Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2697: 5 great emperors gather

"Master Kong~"

The emperor didn’t think so. Others wouldn’t let him go. An old man said coldly, “It’s your responsibility to run the selection of the British sacred palace. Now that there’s such a big mistake, you dare to say that you just got the book. , You should stay in the forbidden area of ​​Kunhuan!"

"Master Fang~"

Kong Xu looked at the person and said lightly, "Wenqu Shenggong is not me, Kong Xu, and there are thousands of immortal officials of various ranks; the sixth selection of the apocalypse is Bo Maojun Yingxianrui, every time I choose, my Wenqu Shenggongxian All officials perform their duties and have never slackened to assist Zhaoming Qitianlu in eclectic selection of talents; how could Kong go in personally when choosing a mere election?"

As he said, Kong Xu arched his hands at the Emperor and said: "As for what your Majesty said, you only need to call Zhaoming Qitian to come and ask, and what the minister thinks is why this student named Xiao Hua agrees. Dominate again and again..."

After that, a guard sounded outside the hall: "Your Majesty, Gu Wei and Zuo Zhongyu, the sacred palace of Wenqu, are waiting outside."

"This is not~"

Kong Xu glanced at Master Fang contemptuously and said, "As early as when Xiao Hua obtained Wen Dong and Wen Heng, there were immortal officials in my Wenqu Sacred Palace who had already paid attention to them. Kong has already brought them over, please ask your majesty. "

Above the Yaopu Hall, which Taiqing Tianxian is not an old thief, how could he be caught by someone?


The Emperor nodded and said, "Xuan Guwei, Zuo Zhongyu enters the hall!"

After Gu Wei and Zuo Zhongyu entered the hall, they did not dare to speak and waited for inquiries after respectfully saluting.

"Gu Wei~"

Upon seeing this, Kong Xu said, "You will go to Qunyu City to monitor the process of Xiao Huajun's election~"

"Your Majesty,"

Gu Wei said unhurriedly, "Zuo Zhongyu first discovered this matter. He found Xiao Hua's anomaly in the election. The ministers please allow him to tell him first."


The Emperor responded casually.

Zuo Zhongyu gave Gu Wei a grateful look. He didn't have the qualifications to come to the Yaopu Hall. If it were not for Gu Wei's support, he would never see the Emperor, let alone speak.

Zuo Zhongyu unreservedly said what he had seen and even helped Xiao Hua's move. Finally, he said: "The minister found that Xiao Hua is a manufacturable material. The minister immediately reported to Master Gu Wei and Gu, and Master Gu made a decisive decision. Xiao Hua went to Qunyu City when he participated in the election, and witnessed the story of Wenheng, the only one in the heaven!"

At this time, Gu Wei knew that he should speak up. He also said something about what happened. Finally, he said: "The minister saw Xiao Hua outstanding and loved talent, and was afraid of him being proud, so he sent him to the Tianshu Academy. , And told the academy in advance to sharpen him, and now he has lived up to the expectations of his ministers and won an unprecedented high score in the British Election Examination!"


The Emperor laughed and asked Kong Xu, "Kong Aiqing, Gu Wei, and Zuo Zhongyu are all capable and immortal officials of the sacred palace of Wenqu. As the examiners of Xiao Hua, they are so dedicated and responsible. Surely your sacred palace of Wenqu has long been praised?"

"Yes, yes~"

Kong Xu's expression remained unchanged, and he immediately nodded and said, "They are Bole who knows people, and the minister's vision is naturally not bad. They have long been praised. Now Xiao Wenheng has made great achievements, and the minister has to praise it again!"

Kong Xu's "decree" was used extremely well, even if the Nangong family got the news, they would never say anything.


The Emperor suddenly remembered something at this moment and asked, "Why didn't the examiner chosen by Xiao Huaying come here?"


Kong Xu hesitated. He was about to say, "The British election is not over and the ministers have no right to transfer the fairy officials out." But at this time, Gu Wei said first: "Your Majesty, this British election is a bit weird. Most students have not yet entered the forbidden area. , Xiao Wenheng’s results have already come out. This situation is definitely not within the scope of the power of the immortal official of the sacred palace of literary music. According to the minister, Zhaoming Qitianlu interviewed Xiao Wenheng in person. After all, Xiao Wenheng’s results were very great in the previous election. More than what Zhaoming Qitianlu thought..."


Kong Xu suddenly realized that the vest was sweating. If it were not for Gu Wei's reminder, he was afraid that he would be embarrassed.

It is a trivial matter to lose one's ugliness, and it can be troublesome to be caught by someone and attacking oneself as a superfluous person.

"Oh, that's it~"

Some Taiqing gods also woke up and smiled and said to Kong Xu, "Master Kong, it looks like we just blamed you!"

"It's okay, it's okay~"

Kong Xu also smiled and said, "Don't blame anyone who doesn't know, you adults, every day, I don't know the responsibilities of my literary group temple is normal."

"That's it~"

The emperor nodded and said, "I Xuan Zhaoming Qitianlu came to ask?"

"Your Majesty~"

Kong Xu hurriedly stopped and said, "Now that the British election has just begun, the basic test is all based on Zhaoming Qitianlu. If you wait for most of the students to get the basic test results, you can ask him again!"

"Kong Aiqing is right~"

The Emperor said, "Then wait..."


Before the emperor’s voice fell, the sky around Yaopu Hall was full of roaring sounds, but there was a red flame in the south, a silver cloud rising to the sky in the west, and black water gushing out from the north. , Although these three visions had just been born, the dragon surging above the sky immediately became vigilant, "Hoho~" Countless Hong Yun broke through the air and rushed into the sky!


The emperor laughed, stood up, and said, "How many emperors were also disturbed?"


The red flame fell on the main hall and turned into a flame human form, while the silver glow turned into a thin human form. As for the black water light, it was not even worthy of the figure, but a big face!

"I'm waiting to meet the great emperors~"

In the Yaopu Hall, all the Taiqing gods dared not neglect, and hurriedly bowed to salute.

"What's the matter, emperor brother~"

The black water light is naturally the black emperor. He cried, "A British election, you, Kunhuan forbidden land, actually got a three hundred and sixty-one credits. The most damning thing is that Zhaoming Qitianlu doesn't answer the younger brother at all. ask!"

"Haha, yeah~"

The Scarlet Emperor within the Scarlet Fire also laughed loudly, "This Xiao Wenheng actually convinced Zhaoming Qitianlu, and the younger brother wants to see what kind of flower he condenses!"

The silver humanoid Baidi greeted the emperor's chief inspector: "Little brother has seen the emperor."


When the emperor was about to speak, a blue light burst out from the east, and a human form was also condensed in the sky. This human form was shining into the sky, brighter than the other three emperors.

"It turns out that all the emperor brothers were alarmed~"

Qingdi smiled and said, "It looks like I'm still late."

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The sixth day of the new year...

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