Milin was not surprised that the citizens of Escalon would cause trouble.

Without the tip-off from these citizens, Pahlavi, who was burned by Milin, would not have been able to come so quickly and be beaten as if he was going to the market.

They will pull all the troops away, leaving only two militiamen to look after the house, mainly to make those citizens who want to cause trouble feel that they can do it.

However, Milin originally thought that it was just a small group of "citizens" planning to cause trouble, but he did not expect that Alori, who sneaked back, would have to face troublemakers from most of the city's guilds.

Perhaps the people who originally wanted to cause trouble were indeed only a small group, but I don't know what promises Pahlavi made for the dragon flag of the empire.

More than half of the business guilds were involved in this trouble.

If Gray Feng stayed here, maybe she would screen them out and differentiate them one after another before watching these people bite each other.

Unfortunately, it was Alori who was left behind in Escalon City by Milin.

Alori, who never wastes brain cells in such a place, would just kill anyone who caused trouble, and by the way, he copied his family's code of conduct.

In just a few days, these guild bosses who wanted to follow Lord Pahlavi with the help of the Dragon Flag to rise to the top realized the horror of the Steel Greymon.

As soon as the wave came down, the city of Escalon, which was plowed from the inside out by the Steel Greymon named Alori, was almost paralyzed.

Although the empire's totem changed from the eagle to the dragon, most things were still very Roman.

For example, a city's commercial and trade system is composed of handicraft guilds.

The result of these guilds being overrun was that taverns closed down, shops closed, and the bustling markets ran out of goods.

This situation can easily have disastrous consequences for urban residents who have few food reserves.

Fortunately, before leaving, Milin left a bunch of tips for Alori in order to avoid various unexpected situations.

As soon as Milin stepped forward, Alori, who immediately took apart all the tips, directly chose the easiest way to face this situation.

Military control plus food rationing.

Anyway, so many guilds would fall, and Alori, who was well fed, was not short of these rationed supplies.

After a combination of punches, there was no big trouble.

However, Alori, who had forgotten all the other tips, did not make any subsequent changes.

For example, mobilizing supplies to reopen the market, establishing a trading system that is completely under your control, etc.

Alori did nothing.

Among the reasons why he didn't do this, apart from Alori feeling that his little mind couldn't handle such a complicated thing, there was also the fact that Alori thought he had more important things to do.

That is to execute those opportunists who dare to cause trouble.

As for the method of execution, Alori, who suffers from PTSD, did not choose the simple and neat method of beheading in public, nor did he find an old man with a crooked neck and hang him from a tree.

Instead, he opened the Colosseum and told the troublemakers that as long as they could defeat the soldiers under Milin's command, they would have a way out.

But it is only a way of life for one person, and it is only a way of life. There are other punishments waiting that may be worse than death.

If you want to save an entire family from the death penalty at once, you have to defeat Alori himself.

Regardless of team battle or duel, as long as Alori can be defeated, he will be acquitted.

Defeating an ordinary soldier would only mean avoiding the death penalty, while defeating Alori would lead to acquittal. With such a huge gap, it would be natural for people to choose to challenge Alori.

So in the first few days, Alori violently satisfied his desire to kill.

When a group of unlucky people once again pretended to be painting the Colosseum, the troublemakers discovered that this seemingly attractive way of survival was actually a dead end.

The troublemakers who deeply understood the horror of SteelGreymon wanted to challenge the ordinary soldiers under Milin.

However, just when they were arguing about who should fight for this way of life, Alori gave another choice that looked good.

That's the race.

As long as he can beat the gardeners under Milin in the four and a half lap race around the Colosseum...ah, even the soldiers under Milin can be free.

But this seems like a good choice, but it limits the scope of participation.

Only the presidents of these guilds or important figures within the guilds can gain freedom through this method.

Among these troublemakers, most people with such status started out in their fifties or sixties.

After all, in this world, it is not that simple to live to this age easily.

In particular, Alori has also set a daily registration limit.

They knew very well that if they were locked up for a few more days, the guild leaders who might not be able to escape immediately started fighting each other for this opportunity to sign up.

In order to give these guild leaders a better and faster way to decide who will sign up, Alori announced that the Colosseum and weapons without any restrictions will be provided for them to use for free.

It is natural to imagine what the results will be.

So Alori's daily routine, apart from ensuring that military control and food distribution were well implemented, was to stay at the Colosseum and watch games.

"I see, you don't believe in Kong Zao, but you believe in Prince Happy."

In the VIP stands of the Colosseum, Alori, who was slumped on a recliner, heard an unhappy voice in his ears.

Along with the sound, there was a slap on Alori's forehead.

"Hey, hey, hey! Boss, you're back!" Alori, who instantly returned to normal from a state of enjoyment, jumped up from the recliner.

"If I don't come back, our first base will be blown up by you." Before Alori could stand up, Milin, who showed no mercy at all, directly pulled her away and lay down on the chair.

"Hey, boss, what do you want to drink? I copied out a lot of good stuff!" Alori, who was pulled aside, came forward again.

"No need, I'm here to punish you. Do you know how much trouble you have caused Gray Wind?" Milin said angrily.

Far away on the way back, Milin saw the dazzling red face in Escalon that represented negative livability through the golden finger of the town project.

Various outputs have become directly? ? ?

If there is a show of loyalty, I'm afraid it's just a thin line away from rebellion.

Fortunately, there is a small red flag representing military control next to the red face with almost extremely negative livability.

Milin, who had just returned from a victorious battle, had to put down the rebellion immediately.

The "Governor" Alori who had turned the situation into this situation was fishing in the Colosseum, which really made Milin very angry.

"So, Commander, what you call so angry is that you drank and fished with Alori?" Hui Feng, who had been worn by Milin as clothes for so many days, looked indifferent.

"Ahem, I just denounced with Alori that the luxurious life of the exploiting class is indeed undesirable."

It turns out that the best wine is not in the lord's warehouse, nor in Lao Wei's wine cellar, but in the private collections of these union leaders.

"Sister Hui Feng, I also left a lot for you." Alori, who was fishing with Milin, said with an apologetic look.

"Oh, bring it then." Gray Feng stretched out his hand and said politely.

"Come on, come on, one barrel for each person, get drunk and then rest." Alori took out a wine barrel from nowhere with a flattering look on his face.

As a result, the wine barrel was not opened. Gray Feng kept extending his hand and said:

"anything else?"

"They are all in the castle warehouse. I hid them well!" Alori said taking credit.

"Bring them all, I need them." Gray Feng said coldly.

"All...all?" Alori was surprised.

"Yes, all of them. Thanks to you, we still need to re-establish trust before rebuilding the territory's trade system." Gray Wind said.

To put it simply, it means throwing money, erecting timber for the gate and so on.

"Ah...can't you leave some behind?" Alori, who understood what Gray Feng wanted to do, knelt down in front of Gray Feng and hugged Gray Feng's thigh.

Gray Feng, who had kicked Alori twice but failed to kick him away, kept an indifferent expression and said: "Not only can't he stay, it may not even be enough, especially this time the commander has consumed all his victory income by summoning new companions."

"Master~~" Alori turned his attention to Milin for help.

Before Alori could think of dragging Milin to leave something with her, she suddenly got excited and continued:

"Wait, new companion?"

He was holding a wine glass and looking at Milin who was performing a fight in the Colosseum with a look in his eyes and said without raising his head:

"Well, new guy"

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