Riding and slashing the stars of empire civilization

38 A good shot is not as good as a good catch

For this group of militiamen who were abandoned and driven into the mountains and forests, the inferior daggers in their hands did not bring them the slightest sense of security.

But due to the power of Lord Pahlavi, they did not dare to look back.

The road ahead leads to a narrow escape from death, so the road back will lead to a narrow escape from death.

In the territory of the Pahlavi lords, you can always see rows of crosses filled with punished people on the roadside.

The greatest role of these punished people who were crucified while alive was to warn people of the consequences of disobeying their lords.

Driven by their survival instinct, these driven militiamen naturally formed into gangs.

If these militiamen who formed gangs for survival can get out alive, most of them will end up falling into the trap of bandits.

Some of them had just been expelled and had already made plans to become robbers and robbers.

Because before these people were forcibly recruited, they were just robbers and thieves waiting in line to be crucified.

For them, falling grass is just returning to their old business.

There are more than twenty people, and this is the largest group among these militia groups. This is what they plan to do.

The reason why more than twenty people were able to gather was not because the leader of this gang had charisma, but because he did not wander around like a headless fly, but was very smart to find his "companions" to attack first.

"Hmph, with enough power, we can also be noble masters!" The leader of this gang said loudly to his newly recruited subordinates.

Whether they were forced or active, the militiamen whose weapons were still stained with blood... or the bandits made a loud or small response.

Just as the leader was enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by people, a cautious voice interrupted his enjoyment:

"Brother...brother, what should we do next?"

He turned his head and glared at the leader who interrupted his enjoyment and said:

"Hmph, those people want to run away. Can two-legged ones outrun four-legged ones? Let's just stay here and find a place to hide. When those lords are finished fighting, we will naturally be able to enjoy the hot food!"

"But, can we avoid those lords?" The cautious voice thought again.

This voice probably spoke to the hearts of these people. The new bandits who had just done their job fell silent and wanted to see what the leader would say.

"Hmph, I'm very familiar with this area. I used to be the master of this area." The leader said nonchalantly.

Having said that, there was one thing the former bandit leader didn't say.

That is, his gang was wiped out by a group of mercenaries a few months ago. If he hadn't happened to be in the city to sell the stolen goods at that time, he would be nothing more than a withered skeleton in a grave now.

Because of fear, the leader was forced to flee to the territory of Lord Pahlavi and hide for a long time. However, when he wanted to return to his old business, he was arrested because he was unfamiliar with the place.

If not for this recruitment, he would have been crucified by now.

Although he hid a lot, the leader's words were still like a shot of stimulant in the hearts of this group of robbers who had completed their job transfer.

However, at this moment, a buzzing sound sounded in the ears of these robbers.

The leader subconsciously raised his head and saw bees flying among the trees above his head.

...are there bees in this area? A trace of doubt flashed in the boss's mind.

However, before this doubt could remind the leader of honey, the buzzing sound in the air suddenly became louder.

Thousands of bees flew over their heads like locusts passing through.

It is almost an instinct imprinted in their genes that makes these robbers look for places to hide from these bees.

The leader, who also found a bush to hide in, noticed something was wrong as soon as he bent down. There was something different in the buzzing sound that almost drowned out all the sounds.

The leader, who was considered a habitual criminal in the bandit world, almost immediately determined what the unusual sound was. It was the sound of hooves of war horses galloping in the forest.

No matter what the sound of the approaching horses meant, it was clear that avoiding the bees at this time would be suicide. The leader immediately rushed out of the bushes, abandoned the men he had just recruited, and fled alone.

However, before he could run a few steps, an arrow from nowhere caught up with the leader and hit him in the back.

The huge power brought by the arrow directly nailed the leader to the tree trunk closest to him that was shaped like a cross.

Nearly two hundred meters away, Milin put down the long bow in his hand and said with a subtle expression:

"What's this called? It's better to catch well than to play well."

In Milin's perception, if it weren't for that person, he jumped up and wanted to run away when he heard the sound of horse hooves.

Then Milin's super-powerful throwing arrow should fly right over the man's head, instead of hitting him directly and pinning him to the tree.

"It seems that you are destined to be shot by me, Amen!" Milin, who pretended to be emotional, turned his head and said to Attila who was preparing next to him:

"Come on, this group is the last of them. There's no one worth keeping. Just kill them all."

"Yes" Attila simply replied, then rushed forward with all the cavalry.

Not to mention that these bandits who were hiding from bees didn't notice the enemy until the horses were close.

Even if they were fully prepared, with only a short sword and a set of cotton-padded clothes, they would only be harvested by the cavalry.

Faced with the cavalry's harvest, and the fact that the 2,580,000-yuan leader they had just dragged was nailed to a tree like dried bacon, the morale of this group of newly transferred bandits immediately collapsed.

But whether these bandits are running for their lives or begging for mercy.

Attila, who wielded a machete and quickly harvested heads, showed what it means to be ruthless but not talkative.

"What? All were wiped out?" Lord Pahlavi looked stunned at the report from his subordinates.

"Yes, the scouts reported that all the militiamen have been eliminated." When receiving the news, the adjutant's expression was even worse than that of his own lord.

"Just one day?" Pahlavi raised his head and glanced at the falling night. There seemed to be enemies hidden everywhere in the darkness.

"Are all those scouts back?"

"They're all back, many of them," the adjutant said.

"Fortunately, we will increase patrols to ensure the safety of the camp." Lord Pahlavi continued.

The hurried tone showed Pahlavi's nervousness.

"I have made arrangements, including the hidden sentry," the adjutant replied.

The subordinate's relief made Pahlavi, who looked nervous, breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"It seems that the guy Deus died unjustly."

"What to do next, sir, do you want to transfer the reserve troops? Or should we..."

The adjutant did not mention the other option, which was to retreat home and find each other's mothers.

After all, even if his lord has this plan, he cannot express this idea.

Not everyone can bear the charge of shaking the morale of the military.

"..." Pahlavi, who understood what the adjutant was saying, walked back and forth in his tent for a few steps before shaking his head and saying:

"Tomorrow morning, no, tonight we will send people back to the city to mobilize the reserve troops."

"Yes, sir, I will make arrangements right away." The adjutant nodded and did not leave immediately. Instead, he paused for a while and then said:

"But it will take five days at the earliest for the reserve troops to arrive here."

Normally, even not counting the preparation time, it would take ten days or even half a month to move reinforcements from Olnia.

Five days is already the speed of a forced march regardless of the cost. Even if they can come over, they will definitely lose their combat effectiveness.

"No, you can come within ten days. As for the ten days." Pahlavi thought for a while and said:

"We're going to camp in that village."

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