Chapter 57


[“Event Quest” will be created]

Light pours from all over the world with holograms.

Light indicating the location of the event quest crack gate.

Hundreds and thousands of them open.

The location could be a busy street, a mountain, or an ocean.

– It’s open.

– What about the difficulty level of this quest?

Do I have to go in?

– Go in first and farm.

With him, a lot of users jump in.

Users jumping bare-faced!

The level and stats are initialized, and the moment they enter, they become bare.

This event reminds me of the time when I first became a user and jumped into a crack without anything.

Full of excitement and fear at the same time.

Looking at such users, Lee Hye-sung also warms up.

“Did you find out what China prepared?”

With Kang Inho.

He joins the event gate parade in Seoul dressed as if he is going for a walk.

“I’m sure this event will be a blood clot. The number of participants in China alone is 50,000, and most of them are controlled by the government. Most of all, I took medicine this year.”


“It’s kind of an expedient, and in fact, China has been using it openly for years.”

“It’s like a stimulant that seeps into the body and works after a certain amount of time.”

“Oh, how do you know? I really don’t know a lot of people.”

“It’s obvious. No matter how fair the conditions are, it’s not a perfect initialization, it’s a constraint, so if you want to create an expedient to avoid it, there will be hundreds more.”

“There are a lot of other expedients, but every year, the events are held, and everything is blocked, but the effect is so small and the penalty is more than the effect of doing anything, so it doesn’t seem to be restricted.

“Does the system sanction that?”

“Just the most deadly thing. That’s why it’s called a game. I don’t know about anything else, but if the balance breaks, like an event, it can be an intervention once in a while.”

Information shared with him.

There are only luxurious contents like one.

“I guess this is how you’ve always won?”

“There’s nothing I can do about it. In the beginning, that little doping helps a lot. For China, where thousands of troops are gathered.”

It is something that is hard to prevent even though you know it for sure.

It’s an expedient they found out about China out of the blue and there’s no fairness in the cracks anyway.

“It won’t be easy.”

Kang In-ho’s expression was not that bright either.

Whether you know it or not, what’s already prepared doesn’t change.

Maybe there will be a situation where we have to avoid China.

I don’t want to.

Will it be okay?

Kang In-ho, who turned his head with anxiety, saw it.

Laughing Lee Hyesung.

“What, why are you laughing?”

“No, actually, I’ve prepared something. But since it’s my first event quest, I was wondering if I could use any expedient, but I’m relieved to hear that China is using it so openly.”


I rather like it.

Even though the dagger can be hooked on himself.

“So isn’t it this? Chinese users who are getting stronger quickly by adding the number of heads in the beginning using expedient methods. Although it does not directly kill users from other countries who encounter monsters by preempting them, it continues to widen the growth gap while interfering with growth in ways such as hunting ground control. Naturally monopolizing the event. The final reward is to eat slowly naturally. If you don’t like someone in the process, you can do it.”

“…That’s right.”

I know it all, I know it too accurately, but I have no fear.

“And it’s something different this year. I don’t know what it is, but you think it’s going to be bloody? For example, developing a stronger drug.”


“That would be better. It’s perfect.”

No matter how hard I think about it, I can’t tell what the hell is.

One is distracted by the smile on one’s lips. Soon as I saw Lee Hye-sung’s eyes, I noticed it.

What he’s thinking.


My spine cools.

The world’s Kang Inho.

Looking at the playful murder in the eyes of a colleague who is not an enemy.

“Justice defense. That’s a good word. If you catch a user, your experience level goes up and you can get money and items. Let’s go.”

“Phew. Here we go again. It’s been a while since I’ve been in the water. I met him.”

Ariel, who had been listening with him without saying a word, kicked her tongue and shook her head.

The three of them mixed with users and headed to the gate.

Let’s get it straight!

It would have been without the users blocking them.


“What is it?”

Kang In-ho asked first.

Users standing in the way of the event quest gate.

There are many familiar faces.

Users of large guilds.

“We have a warning from China. Hand over the saint. Otherwise, I will not be responsible for anything that happens.”

The masters are working together to block the three of them, perhaps because the story is over.

Considering that he is armed with weapons and equipment that disappears when he enters, he is determined to fight a showdown.

It is a situation where a sigh comes out automatically.

It’s not that I don’t understand why he’s like that.

The number of users participating in the event in large guilds is approximately a thousand units.

For such users, event quests are of course just a reward for free.

It’s a great opportunity to raise and farm moderately and easily, even if you don’t get the final reward!

If you’re lucky, you can get a good item.

But such an event quest gangster threatens.

You don’t want to turn the opportunity to raise the level safely just because it’s the same country into a place where you feel threatened by death.

Of course, it’s not easy to fall for.

