Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1234: please help yourself

  Chapter 1234 Please help yourself

   "Hi, I never thought porridge was so delicious before, and this steamed bun, it smells so **** good."

That night, the bandits, who had been out of food for two days and whose chests were stuck to their backs, finally had a full meal. Each of them shared two steamed buns, a ball of pickled wild vegetables, and porridge that they could eat with their stomachs open. They burped until they ate, huddled in a corner of the shack in the flood shelter area, and picked their teeth contentedly.

  At the beginning, the heavy rain caused flash floods that destroyed the cottage. If the Shaodong family hadn't resisted all opinions and forced everyone to move from the cottage to Xifengpo two days in advance, they would have been buried underground by the mountain flood. However, although thanks to the young master's family, they escaped unharmed, but the food stored in the cottage was destroyed by the mountain torrents, and they only had time to grab more than half of the bags of food, saving no matter how much they saved, they only lasted for less than three days . Today, they have been without food for more than two days.

  When the Shaodong family insisted on transferring refugees, they were still 10,000 unwilling. Thinking about it now, the Shaodong family is still wise. Otherwise, they would still be looking for wild vegetables and catching bugs on the mountain, with their hungry chest sticking to their backs and acid water coming out of their mouths. How could they have such a good day today.

   "I don't want to go home when I'm full. After the disaster, it's like heaven to have such a place to shelter from the wind and rain and still manage food."

   Hu Laosan patted his belly, moved his buttocks on the grass bed, and found a comfortable position.

"It's good here, but it's too strict. Wash your hands before eating, take a shower before going to bed, and go to the designated toilet area when you go to the bathroom. Even the clothes we wear when we come here have to be washed in hot water. Talking about disinfection, you say it’s ridiculous, but if it’s really poisonous, who would poison the clothes.”

   Zhang Laosan held a straw in his mouth, leaned on a pillar supporting the shack, and said while pulling the corner of his mouth.

   "They said it was a rule set by the county elders. Oh, no wonder, these scholars are really poor and fastidious. They have reached this point, and they can't be fastidious." Another bandit followed suit.

  Of course they kept their voices down to avoid being heard by the local disaster victims. These people are very loyal and respectful to the county. If you hear them say bad things about the magistrate, you will definitely argue with them a lot.

  In the corner of the shack, the young master, who was disguised as a man, heard a group of bandits talk about taking a bath before going to bed, and his pretty face, which was covered with plant ash, couldn't help but blush. She lives in a shack with everyone, guarded by a group of bandits, and has a relatively private space.

   For her, taking a bath is a problem, and it’s okay if you don’t wash it. The flood shelter area is supervised and inspected by special personnel, because he is a woman disguised as a man, and he takes a bath with a group of gentlemen when he takes a bath. Although his father led a group of thieves to occupy a shower room and guarded it outside, and she washed it first by herself, but even so, she couldn't help but swear at the thought of so many people outside. Someone who caused the crime.

   In a blink of an eye, the night passed like this.

  The next day, the sun rose from the east again. Watching the rising sun spouting golden brilliance, people were once again full of hope.

  The rain has stopped, the flood is slowly subsiding, and there is food and drink in the flood shelter area. How can such days not be full of hope.

  Different from everyone else, Zhu Pingan, who got up in the morning and came back after walking around the county and the five major flood shelters, was a little worried.

  Worries are food.

  Zhu Ping'an walked around the county seat and the five major flood shelters, and listened to reports from the pawns in charge of the flood shelters. At present, Jingnan is taking in more and more victims. Among them, the largest flood shelter area in the northern suburbs has accommodated more than 20,000 victims, including nearly 10,000 refugees who have fled from other places. Although the other four flood shelters are not as good as the flood shelters in the northern suburbs, each There are more than 10,000 victims in the district, almost half of whom are from outside.

  There are more than 60,000 victims in these five major flood shelters, and the number of victims who fled from other places has far exceeded expectations.

   And that's not all.

  In addition to the five major flood shelters, there are still 20,000 people in Jingnan County.

  During this flood, Jingnan County suffered much less damage than the countryside below. When the flood was at its worst, the amount of floodwater pouring into Jingnan County was limited, but it was almost at the level of waterlogging. More than 80% of the houses in the county were well preserved. The people only lost part of their property and food, and they were much less affected by the disaster.

   In addition, before the flood, Zhu Pingan ordered the repair of drainage facilities in Jingnan County. These drainage facilities played a role. After the rainstorm stopped, it took only one day for the accumulated water in the county to be drained.

  Dredging and desilting. After another day, Jingnan County was basically rebuilt and returned to normal.

  The life of the people in the county has basically returned to normal, and their damage in this flood is limited.

   However, food is still in short supply.

  The people in the county basically don’t cultivate the land. They are not like the people in the countryside, who store a year’s worth of grain as soon as they are stored.

  Although their damage was limited, in terms of food, they were similar to the disaster victims outside the city, and they were as short of food.

  There are more than 60,000 disaster victims (increasing every moment), more than 20,000 county residents, and more than 80,000 mouths waiting to be fed. They need about 50,000 catties of food every day, which is a very large number.

   Moreover, according to the current situation, there are thousands of disaster victims fleeing from other places to Jingnan every day. According to the reports of the pawns in charge of the flood avoidance areas, the number of new people added every day is more than that of the previous day.

  The food needed every day will increase. The 20,000 shi of grain stored in the county government warehouse is really stretched.

  In addition, the grain stores in the county town have limited stock of grain, and the price of grain has risen three times a day. Even so, the supply of grain in the grain store is not open, and the supply is limited every day.

  In the past few days, Zhu Ping'an has written an official document to Fucheng requesting the imperial court for disaster relief and applying for food and grass relief every day, without a single day of interruption.

  But just as Zhu Ping'an predicted before, the court seemed, probably, really powerless to rescue.

  Zhu Ping'an asked the imperial court for disaster relief, but the official documents applying for the rescue of food and grass were like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no reply.

  County yamen warehouses are stretched to store grain, and the output of grain stores in county towns is even more limited. Rescue from the imperial court is like a dream. When everyone is full of hope, Zhu Pingan can't help but worry about food.

  Maybe this is to worry about the world's worries first, and enjoy the world's joys later.

   "Report! Reply from Fucheng!"

   Right at this moment, the guards shouted from outside.

  Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but look happy when he heard the words, and quickly stood up and shouted to the outside, "Hurry up and send it in."

  After a burst of hurried footsteps, the guard delivered an official document with the seal of the Taizhou government to Zhu Ping'an.

  After Zhu Pingan took it, he couldn't wait to open it.

  “.All counties actively save themselves.”

  The last sentence after the official document, like a basin of cold water, extinguished Zhu Pingan's glimmer of illusion.

  (end of this chapter)

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