Restricted Area

Chapter 46: Admit defeat

Since moving to the suburbs, Jiang Chijing has been living alone. Occasionally, I would return home on weekends to get together with the family, but no one else had visited his small bungalow from beginning to end.

Now, on Saturday morning, an intruder appeared at his house, and he sat at the dining table with him grandiosely, enjoying breakfast together.

"Do you want strawberry jam?"

Zheng Mingyi handed the glass jar to Jiang Chijing, acting as if he were the owner of the house.

"No." Jiang Chijing buried his head and ate toast, with his elbows clamped to his side, inexplicably afraid to look directly into Zheng Mingyi's eyes.

What did he say before?

-Eating, eating with relish, and happily.

If he knew that Zheng Mingyi could come out so early, he would not make such a promise if he was killed.

"Are you full?" Zheng Mingyi asked suddenly.

Jiang Chijing almost didn't choke on the bread. He beat his chest, took a sip of milk from the glass beside him, and asked, "What?"

"Two slices of toast," Zheng Mingyi said, "Are you full?"

Zheng Mingyi's eyes didn't contain any impurities, and it seemed that he was really only concerned about whether Jiang Chijing could eat or not.

But Jiang Chijing knew in his heart that this big-tailed wolf definitely did it deliberately. He took a deep breath and replied indifferently, "I'm full, thank you for your concern."

I have to admit that the sudden appearance of Zheng Mingyi really caught Jiang Chijing off guard, but after slowing down, he soon realized that he should not have a guilty conscience because this house is his site and he should take out the host’s house. It's the right momentum.

After resolving the toast and milk in his hand, Jiang Chijing took the plate and cup to the sink, turned on the faucet, and said to Zheng Mingyi behind him: "Take it when you are done."

The sound of Zheng Mingyi standing up immediately rang behind him, followed by the sound of his approaching footsteps.

The next second, Zheng Mingyi grabbed Jiang Chijing's waist from behind, took him aside, then put down the plate in his hand, rolled up his shirt sleeves and said, "I'll do it."

Jiang Chijing was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Zheng Mingyi to be so familiar. He is not used to someone invading his private territory, which makes him very uncomfortable. But perhaps he had already acquiesced to Zheng Mingyi to step into his restricted area, so now watching Zheng Mingyi washing dishes at his house, he felt a kind of comfort inexplicably.

He returned to the living room sofa and sat down, holding the phone in his hand to read the news, but his eyes remained on Zheng Mingyi's back.

Zheng Mingyi's suit should be the suit he wore to the court trial. After being detained in court, he was taken directly to the Southern Prison.

There were no straight iron marks on the shirt, and irregular wrinkles appeared as Zheng Mingyi bent over.

From Jiang Chijing's perspective, Zheng Mingyi's back is wide and strong, the line of his body suddenly tightened up to the waist, and his suit trousers are wrapped in tight buttocks. Because the sleeves are up to the elbows, and the wheat-colored arms can be seen. Usually these two arms are punching, but now they are washing the dishes in the kitchen of Jiang Chijing's home.

It's terrible.

Jiang Chijing found out that he really likes to peek at Zheng Mingyi.

God knows how much he wants to hug Zheng Mingyi from behind and pull down the zipper of his suit pants...

Wait, stop.

Jiang Chijing forced himself to look away, only to realize that he had taken the phone upside down.

After a while, the sound of water in the kitchen stopped. Zheng Mingyi went to the living room and sat down on the other side of the sofa. Only then did Jiang Chijing notice that Zheng Mingyi was wearing electronic shackles on his ankles.

The red light of satellite positioning flashed on the shackles, which reminded Jiang Chijing that the person sitting next to him was a prisoner, and it gave him a sense of reality anyway.

"Where is Guan Wei?" Jiang Chijing asked.

"I'm working on a case." Zheng Mingyi loosened his tie and unbuttoned the two buttons on the top of his shirt.

Suits are really not suitable for wearing at home, not as comfortable as home clothes. Jiang Chijing was wearing a white cotton T, and his lower body was knee-length shorts, his legs curled up casually on his side, his elbows propped on the armrest on his side.

"What does it mean to be handling a case?" Jiang Chijing asked, "Isn't he supposed to guard you?"

"Why should he guard me?" Zheng Mingyi said, "Anyway, I will stay at your house and not go anywhere."

Jiang Chijing suddenly felt something was wrong. He thought Zheng Mingyi was just coming over for breakfast, and after eating, he would go to the city with Guan Wei to settle the case, but now it seems that this person did not intend to do so.

"Aren't you going to investigate Wu Peng?" Jiang Chijing asked.

"I don't need to go personally." Zheng Mingyi said, "Xu Sheng's people help me stare at Wu Peng, and they will contact Guan Wei directly if they have news."

