Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1039: eclipse

  Chapter 1039 Solar Eclipse

  Zhu Ping'an left the Meridian Gate and hurried to the Tongzhengshi Si Yamen, and found that something was wrong here.

  Why are there so many people at the gate of the General Secretary’s Yamen? ! It was an exaggeration to line up! About seven or eight officials lined up at the door, waiting for the reception officials of the Tongzheng Shiyamen to register and compile the register.

   This is very unusual. I have never encountered such a situation when I came to the Tongzhengshi Yamen.

  What happened?

  The recent major event is the impeachment case of Senior Brother Yang. Could it be that these officials in the front line are like myself, not afraid of the threats of Emperor Jiajing, and came to intercede for Senior Brother Yang?

   Zhu Pingan, who was at the end of the line, thought of this possibility, and couldn't help being excited.

  Many people are powerful, and with so many officials interceding for Senior Brother Yang, the chances of saving Senior Brother Yang will be a little higher.

  Happy, Zhu Pingan chatted with the officials in front of the line, and then the curvature of Zhu Pingan's mouth withered.


  They came to the General Secretary to submit the memorial, not to intercede for Senior Brother Yang, but because of the solar eclipse!

  It turned out that at about a quarter past this morning, a solar eclipse occurred outside, and they all came to Shangshu Emperor Jiajing, advocating rescue rituals.

  At this time, Zhu Pingan reacted belatedly. No wonder when he was working in Yuwang Mansion in the morning, he felt that there was a lot of noise outside. He wondered what happened. It turned out that there was a solar eclipse.

  "When a solar eclipse occurs, we should perform the ritual of rescue. As subjects, we should remonstrate and advise to fulfill our duties."

  After the topic arose, the official in front had a good chat with Zhu Pingan. This official had chatted with the officials in front of the line, and knew that everyone came here to give advice and give first aid, so he naturally classified Zhu Pingan as a similar person, thinking that Zhu Pingan also came here for the solar eclipse. sparse. Unbeknownst to them, a "traitor" appeared in the queue.

   "Ahem, yes, yes."

  Zhu Pingan coughed, nodded, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

""Historical Records of Tianguanshu" says: the day changes to cultivate morality, the moon changes to save punishment, and the stars change to form a harmony. Every day changes, excessive is accounted for... Taishang cultivates morality, secondly cultivates politics, secondly cultivates salvation, secondly cultivates chaos, and corrects There is nothing in the world. The sun is the essence of yang, the image of the ruler, if the ruler moves slowly or hastily, the speed of the day will be slow. If it exceeds the normal speed, it will be covered by the moon, that is, the yin will soak in the yang. In the middle, it is caused by induction. The Holy One should follow the precedent and perform the gift of rescue."

   The official in front didn't know if he was a chatterbox, and chatted with Zhu Pingan citing classics while queuing up.

  Zhu Ping'an simply dealt with it with "yes, yes", but he started to think like a brainstorm in his head.

  Solar eclipse!

  In Zhu Ping’s view, this is a normal and natural phenomenon, which has nothing to do with people’s subjective and objective behaviors. However, Zhu Pingan also knows that for the ancients, this solar eclipse was a big deal.

   In ancient times, people depended on the sky for their food, and farming could not do without the sun.

  A solar eclipse is the partial disappearance of the sun.

   The sun is gone! ! What about the crops in the field? ! For the ancients who depended on the sky for their food, this was nothing less than a world-shattering top priority. The ancient people believed that the solar and lunar eclipses happened because a monster called Tiangu ate the sun and the moon, so the common people would beat gongs, drums and set off firecrackers when the solar and lunar eclipses happened to commemorate them. This is to scare away the tengu and save the sun and the moon.

  Then why does the dog eclipse the solar eclipse and the moon?

  The ancients who believed in "respecting the sky and protecting the people" have done a lot of research. The ancients believed that the sun represents the emperor, and the emperor is the son of heaven. The sun symbolizes the emperor. The most typical is the ancient theory of the unity of man and nature.

