Riding and slashing the stars of empire civilization

94 people should at least give it a try

Because there was no one who was not discerning enough to sacrifice his body to consecrate the two swords of the sun, in the end, Captain Tiehanhan from the Lapland wolf pack became the target for the sword test.

Seeing this man in heavy armor holding a large buckler calmly facing the Nord heavy infantry who were attacking like a storm from Lapland, Milin felt that this Tie Hanhan should be a heavy armor.

Also looking at Lapland, who was acting like a husky after getting the new weapon, Ella asked Milin curiously:

"Admiral, are you planning to accept her as your apprentice?"

"Ah? Why do you ask that?" Milin was stunned and turned his head to ask Ella.

"Because Admiral, don't you like to take on apprentices?" You even chased your apprentice all the way to the capital of the empire. Ella did not say the second part of the sentence.

"Well, it can't be regarded as liking it." Milin directly guessed the second half of Ella's unspoken sentence, smiled and said:

"It's just that I think it should be done. What Attila needs is a guide, so I don't mind becoming her master."

"Guide?" Ella asked curiously.

"Attila's mind is incomplete, oh, I can't say it's incomplete, but it's not there in the first place." Milin recalled his slight surprise when he saw Attila for the first time.

At first, Milin thought it was just a coincidence. After all, in the cruel war years, it was not impossible that such a psychological state of incomplete personality could be caused by various tragedies.

At most, Attila's performance is more extreme. He has no goals, no motivation, and lives just for the sake of living.

But after seeing the possibility of Attila's existence in the summoning circle, Milin knew that this extreme was not a coincidence.

"??" Ella didn't understand what Milin was talking about at all. In Ella's impression, although Attila looked a little indifferent on weekdays, at least he was still quite normal.

At least it's more normal than Gray Wind's appearance.

"This may have something to do with the fact that she is just a weapon, and what will become of a weapon." Milin moved his eyes to the double swords held by Lapland and said: "It is the weapon of destruction. Or a weapon of salvation, they all need proper guidance.”

If Milin hadn't given Attila a goal of revenge when they first met, maybe Attila would have gradually lost himself in this state of living purely for the sake of living.

Then after this completely useless self is absorbed by her possibility as a vanguard of the wandering stars, then the world may be facing a devastating blow.

"We can't let Attila go through what Gray Wind has gone through."

Millions of years of loneliness are not a pleasant thing.

When Milin recalled the gray desert where he saw Gray Wind for the first time, there was still a week away from Milin and his party in Karad, the capital of the Calradia Empire.

Attila, who was meditating with his eyes closed in a meditation room used by temple guard apprentices, opened his eyes.

Elend just walked to the door and his broken arm had been replaced with a prosthetic limb and said to Attila:

"I sense the restlessness of the dark side. Is this your master?"

"So are you coming to see me now?" Attila asked with a calm expression.

If Milin saw Attila's current appearance here, he would definitely complain that Attila is more and more like Hui Feng.

"I just mentioned that the Council of Elders has just finished discussing your situation." Erland said in a calm tone.

Erland had become accustomed to Attila being like this. After all, he wouldn't have felt that much better if he had been under house arrest for nearly half a month.

"I thought I would have to wait at least half a year." Attila coldly mocked the efficiency of the temple guard masters. It didn't look like they were going to be undercovers at all.

On the first day that Attila arrived, he showed an attitude that he did not want her and Milin to terminate their master-disciple relationship.

As a result, the more this attitude became, the more the elders in the temple guards valued Attila, an apprentice who was clearly an assassin but yearned for the light side.

At the same time, this attitude also allowed Attila to hide his intention to be an undercover agent in a place full of Force users.

It is better to say that it is house arrest, but it is better to say that it is good to eat and drink, and it is also accompanied by Erland, who has just taken over the position of Auschwitz as the temple guard, to guide the practice of the light side.

"This is why my master has never wanted to become an elder." Although he supported Attila in this regard, Erland still inevitably felt depressed when he mentioned his master.

"So what are those old men and women going to do with me?" Attila asked.

"They are willing to accept you as a member of the temple guard and grant you a formal apprentice status." After finishing speaking, Erland paused and continued:

"But I won't assign you a master on the surface. Your master is still Mr. Milin."

"Are they taking this opportunity to build a good relationship with my master?" Attila said without changing his expression after considering the benefits of this arrangement to his undercover behavior.

Although he sensed some fluctuations in Attila's heart, it was because Attila had been behaving like a hedgehog since arriving at the temple, and in addition, this kind of perception was suppressed very much in the temple.

Elland, who did not think about Attila's inner changes elsewhere, nodded and said:

"The masters are very concerned about the assassin master like your master who can control the dark side instead of being controlled by the dark side. If there is a chance, the temple is willing to open the door to your master."

"Ha... do you think my master will be fooled?" Attila sneered.

"After all, a long time ago, the temple guards and the assassins were a family, and there are still many sacred objects of the former assassin masters preserved in the temple." Erland told Attila the words of the elders intact.

"It should be a relic." Attila said with an expression that was not fooled at all.

"...I think so too." After reciting the original words, Elend immediately took off his disguise and said: "After all, those elders always like to dream about things that are impossible."

"Then do you fantasize about avenging your master?" Attila restrained his attitude slightly and moved his eyes to Elend's prosthetic leg and asked.

"The teachings of the Temple Guards warn us that we should not be driven by hatred." Elend thought for a while and said.

"You and I both know very well that this is not what you are really thinking about." Perhaps due to the influence of the past half month, Attila's way of speaking began to develop in a desperate direction.

"I will give it a try after you officially leave the army." Erland said without refuting after being aware of his thoughts.

In fact, in addition to Attila being under house arrest, Erland is also under house arrest.

Those temple masters who fantasized about certain things did not want Elend to do some inappropriate behavior driven by hatred.

"Then you should know that I will definitely stop in front of you when the time comes." Attila seemed to be talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"Then let's see how much you can learn from me." Erland seemed to say something that had nothing to do with him before turning around and leaving the meditation room.

Attila, who had obtained the official status of temple apprentice, did not sit down and meditate immediately. Instead, he turned his head and looked at the wall without any windows, only a bunch of reliefs.

The sight from the scarlet pupils seemed to be through the wall, looking at Milin who was discussing himself with Ella.

As if aware of this look, Milin also raised his head and glanced in the direction of the empire's capital. He smiled slightly and then said in response to Ella's question:

"Although no Sith actually abides by the Rule of Two, I think..."

Milin returned his gaze to Lapland who was having fun and said:

"Even if I wanted to take Lapland as my apprentice, she would definitely not be willing."

Sure enough, when he heard Milin mention this kind of thing in front of Ella, Lapland said with a surprised look:

"Swordsman Tower, I have no interest in playing the master-disciple game with you."

After hearing Lapland's words, Milin immediately looked at Ella next to him with a look of "What, is that really the case?"

Lapland, who noticed this small interaction between Milin and Ella, suddenly smiled narrowly and said:

"But if this is your request, Swordsman Tower, I won't be able to accept it. I originally thought that you, Swordsman Tower, planned to continue raising me like a dog like in another world."

Ella immediately looked at Milin with the eyes of a dangerous person.

"How can you smear the innocence of another person with nothing?" Milin was a little angry, but as soon as he said the words, he realized that he seemed to have really exposed something, and his expression immediately became embarrassed.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Lapland, who seemed satisfied with Milin's reaction, laughed heartily.

"Admiral, one cannot..." Ella said while taking a step back to widen the distance between herself and Milin.

"If you can, you should at least give it a try." Milin broke the jar and said.

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