"If you don't go in person," Jiang Chi Jing asked in a misty cloud, "then why should Guan Wei keep you out?"

Although Zheng Mingyi is a person worthy of peace of mind, there will be no problem in securing him out, but no matter how much he is a prisoner, if something goes wrong in the middle, it will also affect Guan Wei's career.

"I gave Guan Wei several pieces of news last time. Among them, XX Technology showed his footing and asked him to follow the vine to find the evidence, but it was difficult to investigate the other companies. Xu Sheng has a wide range of people, and there can be some'nonsense'. 'Normal' means, I let them be Guan Wei's eyeliner, in exchange, let Guan Wei keep me out one day."

"But there's nothing wrong with you outside, right." Jiang Chijing asked from the bottom of his heart, "Excuse me, what are you doing out there?"

From the current point of view, Zheng Mingyi is in prison to control the progress of things, and he does not need to be specially monitored. If he wants to go in, he goes in, and he comes out when he wants to come out. Isn't it what kind of resort is a prison?

"You." Zheng Mingyi spit out a word slowly.

"What am I?" Jiang Chijing didn't understand the meaning of Zheng Mingyi's words.

"It's okay." Zheng Mingyi looked away and picked up the "Basics of Go" on the coffee table. "Are you learning Go?"

"Yeah." Jiang Chijing admitted openly. He didn't want to hide from Zheng Mingyi. He originally planned to learn well and learn from Zheng Mingyi. "When I learn to play with you."

"Are you bored in prison?" Zheng Mingyi smiled, put down the book in his hand, and walked to the bookcase next to the TV wall. "Do you usually read books at home?"

Those books are all furnishings. Who doesn't have a literary youth in his heart? Jiang Chijing usually only has one hobby at home-peeping at Zheng Mingyi.

"Of course, reading can cultivate sentiment." Jiang Chijing said seriously.

Zheng Mingyi nodded, then walked to the side of the stairs and asked, "Can I go upstairs to visit?"

Jiang Chijing said without hesitation: "No."

Upstairs is his bedroom, and his bed is still on the side of the window, which can't be explained.

Zheng Mingyi didn't force it, and went back to the other side of the sofa to sit down. This time he took off his tie, threw it on the coffee table, unbuttoned a shirt button, and said, "Your house is a bit hot."

Jiang Chijing felt it was okay, after all, he was wearing short-sleeved shorts.

It suddenly occurred to him that on past weekends, Zheng Mingyi would be naked at home, but now he is wearing a suit and trousers, which is indeed uncomfortable.

"Do you want to turn on the air conditioner?" Jiang Chijing asked.

"Good." Zheng Mingyi said.

Jiang Chijing got up and closed the doors and windows on the first floor, and then turned on the central air conditioner at home.

It will take a while before the room has cooled down, Zheng Mingyi impatiently pinched the fan of the collar, revealing the looming collarbone. One of his legs is resting on the other, like a stern boss listening to the employees' reports, and like a picky Party A who is difficult to serve.

Jiang Chijing has been evasive all the time, pretending that he hasn't said those "pleasant words" to Zheng Mingyi. But looking at the tie and tight suit pants that Zheng Mingyi threw on the coffee table, his mind betrayed him again.

He wanted to tie Zheng Mingyi's hands behind his back, and ride on his waist to tear off his white shirt.

He wanted to kiss Zheng Mingyi out of breath and let him know how wrong it was to seduce him.

He wanted to bite Zheng Mingyi's neck severely, and compare him to see who is better at growing strawberries.

he thinks…

"Officer Jiang?" Zheng Mingyi opened his lips slightly and looked at Jiang Chijing inquiringly, "What are you thinking?"

Jiang Chijing suddenly pulled back his thoughts, buried all the waste in his mind, and said without changing his face, "It's nothing."

Returning to the corner of the sofa to sit down, Jiang Chijing kicked off the slippers, placed his bare calf horizontally in the center of the sofa, and brushed his toes over the seams of the suit trousers intentionally or unintentionally.

Zheng Mingyi lowered his eyes, looked at Jiang Chijing's white and tender feet, then looked at his calm face, raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you need me to get out of it?"

Jiang Chijing pretended not to know, and asked, "What?"

Jiang Chijing knew that Zheng Mingyi was playing a trick of wanting to get caught.

At first, he had been avoiding and suppressing, trying not to let the waste in his mind come out, so he didn't think in ambiguous directions. Looking back now, he asked Zheng Mingyi what he was doing. Zheng Mingyi said that he should put these two sentences together. In fact, Zheng Mingyi came out of prison to do him.

