Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1280: Isn't it a stroke of genius

  Chapter 1280 Isn’t it a stroke of genius

   This is not what I want to see! That's not what I want to hear either!

  We are here to convict Zhu Pingan of colluding with grain merchants, driving up grain prices, and accepting bribes.

  So what if Zhu Ping’an did a good job in providing relief with work, as long as we catch evidence that he colluded with grain merchants, drove up grain prices, and accepted bribes, we can also convict him of a serious crime, and we can also make him irreparable!

   Just wait and see!

Wang Meng, Peng Cheng and the others kept dark faces, and reminded Xu Hai and the others to move on on the grounds that they were on official business and should not be delayed. The incriminating evidence!

On the way from East Lake to Jingnan County, they didn't see a refugee or a hungry person. All they saw was a scene of singing birds and flowers, full of vitality, like a paradise. The earth rises, and the common people live and work in peace and contentment.

  East Lake Project Area is not far from Jingnan County, and they arrived at Jingnan County after walking for a while.

   Arriving at the Jingnan North Gate, Xu Hai and others discovered that the Jingnan North Gate had just been repaired. They not only repaired the aging and damaged walls, buttresses and parapets, but also built enemy towers and archery towers to strengthen their defense functions.

  This is to guard against Japanese pirates.

  East Lake is to solve the century-old flood disaster in Jingnan, and the repair of the city wall is to prevent Japanese pirates

  Leaving aside factors such as virtue, let’s just say that this is work for relief. Zhu Ping'an's ability to combine work-for-relief with Jingnan's long-term peace and stability, adapting measures to local conditions, and turning decay into magic is really amazing.

   Entering Jingnan County, Xu Hai, Wang Meng and others were even more shocked.

  Jingnan County is a bustling city with row upon row of shops, numerous pedestrians, horses and carts, and the penetrating yells of small vendors one after another, and the faces are full of tranquility and comfort.

   "Look, Kumon!"

  The excited voice of the magistrate of Taiping awakened everyone from their shock.

  Following the excited gaze of the magistrate of Taiping County, Xu Hai and others saw an official document pasted on the wall.

  Close at hand, with red letters on white paper, covered with the bright red seal of the magistrate of Jingnan County, wrote: Starting today, every stone of grain in Jingnan County will be 2,500 ren...

   "It really is Jingnan's official document defining grain prices!"

  Seeing this bright red official document, Wang Meng and the others couldn't help feeling overwhelmed and excited as if they had found a treasure.

  You are very good!

  Wang Meng glanced at the magistrate of Taiping appreciatively, and the magistrate of Taiping couldn't help puffing out his chest excitedly when he saw the admiring gazes of Wang Meng and others.

   This is really a good start, a good sign! As soon as he entered Jingnan, he discovered an important crime of Zhu Ping'an.

  Sweep away the haze along the way!

  Wang Meng and the others finally showed a smile, carefully tore off the official document, and put it away like a treasure.

   "Master Liu and I impeached Zhu Pingan, every word is true." Taiping magistrate took the opportunity to show his merits.

   "Yes. Based on this official document, I trust you." Wang Meng nodded encouragingly.

   "Look, there is an official document ahead!"

  At this time, Zuo Zhen's sharp eyes found another official document, and he couldn't help shouting out.

   "Huh? Really." Wang Meng and others looked along, and they were pleasantly surprised to see an official document defining grain prices in Jingnan.

   "There's another one over there! And there, there's one on it too! There's one on that wall too."

  Before Wang Meng and the others recovered from the surprise, Zuo Zhen discovered that the voices of official documents sounded one after another.

  What's going on? ! Wang Meng and the others were stunned. Why did they post so many official documents defining grain prices? Is he, Zhu Pingan, afraid that people in the world will not know his crimes? ! Post official documents all over the city!

   "There's a grain store over there." The magistrate of Taiping found a grain store and quickly said to Wang Meng and others.

   Sure enough, there was a grain shop open for business in front of it, named "Liu Ji Grain Shop", and the business seemed to be very good.

   "Let's go and have a look." Wang Meng said, and walked to the grain shop first.

Xu Hai and others followed closely and walked into this "Liu Ji Grain Shop". There were three shop assistants in the shop entertaining customers. When they saw Wang Meng, Xu Hai and others entering the shop, the shop assistants greeted them warmly. .

   "Shopkeeper, how do you sell this food?" Wang Meng asked as soon as he entered the shop.

   "Hehe, sir, the food in this small shop is 2,500 cash per stone." The shop clerk replied enthusiastically.

  Wang Meng heard the words and exchanged glances with Peng Cheng, Zhang Wenbo and others, his face full of unconcealable joy.

  The price in the grain shop is indeed 2,500 Wen per stone! Hahaha, there are so many of us, from the Ministry of Officials, from the Ministry of Households, from the Ministry of Punishment, from the Supervision Censor, and from the East Factory, but we all saw and heard it!

  Zhu Ping'an, let me see how you can argue now!

  Wang Meng and the others couldn't help but look joyful. At this moment, they feel that the winning ticket is already in their hands.

   "However, sir, you are right to come today. Today is the birthday of our shopkeeper's grandmother. We have a special discount of 100 cash for every stone of grain." The store clerk said to Wang Meng and others with a smile on his face.

   "Hahaha, buddy, didn't your shopkeeper's grandmother have a birthday yesterday, why do you pay it back today?"

  The customers who bought food in the store couldn't help laughing and joking when they heard this.

  The store clerk replied wittily, "Hehe, our shopkeeper's grandmother is old. It's normal to remember wrongly."

   "Hahahaha. Grandma can remember correctly, and your shopkeeper can still remember correctly. Come on, I won't joke with you anymore, give me a hundred catties of grain." The guest couldn't help but said with a smile.

   "Okay, sir." The store clerk answered the food in a dizzy voice.

  Xu Hai and the others also noticed that what was the grandma's birthday? This is clearly the shopkeeper looking for a reason to lower the price of food.

How is this going? Why did the store take the initiative to find a reason to lower the price of food? !

"Hehe, all of you are from other places." Seeing Xu Hai and others' surprised faces, the customers who bought grain smiled and explained to them, "Since our magistrate set the price of grain, grain merchants from all over the country I heard that the price of grain in Jingnan is expensive and profitable. They all come to sell grain in Jingnan. The grain shops in Jingnan are opening more and more, and the grain in Jingnan is accumulating more and more. There are many grain shops in Jingnan. There is a lot of grain, and the supply is gradually exceeding the demand. The grain has been transported from thousands of miles, and it cannot be transported back. In order to sell the grain, the grain merchants are trying to sell the grain at a lower price. I estimate that in a few days, the price of this grain will still can go down."

ah? !

   Can you still do this? !

Xu Hai, Tan Lun and others were stunned. Taizhou Fucheng and other counties now have no grain to sell on the market. Only a small amount of grain can be sold on the black market, but the price of grain on the black market has skyrocketed. Grain costs 3,500 renminbi per stone, and the black market in Taiping County has risen to 3,800 renminbi per renminbi. With such a high price, the supply of grain in the black market is still in short supply, and food is often out of stock. But as for Jingnan, Jingnan has enough grain, even enough to sell at a reduced price. The price of grain has dropped to 2,400 ren per shi, and there is a tendency to continue to reduce the price.

  So, looking back at Zhu Ping’an’s official document defining grain at 2,500 liters per stone, isn’t it a stroke of genius?

  Xu Hai and others could not be calm for a long time.

  Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, even thought about whether he would follow Zhu Ping'an's example and set the price of grain in Taizhou Prefecture at 2,500 Wen per stone after he went back!

  (end of this chapter)

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