Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1337: Yiqian County Honor

  Chapter 1337 One Qian County Honor

"The next official, Zhou Tai, paid homage to Master Zhu. The next official was selected by Shu Quan of the Ministry of Officials a month ago, and he was let go of Jingnan county magistrate. When he took office, he passed by Suzhou, which happened to be invaded by Japanese in Suzhou. He was delayed in the city for several days. He just arrived today. I hope your lord Forgive me. This is the appointment letter of the subordinate official, please review it, Mr. Zhu."

Guided by Liu Dianli, Zhou Tai entered from the east hall on the east steps of the county government office, bowed his hands to Zhu Ping'an, and then respectfully placed the name card with his position and resume on the table in front of Zhu Ping'an. He took three steps back and saluted Zhu Pingan three times.

   Zhou Tai bowed very politely to Zhu Ping'an, and was a bit cautious, as if he was a standard official visiting the leader.

   "Master Zhou has worked hard all the way, why do you need to be more polite, please sit down quickly."

  Zhu Ping'an glanced at Zhou Tai's name card, confirmed that it was consistent with the official notice issued by the Ministry of Officials a few days ago, and then enthusiastically got up and bowed his hands to return the gift, and offered Zhou Tai a vain support, inviting him to sit down.

   "Thank you, my lord." Zhou Tai was a little at a loss in the face of Zhu Ping'an's enthusiasm. Your lord seems to be too enthusiastic.

  Can Zhu Pingan not be enthusiastic? Zhu Pingan has been looking forward to this day for so many days, looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally looking forward to Zhou Tai, the new magistrate of Jingnan who will succeed him.

  The new magistrate of Jingnan County, Zhou Tai, is here, and he can go to Zhejiang to serve as the procurator and secretary.

  Of course, Zhu Pingan is not eager to be promoted, but eager to stay in his position and seek his own government. The Great Japanese Infestation in Jingnan has already begun, and the higher the position, the greater the power I have, the greater the role I can play.

After a few simple greetings, Zhu Ping'an and Zhou Tai handed over confidential items such as the Jingnan County seal, account books, fish scale albums, etc., and explained the official affairs of the county government. Introduced to Zhou Tai, the new and old Jingnan magistrates completed the handover.

   Next, Zhou Tai's ceremony of accepting the seal and arranging government offices will be held in the morning of the next day.

   These Zhu Pingan will not participate.

  After a brief contact with Zhou Tai, Zhu Ping'an still has a good impression of Zhou Tai. Zhou Tai is a calm person, he does things in a regular manner, he is not the kind of pompous person, he seems to be a practical person. Jingnan was handed over to Zhou Tai, and Zhu Ping'an was quite relieved.

  After the handover, Zhu Pingan bid farewell to Zhou Tai, Liu Dianli and others, and was about to leave for Zhejiang Province to serve as the procurator and secretary.

  Hua'er in the backyard had already packed her things, and as soon as Zhu Ping'an came back, he set off. Of course, there are also Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and others, as well as the witch Ruonan.

  Zhu Ping'an declined and stopped the request from Zhou Tai, Liu Dianli and others. He didn't want to mobilize the army, so as not to waste the people and money. Of course, he didn't want to alarm the people in Jingnan. I walk lightly, just as I came lightly, waving my sleeves, not taking a single cloud.

  However, Zhu Ping'an was a little too wishful thinking.

  Zhu Ping'an stopped Zhou Tai, Liu Dianli and others from sending them off, but they couldn't stop the people in Jingnan.

  Just now when Zhou Tai came to serve as magistrate of Jingnan County, according to the rules, when Liu Dianli and other county government officials, as well as Jingnan squires, rich merchants and big businessmen came out of the city to greet them, the common people knew about it.

  The new magistrate has come to take office. Doesn't that mean that our county magistrate is about to leave? !

  Ordinary people are not stupid, they know it when they think about it.

  So, the common people had been waiting near the county government early, and there were people at the front door and the back door, waiting to see Zhu Pingan off.

   "Xianzun, Mr. Xianzun has come out."

  In order not to disturb the people, Zhu Pingan deliberately left through the back door, but he heard a shout as soon as he went out.

  After this cry, there were more and more voices of "the county lord has come out", as if they wanted to invite friends and companions. After this cry, footsteps rushed over from all directions.

   Looking at a group of people outside the door, and more and more people pouring in, Zhu Pingan was stunned.