  Solar eclipse symbolizes the emperor, and when a solar eclipse occurs, it means that the emperor is in disaster. Solar eclipses, lunar eclipses, and other "excessive" celestial phenomena are all caused by the emperor's loss of morality and political failure. Therefore, whenever the sun, moon, and celestial phenomena are abnormal in the past dynasties, according to the usual practice, the emperor and the ministers in power must practice virtue. , revision of politics, routine rescue ceremony.

  The ritual of first aid is an ancient "ritual". After the development of successive dynasties, a complete, strict and standardized procedure has been formed. Qin Tianjian predicts the time of solar and lunar eclipses in the capital and other places, and notifies all places in the first five months. Wherever you see a solar or lunar eclipse lasting for a certain period of time, you must perform first aid rituals. During a solar eclipse, all civil and military officials in the capital would go to the yamen of the Ministry of Rites to perform rescue rituals, and during lunar eclipses, they would go to the Taichang Temple yamen to perform rescue rituals. The ambulance ceremony requires the participation of civil and military officials, Shuntian Mansion, the Ministry of Rites, Luan Yiwei, Qin Tianjian, etc. During the period, the government office must be cleaned, the incense case set up, the auspicious clothes changed, the golden drum beating, music playing, incense burning, and kneeling three times. A series of procedures such as knocking on the ambulance salute.

  In short, the ritual of first aid is a custom, as long as the solar eclipse reaches a certain level, the ritual of first aid must be performed according to the usual practice.

  So, after the solar eclipse happened yesterday, these officials will come to give advice and give first aid.

  Doing this can not only show that they are responsible, but also serve as their performance, and can even show their face in front of Emperor Jiajing (except, of course, for extremely upright and responsible officials). Historically, this is what many officials have done during solar eclipses, to good effect.

   Zhu Ping'an understood their thoughts.

  However, Zhu Ping'an doesn't think so. Zhu Ping'an feels that they are too wishful thinking, and the result will be completely different from their expectations, and the result will make them cry very rhythmically.

  Zhu Ping'an knew Emperor Jiajing very well. It can be said that he was one of the few people in Ming Dynasty who knew Emperor Jiajing best. In modern times, Zhu Pingan has read too many records about Emperor Jiajing, such as official history and unofficial history.

  Solar eclipse, rescue salute, there are deeper hidden words behind it.

  The solar eclipse performs rescue rituals. The implicit words are that the king is in trouble, the king is unvirtuous, the king is not good at governance, the king is against the will of heaven, etc. In short, it can almost be equated with the king’s fault. After the solar eclipse, part of the rescue ceremony was the emperor's moral cultivation activities to avoid disasters. The key to the moral cultivation ritual was "responsibility bow", that is, the emperor reviewed his own behavior, which fell into the category of "crime himself".

   Guilty? !

  Will the proud Emperor Jiajing do it? ! are you willing?

  Don’t think about it, Zhu Ping’an knows the answer. Emperor Jiajing couldn’t even accept Senior Brother Yang’s memorial. How could he “crime himself”? !

and many more…

Zhu Pingan thought of this sudden pause, and an electric current flashed in Zhu Pingan's mind, and then Zhu Pingan couldn't stand any longer, no matter how soon he was in the queue, he turned around and walked back, leaving directly Tongzheng envoy Si Yamen. As he walked, he kneaded the memorabilia drawn up in his sleeves into a ball.

   "Hey, little brother, how did you go? It's your turn soon?"

  The officials who lined up in front saw Zhu Ping'an leaving, and couldn't help shouting at Zhu Ping'an's back.

   "Suddenly remembered something urgent." Zhu Pingan replied as he walked.

   "Haha, maybe I forgot to bring the melody? I think back then, when I went to the school for the first time, I also forgot to bring the melody."

  The official in front smiled and expressed his understanding.

   "My lord has good eyesight."

  Zhu Ping'an turned his head and smiled, and strode away.

  (end of this chapter)

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