Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1233: integrate into the camp

  Chapter 1233 Integration into the camp

  The closer the bandits from the Laodong family and the Shaodong family came to Jingnan County, the more victims they encountered on the road. These victims were basically refugees from other counties and came to Jingnan.

   "Shaodong's house, Jingnan County has a total of five flood shelters. Among them, the Dongshan flood shelter is the closest to our Dahou Mountain. If there is any accident, it will be convenient for us to talk about it. Why should we go to the northern suburbs flood shelter?"

   When approaching the flood protection area in the northern suburbs of Jingnan County, a one-eyed bandit held back his way and couldn't help asking.

   This refugee transfer operation was strongly facilitated by the Shaodong family, and the flood shelter area in the northern suburbs was also determined by the Shaodong family. So, he asked the young master. In the eyes of the one-eyed bandits, the Dongshan flood shelter area closest to the cottage is the most ideal place for their trip. They don't understand why the Shaodong family chose the flood shelter area in the northern suburbs.

   "The moon is the first to get close to the water." The girl disguised as a man said lightly without looking back.

  Ha mean? The one-eyed bandit looked confused, completely unaware of the meaning of the young master's words.

  Also, don’t the Young Master’s family hate scholars the most, why do they sometimes say a few polite words.

"You pig-headed. What the Shaodong family means is that the flood shelter area in the northern suburbs is the closest to Jingnan County. Among the five major flood shelter areas, it is easiest to get supplies from the Jingnan County Government, and the supplies such as grain and grass are also the most abundant. Also, this area If Baili wants to say where the fat sheep are the most, of course Jingnan County has the most fat sheep. Let's take an emergency in the flood shelter area in the northern suburbs, find a few more fat sheep, and rebuild the cottage."

  A skinny bandit with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks stretched out his hand to slap the one-eyed bandit on the back of the head, cursing indifferently.

   "Oh, so that's the case, the young master is wise. There are quite a lot of big dogs in the county. Let's grab one and it will last for at least three years." After hearing the explanation, the one-eyed bandit suddenly realized, and couldn't help but get excited.

   All the bandits were also excited.

   "Giggle. Actually speaking, in Jingnan County, there is still an old friend." The young master, who was disguised as a man, seemed to think of something suddenly, and couldn't help giggling.

   "What old friend? Male or female?!"

  The old boss immediately raised his ears when he heard the word old friend, and asked nervously, just like a modern old father who heard the news of his daughter's partner, and was afraid that his daughter would be cheated by some bastard.

   "A nerd." The girl rolled her eyes.

   "Bookworm. Then I can rest assured." The old boss was obviously relieved when he heard the words, and he also let go of the raised heart. My daughter hates scholars the most, let alone bookworms.

When approaching the flood shelter area in the northern suburbs, the old boss turned his head and glanced at the group of thieves, grinning his white teeth, and said with a grin: "You bastards! Listen to me, and when you arrive at the flood shelter area in the northern suburbs, give me all of them!" Honestly, disaster victims, we are disaster victims, remember?! If any **** shows his feet, I will chop him up! Without the orders of Lao Tzu and Ruonan, whoever dares to act in private, I will chop him up too!"

   "Don't worry, my old boss, we know the seriousness." All the bandits responded one after another.

   Soon a group of bandits came to the largest flood shelter in Jingnan—the flood shelter in the northern suburbs of Jingnan County.

   "Man, that's big!"

   "Oh my God! Is this a refugee camp or a military camp?! Why is it so neatly arranged? When I was the head soldier in the guard, I never saw the guard so neat and orderly."

Before arriving at the flood refuge area in the northern suburbs, a group of bandits looked at the orderly flood refuge area like a camp in front of them, and they were all stunned. Shouldn’t the refugee camp be smelly and chaotic? Why is it so clean here? And tidy! This is not like a refugee camp, a camp set up by a famous general, it's nothing more than that.

   "Hahaha, you're dumbfounded. Newcomers, where did you all come from? Have you never seen such a refugee camp? Let me tell you, this is planned and arranged by our county lord himself."

  The local disaster victims who were sitting in the flood shelter and warming themselves couldn't help laughing when they saw how dumbfounded they were.

Haha, I just like to see their faces that have never seen the world. In fact, they have seen them a lot these days with their dumbfounded expressions. Almost every refugee who fled here has seen our Jingnan In the flood protection area in the northern suburbs of the county, there will be such a stunned expression.

   I don’t even think about it, who planned this flood refuge area, it was planned by our county magistrate himself.

  Sudden sense of superiority.

   "Indeed, this fellow, we escaped from Taiping County. Have you heard of Laohuaishu Village and Zhangba Village? After this flood, we are the only people left in our two villages."

  Shao Dongjia said in a rough voice on purpose, and made up two village names casually. After speaking, his eyes turned red instantly, and his voice choked up.

   This acting skill is truly second to none, a hundred times better than those modern actresses who have to touch balm and chili noodles to cry.

"Oh, it's pitiful. Come in quickly, and I'll take you to Dianli Liu to register. Dianli Liu will take care of you, don't worry, our flood shelter area has been expanded a while ago, and there is room for you When you get here, don't worry, we have a place to live, food and drink here."

  When the local victims saw this, they immediately sympathized. As for the Laohuaishu Village and Zhangba Village that the boy mentioned, he had no doubts at all. He, a Jingnan native, knew something about the villages in Taiping County. The local disaster victims are very enthusiastic and experienced. These days, their flood refuge area has taken in too many such refugees.

   "Uncle, thank you so much, you are so kind. Dad, we are saved."

  The girl expressed her gratitude to the local victims with tears in her eyes, and said with a sob.

"Let me tell you, our flood shelter in the northern suburbs is ours, no, it is the largest flood shelter in Jingnan. We have set up five flood shelters in Jingnan County, and our flood shelter in the northern suburbs is The biggest one. How big is it? Let me tell you a count. There are more than 19,600 people in total. There are about 10,000 victims in Jingnan, and the other 9,000 victims are from Taiping County like you. Ah, Tiantai County has the most people fleeing from other places, especially your Taiping County. Our county magistrate is kind-hearted and gives people a way to survive, unlike the magistrates in some places who drive refugees out."

   This local disaster victim is a talkative person, and he kept talking non-stop on the way leading the bandits to register with Liu Dianli.

  Combined with the invisible guidance of Shaodong’s family, the local victims of the flood revealed the situation of the flood shelter area along the way.

  With the guidance of local victims, the bandits quickly settled down in the flood shelter area.

  (end of this chapter)

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