Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2698: Accountability

"Everyone, wait a minute~"

The Emperor said, "Brother Wei was also alarmed by many submissions, but because it was at the critical juncture of Ji Kao, Zhaoming Qi Tianlu had no time to clone, and Brother Wei never called him over."

"Well, don't worry~"

The Black Emperor stabbed and said, "I'm waiting for time!"


Chidi also slightly said, standing in the sky without saying a word.

The celestial officials on the Yaopu Hall were dumbfounded, the five emperors of the Heavenly Court, when they were all here, would you like to see the Wenhua of a Yuqing immortal?

See if Zhaoming Qitianlu is cheating?

This is abnormal!

Although Emperor Wufang is not in the same space with Yaopu Hall, the luck and power of their bodies are too strong, but for a moment, Zuo Zhongyu's forehead was sweating, and his fairy body trembled.

"That's it~"

The Emperor of Heaven smiled and waved his hand, "You can wait until you go down!"

"Thanks your Majesty~"

All Taiqing gods bowed and bowed and retired.

"Gu Wei~"

As soon as he left the hall, Kong Xu smiled and said, "Please follow me to the Kunhuan Forbidden Area, after this British election, the old man has to make arrangements. You have to praise your Majesty. In the future, there will be a bright future in my Wenqun Temple. "

Gu Wei was neither overbearing nor humbled and said, "Thank you for your support, my humble duty will never be remembered!"

There was silence in the Yaopu Hall, and the five emperors watched their noses and noses, and no one spoke.

After about a few hours, Hei Di glanced at Chi Di, and laughed first: "The younger brother remembers that the heir of the emperor, Yinghuo, was taken away by this Xiao Hua. The emperor came over in such a hurry, do you want to inquire about the whereabouts of Yinghuo? "

The Chi Emperor looked up at the Black Emperor, and said faintly: "Why the emperor should try to be a brother? Since I am waiting for the five emperors to gather, naturally there are things that can affect the order of my heaven!"


Even the Emperor of Heaven looked around the Quartet and said with deep feeling, "The last time I waited for the five emperors to gather, it was a long time ago. Even if the Dao Xianjie Dao first came over, you didn’t come here. The Hun Yuanxian in this small area actually attracted me to gather."

"No one~"

Emperor Bai said faintly, "Dao Shi is certainly the pinnacle of the Dao Immortal Realm, but I am also the Emperor of the Heavenly Court, and I can't wait for him!"

"Not bad~"

Qingdi also spoke, "Although Xiao Hua is a Taoist immortal Hunyuan, not even Tianzun, but his Confucian immortal clone can actually induce Zhaoming Qitian Lu again and again, and force all Confucian immortals in my heaven. After taking the Apocalypse's Choice Xiaosanyuan, his cultivation method must have both the strengths of Taoism and Confucianism, and it must be a reference for our cultivation!"

"The problem is~"

The Black Emperor said loudly, "There are a lot of Confucian immortals who practice Taoism in the Heavenly Court, and there are so many Taoist immortals who practice Confucianism in the realm of Taoism. Why can this Xiao Hua be able to find a unique way?"

"Brother has checked it~"

Qingdi said, "This Xiao Hua has made waves in the Dao Immortal Realm. Needless to say, the details are not necessary. He was finally besieged by the San Tian Zun clone in Chaotian Que of the ancient family. He was rescued by the Punishment Tian Zun clone. disappear."

"Not bad~"

Baidi's tone was still faint, and said, "He reappears as a Demon League, and even more strangely, he has become Demon Emperor Xiao!"

"The emperor's message is wrong~"

The Emperor said with a smile, "When he left the Demon League, he was already Demon Zunxiao!"

"Well, I was only allowed to explore before my brother arrived~"

Baidi replied, "Pay attention to him earlier than the emperor!"

"No way~"

The Emperor of Heaven smiled bitterly, "When Xiao Hua appeared, he was the Xuanpu, and he was still rebuilt, so he should pay attention if he doesn't pay attention!"

"Oh, yes~"

Baidi seemed to have thought of something, and asked, "Little brother Bai Yujing has a business alliance, I don't know if the Huangcheng of the emperor also has it?"


The emperor nodded and replied, "The report obtained by the Luoyi Business League was issued by the emperor's brother Bai Yujing!"


Baidi thoughtfully said, "This Luoyi business alliance is the Taoist business alliance of the Taoist world!"

"The Demon League also has a business alliance~"

The Qing emperor reminded, "The younger brother heard that the seven realms of the business alliance and business are connected, and even the fairy realm and the feathers cannot match!"

"Brother Emperor~"

Chi Di asked, "Is this Xiao Hua ascending from the mortal world? Do you know him?"

The Emperor of Heaven smiled slightly and said, "Brother is not quite clear about this. After all, he has ascended to the realm of Taoist immortals. Because of the special nature of his Confucian avatar, brother doesn't want to disturb them..."


Chi Di hurriedly said, "You must not let the three brothers know about this, otherwise infinite variables will be born!"

The Emperor of Heaven laughed. He knew that he had spoken when Xiao Hua killed Nangong Shiru, which made Chi Di doubt. He still didn't want other emperors to know the relationship between Xiao Hua and him, so he took Dao Shi. Prevarication, from the current situation, the effect is good.

The Wufang Great Emperor is certainly the pinnacle of power and strength in the heavens, and is an omnipresent existence in the eyes of ordinary Confucianism, but in fact, the heavens and the earth are so big and the universe is so vast. After all, there are things that they cannot control. The appearance of these things may have an impact on their cultivation or their rule, and they cannot easily let it go.

The special emperor of Xiao Hua's Mind Confucian Statue had actually noticed that for a certain purpose, he did not reveal it to the other Sifang emperors.

It's a pity that he still underestimated Xiao Hua, a British-selected base test completely shocked the entire heavenly court, and attracted the Sifang Great Emperor.

Moreover, the Emperor also knew in his heart that if Xiao Hua's literary flower had not triggered the heavenly secret and interfered with the heavenly order, the Sifang Emperor would not have come.

"What is the matter with Xiao Hua's human flower?"

Emperor Wufang secretly looked forward to it in his heart, but they were calm, and waited until a hundred days later, after all the results of the basic test of the Yuqing immortal came out, then ordered Zhaoming Qitian to record it.

As for the center of the Yaopo Hall, on top of the outline of a jade ribbon shaped like a yellow cong, there are dense handwritings in a light and shadow.

At the highest point, Xiao Huaji's three hundred and sixty-one handwritings were cast like gold.

Looking at Xiao Hua again, UU reading's second-place base test score is only 20!


Looking at these handwritings, Qingdi sneered, "This time the name and results of the ranking list must be unprecedented. If we can't produce convincing evidence, the choice of the apocalypse may end here. "

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The sixth day of the new year...

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