Riding and slashing the stars of empire civilization

66 The Wolf and the Dragon of the North

When Milin brought Alori and Gray Wind to the reception room of the Chamber of Commerce, he subconsciously stopped when he saw Lawrence and Holo waiting in the room seriously.

If he hadn't immediately realized what he was doing, Milin might have even taken two steps back and walked out of the room before going back in.

Perhaps he did not expect that the lord would come in person, Lawrence said with a flattered expression:

"It's an honor to meet you, distinguished Mr. Milin. I am Clough Lawrence, the president of the Wolf and Spice Chamber of Commerce. This is my wife and Holo Lawrence, a partner of the Chamber of Commerce."

Holo, who followed her husband in bowing and raised her skirt to Milin, did not speak. Instead, she looked at Milin with playful eyes.

Perhaps this playful look offended something, Alori, who had already talked to Lawrence once, glared at Holo.

Holo was shocked when Alori glared at her, and she looked strangely as if she was getting to know Alori again.

If Milin hadn't fallen into some subtle thoughts, Alori's change in attitude and Holo's mood swings would not have been hidden from Milin.

It's a pity that now, apart from the non-nurturing pleasantries between Milin and Lawrence, all of his extra attention is focused on Holo.

To be precise, it was the white turban that Holo wore on her head, like a nightcap.

Of course, what Milin cares about is not what material this soft-looking white scarf is made of, but he is curious about whether there is a pair of pointed wolf ears inside this scarf.

Realizing that Milin, the lord, was paying attention to his wife from time to time, Lawrence felt a little nervous and had to make profit concessions again and again to attract Milin's attention.

When Lawrence was about to break the bottom line, Milin noticed that his attitude seemed a bit impolite.

"Oh, I'm very sorry, Mr. Lawrence, I was just expressing my sincere admiration for your wife's beauty."

In this parallel world of the Roman Empire, praising other people's wives for their beauty is considered a normal etiquette behavior, but in this business negotiation situation, it would make people feel weird.

Especially since Mirin is surrounded by two beautiful women who are not only not inferior to Holo in terms of figure or appearance, but are even slightly better in some aspects.

Lawrence, who momentarily wanted to retreat, said:

"Thank you very much, Lord Milin. My wife is also a partner of the Wolf and Spice Chamber of Commerce. The high security of our chamber of commerce's goods relies on the Nord Brotherhood from my wife's hometown."

The Nord Brotherhood is also well-known in the mercenary world of the empire. Lawrence would say this on the one hand to let Milin know the core competitiveness of the Wolf and Spice Chamber of Commerce, and on the other hand to remind Milin not to touch his wife. What a little thought.

Do the Nords know? The skull is used as a bowl!

It's a pity that Milin doesn't have this knowledge, and even if he did, Milin wouldn't care.

After hearing Lawrence introduce his wife, Milin, who was finally able to take a closer look at Holo, said doubtfully:


After hearing Milin's question, Holo said in advance before her husband could speak:

"Yes, our family is Nords from the north."

That's right, it's Xian Lang himself.

Listening to the familiar tone, Milin automatically translated Holo's self-introduction into "I am a wolf from the north."

By the way, with such a big werewolf, didn't Alori notice it just now?

Milin turned his doubtful eyes to Alori beside him.

He didn't understand why Milin was looking at him like this, and Alori, who didn't have the team's voiceover, returned the same puzzled look.

The interaction between Milin and Alori was not hidden from Holo's eyes. The wife wolf, whom Milin directly recognized as the true wolf, had a playful expression on her face.

Gray Feng watched all this with an indifferent expression.

Lawrence was the only one who was worried about whether the minotaur would keep talking about him.

After Milin made the final decision, Lawrence was a little sad to find that he seemed to have been tricked.

Are you deliberately taking advantage of your love and care for your wife to arouse your vigilance and gain more benefits in the negotiation?

Lawrence, who felt that he had lost an entire city, looked helplessly at Holo beside him.

After all, women are the biggest obstacle to making money... It's Holo, so that's okay.

"Why do we think you are thinking of something very rude?" Xian Lang, who knows people's hearts, said with a smile.

"I'm just worried..." Lawrence, who admitted his defeat, said with a long sigh.

"What are you worried about? Are you worried that you won't make any money this time?" Holo said with a smile.

"No, although the profit is meager, the other party is not the kind of lord who eats people without spitting out their bones. At least he left a profit."

Lawrence continued with an emotional tone:

"There is also this empire regional general agent agreement. If it works properly, maybe we can get higher income than expected."

Although he had never been exposed to this so-called regional general agency agreement, Lawrence was keenly aware of the huge interests hidden behind this agency just through Milin's brief explanation.

The profit in the initial negotiations was kept so low because Lawrence wanted to win the general agency rights.

"Our family can guarantee that we will definitely make a lot of money this time." Seeing her husband worrying about gains and losses, Holo said with a smile.

"Oh, why do you say that?" Lawrence asked a little strangely, knowing that his wife would not draw conclusions about something without reason.

"Because that lord has more power than you think." Holo said with a smile.

"A more powerful force than I thought? Could it be that Ms. Alori, who negotiated with us before, is also a Nord?" Lawrence said in surprise.

If there is any aspect of these agreements that worries Lawrence the most, it is whether Milin can continue to be a noble lord.

If not, not only would he not be able to make any money, but the upfront investment he had just agreed to in order to obtain the status of the empire's regional general agent would all be in vain.

Although for the current Wolf and Spice Chamber of Commerce, these floats are not likely to cause any damage, but they can easily trigger a series of chain reactions.

Now that he heard his wife say with certainty that the other party had greater power, Lawrence couldn't help but think of Ms. Alori, who was also introduced by Milin as a Nord.

If the other party really has Nord mercenaries like him, then he will have enough power to maintain his current position.

Seriously, Lawrence didn't see any trace of the Nords in Alori at all.

But considering that my wife is also a standard "Nord"...

"Wait a minute, Holo, you don't mean that Ms. Alori is the same as you, right?" Lawrence, who knew Holo's true identity, was surprised.

"It's very similar. We just discovered it. We're also surprised that the lady was able to hide it from the wolf." It seemed that Holo was also curious about not noticing Alori's disguised identity at the beginning.

"Then...does Lord Milin know the identity of his subordinate?" Lawrence asked curiously.

"Of course I know, and that person also saw through our identity at the first sight. Didn't you see it, my dear?" Holo said.

"Ah, is it...is that so? So that's the case. No wonder that adult looked at you strangely. Ah, doesn't this mean we have suffered a big loss!" Lawrence, who discovered that it was an error, suddenly regretted it. He started backing down step by step when he was negotiating the agreement.

Holo, who did not laugh at her husband, looked at the castle standing in the distance and said to herself in a strange tone:

"A dragon from the north?"

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