"Come back to your senses, come back to your senses, what are you thinking about?"

Alori raised his hand and waved it in front of Attila's eyes, pulling the girl back from her memories.

Seeing Attila come to his senses, Alori raised his arm and pointed at the closed city gate and asked: "Can you handle it?"

"??" Attila, who had just come back to his senses, showed a confused expression. Does this mean he asked her to attack the city? Let the cavalry attack the city? Are you really not kidding?

"There are no more guards, so I ask you if you can dismantle the city gate?" Alori's supplementary explanation made Attila still confused.

Even if you don't need to face the rain of arrows, siege and other tasks cannot be solved by cavalry, especially light cavalry.

Noticing Attila's confusion, Alori pretended not to get entangled, and just said to himself in a very casual tone when turning around and leaving:

"It's strange. The boss clearly said it was a special attack on buildings?"

"Wait a minute" Alori said to himself as if reminding Attila.

"What are you doing?" Alori immediately turned around, looking like he had succeeded in his conspiracy.

"..." Probably because Alori's expression was not concealed at all, Attila, who had originally planned to explain what he could do, said in a stiff tone:

"give it to me."

Alori, who had no doubts about Attila's ability to attack the city with cavalry, whistled, and the other soldiers who were cleaning up the trophies immediately paused their actions and made way to the city gate.

At the same time, Attila raised the torch in his hand and waved it in a circle. Like her, he had a torch in one hand and a scimitar in the other. The nomadic wind cavalry, who had been patrolling nearby to provide lighting after completing the pursuit mission, rode their horses to Attila's Behind him, he pulled the reins and assumed a charging posture.

"Special attack on buildings?" After his exclusive troops were prepared, Attila, who was looking at the city wall less than half a mile away, repeated what Alori had just said to himself.

It was probably because Morin's method of summoning these cavalry was so challenging that it was not too shocking for Attila to later discover that he could directly control these soldiers with his mind.

Through this method of mind control, Attila also learned that these cavalry, which appeared to be nomadic on the surface, but were different from the nomads living in the East, were a kind of light cavalry called "Tarahan Cavalry". cavalry.

Attack power and defense power can be upgraded through the blacksmith shop.

Movement speed and health can be upgraded through the stable.

Can be upgraded to elite Tarakhan cavalry through the castle.

The ability to resist monks can be improved through monasteries.

Attila had no idea what these introductions that suddenly appeared in his head meant.

If Alori hadn't reminded him by "talking to himself", Attila would have even ignored the last paragraph of these introductions.

To be precise, it is the most important paragraph.

"Talahan Cavalry, a unique cavalry unit of the Huns, has an attack bonus against buildings"

Attila didn't know what the Huns were, but the second half of the sentence was easy to understand...that's strange.

Even with this introduction that was directly imprinted in his mind, Attila still couldn't figure out how the Tarakhan cavalry, which looked like standard light cavalry in terms of armor and weapons, could attack the city.

With the torch in your hand?

Attila's doubts were quickly answered. It was not a torch or a scimitar.

The parallel Tarakhan knights rushed towards the closed city gate like an infantry phalanx.

At the moment when they approached the city gate, the horse of the Tarakhan cavalry closest to the city gate raised its front legs.

Iron hoofs stepped heavily on the city gate, making a loud noise.

Several other Tarakhan cavalrymen who followed followed suit, manipulating their horses to ravage the solid ground with their iron hooves.

Theoretically, the city gate, which required a car to rush up for quite some time, was ravaged by iron hooves before it was knocked open after a short period of time.

It's just that the ordinary wooden inner door turned into pieces in an instant.

Attila, who had obtained the "Light Cavalry Siege" achievement, did not stop and continued to rush into the city according to the predetermined plan.

As an imperial city, the streets of Escalon City are not too narrow, but the original design clearly did not consider allowing war horses to gallop in the city.

However, as a nomadic militia, the Talahan Qi soldiers still relied on their superb equestrian skills to maintain a full sprint speed on the not-so-spacious streets.

The residents who were awakened from their dreams by the banging of doors and the sound of horse hooves opened their windows one after another to see what was going on.

As a result, he happened to see Alori and other soldiers under Morin who followed Attila into the city.

Residents who realized what was going on immediately closed the windows they had just opened, and a few wealthy households even extinguished the ever-burning oil lamps in their homes.

However, apart from making the already not very bright city darker, there was no chaos.

Since the empire was divided into three, the residents of Iscalon City have experienced several changes in the city's capital and the king's flag.

The current city lord, Deus, almost used a similar method to become the city lord of Escalon City.

To be precise, it should be the former city lord Deus.

After all, a dead person cannot serve as a city lord or perform the duties of a lord.

Attila was so fast in the city. On the one hand, it was because she could not calm down the excitement of leading the Darahan cavalry to attack the city for the first time. On the other hand, she still remembered that her mission was to rescue Milin.

However, when Attila rushed all the way to the main castle located in the center of Escalon City, he found that Milin did not seem to need his own rescue.

"Rescue? Well, this is indeed the plan, but..." Milin, who was sitting in the position that originally belonged to the city lord, spread his hands and said to Attila who rushed in all the way.

But the combat effectiveness of these opponents is too low.

The entire castle from top to bottom, from inside to outside, including some domestic servants wearing ordinary attendant uniforms, but those who had waved weapons towards Milin were lying down from the courtyard of the castle to inside the castle. .

The one closest to Milin's position was the former city lord Deus, who was still looking horrified even after his throat was sealed with a sword. He was holding it tightly in his hand, but the long sword that had been broken in half showed that this lord was still there. Before his death, he acted in an overestimating way.

"Are you not scared?" Milin asked Attila.

I have to say that the scene was indeed a bit bloody, but after all, it was the dark side of the Force. Once it was used without mercy, the result would be almost like this.

But the next second, Milin felt that his question was in vain.

Attila didn't care at all about the warm scarlet color that could still be felt under her feet. She stepped on the sticky floor and walked to Milin. Facing Milin who was sitting high on the city leader's chair, she knelt down neatly on one knee and said :

"My lord is victorious."

Only then did Milin remember that the white-haired, innocent-looking girl in front of him used to be a horse bandit.

"Just pretend I didn't ask just now, is it useful?" Milin would sit on the chair belonging to the city lord not because he liked this position, but because this chair was higher and it was the only clean place in the hall.

Seeing that Attila did not respond, Milin asked again: "Are those Darahan cavalry useful?"

"Ah" Attila realized what Milin was asking after hesitating for a while before answering:

"very powerful"

"Why do you think you still say but..." Milin asked with a smile.

Of course there are, such as blacksmith shops, stables, castles, etc... Well, Attila still knows what these buildings are used for, but Attila has no idea how these buildings can increase attack, defense and movement speed. Added life.

However, compared with the way the Darahan cavalry appeared, these things seemed not to be a big problem.

Sensing Attila's confusion, Milin said without surprise:

"Take your time, it's still early in the future."

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