Restricted Area

Chapter 45: Good morning

This Friday, various major economic news reported overwhelmingly a major industry event. The mistress of the chairman of XX Technology Company embezzled public funds and was about to abscond overseas, but was arrested by the police at the exit passage of the airport.

"...The chairman of the board stated that it has nothing to do with him, but he was outraged by the common people and decided to take the blame and resign."

Jiang Chijing finished reading the news, closed the web page, looked at Zheng Mingyi beside him and asked, "Is this why Guan Wei asked you just now?"

It has been a week since the arson incident. The arsonist took responsibility alone and was transferred to other prisons. Old Jiu was released from the confinement room. The southern prison also lifted martial law and resumed correspondence and meetings.

Guan Wei came to the Southern Prison for the first time to apply to meet Zheng Mingyi. Because of this, Zheng Mingyi came to the library after a while during today's lunch break.

"His speed is fairly fast, and he found out this matter within a few days." Zheng Mingyi said, "The chairman can't run away. It's just a matter of time before he gets caught."

Jiang Chijing thought about it and nodded, and asked, "Will this company's stock price plunge?"

Zheng Mingyi looked at Jiang Chijing, his right hand had been raised in the air, and Jiang Chijing shot him back in time.

"Don't pinch my face." Jiang Chijing said solemnly. He has understood Zheng Mingyi's routine. When this person wants to praise him or coax him, he likes to pinch his face, and he doesn't like to have too much close contact with Zheng Mingyi at work.

Zheng Mingyi withdrew his hand languidly and touched his chin and said, "Then you have to dive. You can click on their stock to take a look."

Jiang Chijing entered the company's name on the stock trading software and pressed the Enter key. There was a long green bar on the K-line chart that jumped out, and the information next to it showed that the stock had fallen so much that trading was suspended.

"A drop of more than 10% will lead to a trading suspension." Zheng Mingyi explained, leaning forward, and naturally wrapped Jiang Chijing's waist with his right hand.

"Take your hands away." Jiang Chijing said while looking at the computer screen without squinting.

"The stock price of this company has fallen," Zheng Mingyi said indifferently to Jiang Chijing's words, "it will also have an impact on the stock price of old watches."

Jiang Chijing let out a sigh of relief, and didn't bother to care about Zheng Mingyi anymore, and typed the three words old clocks on the keyboard to open the trend chart of the stock. Unlike the previous stock, the stock price of the old clock has risen all the way and has reached the highest level in history.

"Why did the old clocks rise so much?" Jiang Chijing asked, looking at Zheng Mingyi beside him in a puzzled manner.

"First of all, people are bullish on this industry sector. When they sell the shares of XX Technology, their excess positions will tend to buy stocks in the same sector." Zheng Mingyi paused and continued, "Secondly, retail investors like it. Following the trend, the old watches are very popular recently, coupled with the XX technology incident, so a large number of retail investors poured into this stock."

Jiang Chi nodded at the scenic spot, still digesting the amount of information in Zheng Mingyi's words in his mind. At this time, only Zheng Mingyi said: "Is Teacher Zheng's explanation clear?"

Hearing someone claiming to be a teacher, Jiang Chijing couldn't help feeling funny. This person became addicted to being a teacher.

However, I have to admit that, as far as stocks are concerned, Mr. Zheng's explanation is patient and detailed, and it is completely worthy of a five-star praise.

"Clear." Jiang Chijing made a sincere appearance, "I am honored to be able to attend teacher Zheng's private lessons."

"That's good." Zheng Mingyi opened his left hand to him as if waiting for Jiang Chijing, "pay the tuition."

Jiang Chijing didn't expect Zheng Mingyi to give him this one, and frowned, "Tuition?"

"A strawberry." After Zheng Mingyi finished speaking, he leaned towards Jiang Chijing's neck, but at this moment, the internal phone on the desk suddenly rang, interrupting Zheng Mingyi's sneak attack.

"Be honest." Jiang Chijing frowned and pushed Zheng Mingyi away. He reached out and picked up the receiver. It was a call from the warden.

The warden also bought the stock of the old clock. Now that the stock price has risen to a historical high, he wants to sell it, so he specifically called to consult Zheng Mingyi's opinion.

"Don't worry, I say sell and then sell."