From the beginning, Zheng Mingyi didn't want to hide his intentions. He loosened his tie, unbuttoned the button, and said the house was hot. Jiang Chijing was also dull enough, and only now did he realize that the male peacock was opening a screen to him.

Jiang Chijing failed to hold himself in the entertainment room that night when the fire broke out, and did the one who took the initiative. And this time in his turf, he wants to take the lead no matter what.

"I seem to be blocking your leg." Zheng Mingyi said, "It's uncomfortable to bend like this."

"Indeed." Jiang Chijing changed to a lying position, straightened his calf, and placed it on Zheng Mingyi's thigh. While looking at the phone, he lazily said, "Lend your leg to let it go."

Zheng Mingyi stared at Jiang Chijing's calf without moving.

Normally wearing uniforms, Jiang Chijing's feet are whiter than his neck. He turned over and changed to face the back of the sofa chair, and his toes pointed towards Zheng Mingyi's position.

"Officer Jiang." Zheng Mingyi's voice was filled with tolerance.

"Huh?" Jiang Chijing's toes brushed the zipper of the suit trousers carelessly.

"Have you ever studied the acupuncture points on the soles of your feet?" Zheng Mingyi squeezed the messy feet between his legs and stroked the center of the feet with his thumb.

A numb electric current rushed from the soles of the feet to the calves. Jiang Chijing gritted his teeth to endure the itching, and retaliatedly kicked Zheng Mingyi with the heel of the other foot, provoking: "Why, you still learn. Have you ever experienced Chinese medicine?"

Zheng Mingyi visibly frowned, squinted his eyes slightly, the strength in his hands was amazing, and he pinched a red mark on Jiang Chijing's feet.

"It hurts, Zheng Mingyi!" Jiang Chijing wanted to withdraw his foot from Zheng Mingyi's hand. In order to make it easier, his other foot unceremoniously kicked Zheng Mingyi's abdominal muscles. .

Zheng Mingyi couldn't bear it anymore. He leaned forward suddenly, squeezed into Jiang Chijing's legs, and put his hands on his ears and said, "You won, Officer Jiang."

Since Zheng Mingyi's shirt has three buttons unbuttoned, from Jiang Chijing's perspective, the looming chest and abdomen muscles are simply more tempting and tempting.

He bit the tip of his tongue and tried to maintain his sanity. He looked at Zheng Mingyi proudly and said, "Only this is what you can do?"

"Yes, I admit defeat." Zheng Mingyi leaned down and bit Jiang Chijing's lips.

Jiang Chijing enjoyed the kiss that Zheng Mingyi surrendered, and felt great satisfaction in his heart. At this time, Zheng Mingyi gasped and said, "Where's your uniform? Put it on and continue."

"Uh," Jiang Chijing was stunned, "I didn't bring it back."

Zheng Mingyi stopped kissing and looked at Jiang Chijing in disbelief, "Where are the handcuffs and batons?"

Jiang Chijing said with a guilty conscience: "Neither..."

Zheng Mingyi took a deep breath, as if suppressing the anger in his heart: "You knew I was going out today, and then you didn't prepare for anything?"

Jiang Chijing can’t be blamed for this. He really thought Zheng Mingyi had come out to investigate the case. How did he know that this person planned to spend the whole day at his house?

It can only be said that a man's high IQ is also a problem. Sometimes, if he fails to keep up with his thinking, surprises will become inconsistent.

"I have made preparations." Jiang Chijing said without confidence, "I woke up and saw you downstairs. I spent twice as long as usual washing."

If it hadn't been for Zheng Mingyi, Jiang Chijing wouldn't have put this thought into it. As far as his simple home furnishings are, he has chosen a combination in front of the closet for a long time. They can neither look too casual nor too formal.

Zheng Mingyi exhaled in the same way, and squeezed Jiang Chijing’s cheek and said, "What do you say I should do with you? Huh? I was planning today's affairs a week ago, and you only spent twice as much. Time to wash?"

Jiang Chijing also thought it was a bit funny. Zheng Mingyi was so good at calculations that he even calculated his release time, only to fall into his incomprehensible amorous feelings.

"Don't be angry." Jiang Chijing grabbed Zheng Mingyi by the collar, pinched his waist with his legs, and rubbed himself against the sofa.

Zheng Mingyi took advantage of the situation to hold Jiang Chijing's buttocks and stood up with him. In this way, Jiang Chijing was half a head taller than Zheng Mingyi.

Jiang Chijing couldn't say anything to coax people. He grabbed Zheng Mingyi's hair behind his head, forced him to lift his chin, lowered his eyes and looked at him and said, "You only have 24 hours. You are sure to waste it." In anger?"

"There are 23 hours left." Zheng Mingyi glanced at his watch, completely tore off the last decent, and looked at Jiang Chijing fiercely, "One second can't be wasted."

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