Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1157: save lives

  Chapter 1157 Saving People

  The city was full of devastation and tragedy, and the souls of innocent people were weeping on the streets of Taiping.

  Looking at Taiping County, which was ravaged by Japanese pirates, Zhu Pingan stood on the street and sighed for a long time, feeling bad and uncomfortable, unable to calm down for a long time.

  The dead are gone, but the living are like this; the past cannot be admonished, but the coming can still be pursued! There must be surviving people in Taiping County, who are in urgent need of rescue. Thinking of this, Zhu Pingan regained his spirits.

"Brothers, every group of 20 people patrols the streets and alleys of the county. First, check that there are no Japanese pirates who slipped through the net. If you find any Japanese pirates who slip through the net, you don't need to ask for instructions. They will be killed without mercy. Second, search and rescue the surviving people. Big guns, here you are. Allocate fifty people, and you will arrange it yourself to pull the food and grass we carry to the site in front of the Yamen in Taiping County, where they will cook porridge for the food of the surviving people in Taiping County."

  Zhu Ping'an turned around and arranged to deploy a group of 20 young and strong people to patrol the streets and alleys, and arranged for Liu Daqiang to serve porridge in the county government.

  According to Zhu Ping'an's order, all young and strong people formed a team of 20 people and dispersed to inspect the streets and alleys.

  Liu Daqiang selected fifty young men with cooking experience, and took fifty carts of food and grass to the county government.

  Zhu Pingan took Liu Dadao and other fifty people to the Taiping County Yamen, where he took command of the Taiping County Yamen.

   "Help, help"

  On the way to the Taiping County Government, Zhu Pingan heard a burst of women and children crying for help. The voice was very indistinct, as if their mouths were blocked.

  The cry for help came from a tall mansion with tall and magnificent walls.

   It is conceivable that before the fall of Taiping County, this tall mansion should have been very beautiful.

  However, at this moment its scenery is no longer there. There are many traces of hacking on the vermilion gate. There are five or six corpses lying across the gate. The steps are stained with blood.

Zhu Pingan led someone to break open the courtyard door and walked in. The courtyard was in a mess. The first thing that caught his eyes were five corpses lying in the courtyard, including an old woman in disheveled clothes. Japanese pirates invaded and killed them.

   "The crime deserves a thousand swords against Japanese pirates, what a beast, even such an old lady!"

  Seeing the old woman who was raped to death by the Japanese pirates, all the young and strong couldn't help gnashing their teeth and scolding the Japanese pirates.


  Zhu Pingan sighed, took off his official robe, and covered it on the disheveled old woman.

   "Rest in peace, old man, I, Zhu Ping'an, swear that one day I will avenge you."

  Zhu Ping'an stood up and bowed.

  Behind the five lying corpses were a group of tied women, about a hundred of them. Their hands and feet were tied, and their mouths were stuffed with rags, so their cries for help were not so clear. They are all young women in their teens to their thirties, and they all have a bit of good looks.

   "Whoa, whoa, help, help"

  Seeing Zhu Ping'an and the others come in, the bound women became even more excited, burst into tears, and cried for help.

   "Hurry up and save people."

  Zhu Ping'an said to Liu Dadao and others, ordering everyone to rescue the bound women.

   Liu Dadao and other young men stepped forward one after another, took off the cloth **** in their mouths, and helped them untie the ropes.

   "Woooo. Thank you, thank you benefactor. I don't know the name of benefactor. The servants want to repay benefactor." After the women were rescued by everyone and regained their freedom, they all wept with joy and knelt down to thank Zhu Pingan and others.

"That's Mr. Zhu, the county magistrate of our Jing'an County. Mr. Zhu led all of us to rescue your Taiping County and drove away the Japanese pirates. Just now we killed dozens of Japanese pirates on the city wall. It can be regarded as a help. You have avenged a little revenge." All the young and strong said in one voice.

