Restricted Area

Chapter 55: go god

The Internet is full of overwhelming reports of this incident. Unlike the worried investors, Jiang Chijing has a leisurely life at home. Not only did he move the big bed by the window back to the middle of the bedroom, he also went to the supermarket to buy a new one. Mouthwash cup and men's slippers.

Living alone is often as simple as possible. In the past, there were only three pairs of slippers in Jiang Chijing’s shoe cabinet, one pair of sandals, one pair of cotton slippers, and one pair of flip-flops to wear out.

The last time Zheng Mingyi came to Jiang Chijing's house, he wore those flip-flops that he didn't usually wear. The two of them spent most of that day in bed, and occasionally walked barefoot, so it didn't matter whether they were wearing slippers or not, but after they really started to live together, they definitely couldn't do it like this.

Returning home from the supermarket, Jiang Chijing put two new pairs of slippers of the same style in the shoe cabinet.

Something prepared for others suddenly appeared at home, Jiang Chijing was still a little uncomfortable. He realized afterwards that the act of buying couple slippers seemed to be too proactive.

Zheng Mingyi had mentioned it before, and he came to his house to stay after he was released from prison, but he said no at that time, which means that the matter has not been negotiated.

If Zheng Mingyi doesn't come by then, isn't he wasting his expression?

probably not.

Jiang Chijing quickly rejected this idea.

Close the door of the shoe cabinet, carry the shopping bag to the kitchen, and then make the new fancy strawberry pie.

The frequency of use of the oven has been a bit high recently. After moving here for more than half a year, Jiang Chijing tried to make many delicacies in the first week, but when the freshness passed, the role of the kitchen became filling.

After being single for a long time, Jiang Chijing discovered a rule that the kitchen can reflect a person's quality of life.

If you don’t have time to cook, you probably have a lot of work pressure and you don’t have this leisure. But if you often cook by yourself or even learn new dishes, your life is easy and you are full of expectations for the future.

Now Jiang Chijing has such a mentality. He can't wait to hope that Zheng Mingyi will be released from prison and return to their original living environment.

The voyeuristic object lives in his own home. For the voyeur, there should be no better thing than this, right?

Of course, no matter how much Jiang Chijing expected in his heart, he wouldn't let Zheng Mingyi see anything on the surface.

In the new week, Xu Sheng returned to prison from the hospital. His physical fitness is very good. Although he can't participate in labor yet, walking on the ground is no longer a problem.

Today Jiang Chijing hastened the pace of sending letters, because among the many letters in his hand, letters addressed to Xu Sheng appeared for an unprecedented time, and the sender was not the old couple, but a person named "Li Yi" people.

"He used to be called this name." After greeting Xu Sheng's body, Jiang Chijing handed the letter to Xu Sheng.

"Maybe everyone is used to calling him a princess." Xu Sheng leaned against the window and slowly opened the envelope in his hand.

Jiang Chijing had already read the contents of the letter, and it was nothing more than complaining about the environment of the new prison, and letting Xu Sheng pay attention to his body. The character of the princess is almost at the level of junior high school graduation, horizontal is not horizontal, vertical is not vertical, but at any rate there are no typos, which is much better than Zheng Mingyi.

"Did you know that Lao Jiu was also transferred?" Jiang Chijing asked.

"I know." Xu Sheng read the letter roughly, folded it carefully, and put it back in the envelope. "I heard that it was Zheng Mingyi's idea. It really looks like something he can do."

Jiang Chi nodded his head at the spot, and said, "What are your plans after you get out of prison?"

"I don't have too specific ideas." Xu Sheng said, "Let's live your life honestly, take good care of the old couple and wait for him to come out."

"How long is he? One year or two years?" Jiang Chijing asked.

"One year and three months." Xu Sheng said.

"If you perform well, you should be released on parole in advance." Jiang Chijing said.

"It's okay to not be released on parole." Xu Sheng said, "Let him expect the sentence to be full."

Jiang Chijing was a little surprised: "You don't want him to come out early?"

Xu Sheng shook his head, and said, "He has a bad personality, and he might even cause trouble when he comes out."

Jiang Chijing had also thought about this problem. The trivialities in life are no less than those in prison. The princess is prone to impulsive temperament, and she might do something irrational after she is released from prison.

But listening to Xu Sheng's words, Jiang Chijing suddenly realized that putting the princess in jail alone was a good way of punishment.

