Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1136: to sum

  Chapter 1136 Summation

  The morale of Taiping County was hit by the Japanese pirates, and everyone on the city wall was full of fear of the Japanese pirates.

  The Japanese pirates are too strong. Not only are bows and arrows ineffective against them, but they also catch arrows empty-handed for you. How can we resist? !

   Everyone's mentality has collapsed.

  The city walls are full of negativity and fear, and there is a feeling of black clouds overwhelming the city.

   I don’t know, if they knew that the Japanese pirates they faced were not the strongest, but the Japanese pirates who were maimed by Jingnan, how would they feel? How would they feel if Taiping was in Jingnan's original position? !

   "No! If this continues, the city will not be able to defend itself!"

  Xiahou county magistrate noticed the low morale and fearful atmosphere on the city wall, and couldn't help frowning.

"It's shameful for a man of seven feet to be ridiculed by a six-foot short Japanese rider. It's embarrassing to the ancestors. All of you present, who are worthy, stand up and go down with me to fight for a while ! Kill the prestige of the little dwarf!! Let the little dwarf Japanese pirates know how powerful we are Taiping!!!”

  Xiahou County Prime Minister tore off his official uniform, bare chested, and shouted loudly to the crowd. The eight-pack abs and the tendons all over the body glistened in the sun. It looked like a regular martial arts practitioner.

   "I'll go with you!"

  A monk with a ring scar burned on his forehead came out of the crowd, holding a Zen stick in his hand.

   "There is also Xiaosheng."

  A scholar came out from the crowd, with a long sword pinned to his waist.

   "Add me, I am a dart master, and I have practiced a lot of kung fu on weekdays, so I promise not to embarrass you."

  A man dressed as an **** came out, with a bamboo hat on his head, an iron chain around his waist, and a big round knife in his hand.

   Soon, the Prime Minister of Xiahou County fell behind, and a total of more than 30 people came out of the crowd.

   "Okay, they are all good guys! Come on, follow me down and fight for a while. Scholar, forget it, you are still"

  Xiahou County Cheng didn't expect that there were more than 30 people who dared to go down to fight with him at this time, so he nodded in satisfaction, but when he walked to the scholar, Xiahou County Cheng hesitated and said. Xiahou county magistrate admires the scholar's courage, but he is not at ease about his strength. The purpose of going down to fight this time is to restore morale. He wants to fight a beautiful surprise battle. Those who go down to fight with themselves not only need courage, but strength is also very important However, if the strength is not strong enough to beat the Japanese pirates outside the city who are carrying their heads to show off their power, then it will be against the original intention.

   "Hehe, Master Xiahou, the reason why Xiaosheng lost the rank is because he spent all his time on this sword skill. Don't worry, my lord, Xiaosheng's kung fu on swords is much deeper than that on pen and ink."

  The scholar smiled slightly, and as he spoke, he raised his sword and drew a sword flower, showing off his impressive swordsmanship.

"it is good!"

  Xiahou County Prime Minister couldn't help applauding. Experts will know if there is one as soon as they make a move. From the scholar's sword flower, he can see the scholar's good swordsmanship.

"The purpose of going out of the city this time is to kill the twelve Japanese pirates running around with their heads in their hands outside the north gate, so as to boost the morale in the city. Once the blow is successful, retreat immediately, and don't give the Japanese pirates a chance to enter the city with their tails in their heads." Xiahou County Cheng said to everyone.


  Everyone nodded in understanding.

  Xiahou County Prime Minister gave the gatekeepers another word of command, telling them to take strict precautions against the Japanese pirates. It was really impossible. They would rather keep them all outside the city gate than give the Japanese pirates a chance to chase them into the city.

  Drinking and throwing bowls, Xiahou county magistrate ordered people to open the north gate of the city gate, carrying a long knife, led more than 30 death squads out of the city, and went straight to the Japanese pirates outside the city who were holding their heads to show off their power and demonstrate intimidation.