"Thank you, Master Zhu. Thank you, Master Zhu, for saving our sisters from the sea of ​​suffering. You are our reborn parents. Our sisters will be married, and we must repay Master Zhu for his grace of rebirth." The woman knelt in front of Zhu Ping'an. , Kowtow more than, thank you more than Zhu Pingan.

  After being captured by Japanese pirates these days, they lived in a nightmare hell, ravaged and devastated, it was horrible, and it was unbearable to look back. During the day, they were forced to weave, wash, and mend clothes by Japanese pirates, and it was even worse at night. They had to be invaded and ravaged by Japanese pirates. In the past few days, more than ten sisters have been brutally killed by Japanese pirates.

  Early this morning, they were **** by a team of Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates threatened to drive them to Taizhou Mansion at noon to join the other two gangs of Japanese pirates. At that time, they would be the best food for the banquet.

  They are desperate, thinking that their lives will be a nightmare, tortured, until a humiliating death.

   Never dreamed that God sent the magistrate of Jingnan County to rescue them from hell. Thinking about it now, the reason why the Japanese pirates guarding them came out in a hurry was because Master Zhu called and drove the Japanese pirates away.

   "Please get up, please get up quickly. Zhu is incompetent and failed to rescue you as soon as possible. I don't deserve your thanks."

  Zhu Ping'an hurriedly helped everyone up, feeling very guilty for failing to rescue them from the sea of ​​suffering early.

   "You are the county magistrate of Jingnan, regardless of the danger, you came to our Taiping County from a long distance to rescue us."

   "The magistrate, the Liu family of the slave family, thank the magistrate for saving the slave family, thank the magistrate for protecting the last trace of dignity of the grandmother, the slave family kowtowed to the magistrate on behalf of my Liu family."

  A young woman in her twenties in the crowd couldn't afford to pull her back, so she knelt down and kowtowed to Zhu Ping'an to thank her.

  Behind her, there were two girls who looked like maids, kneeling behind her.

  After inquiring, Zhu Ping'an learned that this young woman, Xiao Liu, was the eldest lady of this high family compound, and now she is also the only survivor of the Liu family. On the day when the Japanese invaded Taiping County, it happened that Xiaoliu's family came to visit her natal family, and a small group of Japanese pirates robbed the Liuzhai. Because of Liuzhai's resistance, the small group of pirates attracted a large group of Japanese pirates, and killed everyone in the Liuzhai. The Japanese pirates spared her life because of her beautiful appearance.

   The two maids behind her are the surviving maids of Liu Zhai.

  After appeasing Xiao Liu, Zhu Pingan left five people to help Xiao Liu and the others clean up the willow house and bury Liu's family. Zhu Ping took the rest of the rescued women to the Taiping County Government Office. Liu Daqiang was preparing porridge there, and asked them to fill their stomachs first, and then sent someone to **** them home.

   All the way to the Taiping County Yamen, Zhu Pingan and his team saved more than a hundred people. Thinking about it, the other teams should have rescued a lot of people. Thinking of so many people being rescued, Zhu Ping'an's mood improved a lot.

"Young master, the Japanese pirates piled up a lot of firewood outside the county office, and poured a lot of oil into the ditch, pouring down two streets along the way. These **** bastards, they are trying to set fire to Taiping County. If we didn't advance The Japanese pirates were driven away, and the Japanese pirates fled in a hurry, fearing that we would find out that they had set fire to them and ran away. Taiping County is now in a sea of ​​flames. I asked people to take away the firewood and buried the oil with soil."

  As soon as Zhu Pingan led the crowd to the Taiping County Yamen, Liu Daqiang reported to Zhu Pingan with a look of fear.

   "Big gun, well done."

  After hearing Liu Daqiang's words, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help feeling terrified. Fortunately, he brought people here, otherwise Taiping County would be burned by Japanese pirates, and the surviving people in the county would be buried in the sea of ​​flames.

  That's unbelievable!

  (end of this chapter)

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