Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1279: Can not accept

  Chapter 1279 Unacceptable

impossible! fake! all fake!

  How is it possible that Jingnan is so peaceful and quiet! It should be dark and full of corpses!

  The magistrate of Taiping County couldn't accept all of this, he gritted his teeth and coughed, and said very sadly: "Ahem, Zhu Pingan paid so much money to coax ignorant refugees to come to Jingnan."

  Wang Meng, Peng Cheng, and Zhang Wenbo nodded subconsciously when they heard the words. They didn't believe it either, or they didn't want to believe the scene in front of them.

  Xu Hai and Tan Lun looked at the scene in front of them with serious expressions, and did not respond to the words of the magistrate of Taiping.

  Zhang Gu glanced sideways at the magistrate of Taiping, his eyes were full of sarcasm, as if he was looking at an idiot.

   A group of people continued to walk along the flat official road in Jingnan amidst mixed emotions of shock and doubt.

After walking for a mile or so, I saw another crowd gathered in front of a high platform. On the high platform, a man dressed as a subordinate was holding a strange trumpet-shaped iron sheet and shouting. The voice was quite loud and spread far away. Xu Hai and the others could hear clearly from a distance of twenty meters, how many servants were maintaining order under the high platform.

"Fathers and folks, we in Jingnan organize work-for-relief. Simply put, as long as you participate in the construction of our county government, the county government will pay you wages, no less than 20 yuan per person per day, and it is paid every day; no need Don't worry, the old and the weak, women and children can also do some light work of washing and cooking, and the wages are the same; children under ten years old, sick people, and elderly people over sixty can eat for free every day even if they don't work. Some light work within one’s ability, and you can get paid. Our project area provides three meals a day, breakfast for 1 renminbi, lunch for 2 renminbi, and dinner for 1 renminbi. It’s a little more expensive, and you can eat meat dishes for an extra 2 Wen.”

"At present, we mainly have six major projects, including the East Lake Project, the City Wall Project, the Anti-Japanese Fort Project, the River Dredging Project, the Land Reclamation Project, and the Home Reconstruction Project. The wages are the same. You can choose one of them to participate. , Report it to the guards below us, and follow the guards to the corresponding flood shelters for resettlement."

"Of course, everyone who comes to Jingnan to participate in work-for-relief must abide by the rules. First, observe discipline and obey orders; If you commit three crimes, no matter who you are or what the circumstances are, you will be evicted and will not be used again. In addition, when you arrive in the flood shelter area, you must pay attention to hygiene, wash your hands frequently every day, change your clothes regularly, set a convenient place, and do not defecate anywhere. Fathers and folks, don’t underestimate the sanitation, we have a lot of people in the flood shelter area, and the flood has not subsided, if you don’t pay attention to hygiene, it’s easy to cause the plague, it’s no joke.”

  The subordinate staff on the high platform held a tin horn, and impatiently preached to the people who had fled.

   Work for cash! Twenty Wen wages per day! Follow the rules and be hygienic

  All of this is very fresh and thought-provoking for Xu Hai, Tan Lun and others.

  Especially when they heard the hygienic prevention of plague, Xu Hai, Tan Lun and others couldn't help but glance at the magistrate of Taiping County. The refugee resettlement area built in Taiping County probably caused the plague because of ignoring this point. In other words, the resettlement area for disaster victims in Taiping County is not the flood shelter area that Zhu Pingan learned from, right? ! It's just that I don't even know how to copy, and I only learned the superficial part, but didn't learn the essence, so I caused the plague! A project for the people turned out to be a project that harms the people.

  The county magistrate of Taiping had a guilty conscience, but when Xu Hai, Tan Lun and others saw it, he couldn't help but blush.

"Ahem, since ancient times, food has been directly distributed to the people to show the grace of the court. Zhu Pingan forced the refugees to work and charge money for meals. Isn't it obvious that our dynasty is ruthless?! This is not forcing the people to fight with our court. Are you renounced?!"

   After the magistrate of Taiping blushed, he criticized Zhu Ping'an's work-for-relief policy. As the instigator of the impeachment of Zhu Ping'an, he has no choice but to go down the road of "Zhu Hei".

   Xu Hai and the others did not answer the call, even Wang Meng and the others did not answer the call.

