Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1331: late at night

  Chapter 1331 Late Night Japanese Come

  In the early winter season, the sun goes down very quickly, and it was just now that the sun was setting, but in the blink of an eye, night fell.

   "Look, it's getting dark, and the third day is about to pass. There are no traces of Japanese pirates."

  The man who had complained before looked hard at the dark night on the city wall. Under the night, there was no trace of a human figure, and he slandered again.

"No, as the saying goes, if you repeat again and again, the third day is about to pass, and the Japanese pirates have not come. It seems that the Japanese pirates will not come again. This time, our county lord is a tiger. "The person who complained with him before also said.

   "Hehe." The locals gave them a meaningful glance and responded with a hehe.

  The two of them replied, "Hey", slandering in their hearts, the county lord is not a god, so what if he made a mistake once, and our gratitude to the county lord will not decrease much.

  The night was getting darker and darker. It didn't take long for the night to reach the point where you couldn't see your fingers. It was still quiet outside the city, except for one or two piercing calls from the night owl.

   "Another day of being frightened in vain! I walked away and went home to sleep. We will not be afraid anymore. Japanese pirates are not the dogs of the county lord, and the county lord can't predict the future."

"that is."

   The two stayed on the city wall for a while, tugged at the corners of their mouths, muttered a few words in a low voice, and then walked down.

  However, before the two stepped down a step, they heard a commotion behind them.

   "Look, someone is coming straight to the city gate over there."

   "Oh, really, the speed is so fast"

   "The pirates are coming"

  Screams of exclamation on the city wall came to the ears of the two of them, and they couldn't help but pause. Among them, the timid one's legs were weak on the spot. If he didn't support the wall in time, he would have to roll down in fright.

  The two looked at each other, as if struck by thunder, with green smoke rising from their heads, they said in a trembling voice, "The Japanese pirates are really here?"

   "Brother, brother, please help me, let's go down and find a cellar, a stinky ditch or something to hide in. I hope we will be lucky and the Japanese pirates can't find us."

  The timid man clings to the wall, trembling uncontrollably, and tremblingly said to the man.

   "Ah? Ah! Yes, yes" the man couldn't help but panic when he heard the pirates.

Seeing this, the locals on the city wall glanced at them with a sneer, took out a butcher's knife from their sleeve, spat on the butcher's knife vigorously, and said to themselves, "old brother, today We can fight side by side again, last time you defended the city, you didn't let you drink enough Japanese blood, today I will take you to drink your fill."

   After finishing speaking, the locals squeezed to the front line of the city wall with butcher's knives, their faces firm.

"Crazy him, don't look at the Japanese pirates who are not tall and dressed like beggars, but they are all superb in martial arts, with a three-foot-long knife on their waists, cutting gold and breaking iron, killing people without blinking an eye, and eating people without putting salt. Go up with the butcher's knife, isn't this the old birthday star who thinks his life is too long?!"

   Seeing this, the two couldn't help but say.

   "The Japanese pirates are here, and I finally have the money for marrying a daughter-in-law"

   "Excuse me, last time I didn't go up the city wall, I regretted it for half a year, this time I won't go down."

  In the blink of an eye, many people with dung forks, iron shovels, red-tasseled guns and other weapons squeezed past them, scrambling to occupy the wall, and looked out of the city with bright eyes.

   "What's the situation, can madness be contagious?! Are all these people crazy?!"

   Seeing so many people scrambling to come forward, the two were completely stunned and muttered to themselves.

   "No, it's not Japanese pirates, that's ours, that's Zhang Ergou, the yamen servant, I know him." A sharp-eyed person noticed the clue and couldn't help reminding the people around him loudly.

   "Well, it's really not Zhang Ergou. Behind him is Gouyue's iron egg, who is also a government servant."

   Soon someone recognized several people outside the city who were quickly approaching the gate, and shouted.

"Ah?! It's not Japanese pirates." When the two heard this, the tension and worry on their faces were swept away, and their bodies quickly relaxed again. They said excitedly, "I'll just say it, how could Japanese pirates say that?" Just come?!"

   Soon, under the watchful eyes of everyone, a few torches outside the city came to the city gate and began to call the gate.

   It was Zhang Erniu, Tie Dan and the others.

   "Er Niu, Tie Dan, the county magistrate ordered you to closely monitor the coast, why did you come back?! This city gate is not allowed to open. The county magistrate has an order, and without the magistrate's order, the city gate must not be opened."

  A guard on the city wall asked.

"There is a situation in the sea. Hundreds of Hachiman ships appeared on the sea and came straight to Jingnan. The Hachiman ships are warships commonly used by Japanese pirates. After the boss noticed this situation, he quickly ordered us to report to the county lord. The old man Zhang, since the city gate can't be opened, let's send the basket down quickly, and we'll go up in the basket so that we can report the situation to the county lord in time."

  Zhang Erniu and others were at the gate of the city, explaining loudly, urging the guards on the city wall to put down the basket.

   After verifying their identities again, two cradles were soon hung down from the city wall with ropes, and Zhang Erniu and Tiesuo were pulled up one by one. After Zhang Erniu and the others came up, they rushed down the city wall and reported to Zhu Pingan the news that the Japanese pirates were approaching the Jingnan sea area.

   "The Japanese pirates are really here!"

   "The Japanese pirates are here!"

  The two people by the city wall looked at each other, dumbfounded, shocked. How could they have imagined that when the county official said that the Japanese pirates were coming, the Japanese pirates really came!

   Soon, the news of the Japanese pirates' arrival spread throughout Jingnan County. Although Zhu Ping'an had already reminded everyone, everyone was still shocked and terrified when they heard the news.

"The Japanese pirates are really here. These Japanese pirates who killed thousands of knives are so insidious and treacherous that they attacked in the middle of the night. If the county lord hadn't reminded us, how could we have discovered the ghost tricks of the Japanese pirates! Who would have thought that the Japanese pirates would attack at night. This big At night, everyone must be asleep at home, if there is no reminder from the county lord, I don’t know how many families have been killed by Japanese pirates; if there is no reminder from the county lord, I am afraid that the county may also be attacked by Japanese pirates."

   "These Japanese pirates who killed thousands of swords attacked in the middle of the night. This is the rhythm of their killing spree."

"The county lord is really amazing. He said that the Japanese pirates were coming, so we moved to avoid them in advance, and the Japanese pirates really came. Our village is right by the sea. If the Japanese pirates who killed thousands of knives attacked us, we must be the first to suffer. Thank you, the county lord. Ah, if it wasn't for the county lord, I'm afraid our whole family would have been in trouble at this moment."

  People were terrified and rejoiced. They were afraid that Japanese pirates would attack late at night. Fortunately, the county lord had notified them in advance, and they had taken precautions to avoid them in advance. Otherwise, they would be doomed tonight.

  (end of this chapter)

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