Aila, who followed Milin back to Escalon City, not only didn't make any mistakes after taking over Gray Wind's job, but actually did a great job.

Because of nearly half a month of military control, the livability that has almost reached the bottom line is nothing to Ella’s eyes.

According to Ella, when she first ascended the throne as emperor, the situation she faced was much worse than now.

Although the livability of Escalon City is almost negative, it is at least more promising than when she took over Constantinople.

Even Ayla, who started on Constantinople's terrible hell difficulty, can get an above-average rating in history, let alone a small city of Escalon.

It seems that even after hundreds of years, Ella is still proficient in her business.

Faced with the consequences he caused, Alori was dealt with lightly by Ella. Originally, it was because Ella's combat power was weak, but the newcomer was not satisfied with it. Alori's attitude changed completely.

Of course, Milin thinks that the main reason for this change is that Ella has good pastry skills and can share wine with Alori.

"How can a person born in a purple room be defeated at a wine table!"

This is what Ella said before being drunk by Alori one time.

Maybe traveling to this parallel world brings back some forgotten memories to the eyes, or maybe it's just a matter of breaking the jar.

Ella gradually behaves more like a person of this era, and her daily clothes are also changed to purple.

Although there are many differences, purple is still a symbol of nobility in the "Roman" Empire of this parallel world.

When walking down the street with Milin, the residents of Escalon City would often salute Ella first.

"It seems that the name will be changed to Defeat Court... Ahem, the time for Byzantium is just around the corner, Your Majesty the Emperor."

Milin said with a smile.

"Just watch my jokes." Sitting at the desk that originally belonged to Gray Feng, Ella looked at Milin speechlessly, who was sitting opposite her and fishing openly.

"This is no joke. There is no Byzantine flag in this world anyway." Milin said, with his arms crossed and his legs directly on the desk, sitting in an ordinary chair like a rocking chair.

Anyway, with the help of the Force, he won't be cut off.

"Admiral, if you are really so free, why not supervise the construction of the public bathhouse."

When Ella complained about Milin, a junior official in uniform carefully placed a document on the desk in front of Ella, and then carefully left the office without looking back.

Ella, who took over the administrative work, did not do everything by herself like Gray Wind... and it was difficult for her to do it like Gray Wind.

Compared to SSR characters like Gray Wind, who have a lot of entries whether they are generals or governors.

In the job selection, there are only a few entries for Governor Ella.

The only lit entry named "Sunset" has only the effect of "Culture Value +1, Livability +1"

I don’t know whether this 1 is a fixed value of 1 or a percentage of 1, but it looks pretty miserable anyway.

Fortunately, this miserable personal attribute did not affect Ella's job. In other words, given the current situation, Ella could handle it after being rehired and re-employed.

Ella first established an entire administrative structure as Milin planned.

However, the members of this administrative body were not selected directly from the residents of Escalon as Milin suggested.

Instead, they directly used those troublemakers who were almost sent away by Alori.

To be precise, they are part of the troublemakers.

Regarding the question of whether these troublemakers are worthy of trust, Ella said that she has the sword in her hand and is not afraid of these people causing trouble.

As for whether these people with criminal records would do something to line their own pockets, Ella even acted like she had even used Venetians and Jews in Constantinople, and she was still afraid of such a trivial matter.

Ella’s original words are as follows:

“If you want to establish a complete administrative system, you must establish a bureaucracy that can operate on its own.”

"The simplest and fastest way to make a bureaucracy run on its own is to give the bureaucracy special privileges."

In order for Milin to better understand his words, Ella held a special class to explain to Milin what the privileged class of classicism is.

Whether it’s the economic privilege of a stable salary, or all kinds of invisible logistical support, or even a bunch of things like morality, faith, etc.

It was so profound that Milin, who was drowsy after listening to it, understood why no ship girl was willing to take Ella's class.

As for whether this established privileged class will be too big to lose, it depends on whether a corresponding set of supervisory agencies can be established.

This is why Ella said that she has the sword in her hand anyway, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

If you encounter someone who really puts all his thoughts on speculation and does not do his job properly, just hang him on Sunday.

So Attila, who was originally responsible for city security management, had a new job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

I experienced the work of the Scourge of God in advance.

Of course, there is another reason why the idea of ​​selecting directly from city residents, which Milin strongly advocates, cannot be implemented.

Even in this world where productivity levels are low, even urban residents generally have low literacy levels.

Education is a task with a long cycle and slow results. The only people who can use it directly are those who make trouble.

Even Avigo has been elected into the administrative system. It is conceivable that many things cannot be done according to the script.

By the way, Avigo is also the only one who doesn't tremble into chaff when submitting documents to Ella.

So under the leadership of the experienced His Majesty Aila, the city of Escalon, Milin's first territory, quickly recovered.

Not to mention prosperous, but it is much better than the results achieved by Alori's previous operations.

In addition to allowing these troublemakers to do things for him, Milin also began to recruit soldiers from the indigenous people of this world for the first time.

The hunters who were brought to Escalon City became the first batch of troops fortunate enough to join Milin's command.

However, it was not used as the main force for combat, but as a subordinate of Attila, joining the town defense force.

Archers and the like are indeed more suitable for defending the city.

The system soldiers produced by Golden Finger are all under the control of Alori, and they spend most of their time patrolling the territory and clearing out banditry.

Others who were screened out and were not suitable as soldiers were placed under Gray Wind's jurisdiction.

Gray Feng, who temporarily handed over the management work to Ella, took up his specialty of nanorobots, which is various infrastructure work.

For example, the maintenance and renovation of urban roads and public facilities, the demolition and reconstruction of old buildings, and the reinforcement of city walls.

In these tasks, Gray Feng, who is wearing a safety helmet, is more comfortable than Ella who sits in the office... although seriously speaking, Gray Feng does not need to wear a safety helmet.

Not only did they use the most reasonable labor arrangements, they also started construction of several projects at the same time without any waste.

By integrating resources during the construction process, such as integrating excess leftover materials or preparing excess rations and selling them, we achieved a certain level of balance between revenue and expenditure.

Picking up a swarm of bees can create a honey industry, let alone anything else.

Therefore, except for the necessary loss of building materials, the daily consumption of construction workers can be self-sufficient, without requiring Ella to make additional allocations.

The "central control" of "no maintenance fees for workers, +10% construction speed" is vividly demonstrated.

In this way, everyone performs their duties, except Milin, who has been fishing for more than a month.

The emperor's envoy from the imperial capital also belatedly arrived at Iscalon City.

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