"Please allow me to decline this offer, Commander."

Even though he used the word "please", Gray Feng's tone was full of determination that even Alori could hear.

"Wait a minute, why are you taking me as an example??" Alori said angrily when he realized that he was being regarded as the lower limit of his IQ.

"Hey, why did you react so quickly today?" Milin asked strangely.

"Because she was in business negotiations just now."

No matter what high-sounding reasons Milin used to prove the necessity of his plan, Hui Feng said with a "no" response.

"Business negotiation? What the hell is business negotiation?" Milin looked at Alori with the eyes of a monster.

"Hey! Boss, what's your look like! It's true that I usually don't like to be brainy, but that doesn't mean I really have no brains!"

Alori, who seemed to be irritated by Milin's eyes, continued to be angry.

"...Why don't you usually like to be smart?" Milin asked in confusion.

"Because of you, the boss. According to Hui Hui, this is called an external thinking organ." Perhaps because he had been given an example just now, Alori's name for Hui Feng became Hui Hui again.

"Okay, let's keep it external. By the way, what are you negotiating about? Isn't Ella responsible for these things now?"

Milin said strangely.

Ever since Alori almost put the town under martial law when he collected a tax, Milin strictly prohibited Alori from participating in such things that required thinking.

So the fact that Alori suddenly went to business negotiations shocked Milin.

It's not that he's worried that Alori will sell him out, but that he's worried that the business negotiation will be forcibly turned into a robbery by Alori... Wait, it doesn't seem to make any difference.

"Isn't Ella being caught by you, boss?" Alori replied without thinking.

"What do you mean by catching fish? I'm doing business." Milin was a little speechless, then moved his eyes to Gray Feng who was standing aside and said strangely:

"What about Gray Wind?"

If Ella doesn't have time, shouldn't Gray Wind be responsible for this kind of thing? It's not Alori's turn anyway.

"I think Alori needs a certain degree of training in this kind of thing." Whether it was really for this reason or not, that's what Gray Wind said anyway.

"Okay, what did Alori just discuss about business?" Milin looked at Gray Feng seriously, but didn't see anything wrong in Gray Feng's expression and asked strangely.

Perhaps it is because Milin's rule over Escalon has not yet been recognized by the emperor, and the city of Escalon does not have any special output.

Even though Alori took the lead and most of the various guilds and chambers of commerce in Escalon City were raided, no other chamber of commerce took the initiative to fill the vacancy.

So much so that the city of Escalon is still in a supply and marketing system similar to a planned economy. For this reason, Ella is busy in a dark way.

Faced with Milin's curiosity, Alori said directly:

"It was the chamber of commerce introduced by the fat man, who said he would help us sell honey."

"That fat man? Lao Wei? He actually remembers this." Milin still remembered that when he went on an expedition, he jokingly told Avigo that he would be the emperor's general agent.

Avigo also said that he has a relative who is a businessman and can help Milin sell honey.

Later, Avigo found a job in Milin and transformed from a tavern owner to the director of the Escalon Market Management Office, so he never mentioned it again.

Milin, who thought Avigo had forgotten about this, did not expect that the other party really planned to become the general agent.

"Since it was Lao Wei who introduced it, let me handle this matter myself." Milin thought for a while and decided to sell it to Lao Wei to save face.

"Wait a minute, boss, I've almost reached an agreement!" Alori said quickly after hearing this.

"I just want to go and have a look. Besides, it's because you negotiated the deal that I don't feel comfortable going to have a look." Milin said immediately.

"Hey! Boss! I'm really going to get angry when you say that! Give me a move like the dragon's roar! Ouch!" With an angry look on his face, Alori bared his teeth and claws and rushed towards Milin.

Milin raised a hand to block Alori's head and used his height advantage to turn Alori's claws into a mad dog's clawing. Milin said:

"Stop making trouble, where is that person from the Chamber of Commerce now?"

"Aow, ow...in the Chamber of Commerce...ow..." said Alori, whose paws were always a few centimeters away from Milin, but still persevered.

"Where is Lao Wei? Okay, okay, stop scratching, just come with me." Milin's words immediately made Alori's pretending to be angry disappear without a trace.

