Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1217: The emperor's grace is mighty, and the silver reward is doubled

  Chapter 1217 The emperor's grace is mighty, and the silver reward is doubled

  Today is destined to be a day that the people of Jingnan will never forget, and today is destined to be recorded in the annals of Jingnan history.

   Outside the west gate of Jingnan County.

Half a month ago, this was the main battlefield where Japanese pirates attacked Jingnan. More than 3,000 Japanese pirates attacked the city, and tens of thousands of people defended the city. They fought to the death and blood flowed like rivers. There are still traces of the **** battle on the gates and walls of the city. .

  At this moment, there is a sea of ​​people here, people from most of Jingnan County have come one after another, gathered in the open space outside the city gate, there are nearly 10,000 people. People gathered in front of the city gate, surrounded by the stage just built by the county yamen guards, all of them were so excited that it was more lively than watching a theater.

   "Does the county magistrate really want to give us silver rewards?! Is this table the place where the silver is distributed?!"

   "That's still fake! When did our county magistrate lie to us and say that he will definitely send it!"

"Hahaha, back then when I went to the city wall to help the county magistrate fight Japanese pirates, my mother-in-law was still beating around and obstructing me in every possible way. A few days ago, the county government gave out five taels of silver as a reward, and my mother-in-law's attitude changed. Baishun, when I get the reward and go back today, I have to let that woman hold my stinky feet."

"What about the county magistrate, our county magistrate has been promoted to the fifth grade and has been sentenced to serve as an inspector. Fortunately, the court is thinking about us Jingnan people. Since the candidate for the magistrate of Jingnan has not yet been determined, a county cannot be ignorant of the county for a day. , This is why our county magistrate is allowed to temporarily serve as the magistrate of Jingnan County in the capacity of the five-rank punishment and the inspector. When the Ministry of Officials selects the candidate for the magistrate of Jingnan County, as soon as the new county magistrate arrives, our magistrate will go The punishment is assigned to the inspector's yamen, and the punishment is assigned to the inspector's office."

"I really don't want our magistrate to leave. You can't find such a good magistrate even with a lantern. Otherwise, let's jointly sign a letter, asking the court not to bother to choose a successor, and leave the magistrate to us. .”

"You old king is really selfish. If you are really good for our county magistrate, don't hinder our county magistrate's future. If you dare to mess with things in private, I, Zhu Laosan, will be the first to deal with you. "

  People started discussing excitedly, bursts of laughter came from time to time, everyone was as happy as the New Year.

From the excitement on the faces of the people in Jingnan, it can be seen that Zhu Ping'an has a high degree of credibility in the eyes of the people in Jingnan. Reward silver.

  Not long after the people waited, they saw many yamen servants coming out of the city gate. Liu Dachui commanded 30 yamen servants to come to the crowd and stand apart, forming a human cordon to maintain order.

Then, there were 20 heavily armed yamen servants, carrying a wooden box in groups of two. A total of ten wooden boxes were carried to the stage. The boxes were very heavy, and when they were placed on the stage, they made a heavy "bang" .

   "What's in the box?"

   "Could it be silver?!"

  When people saw ten big boxes, they couldn't help guessing excitedly.

   "Look, the magistrate is here."

   Someone shouted, shifting everyone's attention from the wooden box to the city gate.

Sure enough, following the sound, I saw Zhu Pingan wearing the official uniform of the county magistrate, leading the new county officials, clerks and others from the Jingnan County Yamen coming from the city gate, walking all the way to the stage, and facing the crowd gathered in front of the stage. The common people bowed their hands and saluted.

   "Fathers and folks, good morning, everyone."

  Zhu Ping'an bowed his hands to salute the common people. In order for everyone to hear, Zhu Ping'an amplified his voice.

  Because of the large number of people, Liu Dachui and more than 30 yamen servants who maintained order repeated loudly what Zhu Pingan said.

   This can be regarded as ancient wisdom, human trumpet.

"Half a month ago, more than three thousand Japanese pirates invaded Jingnan and besieged Jingnan County. It was you who were not afraid of sacrifices and defended the city with all their might. You are all heroes of Jingnan. Without you, There would be no Jingnan today. Before defending the city, I promise you: no matter the army or civilians, anyone who bravely defends the city will be rewarded with ten taels of silver, those who are wounded will be rewarded with an additional ten taels of silver, and those who died in battle will receive an additional compensation of fifty taels of silver. I am ashamed Due to the financial shortage of our Jingnan County Government, in the past half month, I have only cashed in less than 30%." Zhu Pingan first reviewed the feat of the army and civilians working together to defend the city half a month ago, praised the general public, and then felt ashamed. He made a long bow to everyone and expressed his shame for failing to honor the silver reward in time.

"Master Zhixian, I don't blame you. We have all heard that in order to reward us with silver, the magistrate not only gave us the grain in the county government's granary, but also emptied your own family. Come out and give us silver rewards"

"Master Zhixian, what you have done is good enough. If you hadn't seen through the tricks of the Japanese pirates, if you hadn't defended the city to the death, if you hadn't led us to defend the city, we would have become the ghosts of the Japanese pirates. "

  People were moved by Zhu Pingan and shouted emotionally.

After the people calmed down, Zhu Pingan continued to cup his fists to the north of the capital, and said in a loud voice, "Fortunately, the sage is wise, the emperor's kindness is great, and he loves the people like a son. He is in the capital and cares about the thousands of people in Jingnan. At the beginning of the year At that time, the Holy One issued a special reward, setting the head of the fake Japanese as 30 taels of silver, and the head of the real Japanese as 50 taels of silver. Today, the Holy One has doubled the silver reward for killing the Japanese in Jingnan. The fake Japanese head rewards 60 taels of silver, and the real Japanese head rewards 100 taels of silver. This time in Jingnan, I won a total of 824 Japanese pirate heads, including 363 real Japanese heads and 363 fake Japanese heads. The first level is four hundred and sixty-one. This time, with the reward of the Holy Spirit, the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of Officials jointly distributed 63,960 taels of silver to me in Jingnan, which was fully paid yesterday Send it to my office."

"How many?!"

   "Sixty-three thousand nine hundred and sixty taels of silver?! God, I have never seen so much silver in my life. This must be a mountain of gold and silver."

  After hearing this, the crowd was full of excited voices.

   "Open the box!"

  Zhu Ping'an turned around and said to the heavily armed government servant guarding in front of the wooden box.



  The yamen servant took out the key, opened the iron chain of the box, and opened the box facing the crowd. The white silver in the boxes suddenly appeared in front of everyone. The ten boxes are like ten small silver mountains. In addition, today's sunshine is very powerful, and the silver reflects the light of the Tao, floating light and gold, connecting into one piece, Like a sea of ​​silver, it almost blinds everyone's eyes.


   "My God! My eyes are going to be blinded!"

   "A lot of silver, I can't do it, I can't breathe, I haven't seen so much silver in my life."

   "Oh my god, from now on, I will blow it up! It's almost 70,000 taels of silver! Who has seen it?! I have seen it!"

  The ten boxes of silver immediately pushed the scene to its peak. People were so excited that they couldn't control themselves.

  (end of this chapter)

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