Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1135: Taiping timid

  Chapter 1135 Taiping is timid

What? ! How about abandoning the city and leaving? !

  Although the voice of the magistrate Wang was very low, to the ears of the Prime Minister of Xiahou County, it was like thunder roaring.

  Xiahou county magistrate heard the words, raised his head in disbelief, and stared blankly at Wangzhi county for a full three seconds.

"Ahem... Brother Xiahou, I mean that there are many Japanese pirates, and we are few and lonely. It is difficult to fight for the front. It is better to avoid the front for the time being, retreat strategically, and use retreat as the advance, so as to preserve the vitality of our peace. Now the Japanese pirates The soldiers surrounded the east, west, and north gates, and there were only sporadic Japanese pirates at the south gate. Before the Japanese pirates noticed, we concentrated our efforts and led the people in the city to retreat from the south gate. We will succeed in one fell swoop." Under his gaze, he coughed in embarrassment and defended himself.

"Xianzun, Xianzun, absolutely not. The Japanese pirates are a typical encirclement, three missing one, surrounded the three gates of the east, west, north, and deliberately let go of the south gate to attract us to flee from the south gate, and the Japanese pirates must be outside the south gate. The ambush is preset. You know, the Japanese pirates came from the south. If we escape through the south gate, it is like a sheep entering a wolf's mouth. It is well known that the county is rich in food and grass, and we can rely on the city wall to defend against the Japanese and keep the Japanese pirates out of the city." After listening to Wang Zhixian's explanation, Xiahou County Chancellor couldn't help but shook his head repeatedly, and urged loudly anxiously.

"Xiahou Xiandi's words are reasonable, but I didn't think carefully. Our Taiping City has a high wall and solid food and grass in the city. Relying on the city wall, it is the best choice to defend the outside of the city." Wang Zhixian listened to Xiahou County Prime Minister For persuasion, he glanced at the Japanese pirates outside the city, narrowed his eyes slightly, and nodded after thinking for two seconds.

   "The county respects wise men."

  Xiahou county magistrate heard the words, Fang heaved a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with cupped hands.

  The prime minister of Xiahou County is named Xiahouliang, who is a native of Taiping County. The Xiahou family is a local family. It is said that the ancestors are descendants of Xiahouyuan. Xiahou Liang looked up to the glory of his ancestors. While reading poetry and books, he also exercised his body and practiced martial arts. He was well-known in Taiping County for both civil and military skills. Under the recommended operation, he became the magistrate of Taiping County.

  Xia Houliang is a local and has a deep affection for the county seat. If Wangzhi County abandons the city and flees, the dragons will have no leader and no one will preside over the defense of Japanese pirates, and the people in Taiping County will suffer a great disaster.

  Hearing that Wang Zhixian gave up the idea of ​​abandoning the city and fleeing, and agreed to use the city wall as a defense against Japanese pirates, Xia Houliang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   "The Japanese pirates are at the moment, and life and death are at stake. An order is sent to summon the young and strong people in the county to defend the Japanese pirates on the city wall. Xiahou County Chancellor, the east and north gates will be guarded by you, and the west and south gates will be guarded by the official."

  Wangzhi County ordered the general recruitment of the people, and handed over the East Gate and North Gate to Xiahou County Cheng for defense, and defended the West Gate and South Gate by himself.

   "Follow the order, the subordinate officials will live up to the trust of the county, the city is alive and the people are alive!" Xiahou County Prime Minister swore.

   "Xiandi Xiahou is serious. Brother Xiahou is both civil and military. If the east gate and the north gate are entrusted to you, I can rest assured."

  Wang Zhixian patted Xiahou County Cheng on the shoulder, and smiled gently.

  Under the leadership of Wangzhi County and Xiahou County Cheng, Taiping County recruited people to guard the four gates to guard against Japanese pirates.


   "Kill! Kill!"

  The Japanese pirates outside the city shouted ferociously, raised the Japanese sword and other weapons in their hands, and approached Taiping County with a murderous look.

  Looking at the murderous Japanese pirates with ferocious faces, Wang Zhixian on the city wall couldn't help taking a half step back. The government servants, soldiers, and common people on the city wall had never experienced such a battle, and their faces turned pale with fright, and their calves were spinning.

  No guts!

  Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates, saw the performance of Wang Zhixian and the people on the city wall, twitched the corners of his lips in disdain, and repeated his old trick. With a wave of his hand, a hundred Japanese pirates under his command came out of the formation pressing more than a hundred civilians.

   "What are the pirates doing?!"

  Everyone on the city wall stared wide-eyed, whispering and talking, not knowing what the pirates wanted to do.

   But soon, in the next second, they knew what the pirates were going to do.

  The ferocious Japanese pirates pressed more than a hundred people to the front and back of the formation. Under the command of Heihachiro, they raised their knives and fell, blood spurting out of their mouths, and their heads rolled to the ground one by one. The Japanese pirates smiled ferociously, bent down to pick up the heads one by one, shook them against the city wall a few times, and then ran around Taiping County with the **** heads in their hands.

  Running with the head in hand! ! ! The savagery and cruelty of the Japanese pirates are fully demonstrated through this move.

  Although I haven’t seen Qin Chao’s tiger and wolf master who conquered the six kingdoms with a human head hanging from his waist, the behavior of Japanese pirates running around with their heads in their hands is horrifying to everyone on the city wall of Taiping County, and everyone is terrified! Wang Zhixian couldn't help but took another two steps back, his calves were so weak that he could hardly stand up.

   "Arrows! Arrows! Shoot these beasts!"

  Xiahou County Prime Minister saw the Japanese pirates running around carrying their heads to demonstrate, and noticed that the people in the city were frightened and their legs were weak.

  Xiahou County Prime Minister is well aware of the importance of morale, and cannot allow Japanese pirates to attack morale in the city!

However, most of the archers on the city wall are civilians under the jurisdiction of the military room, and they usually lack training. For bows and arrows, which consume a lot of tactical training, they usually lack training, especially when they are frightened by the behavior of Japanese pirates running around with their heads. , Archery, which was not very good at all, is even more severely discounted at this moment.

   "Whoosh whoosh!"

  The fluffy bows and arrows shot at the Japanese pirates one by one, the accuracy and strength were hard to compliment.

   "Hahaha, girls in the city, haven't eaten."

The Japanese pirates carrying their heads to demonstrate this time are elites who have experienced many battles. Facing the bows and arrows shot from the city, they easily avoided them. Basically, no Japanese pirates were injured. Not only that, but many Japanese pirates showed their bare hands Receiving the arrow, holding the human head in one hand and holding the arrow in the palm of the other hand.

   Not only that, the Japanese pirates used their methods and also applied them to them. The Japanese pirate who received the arrow empty-handed tied his head around his waist, took down the long bow from his back, put the received feather arrow on the bowstring, pulled the bow like a full moon, and the arrow flew towards the city wall like lightning.


  Several screams sounded on the city wall, and several people on the city wall fell down in response, and the Japanese pirates almost shot every arrow.

   Seeing the shocking performance of the Japanese pirates, everyone in Taiping County was stunned and terrified.

   Such a strong Japanese bandit, how can it resist!

  Seeing this, Wang Zhixian couldn't help but took another two steps back, and his back was stuck to the wall next to the city wall.

  (end of this chapter)

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