   Relief by work was not actually the first initiative of Zhu Pingan. In "Yanzi Chunqiu", there is a record that "Qi Hunger Yanzi helped the people because of the battle on the road". It's just that Zhu Ping'an's work-for-relief is a step up from the ancients, and it is epoch-making in both scale and form.

  The magistrate of Taiping County criticized Zhu Ping'an's implementation of "relief with work" as if the court was indifferent and ruthless, and his buttocks were too crooked.

   Going forward for about three miles, we saw the bustling East Lake project area. The reason why we know that it is the East Lake project area is because a tall flagpole is erected in the project area, and a curtain hangs on the flagpole, and the inscription "East Lake Work Relief Project Area" occupies a huge area, and it cannot be seen from a distance. To the side, it is roughly estimated that there are at least 10 to 20 miles, and there are a total of 50,000 to 60,000 people digging, carrying, and transporting soil. Although there are many people, the project area is not chaotic at all, and the organization and planning are orderly.

There are five carriages at intervals of dozens of steps on the **** of the lake. Boxes of copper coins on the carriages glisten in the sun; there is a planned kitchen area in the lake area, where hundreds of women, children and children are preparing lunch, and the smell of rice is wafting. It's so far away; five or sixty thousand people, encouraged by copper coins and food, are vying for success one by one, sweating profusely.

  A huge artificial lake has begun to take shape, and the upper and lower lakes can be vaguely seen.

  Everything is full of hope, everything is so vibrant!

  Compared with other Jingnan areas that were ravaged by floods and struggling desperately, the contrast is stark, like heaven and hell.

  Xu Hai and others stood by the East Lake, looking at the scene of the East Lake in full swing, shocked.

   "What did Zhu Pingan dig such a big lake? He was wasting money and abusing people's power."

  The magistrate of Taiping once again criticized Zhu Pingan.

   "Well, it makes sense. Zhu Pingan's move is quite suspected of wasting money and abusing people's power." This time Peng Cheng responded to the magistrate of Taiping, looked at the magistrate of Taiping encouragingly, and nodded slightly.

   That's right, this is barely the point.

   "Old man, may I ask, why are you digging such a big lake?"

   Tan Lun saw an old man passing by with a bundle of errands on his back, he couldn't help stopping the old man politely, and asked curiously.

"Hehe, you guys are from out of town. You ask what this bamboo pole lake is for?" The old man was talkative. After being stopped by Tan Lun, he put down the firewood on his back, wiped his sweat with his sleeve, and smiled. Said.

   "The old man is really wise. Hey, isn't this called East Lake? Why is the old man called Zhugan Lake?" Tan Lun clasped his hands and replied.

"Hehe, the official name of this lake is East Lake, but we all call it Zhugan Lake in private. The reason why we call him Zhugan Lake is because our county magistrate is leaning on a bamboo pole, crossing mountains and ridges, going down rivers and wading, and trampled us in Jingnan. After three or five times, I finally figured out the reason why our Jingnan often suffers from floods. It seems that the terrain or something, the little old man doesn't understand. Anyway, after the county magistrate figured out the cause of the floods, he chose this place and personally A bamboo pole is used as a boundary to circle the boundary of the East Lake, so we privately call it Zhugan Lake. This Zhugan Lake can keep us from flooding in Jingnan for a hundred years. The lake stores water and floods; during the drought period, the accumulated lake water is returned to the river to irrigate the farmland. Tell me, is our county magistrate a god? Our common people all say that we want to erect monuments, statues, and build ancestral halls for our county magistrate , Thanks for commemorating. It’s just that we don’t agree with the county magistrate. We agreed in private. Future generations should also remember the kindness of our county magistrate, remember the kindness of our county magistrate, and pay homage to him every year."

  The old man's words were full of respect for Zhu Ping'an. In his eyes, Zhu Ping'an was almost at the same level as a god.

   "What?! Give Zhu Ping'an a monument, a statue, and an ancestral hall?! Thanksgiving commemoration, worship every year?!"

  Taiping County Magistrate, Wang Meng and others felt uncomfortable as if swallowing a fly.

   Did you make a mistake? ! Zhu Pingan colluded with grain merchants, raised grain prices, and accepted bribes. Shouldn't you be cast aside and cursed by you? ! Why are you still grateful for the commemoration? Even erecting monuments, statues, and building ancestral halls for him? ! Can't even refuse? !

  (end of this chapter)

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