The warden seemed to quite believe in Zheng Mingyi, and he didn't need Zheng Mingyi to explain the reason at all. He only needed a quasi-sentence, and the warden would follow his advice.

After Zheng Mingyi hung up, Jiang Chijing couldn't help but ask: "Hengxiang is going to be shorting old clocks. Now this stock is rising so much, how can they go shorting?"

"It's very simple." Zheng Mingyi said, "They will release industry survey reports and try their best to criticize this company and make the market lose confidence in this company. The rise and fall of stocks are originally related to people's expectations, even if you believe this The stock will rise, but you will also worry about whether other people are bearish, and then panic throw away the stock in your hand."

When most people start to sell, the stock price drops like a jumper.

"Why should others trust Hengxiang's report?" Jiang Chijing said, "They are not manipulating stock prices like this?"

"Because there are indeed problems with the core research and development capabilities of old watches, Hengxiang's report is not groundless." Zheng Mingyi looked at Jiang Chijing and said, "This is also the work I did before, so I know their routines well."

This is the first time Zheng Mingyi mentioned his work to Jiang Chijing. From this point of view, retail investors can't compete with the organization at all, because they are always a step slower than the organization and can only be used as leeks to be harvested.

The emergence of go on the stock trading forum provides some guidance for retail investors, but the human nature is unpredictable. Just like the warden can't help but want to sell stocks, there are always people who have a bad time to buy and sell because of greed or timidity in their hearts.

"Then when the report is released, won't those investors suffer miserable losses?" Jiang Chijing asked.

"Don't worry." Zheng Mingyi raised his right hand from Jiang Chijing's waist and squeezed his face while he was unprepared. "I will stabilize the stock price."

"You are so supernatural?" Jiang Chijing was attacked again, frowning dissatisfiedly.

"Don't believe your husband?" Zheng Mingyi said.

"I..." Jiang Chijing was about to refute, and suddenly realized that what Zheng Mingyi said was wrong, and stared at him, "What did you say?"

"Nothing." Zheng Mingyi stood up calmly and said to Jiang Chijing, "There are a lot of strawberries to be picked this afternoon, I should go to work."

Zheng Mingyi was allowed to stay in the library until three o'clock, and he would stay until three ten ten every day. However, today, for some unknown reason, it is less than half past two, and he has already planned to leave.

This is really abnormal.

After walking out of the work area, Zheng Mingyi seemed to remember something suddenly, turned half of his body, and said to Jiang Chijing: "By the way, the warden should look for you later, remember to answer his questions well."



Zheng Mingyi didn't say more, turned and left the library.

Jiang Chijing didn't know if Zheng Mingyi and the warden had any arrangements, and he didn't take it to heart. He even forgot about it when he was about to leave work.

As a result, the warden called and called him to the third floor. When he came to the office, there were several people sitting on the hospitality sofa, including the minister in charge of the administrative department and the building of the No. 1 prison building. And the leader of the strawberry planting team.

"Come and come, Officer Jiang, sit down first." The warden beckoned to Jiang Chijing, who came last, and then said to a few others, "Everyone has heard about XX technology recently, right?"

Several people nodded, Jiang Chijing sat down on the edge of the sofa somehow, and then nodded.

"This XX technology is one of the stocks that were shorted in the previous case of Zheng Mingyi." The warden said.

At this time Jiang Chijing finally had some clues, and the warden called them to come, obviously he wanted to discuss Zheng Mingyi's affairs.

But he still didn't want to understand why the stock had an accident, and the warden had to hold a special meeting to discuss Zheng Mingyi.

"After this case was exposed, many doubts appeared in the previous case of Zheng Mingyi." The warden continued, "The officer in charge of Zheng Mingyi's case came to communicate with me for a long time today. He hopes to take Zheng Mingyi with me. Going out for a day to assist in the investigation of the case, I don’t know what you think?"

The warden's words were very slow, and the meaning in the words was also easy to understand, without twists and turns.

But Jiang Chijing was stunned when he heard it behind him, and for a long while he did not keep up with the rhythm of the warden's speech.

Dare to feel that Guan Wei came to Zheng Mingyi today, but also the warden by the way?


Jiang Chijing immediately denied the thoughts in his mind, not by the way, it must be the warden who Zheng Mingyi asked Guan Wei to find.