"Me too." Hui Feng said as he watched the interaction between Milin and Alori.

"Okay, Ella, are you coming?" Milin did not refuse and then asked Ella who was finishing off the last snack.

"What am I going to do?" Ella said after finishing her snack and wiping her mouth with a reserved gesture, "I have other things to be busy with."

"Besides, too many people going will make the people in that chamber of commerce think that we value them, and they will definitely charge a sky-high price."

In this regard, Ella, who has used even Venetians and Jews, is experienced.

"According to you, they should want to see me, rather than me taking the initiative to find those businessmen?" Milin followed Aila's intention and asked.

"That's right. When you are a master, you should behave like a master." Ella, who was once at the top of the masters, said.

"Forget it, after all, it was Lao Wei who introduced me, so I still have to give him face." Milin thought for a while and then said indifferently: "Besides, since it was Lao Wei who introduced me, I shouldn't make such a mistake."

If the chamber of commerce introduced by Lao Wei was really short-sighted and planned to charge exorbitant prices because of his status as a relative of Lao Wei, Milin would not be used to it.

Anyway, as the business system of Escalon City gradually stabilizes, the plan to set up a chamber of commerce to run business has been put on the agenda.

Although re-establishing a chamber of commerce requires a lot of costs to build channels, once the construction is completed, the profits will be yours.

With the production cost of Gray Wind brand honey, it would be a dimensionality-reducing blow to the original bee breeding industry in this world.

While Mirin was thinking about these things that were not there, in the market chamber of commerce that was only half-built but already put into use, Avigo, the current person in charge of the chamber, was also introducing something to him. Businessmen chatting.

"How are you doing, cousin Lawrence?"

Although he is related to Avigo, this businessman is completely the opposite of his cousin in terms of body shape.

"Let's just live with it. Brother Avigo, you still look so strong after not seeing him for several years." The businessman named Lawrence said polite words to his cousin with a very formulaic smile.

Avigo, who knew why Lawrence faced him with this attitude, said with an embarrassed look:

"Well, let bygones be bygones. How are you two doing lately? Do you have any children?"

While speaking, Avigo moved his gaze to the woman with light orange hair who was looking around like a curious baby in the chamber of commerce.

Whether it was her hair color or her clothing, it was obvious that this woman was not from the Empire.

It was precisely because Lawrence married this foreigner that the two brothers, who had a relatively good relationship, had not been in contact for several years.

"It's not bad. As for the child, let's wait until everything settles down." Lawrence's attitude softened slightly when he saw Avigo like this.

"Isn't it enough now? They are all big chambers of commerce. Listen to me, brother, you can't make enough money. If you have a child sooner, you will have peace of mind. This is what your father has been thinking about before he left." Avigo said sincerely. said.

Maybe he didn't expect that his cousin would launch an attack from this direction. Lawrence, who had little experience in this area, was embarrassed for a while and didn't know how to answer.

Fortunately, the foreign woman who saw this scene came to the side and said:

"My dear and I have been planning this for a long time, but my dear promised that we would go back to our hometown first."

"Yes, Holo hasn't returned to her hometown for a long time. I plan to find an opportunity to go back to Nord with her soon." Lawrence immediately followed his wife's words and said.

"That's it, then this deal..." Avigo, who turned his polite words into words of concern, suddenly thought about whether it was the wrong time to let Lawrence do the honey business here in Milin.

If doing this business affects the continuation of the family, it seems like the gain outweighs the loss.

"Don't worry, Brother Avigo, I can sell the goods to the north along the way, where honey is a very popular commodity." Lawrence, who noticed the fluctuations in his cousin's thoughts, said quickly.

"Then, it's up to you. You are the most promising among the brothers, and I can't persuade you." Avigo, who was struggling between his ideals and the continuation of his bloodline, saw from the window that he appeared at the door of the Chamber of Commerce. The soldier quickly continued:

"The people from the lord's side are here. You can continue talking. I'll stay away for a while."

Saying that, regardless of whether he needed to avoid it or not, Avigo left the reception room of the Chamber of Commerce in a hurry.

Seeing Avigo looking slightly embarrassed when he left the room, Lawrence and his wife looked at each other and laughed in sync.

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