Large guilds are powerful, and if they work together, they can’t attack even if it’s China.

It’s just a difference of choice.

Which is easier.

Will you not give in to the danger?

Or are we going to persuade our side.

The latter is much less powerful and gathered together.

“I understand that Hyesung has already expressed his position on Ariel. What China is saying is a no-no.”

Kang In-ho calmly brought it up.


But the big guild didn’t listen.

“I know, but they have no intention of breaking the will.”

“Even if Ariel is sent, China has no intention of conducting the event peacefully.”

“It’s a guess.”

“China suffered too much damage this time. I’m going to make up for the loss through user farming.”

With frustration, I just shake my head when I tell you why I prepared so much for China’s final purpose and this event quest.

I already have a firm idea.

You have to choose between the two.

Then Lee Hye-sung stepped up.

“Bring it on, you bastards. It’s pathetic to see you bow your head down to the little Jjanggae pups and persecute users in the same country.”


There is a deep silence over the unexpected bold provocation.

It is also late to respond to offensive remarks with too much confidence.

Of course, there was no intention of using force outside the cracks or in front of the entire nation.

It’s just a threat.

Likewise, their power will be applied to Lee Hye-sung and Kang In-ho more clearly within the cracks.

Nevertheless, the hand holding the weapon is strained.

I want to solve the insult of the large guilds that were broadcast live nationwide right now.

a moment of hesitation

Lee Hye-sung, who provoked them, replaced the choice of a large guild.

“Oh, you don’t have a weapon here, come on in the crack.”


The three bodies that flash for a moment.

While the large guilds were puzzled, the three appeared in front of the gate and entered the free-standing crack.



Honey-eating mute.

The dog that was chasing chickens.

One thing was clear, whatever word it was attached to.

You’ve been fooled.

– Shame on the country.

It’s not enough to help together. I’m ashamed. I’m embarrassed.

The only thing I know is how to tax evasion. Big dogs 대형

That Lee Hye-sung’s enemy has increased one more time in this event.


The live broadcast of Kang In-ho and the big guild’s happening was broadcast live not only throughout the country but all over the world.

Of course.

Even if China always hurts everything, Kang In-ho was the most interested person in this event.

I didn’t always let you down.

That’s why I was watching.

Until his personal video is on, the news of South Korean news.

I can’t help but look at it naturally.

The Chinese senior secretary smiled satisfactorily.

“Fearful fighting. It’s nice to see.”

“I’m ready to enter.”

“I’m sure you’ve distributed it well.”

“We have 25 entry gates under normal control and are waiting.”

“Go right in.”


Still, China is busy dealing with the damage.

Therefore, the senior secretary was more satisfied with this situation.

If the final compensation is monopolized, the damage will remain to be recovered.

If there were no crack brakes in the first place, this year would have been a step in China’s growth.

“There’s nothing we can do about the past. We have to extract more.”

The evil smile was caught in the mouth of the Chinese chief.


Inside the crack where the event quest is carried out.

Thousands of light are pouring in.

Unlike normal cracks, where vision flashes and moves, event cracks fall from the sky due to various restrictions.

Users appearing in different styles.

Even one underwear was recovered, so the top and bottom clothes were different, but thousands of users who appeared at the same time had something in common.


They united as soon as they fell to the ground.

“Identify personnel.”

With him, he memorizes numbers in Chinese and aligns them.

One hell of a move!

At the same time, they are wary of the surroundings.

There was no disturbance.

a quiet forest

The Chinese, who are aligned and aligned as if they were troops, move at the command of the user who is at the forefront.

And then the monster you face it.

Monsters that appear in event fissures are usually similar to monsters that appear in ordinary fissures.

A venomous snake from a level 2 crack!

The five venomous snakes that find their prey move stealthily.

Thousands of ranks are enough to intimidate monsters, but the movements of venomous snakes do not slow down at all.

Because I feel it.

They don’t have any power.

There will be no problem filling your stomach.

After the calculation, snakes sneak down and bite their prey.




Screaming users.

Attention is focused, but snakes move regardless.

We are stronger.

Hide back in the tree and those humans will do nothing.


Snakes that bite humans struggling quickly head up the tree.

However, the meaning was not fully fulfilled.


Neck-bite users who are still breathing.

Their eyes turn red and hug the snakes and jump down.

Instant superpower!

Snakes fall on the floor unable to cope.

With him, Chinese users rush in.

Roughly resisted, but the surrounded snakes eventually failed to beat the head count.

There was a lot of damage to Chinese users, but China, which carried the injured, did not stop.

There are thousands of lights on the level up.

“Let’s go.”

A card prepared by China.

The start was good.

============================ Review of the work ============================

a succession of succession

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