Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1140: oops, sorry

  Chapter 1140 Oh, sorry

  Taiping has fallen.

  The Japanese pirates rushed into the city like wolves and tigers. The Taiping defenders without city walls were like a flock of sheep.

Even the Xiahou county magistrate at the north gate was unable to turn the tide of the battle. He was attacked by Japanese pirates from inside and outside, and died in a fierce battle. , Mistaken tens of thousands of common people for Taiping! Misunderstood tens of thousands of common people for Taiping!"

  After occupying Taiping County, the Japanese pirates burned, killed and looted unscrupulously, doing all kinds of evil, from day to night.

  It was late at night, and the burning, killing and looting of Japanese pirates continued. Screams, cries, and screams echoed everywhere in Taiping County.

Under the moonlight, the streets of Taiping County were drenched in blood, and together they formed a blood-red stream. There were mutilated corpses lying, jumping, and piled up everywhere on the streets. Some streets even There is no place to set foot...

   "Hahahaha... boy, you see, it's a boy, I guessed it right, you all bring money."

A five-short Japanese pirate with ugly hair and strange shapes held up a Japanese sword in one hand, a **** baby was strung on it, and stretched out his hand to make silver shapes. They are willing to gamble and lose money.

  Below his feet, lay a woman whose chest had been slit open, her clothes were disheveled, and her eyes had long since lost their luster.


  Hell is nothing more than the same, the bright moon in the sky seems to be unable to bear to look directly at the tragedy of the world, and hides behind the dark clouds...

  Another Daming County was trampled under his feet!

Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates, sat contentedly in the lobby of the Taiping County Yamen, with his feet resting on the desk, carefully wiping a Japanese sword. The plaque of "Fair and Bright" hanging above his head and the screen of "Pleading for the people" behind his head seemed to be Very ironic.

Wang Zhixian was bound by shackles and held down by two Japanese pirates. He was trembling with fear, and protested weakly, "My lord, how can you not keep your integrity? Why did you take the opportunity to attack the city after accepting the gift and retreating?" ?”

"No, no, huh, huh, what Wang Zhixian said is wrong, how can the governor be honest and trustworthy. This time, the governor is not attacking the city, but the ancestral sword of the governor, which fell in your city , come here to get the knife."

  Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates, squinted his eyes and replied with a smile.

   "Take the knife?" Wang Zhixian was stunned, and said with an aggrieved face, "When did the king's ancestral treasure knife fall into our Taiping County?"

"Hehe, the magistrate of Wang County really forgets things. When you asked for peace, the governor gave you two gifts (an ancestral Japanese sword and ten shells) for you to choose one of. You chose shells. But He also didn't return the ancestral sword of the governor to the governor. How dare you lose what belongs to the ancestors, otherwise, in the future, under the nine springs, what will the governor look like to meet the ancestors. Therefore, I came here to pick up the sword."

  The pirate Heihachiro squinted his eyes and said leisurely.

  Wang Zhixian’s chest was heaving when he heard the words. The pirate leader opened his eyes and told nonsense. At the time, the housekeeper told me that the pirate leader pulled out a Japanese sword from someone else’s waist. He even said it was an ancestral Japanese sword!

   "Ahem, Your Majesty, now that the ancestral sword has been obtained, can we fulfill our previous peace agreement and withdraw from Taiping County?" Wang Zhixian looked expectantly at Heibachiro, the leader of the pirates.

   "Well, of course." The pirate leader Heihachiro nodded.

Hearing the words, Wang Zhixian let out an unbelievable ah, with an overjoyed expression on his face. In fact, he had no hope at all. He just thought that if the leader of the pirates refused, he would take the next best thing and let the leader of the pirates let his life go. Unexpectedly, the leader of the Japanese pirates agreed to withdraw from Taiping County. What a blessing!

  In this case, he can say that he turned the tide, helped the building to collapse, and led the crowd to drive the Japanese pirates out of Taiping County at the last moment. Well, didn't Xiahou County Prime Minister die in battle, then put all the blame on him, and say that he begged for peace from the Japanese pirates behind his back. Hehe, the memorials are all written by living people. Anyway, there is no proof of the death of Xiahou County Prime Minister, right and wrong, black and white, and I have the final say.

  While Wangzhi County was in ecstasy, Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates who heard it, said leisurely again, "Well, of course, but I'm not sure if this sword is an ancestral treasure sword. I need to verify it."

   "Of course, of course, I don't know how the king needs to verify it?" Wang Zhixian nodded like a little chicken, Wang Zhixian is very confident that this Japanese knife was brought back by the housekeeper Liu Qi, and there is no way it can be wrong.

   "My ancestral treasure knife will break when I blow my hair, um, I need to borrow the hair on Wang Zhixian's neck."

  Heihachiro, the leader of the pirates, squinted his eyes at Wang Zhixian, and said kindly.

   "Borrowing hair?"

Wang Zhixian was stunned for a moment, and if he borrowed hair, it’s okay. Although it is said that the body, hair, skin and skin are the parents, but now it’s a knife and I’m a fish. Japanese pirates broke through the county and humiliated me by cutting my hair. The so-called big things don't stick to small details, this hair, I borrowed it!

   "What's the matter? Wang Zhixian is not willing to borrow a mere strand of hair?" The voice of the leader of the pirates, Heihachiro, fell.

"Borrow! Of course I borrow! Hehe, Your Majesty saw my hair, it's my blessing, Your Majesty, just use it." Seeing the change of face of the pirate leader, Wang Zhixian hurriedly replied, with a flattering expression on his face. The image speaks for itself.

   "Hehe, you all have a saying in Ming Dynasty: He who understands current affairs is a hero. Wangzhi County is worthy of a generation of heroes."

  Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates, took his feet off the table, lifted the Japanese sword, and walked slowly to Wang Zhixian, and said with a smile.

"Ha ha."

  Wang Zhixian smiled awkwardly, not daring to show anything on his face, but in his heart he despised the pirate leader. He is really a savage. !

   "Hehe, Wang Zhixian, let me borrow your hair bun to test the knife."

  Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates, came to Wang Zhixian, reached out to lift Wang Zhixian's bun, and smiled slightly.

   "Hehe, please, Your Majesty."

  Wang Zhixian forced a smile, and his body trembled.

   "Hehe, don't be afraid, Ben Du's sword skills are notoriously good."

  Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates smiled slightly, slowly raised the Japanese sword, made a starting gesture, and then swung it down horizontally!


   A white light flashed.

   A cavity of blood spurted onto the roof of the county government lobby.

   A big head rolled to the ground!

  Wang Zhixian's head rolled to the ground, with an unbelievable expression on his face, his eyes were wide open, as if he was asking Heihachiro, didn't he borrow his hair, why did he borrow his head? !

   "Oh, I'm sorry, Ben Du's hands are shaking."

  Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates, smiled apologetically and said to Wang Zhixian's head, without any sincerity.

  At this time, Zhu Ping'an was writing official documents at the office of Jingnan County, sixty miles away from Taiping County.

  (end of this chapter)

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