For most prairie people living on the grasslands, living and working in peace and contentment is a difficult word to understand.

The vast grassland seems unwilling to support too many people.

People living there struggle to make ends meet every day.

In this environment, people living on the grasslands either become extremely docile, hoping to exchange this docility for a little bit of scraps to survive, or they turn to unlimited plunder as their only way of life.

For a long time, after losing the former way of survival, the girl named "Attila" also started to live the latter way of life like other prairie people.

Just like the father she has never met, she uses bows and blades to earn as much survival resources as possible for herself.

If we had to look for something different between the girl and other prairie people...her congenital pale hair color and weaker emotions than others have always made the girl bear the title of "The Cursed Child".

A title like this is not a bad thing for prairie people like the girl, but can actually play a deterrent role.

It's a pity that these threats are obviously of no use to foreigners from outside the grassland. At most, they will save her from being whipped a few times.

Even though she was "lucky" to be rescued by Milin, the girl never had the slightest hope for her future.

"What... is this?" The girl who changed her name to "Attila" looked at the food in front of her with an incomprehensible expression.

Attila, who had not had a full meal for a long time, knew for the first time that bread was actually soft.

"Bread is supposed to be soft." As if he knew what Attila was surprised about, Milin said in a very calm tone that he almost took a bite.

"..." Although his expression was still paralyzed, after hearing Milin's words, Attila's eyes still flashed a look of "Are you kidding me?"

"Of course, this kind of bread would be a bit expensive if sold outside." Milin, who knew very well that bread in Attila's perception has nothing to do with "softness," said.

Given that the productivity of this world is at best a little higher than that of Europe in the Dark Middle Ages on Earth, it would take a huge amount of human resources to sift out flour that can bake soft bread.

It is a serious "king's food" - even a king would find it difficult to eat this kind of food every day.

Simply calculating human resources, the price of this bread is almost equal to ten times the dinar equivalent in volume.

Attila did not ask Milin how much this kind of bread was worth, because compared to other foods, this kind of soft bread, as sweet as honey, with a rich milky aroma, could only be considered ordinary.

However, in just ten days, relying on these nutrition packages specially customized according to physical conditions, all the symptoms of long-term malnutrition gradually disappeared from Attila's body, but his body was still a barren mess.

"What do you need...from me?" The girl with facial paralysis finally couldn't help her curiosity and took the initiative to find Milin to ask why.

"I thought you would ask me later." Milin, who had just arrived outside the city of Escalon and was about to enter the city, said with a smile.

"..." A trace of confusion flashed across Attila's face, not understanding what Milin was trying to riddle.

"Then what do you think I'm going to ask you to do?" Milin asked, keeping that subtle smile on his face.

"I..." Attila seemed to want to say something, but before he could say it, he was refuted by himself. In the end, the girl shook her head and said, "I don't know."

In the past few days, Attila could be said to have often guessed what Milin wanted to do with her. She even thought that Milin planned to train her into a spy for some special purpose.

Although she had never seen it with her own eyes, she had heard a little bit about the practice of cultivating slaves and disguising them as a certain image to spy on some really important people.

But as the nutritious meals became more and more abundant every day, Attila knew that this was simply impossible.

This kind of cost can completely form a large army, not to mention that Attila also knows that his talents in some aspects are not outstanding.

Facial paralysis is facial paralysis, and weak emotion does not mean stupidity.

"Haha" Milin, who seemed to know what the girl was thinking from her hesitant look, chuckled lightly, and then said his plan in a calm tone:

"It's not as complicated as you think. I just want to train you to be my general."

"General... General?" There was a shocked expression on his paralyzed face, and it was easy to see that Milin's answer exceeded the girl's expectations.

To be precise, Attila thought that Milin had this intention at first. For example, he was interested in her "decisiveness in killing" and planned to train her to become a warrior under his command.

This is also where Attila considers himself to be "most useful".

But if he was just a warrior, would he need such a high training cost? Attila, who could not understand this, gave up the idea early after finishing his first meal.

As a result, Milin said that this was what he thought. No wonder Attila looked unexpectedly shocked.

"Warrior? No, not a warrior, I'm talking about a general, a person who can command an army." Milin, who saw what Attila was shocked about, added an explanation.

"General?" Attila's heart was replaced by greater doubts. She knew what a general was. In the grassland where she was born, Nayan, who was the leader of the tribe, was called "general" by the imperial people.

