Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1158: Eliminate hidden dangers

  Chapter 1158 Eliminate hidden dangers

After the Taiping County Yamen was occupied by the Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro, it became the base camp of the Japanese pirates in Taiping County. Except for being messed up by Japanese pirates, it is basically well preserved.

  After Zhu Pingan entered the Taiping County Government Office, he took people to clean the inside and outside of the County Government Office, and used it as a temporary camp for the surviving people.

After more than an hour of inspection, each team found six Japanese pirates who slipped through the net. These six Japanese pirates were wounded, dying, and unable to move. According to the previous order of Ping An, their heads were pickled with lime and their bodies were burned.

  After more than an hour of search and rescue, the inspection teams also rescued many surviving civilians, a total of 1,091 people.

  This is a heart-wrenching number, because before the Japanese pirates broke the city, the county had a permanent population of 20,000.

   Now there are only less than 1,100 people left! One out of ten!

  After witnessing the Taiping tragedy with their own eyes, all the young and strong admired Zhu Ping'an even more. If the county magistrate hadn't kept Japanese pirates out of Jingnan County, otherwise, the people in Jingnan County would be as rare as the people in Taiping County.

Settle the surviving people, clean up the county, and set up defenses. Because the Japanese pirates killed too many people in Taiping County, almost full of corpses, Zhu Pingan made the prevention of the plague a top priority, commanding everyone to bury the murdered people, clean up the sanitation of the streets in the county, Put an end to the breeding environment of plague; protect drinking water sources, strictly prohibit drinking raw water, and drink it only after boiling to prevent diseases from entering the mouth; order to boil herbs such as Artemisia annua and wormwood in hot water to prevent plague, and order everyone to bathe in boiled water , Do a good job in personal hygiene.

  Zhu Ping'an is like a spinning top, never free for a moment.

   It was not until the sun was setting in the west that Zhu Pingan finally had time to have lunch on the city wall.

Zhu Pingan completed the defense of the city wall and returned to the county government office. Liu Dadao came over to Zhu Pingan with a county seal and told Zhu Pingan, "Young master, when cleaning the county government office, Er Gouzi found the county government seal in the hut, and it has been washed now." It's clean."

   After Liu Dadao reported, he showed Zhu Ping'an the county government seal.

  The Taiping county seal is made of copper, which has oxidized over the years.

   "Well, it really is the seal of Taiping County. Er Gouzi has made great achievements in retrieving the seal of Taiping County, and he will reward you with ten taels of silver."

  Zhu Pingan took a closer look and confirmed that it was the Taiping Immortal Seal. He nodded involuntarily, with a curved mouth.

   With this Taiping County seal, the hidden danger of the last intention of grabbing credit is also eliminated.

   Not only has the authoritative symbol of Taiping County Seal been retrieved, but also the procedures for Zhu Pingan's aid to Taiping have been completed.

  The law of the Ming Dynasty stipulates: "It is forbidden for local officials to leave the jurisdiction at will." During the Jiajing period, that is, ten years ago, the Metropolitan Procuratorate issued a special administrative document: "Officials such as militiamen and military personnel everywhere have local responsibilities. Participate in impeachment according to the official".

  As the magistrate of Jingnan County, Zhu Ping'an, as the parent official of Jingnan County, bears local responsibilities and is not allowed to leave Jingnan at will. If he left Jingnan at will, Zhu Ping'an would be breaking the law and would be impeached.

   Give a chestnut.

  In the Song Dynasty, there was an official named Chen Houshan. He was a local official in Xuzhou, and he was also a poet. He is an avid fan of Su Dongpo, a great writer, and he can be said to be a crazy fan of stars in ancient times. One day, Su Dongpo was relegated to Hangzhou as an official. After Chen Houshan, who was an official in Xuzhou, heard about it, he left Xuzhou and went to Nanjing, Jiangsu to wait for Su Dongpo, just to meet his idol Su Dongpo. In the end, he got his wish and met Su Dongpo. However, extreme joy gave birth to sorrow. After Chen Houshan's colleagues heard about it, they reported Chen Houshan to their superiors. In the end, Chen Houshan was dismissed from office.

  Zhu Pingan left the jurisdiction of Jingnan County to aid Taiping County, there is a hidden danger of leaving the jurisdiction without authorization.

  However, the law does not prohibit leaving the jurisdiction. In some special circumstances, it is possible to leave the jurisdiction. For example, when chasing Jiangyang bandits, the magistrate can temporarily leave the jurisdiction if he is chasing and arresting Jiangyang bandits.

  According to the principle of the Ming Dynasty's law of "heaviness is light, and lightness is heavy", Japanese pirates are much more harmful than Jiangyang bandits. If you can temporarily leave the jurisdiction to chase and arrest Jiangyang bandits, then naturally you can leave the jurisdiction to chase and arrest Japanese pirates.

   This group of Japanese pirates invaded our Jingnan jurisdiction, was repelled by me and fled to Taiping County to commit crimes.

  Therefore, I, Zhu Ping'an, have jurisdiction, so I led the crowd to Taiping County to fight Japanese!

  However, if someone with a heart sticks to the law and sticks to the wording, and does not explain it according to the principle of "lifting the weight to clarify the light, lifting the light to clarify the heavy", there are certain hidden dangers. Chasing Jiangyang bandits can temporarily leave the jurisdiction, but Japanese pirates are not Jiangyang bandits, so they are not allowed to leave the jurisdiction without authorization.

   Now, with this Taiping county seal, Zhu Ping'an can also eliminate this trace of hidden danger.

  Zhu Ping’an laid out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone in the hall of the county yamen, held a brush in his left hand, and in the name and tone of the magistrate of Taiping, wrote a letter of help to the magistrate of Jingnan County, that is, himself, asking for troops to rescue Taiping County.

  After finishing writing, Zhu Pingan dried the ink, used a cloth pad to pick up the Taiping County seal, dipped it in the inkpad, and stamped the Taiping County seal on the letter of appeal.

The reason why Zhu Pingan put the Taiping county seal on a cloth was because the county seal was fished out from the latrine. Although it had been cleaned several times, there was still a faint smell of urine. Ping An had to use a cloth to cover it.

  After the ink pad dried, Zhu Pingan put the request for help close to his body.

  With such a letter from Wang Zhi County asking for troops to be sent for rescue, it is justifiable for me to rush to help Taiping County.

  No one can impeach themselves.

   This great achievement in recovering Taiping County fell into his pocket without any future troubles.

   "Big gun, make the porridge thicker for dinner, and steam the rice more, so that everyone can have a full meal."

   "Big knife, big hammer, you work hard, do a good job of patrolling at night, if you encounter Xiaoxiao taking advantage of the chaos and committing crimes, you will be severely punished."

"Fathers and folks, the Japanese pirates have been driven away, so you can rest assured. Big axe, it's autumn, and it's cold at night. You bring people to collect more quilts, and try to get three or five people to share a quilt. "

  After Zhu Ping'an personally collected the request for help, he left the county office to direct and arrange the resettlement of the people.

  Busy until the moon was bright and the sky was full of stars, Zhu Pingan sat down among the common people and took a nap.

  (end of this chapter)

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