  These Japanese pirates who were running around carrying their heads were out of touch with the Japanese pirates behind them, and Xiahou County Prime Minister was looking at this opportunity.


   Xiahou County Prime Minister yelled, and rushed out of the city first, at an extremely fast speed, and killed the Japanese pirates like a bolt of lightning, with a knife in the head.

   "How courageous! You are looking for death!"

  The Japanese pirates did not expect that someone would dare to fight out of the city at this time. However, although it was unexpected, they were not afraid at all. There were still five meters away from the city gate to them, which was enough for him to react.

The Japanese pirates raised up the Japanese pirates to block Xiahou County Chancellor's fatal stab, but he did not expect that Xiahou County Chancellor's power was so great. The knife cut him back more than one meter. After three sword strikes, just like the waves of the sea, one wave is higher than the other wave, and one sword is heavier than the next sword. After the three sword strikes, the Japanese pirates' decline was revealed, revealing a fatal flaw. Xiahou County Prime Minister keenly grasped the flaw of the Japanese pirates, He kicked the Japanese pirate's waist, kicked the Japanese pirate to the ground, and then slashed his head with a knife!

After killing a Japanese pirate, Xiahou county magistrate took the time to glance at the others. Well, the others performed well. Although there were more people beaten than others, and five people were killed by the Japanese pirates, there were six Japanese pirates lying on the ground. There are only five Japanese pirates left.

   "Kill! Before the Japanese pirates react, we must fight quickly."

  Xiahou County Prime Minister shouted, and joined the battle with a long knife dripping with blood.

   "The county magistrate is mighty!"

   "Kill, bull beep!"

  People on the north gate wall saw the scene of Xiahou County Cheng and others killing the Japanese pirates, and they couldn't help shouting. The low morale gradually recovered and rose as Xiahou County Cheng and others killed the enemy bloody.

When the Xiahou county magistrate and others were fighting **** outside the north gate of Taiping, the magistrate of Wang Zhi at the south gate held his soldiers and searched Taiping county for 200 taels of gold, 3,000 taels of silver, a basket of jewelry, and a basket of gold. Calligraphy, painting and jewelry, and forcibly confiscated the silk and silk cloth from five cloth shops in the county, which was fully loaded into two large carts.

  Not only that, Wangzhi County also ordered the three best restaurants in the county to make ten tables of delicacies from mountains and seas at the fastest speed.

  Wang Zhixian took these gold and silver jewelry, silk cloth, and delicacies from mountains and seas as gifts to the Japanese pirates, and sent them to the city with ropes, and at the same time sent his confidant housekeeper to the city with ropes.

   "Don't kill me, don't kill me, if the two countries are at war, don't behead the envoy. I am here to meet your king by order of the county lord."

  After the butler was sent down the city wall, he knelt down on the ground immediately, shouting and begging for mercy from the Japanese pirates.

   Soon, the housekeeper and gifts were sent to Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates.

   "Tell me, the county magistrate sent you to see the governor, why?"

  The leader of the Japanese pirates, Heihachiro, faced a drop of gold, silver, jewellery, silk cloth, and delicacies from mountains and seas. He sat proudly on a big rock, looked down at the butler, and asked indifferently.

"The little one has seen the king, and the king is a thousand years old. The county lord asked the little one to say hello to the king. The county lord said that the king led an army to visit the small county. The small county is very honored and prosperous. The king has worked hard all the way. The county lord sent these gifts to the king to reward the army. The county lord said that the small county was dilapidated and poor, and he was afraid of poor hospitality, so he wanted to ask the king to move the army to other counties for food. For example, Jingnan, Ninghai, Jing Nan and Ninghai counties are just next door to the small county, and they are rich in resources and people, and the wealth is the highest in Taizhou, more than ten times richer than the small county, so they are worthy of feeding the king's army."

  When the butler saw Heihachiro, he grunted and paid respects, and said flatteringly to Heihachiro.

  (end of this chapter)

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