Restricted Area

Chapter 54: No risk

Jiang Chijing raised his left hand toward Zheng Mingyi and made a "stop" gesture, rubbing his eyebrows vigorously with his right hand, and silently expressing what he meant-let him slow down.

Zheng Mingyi and Yu Guang'an were silent. After a long while, Jiang Chijing finally came back and found something was wrong. He looked at Zheng Mingyi and asked, "Isn't Lao Jiu locked up?"

The old nine stabbed Xu Sheng in an attempted homicide. After the investigation is over, the prison will write a prosecution opinion and submit it to the People’s Procuratorate. Until the verdict comes down, Lao Jiu will not have any contact with other prisoners.

In other words, there are guards guarding Lao Jiu all the time, and the princess shouldn't find a chance to retaliate against him.

"I came out for a while at noon today." Zheng Mingyi said, "ask his motivation for stabbing someone."

"You..." Jiang Chijing was stunned, "You also bought the prison guard?"

After all, as long as there is no cooperation from the prison guards, the princess can't get close to the old nine.

Zheng Mingyi did not answer, but raised his index finger and pointed upstairs.

Jiang Chijing immediately understood that he was the warden.

"Why would he agree to this kind of thing?" Jiang Chijing said, "If Lao Jiu sued the prison..."

"Do you think Lao Jiu will let others know that he has been violated?" Zheng Mingyi asked lightly.

Jiang Chijing fell silent. He wanted to say that he was not afraid of 10,000 yuan, just in case, but after thinking about it, Lao Jiu would not do it, because this fact is too shameful, and he is simply a man. His self-esteem was crushed and stepped into the soil.

"But..." Jiang Chijing still felt that the warden's approach was wrong. No matter what kind of fighting between prisoners, the prison side should stop, not acquiesce or even contribute to the flames.

"Let's make another mind map." Zheng Mingyi said.

He didn't write this time, but directly let Jiang Chijing sort out his thoughts in his mind.

"First of all, the first question, will the princess take revenge on the old nine? Yes, or not." Zheng Mingyi asked.

Jiang Chijing said without hesitation: "Yes."

This point no longer needs to be confirmed, even Xu Sheng thought that the princess would do irrational things. Even if Lao Jiu is temporarily guarded by prison guards, but he will leave one day, the princess will always be a potential threat to the prison.

Without waiting for Zheng Mingyi to continue to take it down, Jiang Chijing thought about it: "There are only two cases for the princess's revenge.

"Yes." Zheng Mingyi said, "Which one do you want?"

"Of course it is the second kind." Jiang Chijing said.

"Following this line of thinking, there are only three situations in which life will not be caused." Zheng Mingyi said, "First, the princess has no such plans."

"Impossible." Jiang Chijing answered, "His personality is extreme, and his concept of right and wrong is very weak."

"Second, being stopped by prison guards in time, that is, the princess missed." Zheng Mingyi said.

This kind of situation is not completely impossible, like Lao Jiu stabbing Xu Sheng is a miss, but this becomes resignation, obviously not the best choice.

"There are three more," Zheng Mingyi paused, "provide the princess with a feasible plan that does not kill anyone."

"So you thought of a way to retaliate for him?" Jiang Chijing said.

"Yeah." Zheng Mingyi said, "The most gratifying revenge is nothing more than a tooth for a tooth."

It's not hard to think of a tooth for a tooth, but Jiang Chijing thinks he can't think of a method of revenge that is not harmful and extremely insulting.

Zheng Mingyi seemed to have seen Jiang Chijing's thoughts thoroughly, and said, "Tooth for tooth is also divided into two situations, one is physical injury, and the other is mental injury."

Zheng Mingyi didn't say everything thoroughly, but he felt that some words would appear to be cruel and cruel. However, after his analysis, Jiang Chijing immediately understood what he meant: "Compared to physical injury, mental injury causes a much greater blow to people."

"Yes." Zheng Mingyi said, "Moreover, mental injury is difficult to define, so the princess doesn't need to increase the sentence."

It is more difficult to define. The most important point is that the old masters like the old nine will never take the initiative to publicize this matter. In other words, this revenge was done to the extreme in silence.

For some reason, a weird word emerged in Jiang Chijing's mind-aesthetics of revenge.

In the eyes of Zheng Mingyi, a complicated matter was split into various links. He only needed to make the best option in each link to create a perfect revenge event.

"By the way," Jiang Chijing suddenly thought of another question, "Lao Jiu was also a gang member before, so how could the princess subdue him?"

It is absolutely impossible for prison guards to participate in this kind of thing.

"Don't forget that the princess is the eldest brother's'woman'." Zheng Mingyi said, "Since the boss is not there, who will his younger brother be with?"

"Could it be that Lao Jiu's younger brother is also going...?" Jiang Chijing's eyes widened in an instant.

While the two were talking, Yu Guang had been listening quietly by the side. When Jiang Chijing asked this question, he seemed to have finally found an opportunity, and said, "It's not just princesses, there are four or five people. Woolen cloth."

"This..." Jiang Chijing frowned and said, "It's a bit too late, right?"

Jiang Chijing vowed that he was not sympathetic to Lao Jiu, but as a representative of the authority of the prison. It was a bit difficult to accept the thought that the warden acquiesced in such a thing.

Perhaps the prisoners who had been squeezed by the old nine wanted him to be punished, or perhaps the prison guards who had a close relationship with Xu Sheng also wanted him to suffer a bit, but in any case, as long as the prison side starts to stand in line, it will be "oppressing the weak." a feeling of.

