
Under the smoke of the fire, Ella, who had transformed from a European to an African, looked at the finished product in her hands and shouted with her last strength.

Although he wanted to respond, Lapland took a look at his future weapon and found that he no longer had the strength to move.

Even Milin, who had been working as a humanoid detector and furnace temperature controller throughout the whole process, was exhausted, let alone the little she-wolf who had been responsible for heavy physical work.

After waiting for a while, until someone's stomach made an unusually loud growl, Lapland said in a weak voice:

"Swordsman Tower, I think my source stone disease is serious."

"Hungry will indeed accelerate the worsening of Originium Disease." Milin said immediately.

"..." Wolf Eyes pretended to glare at Milin fiercely, and then Lapland, who really had no strength to refute, said: "I just used the Origin Stone skill."

If it weren't for his inexperienced Origin Stone skills, Lapland felt that he wouldn't have been able to complete the creation.

"Use it more often and you'll become more proficient." Milin didn't mind the worsening of Lapland's Originium Disease.

After injecting the treatment accelerating potion, the Origin Stone becomes a normal body component and will not affect the body's functions. It is no longer considered a disease and will not worsen.

At most, it is a prolific point source stone mine.

"Admiral, you can figure out what to do for dinner. I don't have the strength to do it." Ella threw aside the forging hammer in her hand and said.

"Well..." Milin looked up at the completely dark night outside the blacksmith shop, thought for a moment and said, "We can only have some barbecue or find a tavern."

"Tavern, I know which one tastes good." Lapland, who used to follow Holo as a merchant, was still very familiar with this town that he had to pass through before heading to the imperial capital.

Also because of familiarity, the residents who had just been disturbed by the sound of iron striking did not come to make trouble.

Of course, it is also possible that they saw the armored cavalry standing at the door of the blacksmith shop, so they calmly allowed Milin and his party to jingle.

Perhaps because this town is the only way to the imperial capital, the appearance of a new face like Milin in the tavern did not attract the attention of others.

They found a table and sat down, and the three of them immediately ordered several large plates of meat and began to feast on the wine barrels without any ceremony.

After the storm, Milin touched his belly and said strangely:

"Isn't this still barbecue..."

"At least you don't have to bake it yourself." Sitting next to Milin, Ella was a little slower than Milin, but not too slow, and stuffed the last piece of barbecue into her mouth.

"That's true." Milin, who felt that what Ella said made sense, moved his gaze to Lapland, who was sitting opposite the two of them.

Lapland, who ate faster than Mirin and Ella put together, had already finished the barbecue for almost three people.

At this time, he was squinting his eyes and looking like he was sleepwalking.

Looking at the empty plate in front of Lapland, Milin calculated in his mind how much the barbecue weighed, and then moved his eyes to Lapland's belly that showed no heaving.

Milin, who lamented that he had another black hole in his stomach, asked Lapland:

"Is it enough? If not, please have more."

"That's enough. Eating too much makes your stomach hurt. Why didn't I think the barbecue in this store was so delicious before?" said Lapland, who opened his eyes.

After eating and drinking, the three of them took out the weapons they had just made in the tavern without waiting to return to the camp.

Opening up the canvas that was randomly wrapped, two long swords with a length of nearly one and a half meters without the hilt glowed with a dark brilliance under the relatively bright lights of the tavern.

Judging from the attributes of having only one edge, these two weapons are more like straight knives than long swords.

Milin did not let Ella tilt the blade tip upward, making the two straight swords that looked like Eastern Samurai swords closer to Tang swords in shape.

It's just narrower and longer than the normal Tang Dao.

Lapland didn't care about this change in details. According to the memory she merged from her other self, she could play with both the katana sword of the Eastern Kingdom and the straight sword commonly used by the Syracusans.

In addition to its own shape, each also has a semicircular hollow protractor with a base of 40 centimeters long that is clipped to the blade body, replacing the original hand guard.

These two are a protractor separately, and together they are a corona, and the gauntlet can also be thrown away as a throwing weapon. This is the most troublesome thing in the creation just now.

According to Ella, this requirement directly increased the difficulty of creation several times.

Fortunately, in the end, with the concerted efforts of the three of them, the pair of swords were made.

Lapland picked up the straight knife that had not yet been hilted and weighed it in his hand, showing a satisfied expression.

"How is it? Is it the same as the other one?" Milin looked at Lapland's reaction and smiled.

"There is a little difference, but it is enough." Lapland said happily.

"Speaking of which, I have always been curious about why you use the corona as a throwing weapon. Well, it must be another you." Milin asked something that he had always been curious about when he first played the game.

"It seems that it can be used to calculate flight trajectories." This was probably the first time he came into contact with the concept of "mathematics". Even though it was already in his memory, Lapland still showed a look of confusion.

"What flight path is calculated?" No matter which Lapland he was, it didn't matter that the impression he left on Milin was that of an intellectual.

"It's just..." After thinking for a while, Lapland, who was holding the weapon, found that he didn't know how to describe it accurately.

He simply stood up without doing anything else and waved the weapon in his hand towards the tavern hall.

Relying on the effect of inertia, the diagonal ruler attached to the knife rotated and flew out. Amidst the exclamations of the tavern patrons and the falling of tables, chairs and benches, the diagonal ruler flew along the tavern wall and flew back to Lapu. Rand's side.

However, instead of clamping the blade again as designed, Lapland picked it up with his hands.

It seems that Lapland is not very proficient in this technique for the time being.

"Well, next time, find a place where no one is around to play like this." Milin said after seeing Lapland playing the role of Captain Boomerang.

Because of Lapland's move, the three Milin people who were just sitting in the corner eating quietly immediately attracted the attention of other people in the tavern.

Many of the customers are passers-by like Milin, and many of them are mercenaries who are also licking blood at the tip of a knife.

The mercenaries who were attracted by Lapland's reckless behavior quickly noticed the weapon in Lapland's hand.

The glowing black light and special patterns revealed the material the weapon was made of.

In addition, Milin and his party did not look like they were not easy to mess with at first glance, and the armored cavalry serving as escorts were also waiting outside the tavern.

Someone immediately had bad thoughts.

Unfortunately, just when Milin wanted to see if anyone was willing to provide a test target, Lapland, who seemed to be very familiar with this scene, raised his other hand and pressed his messy hair.

The wolf ears usually hidden in the hair trembled slightly, indicating that his master was in a state of excitement.

So some people put away their provocative eyes and started eating in peace.

The other group of people who had little knowledge and still had some ideas before they could put their ideas into action were surrounded by several more Nord mercenaries sitting over.

These Nord mercenaries raised the "invited" wine glasses in their hands and gave a false salute to Lapland.

This made Milin a little disappointed who didn't see the slap in the face plot.

"I am from the Wolf God Clan. If they dare to be careful, they must be prepared to face the wolves." Lapland said with his head held high.

"Then why do you usually hide your ears and tail?" Milin asked curiously.

Since people in this world would not be surprised by such unusual physical signs, why do they still hide it?

"Did I hide my ears?" Lapland asked curiously.

"Okay..." Milin glanced at Lapland's messy chicken coop and felt that the other party might not have thought about hiding his ears and then asked: "What about the tail?"

"There's nothing I can do about the tail. I can't make a hole in the back of all my clothes, and the exposed tail will become a weak point during a battle." Lapland subconsciously touched his lower back and sighed. He said with a cry:

"I wish I could hide my ears and tail like the Wolf God."

"I see." No wonder even Gray Wind didn't notice Holo's special physical signs. It turned out that he really hid them.

"From this point of view, I still envy my other self." Lapland said.

"At least you don't have to tuck your tail in your clothes."

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