In other words...

When Jiang Chijing thought that Zheng Mingyi would be released from prison for a long time, Zheng Mingyi had planned to use Guan Wei to leave the prison briefly.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chijing's back began to tingle again.

"Zheng Mingyi's performance has always been full marks, and he has not taken the initiative to make trouble. As long as he can make sure that he can come back on time after he goes out, there will be no problem on my side." The Minister of Administration said.

"The Officer Guan will be with him 24 hours a day, and he will also wear positioning electronic shackles on his ankles." The warden said.

"He usually cooperates with my work, I think he is still honest." Building No. 1 long said.

"He works seriously and responsibly, and I don't have any thoughts about him." said the planting team leader.

The three exchanged their views on Zheng Mingyi in turn, but Jiang Chijing didn't hear a word. He had already wandered into outer space until the warden looked at him and asked, "What do you think, Officer Jiang?"

"I think……"

Jiang Chijing spoke dryly, his body was like a rusted machine. His heart sinks indefinitely for a while, and then jumps high again. If you look at his electrocardiogram at this moment, it is probably similar to the waveform of a tenth magnitude earthquake.

He now understands what Zheng Mingyi's "answer well" means.

People have rebellious psychology. The more others want you to do something, the less you want to do something. Therefore, Zheng Mingyi asked Jiang Chijing to answer well, but Jiang Chijing didn't want to answer well.

But Zheng Mingyi's hatefulness is the hateful here. He knows that even if Jiang Chijing resists listening to him, he can't resist the deepest desire in his heart.

Jiang Chijing wanted Zheng Mingyi to go out, so he couldn't answer badly. In other words, Zheng Mingyi had already grasped him.

It's simply hateful.

But I have to admit...

Jiang Chijing likes to play such exciting games with Zheng Mingyi.

"I think," Jiang Chijing cleared his throat and said again, "I... agree with him to go out."

Today is Friday, and this small meeting lasted until six o'clock in the evening, which had already exceeded Jiang Chijing's off-duty time.

It is not difficult to see that the warden who presided over the meeting wanted to make Zheng Mingyi convenient, so the discussion went smoothly.

In the end, Zheng Mingyi's release time was set at 8 o'clock on Saturday morning to 8 o'clock on Sunday morning. Guan Wei will follow Zheng Mingyi 24 hours a day, and is responsible for bringing him back to prison before eight o'clock on Sunday morning.

After coming out of the warden's office, Jiang Chijing drove home directly, and then he was in a state of wandering, unable to calm down without doing anything.

Guan Wei brought Zheng Mingyi out to investigate the case, and will always be with Zheng Mingyi, then...

Will Zheng Mingyi come back to see how his home was burned?

Would you stop by for dinner at Jiang Chijing's house?

Or after investigating the case, will you come to his house for one night?

Should he quickly move the big bed back to the middle of the bedroom?

All kinds of messy thoughts appeared in Jiang Chijing's mind like an explosion, and until three o'clock in the middle of the night, he was still sober as if he was beaten up with blood.

No, want, again, think.

Jiang Chijing kept hypnotizing himself. Zheng Mingyi came out to investigate the case. After leaving the prison, he would definitely go directly to the city. Why should he worry about whether Zheng Mingyi would come to him?

Regarding Wei following, Zheng Mingyi couldn't come to him either.

Yes, it's impossible...

Jiang Chijing gradually fell asleep during her self-hypnosis. After an unknown period of time, the doorbell suddenly rang in her ears.

I didn't sleep well, and it was really uncomfortable to be woken up early in the morning.

Jiang Chijing got up from the bed with an annoyed look, opened the curtains and took a look, and it was this one that made him completely awake from his sleep.

The sun on Saturday morning was quiet and beautiful, revealing a refreshing brilliance. No one in the quiet community got up early to travel. Only the occasional bird calls from afar reminded Jiang Chijing that it was not a picture in his sleep.

A familiar figure stood outside the iron fence. The man was wearing a white shirt, his tie was tied meticulously on his chest, his suit jacket was casually placed on his left elbow, his right hand was raised in the air, and he shook towards Jiang Chijing. finger.

"Good morning, Officer Jiang." Zheng Mingyi said.

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