What Attila was confused about was not the meaning of being a general, but what was there about her that made Milin think she could become one of those big shots with that same face.

"Nayan? Qianhu Nayan? So that's it." The smile on Milin's face became even weirder after he found out what this title meant from his memory: "Of course I didn't mean that you would become Nayan."

Milin's statement made Attila slightly relieved, because before that, the biggest thing Attila had done was probably leading a dozen horse thieves to raid a group of forest people. As a result, the horse thieves were killed. The horse turned into a hedgehog, and she was also captured.

However, before Attila could finish breathing, Milin's next words made her fall into a daze:

"Because I believe that the so-called beauty will not be your end."

...Does his new master think that he will become the Great Khan of the Grassland? …

"Hahahaha..." Milin, who didn't know what he thought of, laughed, but his strange behavior did not attract the attention of others.

To be precise, except for Attila who looked puzzled, the others who were building the camp did not move their eyes here at all.

"But compared to those things, I know you are most confused about whether you can do it, right?" After laughing for a while, Milin suddenly turned serious.

Facing Milin's question, Attila nodded stiffly.

"Then let's give it a try." Milin said while taking out a gold coin from his pocket.

Attila's eyes were naturally drawn towards him, and he recognized at a glance that the gold coin in Milin's hand was the Empire's Orio gold coin.

However, the Oriu gold coin in Milin's hand was much larger than the Oriu gold coin Attila knew.

"This is a large Caesar gold coin. Of course, in this world, the imperial leader who minted this gold coin in his own name is not called Caesar, but this does not prevent me from calling him Caesar." Milin turned over the quilt in his hand. Orious, whom he called "Caesar's great gold coin," continued to Attila:

"Although he was not the founding monarch of the empire, he made the empire an empire and gave the empire a great foundation."

"..." Attila, who was completely confused, decided to empty his mind and listen carefully.

"But everything has a beginning and an end. Where there is a beginning, there must be an end. A great ending is not necessarily so magnificent." As Milin spoke, he suddenly flicked away the "Caesar Gold Coin" in his hand, which was better than the regular Ori Wu Yao's half-circle large gold coin flipped in the air a few times and hit Attila, who was emptied of his mind. Finally, it fell to the ground and was inserted straight into the soil that had not yet been compacted under its own weight.

After stopping Attila from subconsciously bending down to pick it up, Milin touched Attila's little head that was hit by the gold coin and said:

“Step on it, step it in.”

Although he didn't understand what Milin was doing, Attila still raised his leg and stepped on it obediently, and crushed it a few times without any instruction.

However, after a few crushings, Attila's movements suddenly stopped, and a layer of sweat appeared on his face, which seemed even more paralyzed after he emptied his mind.

The touch from under his feet told Attila that the Oriu, which had only been crushed a few times, disappeared without a trace at some point.

Not daring to think about what kind of punishment he would receive for losing the gold coins, Attila looked at Milin nervously. However, Milin did not show any anger, and did not even look at Attila. Instead, he looked past Attila and looked behind her.

"This is too expensive." A sentence suddenly popped out of Milin's mouth that the girl could not understand. However, before Attila could start thinking again due to nervousness, he was curious about what Milin was talking about. Attila felt something inexplicable and turned around. He turned around and looked behind him.

Groups of soil emerged from the earth, and under the invisible force, the soil formed four human figures riding horses like Lego blocks.

As Milin raised his hand and gently patted Attila's head, the pieced-together soil gradually turned into a living knight. The figure holding a torch in one hand and a scimitar in the other was unlike anything Attila had ever seen. A kind of cavalry.

But for some reason, Attila always had the feeling that the best cavalry should look like this.

At the same time, Attila also noticed that he had established a strange connection with these clay-sculpted human cavalry. It seemed that even if he ordered these cavalry to charge towards an enemy that was ten times more numerous, these cavalry would definitely charge and would definitely win. a feeling of.

When Attila recovered from the shock caused by the clay sculpture, he saw that Milin had walked aside with Alori at some point, and it seemed that he had no intention of explaining to Attila what was going on. The way things are.

Only the brief conversation between the two people could be faintly heard in the breeze:

"Boss, why do you feel like those cavalry are afraid of you?"

"Because I can hit five."

(Elite man ecstatic?)

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