   "Xianzun, are you leaving?"

   "Xian Zun, don't leave, okay?! You can be our parent officer here, we beg you"

   "Xianzun, don't leave, what should we do if you leave?! We will never meet a good parent officer like you again."

  The common people said emotionally outside the door, and even some elderly uncles knelt down.

"Uncle, aunt, all elders and elders, please hurry up. I am leaving. Jingnan still trusts Mr. Zhou, the county magistrate, and will take good care of everyone." Zhu Pingan hurriedly stepped forward to help the nearest gray-haired man The old man and an old lady with the same gray hair said to everyone.

"Xianzun, we don't recognize anyone, we will recognize you. Only the county respects us in his heart, treats us well, helps us reduce taxes, avenges our grievances, and saves us from floods and Japanese pirates. It’s been a good day. How many years and how many magistrates have we met, and we have met such a good magistrate like you, a parent official who truly makes decisions for the people and pleads for the people.”

   "I beg you, the county magistrate, don't leave, stay here, and then be the county magistrate for us."

  The corners of the people's eyes were moist.

"What are you all doing? Are you trying to avenge your kindness?! The reason why we can stand here alive, and the reason why our life is getting better day by day, is all given by Lai Xianzun. County Zun You have been promoted, and you don’t let the county venerable leave, are you trying to ruin the county venerable’s future?! Besides, can you stay if you let the county venerable stay? Are you taking the country’s major affairs as a joke?! The county lord is promoted , This is the emperor's order! Violating the emperor's order is a matter of losing your head! You are all too selfish!"

   An old man leaned on a cane and squeezed in front of the crowd, waving his cane and shouting angrily at the crowd.

   "Yes, the county lord has been promoted, we can't hinder the county lord's future."

   "The county lord treats us well, we can't repay our kindness with revenge."

   "The county lord has been promoted, we want to be happy for the county lord, and we want to see the county lord off."

   "Old woman, go and catch our chickens and send them off to the county magistrate."

   "We will give Cheng Yi to the county lord."

  After the old man taught him a lesson, all the common people also figured it out, and expressed their opinions to see Zhu Pingan off.

Some of the common people are catching chickens, some are leading sheep, and some are taking melons, fruits and agricultural by-products. Of course, what is indispensable is Cheng Yi's money. The common people spontaneously dig out their pockets. , It didn't take long to collect a large basket of copper coins and silver.

"Fathers and elders on a blind date, especially grandpas and aunts, you are so old, and you have come from afar to see Ping An off, which makes Ping An grateful, but also makes Ping An feel uneasy. I appreciate the wishes of all the fathers, old folks, and Ping An. There is no need for money and other things.”

  Zhu Ping'an was very moved, but of course he firmly rejected everyone's kindness, not even a grain of rice or a penny.

"Xunxian, we are mountain people, we have never seen the world, and we don't have much culture. But we know everything in our hearts. In the past, the county magistrates only knew about collecting corvees, collecting money, food and taxes, and did not see anything for us ordinary people. It caused anger and resentment. Since the county lord came, we only know what a parent official is. The county lord judges the case impartially and decides for us. The county lord releases the prisoners who have not paid taxes and goes home to harvest. Surviving the floods and Japanese pirates, one by one, is the favor of the county lord to us. Thanks to the county lord's contribution, we survived. We lived well and lived with dignity. Now the county lord is going to be promoted. We are here to see off the county venerable, these are our insignificant thoughts, please don't refuse the county lord, you must accept it, otherwise we will feel uneasy."

   Several old men stepped forward and said excitedly that Zhu Ping'an must accept Cheng Yi they gathered together.

  "The elders are absurd. Ping An is nothing more than doing what you are supposed to do. It is far less than what the elders say. The hearts of the elders and fellow villagers, I have received it with peace of mind. Money and other things must never be taken away."

  Zhu Ping'an firmly resigned.

  The common people refused to comply and insisted that Zhu Pingan accept it. In this way, there was a stalemate for a long time.

   "This is the hard-earned money of the folks. Ping An accepts this article as a commemoration, carries it close to the body, and will never forget it." Seeing this, Zhu Pingan had no choice but to take out a copper coin from the money basket to accept it.

  The common people admire Zhu Ping'an even more.

  Suddenly, Zhu Ping'an's reputation as "Yiqian County Respect" and "Yiqian Master" spread like wildfire.

  (end of this chapter)

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