Of course, Lao Jiu is not weak, but in front of the power, he is unable to fight back.

Human psychology is just like this. On the one hand, Jiang Chijing feels that the old nine is worthy of the crime, but on the other hand, he feels that the warden’s approach is a bit wrong.

Jiang Chijing's thoughts were all written on his face, Zheng Mingyi raised his hand to squeeze his face, and said, "It's not that simple yet."

"Simple?" Jiang Chijing suddenly felt that Zheng Mingyi had any misunderstanding of this term. It was the princess, Xu Sheng's younger brother, and the warden's indirect involvement. Is it so simple as he said?

Perhaps Jiang Chijing's expression was a little dazed, Zheng Mingyi couldn't help but laughed, and said: "I asked the warden to make it easy for the princess. Do you think he would agree so easily?"

This is the point, Jiang Chijing just feels that this link is really incomprehensible.

"You promised to take him stocks to make money?" He could only think of this reason.

Zheng Mingyi smiled again and said, "Not exactly."

Well, it seems that there is still this factor.

"The princess will be transferred to prison immediately. This is the condition of the warden." Zheng Mingyi said, "He can open one eye to the princess's revenge on Lao Jiu, but after the matter is over, the princess must leave the prison. "

"This..." Jiang Chijing was surprised at first, but after another thought, this was already the best result.

The warden did not tacitly allow this to happen, he has his own principle, that is, the princess must also be punished.

According to the initial development, the princess is likely to face decades of imprisonment, but now he has also achieved the goal of revenge, and the severe punishment has become a painless transfer.

Transfer to prison is not even a punishment. Most prisoners are unwilling to transfer, just because they need to adapt to the new environment.

Jiang Chijing suddenly thought that Zheng Mingyi and the princess were shaking hands in the playground earlier. It should be Zheng Mingyi who told the princess how to retaliate and punitive measures. After thinking about it, the princess accepted Zheng Mingyi's proposal.

In fact, in Jiang Chijing's view, these could have been avoided, as long as the princess did not retaliate against the old nine.

But having said that, if the princess left Old Jiu alone, then he would not be Xu Sheng's little pepper.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chijing sighed, and said, "It's okay, it's finally over."

Before meeting Guan Wei in the hospital, Jiang Chijing learned that Xu Sheng was about to be released from prison.

The warden must have known this news a long time ago, and Zheng Mingyi approached the warden to talk about the princess, indicating that he also knew that, in this way, the princess also knew the news in advance.

Now that Xu Sheng was leaving, it was the same for the princess where the remaining sentence was spent.

Perhaps in the princess's thinking, he had never thought of revenge on the old nine, nor did he realize how terrible decades of imprisonment was. He just has such an obsession, the old nine injured his man, then he must find his man a place.

Zheng Mingyi provided the princess with a new choice. This is not a vague principle, but a result that is literally placed in front of her eyes and can be seen directly.

No matter how the princess didn't listen to persuasion, she wouldn't be so stupid as to reject Zheng Mingyi's proposal.

"Not yet, Jiang Jiang." Zheng Mingyi's voice interrupted Jiang Chijing's thoughts. "When did I say it's over?"

"Not yet?" Jiang Chijing was taken aback.

"It depends on the reaction of Lao Jiu." Zheng Mingyi said, "In my expectation, he should apply for transfer to prison."

Jiang Chijing had to keep up with Zheng Mingyi's rhythm and thought, "The prison guards are helping the other party to fix themselves. This really makes people desperate."

"He's really miserable." Yu Guang on the side found another chance to answer the call. "I heard that he was incontinent when he was carried out."

"Stop." Jiang Chijing didn't want to imagine this scene. "Do the other prisoners know about this?"

"I knew it at the first time because the idol made me pay attention." Yu Guang said, "But other people will know it almost at night."

I have to say that Lao Jiu is really a bit miserable. I don't know if he has a mental breakdown, but I think I have the desire to die.

"In this case," Jiang Chijing said, "then he is indeed very likely to apply for transfer."

There are many prisons. Even if the princess and the old nine are transferred, they may not go to the same prison.

At this moment, Jiang Chijing suddenly felt a little strange, and looked at Zheng Mingyi and asked, "Why do you so hope that Lao Jiu transfers away?"

The princess's matter had the best result. In Jiang Chijing's eyes, this matter could already be marked with a terminator.

And Zheng Mingyi mentioned that Lao Jiu was transferred to prison, saying that the matter has not yet come to an end, which shows that in his plan, Lao Jiu's departure is the real end.

"Why else?" Zheng Mingyi smiled lightly, "Because I am leaving."

A question mark appeared in Jiang Chijing's mind. He opened his lips subconsciously to ask what he meant, but looking at Zheng Mingyi's inexplicably spoiled eyes, he realized it in a daze. Everything, Zheng Mingyi is for him.

Lao Jiu staying in the Southern Prison was always a threat. He thought about it darkly. The princess's matter had nothing to do with Zheng Mingyi. He should think it was best for the princess to kill Lao Jiu. But Jiang Chijing didn't want this to happen, so Zheng Mingyi thought of other ways.

"So know that the prince retaliates against Old Jiu... from the very beginning, he planned to use the princess... to drive him away?"

It's scary to think carefully.

Jiang Chijing said that why Zheng Mingyi was so kind, and dare to love the princess is just one link in his layout.

"Yeah." Zheng Mingyi nodded, "so that I can get out of prison with peace of mind."

Jiang Chijing suddenly had a hunch that he might be eaten to death by Zheng Mingyi all the time.

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