"You want him to know the value of freedom." Jiang Chijing said.

"Yes." Xu Shengyu said earnestly, "He has been by my side for these years. He is happier in jail than outside, so he didn't even think about going out. When he knew how unfree the prison was, he would cherish it. Outside days."

Xu Sheng really thought more about his lover than Jiang Chijing. The reason why the prison can play a disciplinary role is because it is in sharp contrast with the outside world. But with Xu Sheng by her side, the princess felt that life in prison was better than outside.

Now separated from Xu Sheng, the princess will soon feel tormented and want to leave the prison every second.

The remaining year and three months, for the princess, may be longer than the days he had stayed before. In this case, the princess will cherish her freedom.

"That's fine." Jiang Chijing sighed, "He really needs to calm down."

Jiang Chijing chatted with Xu Sheng again, then sent the letter to be sent to the mail room, and then returned to the office building.

It took a lot of time to send and receive letters today. Jiang Chijing knew that Zheng Mingyi must have been waiting at the door of the library, but unexpectedly, Yu Guang was also here.

"Aren't you going to clean up?" Jiang Chijing asked Yu Guangdao as he opened the door of the library.

Yu Guang's job is to take care of the sanitation of the entire public office building. Normally, he should be cleaning the office upstairs at this time.

"Today's situation is special." Yu Guang said with a serious face, "I'll go up later."

"What's special?" Jiang Chijing asked casually, walked into the work area and started the computer.

Recently, there have been many major events in and out of prison. Jiang Chijing's mentality has been tempered. No matter what special things happen, he will no longer be surprised.

"Open the stock market and take a look." Zheng Mingyi sat beside Jiang Chijing and said.

With such big news happening over the weekend, Jiang Chijing had vaguely guessed that today's stock market should not be so good. And when I opened the stock software, it was not so good. The market was so green that Jiang Chijing had never seen such a battle.

"Is this normal?" Jiang Chijing couldn't help asking.

"Of course it's not normal." Yu Guang said, "Today's market is similar to the stock market crash a few years ago. The more people fall, the more they panic, and the more people panic, the more they fall."

Jiang Chijing watched the broad market index on the screen, almost plummeting. After a while, the warden called and asked Zheng Mingyi in a panic about what to do.

"Just buy old clocks."

Zheng Mingyi gave a simple instruction. Jiang Chijing consciously called up the candlestick chart of the old clock, and saw it fell sharply.

"Will this make the warden lose money?" Jiang Chijing was faintly worried.

Yu Guang didn't seem to be able to understand Zheng Mingyi's thoughts, and then asked: "Idol, now the stock price is not well maintained."

Public opinion can only play a temporary role. Because several listed companies have exposed big news about insider trading, the market is filled with pessimism, and public opinion alone cannot save the falling market.

Jiang Chijing suddenly realized that this was a typical dilemma.

If Zheng Mingyi refuses to let Guan Wei investigate these companies, then his case will not have an opportunity for retrial; if Zheng Mingyi destroys these companies, as it is now, the stock market will definitely fall, which in turn makes Hengxiang like this. The short-selling agency picked up the bargain.

It is difficult for Zheng Mingyi to reverse the case while letting Hengxiang go bankrupt. Because of his reversal, the stock market will inevitably lead to turbulence, and short-selling institutions like this market situation.

Nowadays, securities laws and regulations are not perfect. Manipulation of the stock market is usually punished with administrative penalties such as fines, and major cases such as Zheng Mingyi's sensation in the country have been sentenced to criminal penalties for at most one year.

In other words, even if Wu Peng was caught in the end, as long as Hengxiang was still there, he would be able to make a comeback.

"Now Wu Peng must be very happy." Yu Guangnian said, "The old clock fell like this, he is afraid that he will make a fortune with blood."

"No." Zheng Mingyi said lightly, then looked at Jiang Chijing and said, "Officer Jiang, I want to apply for one thing."

This sudden serious tone caused Jiang Chijing to be stunned and asked, "What?"

"Log in to my forum account."

Zheng Mingyi said that he took the mouse from Jiang Chijing's hand, opened the stock trading forum on his own, and entered his account number and password on the web page.

On the surface, it was an application, but in fact, Jiang Chijing's approval was not obtained at all.

Jiang Chijing thought with no energy, if Zheng Mingyi applied to him next time, he must make him correct his attitude.

