Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1330: everything is in huh

  Chapter 1330 Everything is in Hehe

  Zhu Ping'an dismissed the witch Ruonan who kept asking questions, and as soon as he returned to the Jingnan County Government, he received a copy of the Dibao from the Taizhou Government. The short section of the Di Bao recorded Wang Zhi's request for the opening of Hong Kong for trade. Three days ago, Wang Zhi submitted a letter to the imperial court requesting the opening of the Hong Kong City. Today the imperial court replied, not only did not agree to Wang Zhi's request to open the Hong Kong City, but also severely reprimanded Wang Zhi, making him change his mind. Attack the pirates who burned, killed and looted to make apology

  The Great Japanese Infection in Jiajing has begun!

  As soon as Zhu Pingan saw this record, he immediately realized this, and quickly ordered to closely monitor the coasts of Jingnan, especially the coasts suitable for logging in, to warn Japanese pirates from invading Jingnan. At the same time, it ordered to inform the people all over the country to strengthen the walls and clear the fields, withdraw to the nearest county town, sentry fort, and deep mountains to avoid the invasion of Japanese pirates, assign officers with anti-Japanese experience to the county wall and various anti-Japanese sentry forts, and help the young and strong people nearby to defend the county and sentry fort

  After fighting the Japanese and disasters, Zhu Pingan's prestige in Jingnan was in full swing. No common people questioned Zhu Pingan's words, and they all acted according to Zhu Pingan's orders. For a while, the whole of Jingnan was mobilized. The common people loaded their food and belongings into cars, drove pigs, cattle, sheep and horses, and brought the old and the young into the county town and sentry forts to avoid Japanese pirates.

   After people retreated into the county town and the anti-Japanese sentry fort, the gates of the city and the fort were closed. Not only that, layers of heavy objects were piled up behind the city gate to prevent Japanese pirates from breaking in.

  The golden juice feast that made great contributions to the anti-Japanese war last time was also arranged for the Japanese pirates in advance. On the city walls and inside the sentry fortress, there are large iron pots filled with golden juice, which means they are ready to give the Japanese pirates a catty.

   If you use the current language to describe it, it means that Jingnan has entered the first-level anti-Japanese state.

   On the first day, people were highly nervous and worried all the time, especially those who were guarding the coast. However, the weather in Jingnan was calm that day, not to mention the shadow of the Japanese pirates, but the whole sea was very quiet, there was no strong wind or big waves, even the tide in the evening was much milder, making it harmless to humans and animals.

   On the second day, Jingnan was also calm, and the Japanese pirates did not invade.

On the third day, Jingnan was also calm, and there was no trace of Japanese pirates until the sunset. Some people who fled to Jingnan during the flood felt that the county lord was making a fuss, and began to complain one after another. complained.

"You said that the flood was over, we settled down not long ago, we moved into a new home, planted vegetable seedlings, and raised two pigs, and now we have hope. Let's abandon the house and get up. You see, it's the third day, there is no sign of Japanese pirates, don't you think the county lord is a tosser?"

  A commoner who fled the disaster and moved to Jingnan brought his family and took two pigs to hide in Jingnan County. Looking at the messy temporary residence, he couldn't help complaining to others.

"It's not a big deal. Among other things, our heart is almost sick from the fright of the county lord's sentence 'The Japanese pirates are coming'. Big brother, you also escaped from other places. Coincidentally, so did I." To put it bluntly, the flood is terrible, but no matter how terrible it is, it can’t compare to the Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates crossed the border, they raped, murdered and looted, committed all kinds of crimes, and were extremely insane. Alas, our village experienced Japanese pirates ten years ago. It was so miserable. , I’m not afraid of your jokes. I still have nightmares at night. The county lord said that the Japanese pirates were coming. Half of my soul was scared out of my mind at that time. I haven’t come back until now. Let me tell you, I For three days, I was so scared that I didn’t eat a bite of food. But, look, there is no sign of Japanese pirates here, I’m afraid I’ve suffered in vain these days.”

   This person was also a person who fled to Jingnan during the flood, and what the man just said immediately resonated with him. After the man complained, he couldn't help but join the ranks of complaining.

"What are you talking about? Do you still have a conscience when you say this? Dogs have eaten them all. If there is no county official, your family would have starved to death long ago, and you still want to have a house to live in?! You still want a wife and children to live in?" Pit head?! Do you still want to have land to grow and pigs to raise?! If the old man is three or five years younger, you will have to eat the old man's crutches."

  An old man with a white beard who also fled from other places, heard what they said, couldn't help walking up to them with a cane, and pouted them with a beard and a stare.

"Grandpa, this yard is one yard. We are not the generation who will repay kindness and revenge. The county lord saved us. We are grateful to the county lord from the bottom of our hearts. We still have the county lord's longevity card at home. Every morning and evening, a stick of incense , I have never forgotten it. However, people are not sages and sages. The county lord is also a human being, and the county lord makes mistakes. It is precisely because of our gratitude to the county lord that we can't bear to see the county lord make mistakes. "

  The man was told by the old man, his face turned red as if congested, and he hurriedly defended himself.

"That's right, the tiger still has time to take a nap. What's wrong with our county master taking a nap? This is so normal. We point out the problem because we hope our county master will do better. If we all open our eyes and pretend to be blind, it will It's the harm to the county magistrate. Can you be so excited, old man?!"

  Another person followed suit.

   "Ahem, cough, cough, you are ungrateful, you are shameless, you are white-eyed wolves"

  It's fine if they don't explain, this explanation made the old man cough in anger, he slammed his cane on the ground, stretched out his wrinkled hands, pointed at the two people's noses and cursed.

   "Come on, old man, you are crazy, can't we afford to provoke or hide?!"

  The man waved his hand, turned around, and ignored the old man with the white beard.

"that is."

  The other person also turned around.

"Hehe, you guys from other places. You are really self-righteous. Let me tell you, our county officials have never missed it. Every time we make mistakes, it is self-righteous people like you. The success of the last anti-Japanese war depends on The county venerable was aware of the details, judged in advance the main gate of the Japanese pirates, and took precautions, which enabled us to successfully resist the Japanese pirates in Jingnan. The county lord said that the Japanese pirates are coming, so the Japanese pirates must be coming soon."

  A local man heard their conversation, couldn't help but hehe, and said sarcastically.

   "Just blow it up, you really know how to add fuel and vinegar, how can the county lord be so magical?!" The two refused to accept it.

   "I don't know about small things. But this kind of big event, we really haven't seen the county officials miss it."

  The locals nodded solemnly.

"Ha ha."

  The two didn't say anything more, but they also said everything, because everything was in the middle of the mouth.

  (end of this chapter)

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