Avigo couldn't understand the fact that Milin had obtained several hives during the march in less than a few days.

He couldn't understand how Mirin obtained these hives.

He also couldn't understand how Milin allowed these hives to stay in a closed compartment safely.

According to Avigo's understanding of the honey market, why would Milin, who has this technology, want to be a mercenary? Just selling honey is enough to make him rich.

After selling it for a few years, I can almost buy an Escalon city directly from His Majesty the Emperor.

Isn't this much more cost-effective than being a mercenary?

"Running a business is indeed a way to play. Otherwise, Lao Wei, stop opening a tavern and become the general agent of Milin Brand Honey in the empire region."

"Better say goodbye. My old bones are not strong enough." Although he didn't understand many words in Milin's words, Avigo, who at least understood what Milin meant, immediately shook his head and said.

"That's a pity." Milin said with pretense of regret.

"If you really want to do this, I can introduce you to someone if you have the chance." Lao Wei said, patting his fat belly.

"Is it reliable? But I will definitely not doubt the person you introduced." Milin said immediately.

"Of course, he is a distant relative of mine." Avigo said.

"You originally planned to go to the countryside to avoid disaster, but you were looking for this relative, right?" Milin, who pictured another fat man in his mind, smiled.

"That's not true. My relative has been working as a businessman and is considered a veteran in this industry. Wait a minute... wasn't I originally asking you what you plan to do with the honey?"

As he was talking, Avigo suddenly realized that the topic was being taken away, even though he was the one who started it first.

"Of course honey is for drinking." Milin pointed to the water bag in Avigo's hand.

If the honey price mentioned by Avigo is not an exaggeration, coupled with Milin’s knowledge of Avigo.

So the honey Avigo got from Milin in the past few days was more than the honey he had drunk in the previous half of his life combined.

In exchange for dinars, it might be enough to buy the other party's tavern.

"Where are those bees? They can't be eaten, right?" Avigo's attitude did not appear to be cannibalistic at all.

"Oh? You've actually eaten it? Baked or fried?" Milin asked in surprise.

"Can bees be eaten?" Avigo also asked in surprise.

Ten minutes later, while enjoying the cool breeze in the forest, taking a sip of beeswax and a sip of honey from a bee pupa, Avigo once again realized that the topic had gone too far.

"Okay, I'm not joking with you. I never thought of this trick at first. One of my cavalrymen was unlucky enough to be hit by a honeycomb."

Milin, who relived the feeling of having sex in the wild, wiped the honey stains from his hands, walked to the carriage containing several honeycombs, and raised his hand as if to open the door.

"Wait! Wait a minute!" Avigo almost jumped up from where he was and looked for a place to hide in panic.

However, he searched for a long time but could not find a place that could fully accommodate his size, and the nearest tent was far away.

In desperation, Avigo lifted up his clothes and covered his head, not caring that his belly was completely exposed.

"Don't be afraid, I won't sting you." Seeing Avigo's appearance, Milin couldn't help laughing and opened the car door.

The buzzing sound exploded, instantly suppressing other sounds in the woods and becoming the only sound in everyone's ears.

Arvigo, whose frightened memories were evoked by these sounds, remained rigid and motionless, for fear of attracting the attention of the bees and causing him to be stung in vain.

So many bees can really sting someone to death.

"I said I won't sting you." Milin said, looking at Avigo's wooden figure-like posture.

Avigo, who really didn't feel the bee sting, carefully put down his clothes with very slow movements. Then he only saw a swarm of bees forming a swarm, hovering beside Milin, as if guarding him. Same as Milin.

"How... did you do that?" It's not like Avigo has never seen beekeepers before, but for a beekeeper like Milin who can control these bees almost like an arm, Avigo also Never seen that.

"Because bees are a true social creature." Regardless of whether Avigo could understand or not, Milin raised a finger and explained: "With just a little pheromone induction, such a species can be well controlled. .”

While Milin was talking, a drop of silver-gray liquid appeared from Milin's cuff and rolled down the back of his hand to his fingertips.

Then this drop of silver-gray liquid transformed into a bee on Milin's fingertips, shook its wings and flew into the swarm.

Avigo, who had no idea what Milin was talking about and looked confused, did not notice this detail.

"You mean, what factors can you rely on to control these bees? Complete control?" Avigo, who was trying very hard to understand what was going on, asked carefully.

Looking at Milin who was guarded by the swarm, Avigo felt as if he had known each other for the first time.

"After all, it is truly social. As long as it can be controlled, it means complete control. It is not a pseudo-social creature like humans, which is composed of individual individuals."

Milin explained patiently, after all, Avigo would definitely not understand.

"Could it be that you are...a wizard?" Finally, Avigo asked Milin in a tone of surprise.

"Huh? Are there wizards in this world?" Avigo's words made Milin slightly surprised and revealed something unexpected.

"It's those..." Avigo, who was too shocked to explain, said a lot about his knowledge of wizards.

"Why do you sound like a liar?"

Milin, who barely understood, felt that what Lao Wei was talking about was not the kind of wizard who could rub fireballs, but the kind of charlatan who was a master of magic.

"I used to think those people were just a bunch of scammers who didn't want to pay, but..."

But Avigo, who didn't say what was behind him for a while, just looked at Milin deeply.

Milin's control of these bees not only made Avigo feel that he was getting to know Milin again, but also truly challenged Avigo's world view.

"But even if there are wizards in this world, the ability I can use to control these bees is not related to mysticism."

Milin thought for a while and then said: "But if you regard Gray Wind's ability as a kind of witchcraft, that's not impossible."

It is normal for technology that is ahead of its time to be regarded as witchcraft.

Although it seems that Milin is controlling these swarms, the actual controller is Gray Feng, who is currently being worn by Milin.

As one of the world-destroying natural disasters, Gray Gu Storm, one of its fighting methods is the nano-insect swarm.

When gray snowflakes fall from the sky and gather together to form a swarm of nano-insects that begin to devour everything, what the enemy has to face is a real gray goo storm.

It's a pity that Gray Wind, whose computing power and total mass are limited, now even if he turns into a swarm of nano bugs, his biggest role is to clean up the town hall.

But if you want to transform into a swarm of insects, you don’t necessarily need to transform them all by yourself.

While dumping honey for the hive that hit the Scout Cavalry, Gray Wind noticed that he could control the swarm that was supposed to be controlled by the queen by producing the swarm's pheromones.

So Gray Gu Storm suddenly became a top beekeeper.

Although this kind of biological insect swarm is not as useful to Gray Wind as the real nano insect swarm, Gray Wind is still one of the strongest candidates for the king in insect swarm combat.

"So you're going to control these bees to sting Pahlavi's army?"

As Avigo spoke, he noticed that Milin's eyes gradually turned into care for the fool when he looked at him.

"Although it is indeed used in this way, wouldn't it be too wasteful to use it like this? I am still pointing at these bees to make money for me." Milin shook his finger and said.

Following this action, the swarm of bees hovering around Milin immediately dispersed as if under some command.

As the bees dispersed, the buzzing gradually faded away. Looking at the picture directly reflected on the retina, Milin said in a subtle tone:

"The swarm of insects caused it, and it's where I am."

"I am the swarm of insects."

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