japanese plague passed, Taiping County was hit hard again, and it has not yet recovered from the labor pains.

   "Please prepare a table of home-cooked food, and open four more rooms." Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

   "Okay. Sir, please sit down, the food will be served soon." The waiter led Zhu Ping'an and his party to a round table.

  Because there were few people in the inn, the food was served very quickly, and a table of home-cooked dishes and a pot of rice were served in a short while.

   "It's fine if there is no wine, why is there no meat at all?! Is it because we are afraid that we can't afford the money? Our master has two maids to serve, and there are five big and three rough guards to protect him. Does it seem that there is no money?"

  The demon girl Ruonan is a person who loves neither meat nor wine, looking at a table of vegetarian dishes, he couldn't help but stop the waiter.

   "Guest officer, please calm down. The small one doesn't have dog eyes, so he won't look down on others. Please listen to my explanation, our 'Welcome to Guests' inn only serves vegetarian food, not meat."

  The shop waiter explained.

   "Heck, what kind of rule is this?! Only vegetarian food is served, no meat food?! Then why do you open an inn, do you think the guests are monks and nuns?" The witch Ruonan rolled her eyes.

   "Okay, if you are a boy or a girl, vegetarian food is the same. After eating and resting, we have to go on the road tomorrow."

  Zhu Ping'an waved his hand. After seeing so many tragedies along the way, he couldn't eat meat at this meeting.

   "Is the master not even willing to give a little meat to the slave?" The witch Ruonan blinked her eyes.

  Zhu Ping'an was speechless.

   "I'm really sorry, the customer, the shop really only serves vegetarian food, not meat." The waiter said apologetically, "Actually, we also served meat food three days ago."

   "Then why is it not available now?" the enchantress Ruonan asked.

"The guest officer is from another place! Our Taiping County encountered Japanese invaders three days ago, and the county town was overrun by Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates murdered and set fire to the county town, committing all kinds of crimes. Dead people are everywhere in the streets. It's too tragic. Our inn is Fuda Fate is fatal, the water tank not far from the place where the fire started burst, and the firewood was poured out, and this was a lucky escape. Three days ago, all walks of life in our county unanimously decided to use vegetarian Sanqi to commemorate the deceased elders Folks." The waiter explained with a sad face.

   "That's it, I'm sorry." Hearing this, the witch Ruonan no longer asked for meat.


   Poor, pitiful, pathetic.

  Zhu Ping'an couldn't help sighing when he heard the words.

   A group of people finished their dinner in silence, went to rest, were speechless all night, and got up early the next day on their way.

  (end of this chapter)

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