The computer was not muted. As soon as Zheng Mingyi logged on, a crazy message alert sounded. He closed the webpage and reopened it, and the message prompt finally slowed down, but it seemed that some people in the forum noticed his online, and new news came in constantly.

Zheng Mingyi opened the news list and looked forward to the past news intently. That way, it is obvious that he has already planned in his heart.

Yu Guang couldn't help but squeezed his head over and asked excitedly: "Idol, are you a **** horse?"

Zheng Mingyi looked at the screen without squinting, and said, "Find someone to confess to me."

A white light flashed in Jiang Chijing's mind. In order to tease Zheng Mingyi, he made up a story to confess to God, but he didn't expect Zheng Mingyi to remember it until now.

He quickly took away the mouse from Zheng Mingyi's hand and returned to the forum homepage and said, "The stock market has fallen like this. Can you do something serious?"

"That's business for me." Zheng Mingyi looked at Jiang Chijing and said.

"No confession." Jiang Chijing simply broke the jar and said.

"You said yes."

"I lied to you."

"I knew it." Zheng Mingyi faintly turned his gaze back to the computer screen, "You really are a scumbag."

"Officer Jiang is a scumbag?" Yu Guang's eyes showed gossip, "I didn't expect that the idol is so good, Officer Jiang, you really want to be like this."

"He is also bullying my innocence." Zheng Mingyi complained, "Seeing that I am so devoted to him, he will play with my feelings wantonly."

This person also played. Jiang Chijing said that he would look for any news when he had dyslexia, and he dared to pretend to be affectionate.

Blue veins appeared on Jiang Chijing's forehead: "Zheng Mingyi."

Zheng Mingyi put his chin away and smiled, then put on a serious expression and said, "Okay, do business."

Having said that, he pushed the keyboard in front of Jiang Chijing, and said: "Jiang Jiang, I need you to help me type."

Jiang Chijing had just been splashed with "dirty water" and didn't want to do anything for Zheng Mingyi for the time being. But when he heard that it was a business matter, he took the keyboard patiently and asked, "What do you want to type?"

"Long time no see, something has indeed happened recently."

Zheng Mingyi briefly explained a few words, did not say that he was in jail, only that he did not need to worry about his safety.

After explaining the reasons for the disappearance, he mentioned the volatility of the market today, and then gave a very clear instruction: buy stocks of old watches.

Finally, he did not forget to let Jiang Chijing type a few typos on purpose, lest others think he was stolen.

When Zheng Mingyi was speaking, Yu Guang listened quietly by the side. When Zheng Mingyi gave instructions, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Zheng Mingyi and said, "Idol, you clearly pointed out this for the first time. Which stock to let others buy?"

Jiang Chijing once read Zheng Mingyi's posts on the forum and knew that he would only analyze the bullish and bearish sectors, and would never focus on a particular stock.

"Of course it must be clear now." Zheng Mingyi said, "only by twisting the retail investors on the forum into a rope can it be possible to compete with the short-selling institutions."

The post was sent in less than a minute, and there have been hundreds of replies below. Moderators put posts on top, and more and more people follow the posts.

Jiang Chijing finally understood what exactly Zheng Mingyi would use to raise the stock price of the old clock.

The rise and fall of a stock is related to people's expectations. When everyone is bullish on a certain stock, the stock price will rise.

Now Zheng Mingyi makes use of retail investors’ belief in go to give advice on buying old watches. In this way, retail investors who have been panicked by the turmoil of the stock market seem to have found the backbone, and they are likely to follow the pace of go and buy stocks of old watches.

"This trick... really works?" Jiang Chijing still asked uncertainly.

"You can look at the stocks of old clocks and watches." Zheng Mingyi said, "There are some things that you can tell when you look at the stock price fluctuations."

Jiang Chijing switched back to the stock software interface, and saw that among the stocks that had fallen sharply, only the old watch, like an out-of-group monster, had the stock price soaring and was already approaching the daily limit.

The broader market index also has a tendency to rebound, not as desperately falling as it did when the market just opened.

With just one sentence, Zheng Mingyi reversed the downward trend of old watches. No wonder he said there was a way before, just waiting for the opportunity.

Jiang Chijing was indeed shocked by this situation. Only then did he realize that Zheng Mingyi was called a **** of go, and it was not a mere name.

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