Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1040: Play to Xiyuan

  Chapter 1040 Arriving in Xiyuan

  After returning to the office room of King Yu's Mansion, Zhu Ping'an closed the door, stuffed the memorabilia crumpled up in his sleeves into the tea-making stove, and burned it.

   It is not that Zhu Pingan gave up pleading for Yang Jisheng, but for better pleading.

  Three Kingdoms Crouching Dragon Zhuge Kongming said: To be a general who does not understand astronomy, geography, strange gates, yin and yang, does not read the formation map, and does not understand the military situation is mediocrity.

   The same is true for intercession, which is a technical job.

  A pleader who does not understand astronomy, geography, current situation, current affairs, current affairs, and situation is mediocre.

  Solar eclipse!

   Such a rare astronomical vision, if you don’t make use of one or two in the petition, you will be mediocre, wasting this rare and god-sent opportunity in vain.

  Zhu Pingan is not a genius, let alone a mediocrity, and he would not waste the golden opportunity of a solar eclipse, so he burned the intercession memorial that he wrote last night, and took this opportunity of the solar eclipse to write a new intercession memorial.

   This solar eclipse!

   Well done, well done, so timely! With today's solar eclipse, my confidence is even greater.

  Zhu Ping'an quickly laid out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and began to write the memorabilia for the second time.

  How to use solar eclipse?

  Routine ambulance? !

Do not!

  Zhu Ping'an will not be like the memorials of those officials who lined up in front of the Siyamen today.

Although the routine ambulance is a good angle, it can be exploited by the solar eclipse. It is said that the solar eclipse is caused by the emperor's loss of morality and government. Correcting the mistakes can then be extended to the Yang Jisheng case, in order to say that Yang Jisheng's death sentence was wrong, and it needs to be corrected, and the death sentence should be revoked and so on.

  Using a solar eclipse to play and comment on the government, this is a routine commonly used by officials in history.


  Zhu Pingan would not do this.

  Zhu Ping'an believes that if he writes the memorandum according to this idea, not only will he not be able to save Senior Brother Yang, but it will also become a reminder for Senior Brother Yang, sending Senior Brother Yang to the guillotine in advance!

   Talking about routine rescue, it means that Emperor Jiajing was wrong. Isn’t this the old mistake of Senior Brother Yang’s memorandum? In addition, from routine ambulance to Yang Jisheng's case, the verdict was wrong. Doesn't that mean that Yang Jisheng's impeachment was right? ! In other words, it was Yan Song who was wrong, Yan Song was guilty, and Yan Song should be punished. This will definitely cause a strong backlash from the Yan Party!

  Such pleading memorabilia not only angered Emperor Jiajing, but also poked a sore spot in the strict party. How can it play the role of pleading?

  So, this angle is not desirable, and Zhu Pingan will not write the memorabilia from this angle.

   On the contrary, Zhu Pingan decided to write from the perspective of "regular exemption from first aid". That is to say, there is no need for first aid, that is to say, there is no need to cultivate morality, that is to say, the government is good, and that is to say, Emperor Jiajing's government is good.

  I believe that Emperor Jiajing will definitely be delighted when he sees it.

   It's a bit flattering, but if you can save Senior Brother Yang by flattering, why not do it.

  In my mind, a solar eclipse will occur in another five years, that is, the thirty-sixth year of Jiajing. My colleague from the Imperial Academy, Yuan Wei, seemed to have played a memorabilia of "Exemption from First Aid", which immediately coaxed Jiajing Emperor Longyan Dayue, and seemed to promote Yuan Wei. So, this routine definitely works.

  In addition, thinking of Yuan Wei's narrow-mindedness repeatedly targeting himself, Zhu Ping'an was more willing to pick Yuan Wei's fruits a few years in advance.

  Well, following Yuan Wei’s path leaves Yuan Wei with nowhere to go.

   As for whether he would be told to flatter the Holy Majesty in person or behind his back, Zhu Ping'an didn't care at all.

   is just an eclipse.

  Whether you give rescue or not, in the eyes of modern people, you will be labeled as feudal superstition without discrimination. The crow landed on the pig, and they were all the same black, whoever was laughing at him.

   Besides, Yan Song is the biggest flatterer, okay? If it’s really a clear stream, you should go talk about Yan Song first.

  So, from the perspective of emergency rescue, Zhu Ping'an has no psychological pressure.

  The first part of Zhu Ping’an’s plan writes about exempting ambulance, and the second part persuades Emperor Jiajing to celebrate with the world and amnesty the world, and then it is logical to point to Yang Jisheng. Well, you can modify the content of the memorial written before and put it in this part.

   Think and do it.

  Zhu Ping'an laid out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, picked up the pen and began to write the first part.

When writing the first part, Zhu Pingan took the memorial of Yuan Wei's flattering to Emperor Jiajing five years later, and took the essence and discarded the dross. Is a rare connoisseur.

   Standing on Yuan Wei's flattery, you can shoot better and louder.

"Your Majesty Zhu Ping'an, a minister of the Yuwang Palace, will serve the heavens with his father, serve the sun with his brothers, govern with diligence, love the herdsmen, improve the internal affairs, strengthen the country and make the people rich, and benefit the world. Therefore, the yin and yin retreat. , Vientiane brilliance. Because the sun is shining brightly, the atmosphere is flickering, and food stops at one point, which is the same as not eating. I am very happy."

  Zhu Ping'an's writing and thoughts were flowing like a spring, and if he started writing with the help of a god, he quickly wrote the first part of the memorabilia.

  The "one minute" in "Shizhi Yifen" in Zhu Ping'an Memorial does not refer to the modern one minute. The "fen" here refers to a difference between the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse in ancient times. This is a very complicated set of calculations, not much simpler than the modern function. In addition to "fen", there are also " seconds" difference.

  The difference between the solar eclipse that occurred this morning was "one minute and four seconds" after rigorous calculation by the Qin Tianjian.

  In order to achieve the level of "regular exemption from first aid", Zhu Pingan rounded it up and wrote it as "eating and stopping one point".

  After finishing the first part, Zhu Pingan revised the content of the previous memorial, and added a transitional sentence in front of it to the effect of universal celebration and amnesty, and quickly wrote the second part.

  After finishing writing, Zhu Pingan revised and polished the circle, and nodded with satisfaction.

   Then, I found a blank memorial on the bookshelf, and transcribed the prepared memorabilia.

  After the memorabilia was completed, Zhu Pingan carefully put it into his sleeve, and then put the draft on the table into the stove and burned it to ashes.

  After tidying up in this way, Zhu Ping'an closed the door of the room, and took a shortcut to the Tongzhengshi Si Yamen without stopping.

   There is still a queue in front of the general secretary's yamen.

  It seems that there are many officials playing the solar eclipse today, and Zhu Ping'an has no choice but to stand behind the line.

   Fortunately, there were only five or six people in the line, and the speed was relatively fast, and Zhu Ping'an was soon in line.

  Registration and bookkeeping, enter the general affairs department, and submit memorials.

The officials queuing up to submit the memorials today were all for the solar eclipse. The officials in charge of collecting the memorials from the General Political Department took a general look at Zhu Pingan’s memorials. Seeing that Zhu Pingan also wrote the solar eclipse at the beginning, he didn’t bother to look carefully. Look, it's handed over.

  Solar eclipse is a highly time-sensitive event, so after receiving such memorials, the General Secretary of the General Administration will submit them to Xiyuan as soon as possible. Zhu Ping'an's memorials were mixed in, and soon arrived in Xiyuan.

  (end of this chapter)

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