Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1141: how about grabbing a battle

  Chapter 1141 How about grabbing a battle exploit

  Dawn is coming, the sun is still below the horizon, the sky is dark, and many stars are still twinkling. Zhu Ping'an got up early, no, he got up from a chair. After he stayed up late last night and finished writing a few official documents, it was already Yin time, but he just lay on the table and squinted for less than an hour.

  Because of the serious lack of sleep, Zhu Ping'an got up feeling a little sluggish. In order to refresh himself, Zhu Ping'an fetched a bucket of well water from the outside, and took a simple cold bath in the clean room while washing.

  The well water is cooled, and a ladle is poured from the top, and the spirit is immediately refreshed and refreshed.


   As soon as the ladle fell into the soul, Zhu Pingan couldn't help shouting, and poured ladle after ladle of cold water on his body.

  After taking a cold bath, Zhu Ping'an suddenly became refreshed, and his whole body seemed to be revived with full blood.

  Post-war reconstruction, everything is complicated, and everything needs to be accelerated.

Zhu Pingan got dressed, took the official document that he had stayed up all night to write, and walked out of the three halls quickly, preparing to let Liu Mu bring ten yamen servants on fast horses to deliver the official document to the Taizhou government, and at the same time, he took Liu Dadao and others to continue to the countryside .


  Zhu Ping'an had only taken three steps, when he heard an exclamation, and then collided with the painting carrying the food box.

  Hua'er came from the inner house to deliver breakfast to Zhu Pingan. She knew that Zhu Ping'an used to get up early, so she got up to make breakfast before dawn, and delivered it to Zhu Pingan as soon as it was ready.

Hua'er wanted to surprise Zhu Ping'an, but she bumped into Zhu Ping'an who was going out before entering the third hall. It hit her backwards and fell over, but even so, Hua'er kept the food box firmly in her heart, and like a woodbuck, she hugged the food box tightly and protected it in her arms.

The expected scene of falling to the ground did not happen, but fell into a pair of arms. Hua'er opened her eyes suspiciously. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Zhu Ping'an. She couldn't help but blushed. own.

   "Hua'er, why are you here? Didn't I tell you yesterday that I've been busy recently, and I'll take care of three meals a day outside."

  Zhu Ping'an helped Hua'er up, saw the food box Hua'er was carrying, and couldn't help but whispered.

"Young master, the rice sold outside is not as delicious as it is made by yourself. They are not willing to put oil or salt. What's more, the ingredients they use don't know if they have been washed. They eat too much. Don't worry."

  Hua'er put the food box on the table in the house, snapped her fingers and replied balabala, what she said made sense.

  Ahem, you are willing to put salt, I have to drink at least two jugs of water a day after eating your meal.

  Zhu Pingan looked at the food box that Hua'er put on the table, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, forming a conditioned reflex.

   "Young master, hurry up and eat breakfast. Only after breakfast can you have strength for the day." Hua'er urged with anticipation.

All right!

  Can't discourage children's enthusiasm...

Under Hua'er's expectant eyes, Zhu Pingan opened the food box and moved his chopsticks. Well, it was a little surprising that the food Hua'er cooked today was much less salty than before. Although the taste still needs to be improved, it is much better than before. , in order to save time, Zhu Pingan cleared up all the food boxes.

  Young master eats so fast, it seems that the food I cook is delicious... The little maid of Baozi is a little fluttering, and her small face is full of pride. If she had a tail, her little tail would be pointed up by now.

   "Young master, report urgently."

  Zhu Pingan hurriedly finished his meal, took the official document, and was about to go out when he heard Liu Mu begging for an audience outside the hall.

   "Brother Mu, please come in." Zhu Pingan invited Liu Mu in.

"Young Master, there was an urgent report just now that the neighboring Taiping County was captured by Japanese pirates yesterday afternoon, the same group of Japanese pirates who fled from Jingnan. In addition, the counties of Ninghai and Xianju in the north were also plundered by another group of Japanese pirates." I don’t know if the county seat was breached or not. I heard from the fleeing people that Taizhou’s capital city was also besieged by Japanese pirates.”

   Liu Mu came in to report, one news was more shocking than the other.

  Taiping was captured by Japanese pirates? !

  Zhu Ping'an frowned. What does the magistrate of Taiping County do? The day before yesterday when Japanese pirates came ashore from Jingnan and besieged Jingnan County, Taiping County had already got the news, so it should be prepared in advance, right? ! That gang of Japanese pirates has already lost more than half of their troops in Jingnan! Feather arrows are gone! Why was it captured by Japanese pirates so quickly? ! Zhu Pingan really couldn't figure it out.

  In addition, Ninghai and Xianju were also besieged by Japanese pirates, and even Taizhou Fucheng was besieged by Japanese pirates? ! It seems that these gangs of Japanese pirates belonged to the same group, and they chose Taizhou Prefecture as the target of robbery! This group of pirates must have at least 10,000 people. There are more than 10,000 pirates. This is a force of pirates that cannot be ignored.

  Before, the Japanese pirate forces in Zhejiang were led by Chen Sipan, but they were annexed by Wang Zhige at the beginning of the year.

  So, what is the relationship between this group of pirates and Wang Zhi? Are they Japanese pirates under Wang Zhi?

   It shouldn't be.

   Logically speaking, according to historical records, after Wang Zhi annexed Chen Sipan, he became the largest Japanese pirate force in the sea. Wang Zhi's ambitions are also expanding day by day. During this period of time, on the one hand, Wang Zhi was busy annexing the forces of Japanese pirates at sea to expand his power; on the other hand, he was busy seeking "tributary". , so as not to destroy the overall situation of the "tribute". This period of time was regarded as the short honeymoon period between Wang Zhi's Japanese pirates and Daming, and Wang Zhi would not order his subordinate Japanese pirates to go ashore to plunder.

  However, Xu Hai and other subordinates under Wang Zhi did not agree with Wang Zhi's ideas and never obeyed Wang Zhi's management. Could it be that they did it secretly? ! It is possible, but not likely, more than 10,000 Japanese pirates plundered Taizhou too much, they dare not so blatantly violate Wang Zhi's will and destroy the overall situation of "tributary".

  Then, the greatest possibility is that this group of Japanese pirates is not from Zhejiang, but from Fujian and other places. Although Wang Zhi was the most powerful in the southeast, he did not dominate the Japanese pirates. Many Japanese pirates in Fujian and other places did not accept him.

  Zhu Ping'an's analysis of the source of the Japanese pirates was not because he was full and had nothing to do, but to analyze the situation.

If it is Japanese pirates from outside, then they cannot stay in Taizhou for a long time. On the one hand, the imperial court will send troops to suppress the bandits. On the other hand, they came from Fujian to invade Taizhou, Zhejiang. Zhejiang and other places regard it as their own sphere of influence, and will not allow Japanese pirates from Fujian to cross the border, and will definitely be expelled and attacked.

  Of course, even if the Japanese pirates under Wang Zhi’s disobedience, refused to obey Wang Zhi’s restraint, and sneaked ashore to plunder, they would not change their stay for a long time. If Wang Zhi found out, the consequences would not be something they could afford.

  So, no matter what the situation is, this group of Japanese pirates will never stay in Taizhou for a long time, and they must grab it and run away.

  If this is the case, then Jingnan can rebuild with peace of mind. In addition, can he also grab some military exploits? As long as he plans properly, the success rate is very high. This kind of opportunity is rare for a civil servant.

  Zhu Ping'an reached out and touched his chin, lost in thought.

  (end of this chapter)

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