Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1216: Help sister share worries, good sister

  Chapter 1216 Help my sister share her worries, my good sister

   Cluck! My dear Fifth Sister, the bumpkin brother-in-law was relegated to a remote small county where the birds don’t **** to be a seventh-rank sesame official, and you have also been demoted from a fifth-rank pleasant man to a seventh-rank safe man. what.

  Watching Li Shu deflated, Miss Six was as sweet as drinking honey, and the conversation around this topic was even more cheerful.

  Even if others leave the topic, Miss Six will talk back without any trace.

   This morning's greetings, Miss Six is ​​satisfied.

  Fighted against Fifth Sister countless times and lost every time, this time she finally succeeded in defeating Fifth Sister.

  Miss Six feels that she performed very well today, crushing that annoying Fifth Sister in every way, and finally she can stand proudly on her hips! Not to mention how excited she was, her little face was flushed with excitement.

   "Old lady, old lady."

   Just as the hostess of the room was chatting about family matters, there was a burst of anxious complaints from outside.

  Then, I saw a little girl trotting in from the outside, with a panicked expression on her face, as if her **** was on fire, and she was out of breath because she was running so fast.

"Little hooves with no eyesight, snoring, are there any rules? Have you forgotten all the rules I taught you?!" The eldest girl Yingge saw that the little girl came in without telling her, and interrupted the chatting of the hostess in the room. , couldn't help but stepped forward to preach.

   "I'm sorry, sister Yingge, I have something important to report to the old lady, so I didn't care about the rules."

  The little girl explained.

   "What's the matter with you little hoof, you don't even care about the rules, why don't you hurry up and admit your mistakes to the masters."

  The big girl Yingge taught her a lesson.

   "I'm sorry, old lady, I'm sorry, masters, you are all servant girls without a clue." Seeing this, the little girl had no choice but to kneel down and admit her mistake.

   "Okay, what do you have to tell your ancestors?" Mrs. Linhuaihou waved her hand and asked.

   "Just now the steward of the front door hastily sent a message to the second door, saying that someone from the palace has come, and the imperial decree is to be read out, please go out to receive the imperial decree quickly. The servants dare not delay, so they have ignored the rules."

  The little girl reported.

   "What?! Someone from the palace announced the decree, alas, why didn't you say something about such an important matter earlier."

  When the hostesses in the room heard the imperial decree read by someone from the palace, they couldn't help panicking.

  You poor little hoof, why didn't you say such an important matter earlier, and you almost missed the important matter. The big girl Yingge was so scared that she couldn't help but gouged the little girl's eyes.

  The little girl's eyes were red with grievance.

  The old lady and the others didn't care too much about being in order, and after a while of panic, they hurriedly walked to the front yard.

   "I don't know what the imperial decree is? Could it be that the palace held a Fangfei banquet and issued an imperial decree to invite the ancestors to the banquet?"

  Miss Six guessed on the way to receive the order.

   "The palace will not issue an imperial decree because of this kind of thing. It's just a word of mouth or a post from the empress in the palace." Mrs. Linhuaihou is very experienced in this, shook her head, and denied Miss Six's conjecture.

   "What kind of imperial decree is that? Is it Daddy's promotion?" Miss Six's eyes sparkled with hope.


   Madam Linhuai Hou and others also felt that this possibility was the greatest.

  For the Marquis of Linhuai Mansion, only Marquis Linhuai is eligible to be issued an imperial decree by the Holy Majesty.

  In addition to Linhuaihou, the mansion of Linhuaihou is Fatty Zhou, and the rest are either women or children. They knew in their hearts what Fatty Zhou was like, the Marquis of Linhuai had spent a lot of effort in the last exam, and he couldn't do it at all, the Holy Majesty would not have issued an imperial edict to him. The Holy Majesty will not issue imperial edicts to their wives and children, so it can only be the Marquis of Linhuai.

   "In the past, there were other possibilities, but now who else is there besides Daddy?!" Miss Six said while deliberately glanced at Li Shu who was walking behind.

  When the country bumpkin brother-in-law was there before, it might have been the imperial decree of the country bumpkin brother-in-law.


  Think about it and get angry, and relieved! The country bumpkin brother-in-law has been in the mansion for more than half a year, and how many times he has received the imperial decree, which is more than the sum of the decades of his father. During that time, the annoying fifth sister walked proudly with her chin and poked people! It's all right now, brother-in-law bumpkin has been relegated to a small, remote county where nothing **** like shit, let's see how you are still **** off!

  The more she thinks about it, the better her mood is. Miss Six feels windy when she walks, and leaves Li Shu, who is taking small steps, several steps behind.

   A group of people rushed to the front yard in a hurry. Fortunately, they were experienced in managing the front yard. The cases, incense stand, etc. were all arranged, which relieved the old lady and the others a lot. They only needed to kneel down to receive the order.

Seeing the three little father-in-laws who came to announce the decree, the leading one respectfully held the three-color imperial decree with black rhinoceros horn, Miss Six and the others' eyes lit up, and they were sure of what they were thinking, because this was an decree for ministers above rank five Only used bearings and colors.

   "The wives are all here, and the miscellaneous family will announce the decree." The leading little father-in-law smiled slightly.

   "Eunuch, please declare the decree." The old lady knelt down with a group of mistresses, ready to receive the imperial decree.

   "Zhu Lishi, accept the decree." The little **** who was the leader opened his hands and eared the decree while speaking.

What? ! Zhu Lishi? !

   Li Shu is the only one who is called that in the mansion. When Miss Six and the others heard the person receiving the order, they were stunned for a moment, and couldn't believe their ears, especially Miss Six, as if a thunderbolt exploded in their ears.

  Why is the fifth sister who hates people taking the order? ! Got it wrong, this is the three-color decree of the black rhinoceros horn axis, the qualifications are only for the fifth-rank official, the bumpkin brother-in-law was demoted to the seventh-rank sesame official a month ago, and the nasty spirit was also demoted to the seventh-rank safe person , how is she qualified to use the black rhino horn to ax the three-color imperial decree!

  Then, Miss Six was in disbelief when she heard the voice of the little father-in-law reading the imperial decree:

  According to the heaven, the emperor said: "The country favors the ministers, but it must be with the family, so it is the foundation of human relations." The Zhejiang Prosecutor's Commissioner Siqian, who went to Jingnan County Magistrate Zhu Ping'an, has made great contributions to the community. Li's family in the room is talented and generous. He is diligent and helpful. He is worthy of the ancients. He is hereby named a pleasant person. Take this long grace and don't forget to be a warning. .

  The bumpkin brother-in-law seems to have been promoted again? ! No, it was really a promotion! According to Mr. Xuanzhi, the current official position of the bumpkin brother-in-law is the fifth grade, which is one level higher than before he was demoted.

  Having become a fifth-rank pleasant lady again? !

  Miss Six knelt on the ground, and the thunder in her ears never stopped.

"Oh, good sister, my sister received the imperial decree just like last time, and I was worried that there was no box to put the imperial decree in. Last time, my good sister's red sandalwood dressing dowry helped my sister a lot. I heard that my good sister replaced it with a red sandalwood Wooden dressing dowry, using red sandalwood to hold imperial edicts, must be excellent, I wonder if my good sister is willing to help my sister solve her problems?"

   After Li Shu received the imperial edict and sent off the father-in-law who made the edict, she approached Miss Six and asked delicately.

  What can I say, I can only say that my sister likes it, and Miss Six's handkerchief is about to crumble!

  (end of this chapter)

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