Restricted Area

Chapter 42: single

In Jiang Chijing's memory, Zheng Mingyi has rarely been upset.

At the beginning, Zheng Mingyi said that he took him to stocks. He said that Zheng Mingyi went to jail for stocks trading. That time Zheng Mingyi was obviously not in a high mood, and he was out of interest.

After that, in the entertainment room, a **** wanted to take advantage of him. Zheng Mingyi knocked out the man’s teeth, saying that it was because he was in a bad mood.

But in the previous two times, Zheng Mingyi was at best in a bad mood, not being angry, but now Jiang Chijing really feels that Zheng Mingyi is angry.

"Are you listening?" Jiang Chijing asked.

After returning to the library from the infirmary, Zheng Mingyi remained expressionless. Until Jiang Chijing finished reading all the messages on the screen, he still didn't respond.

In Jiang Chijing's expectation, Zheng Mingyi should reply "listening" because he can always do two things with one heart.

But today Zheng Mingyi didn't show any face, and spit out two words coldly: "No."

Well, not only is it angry, but it's also awkward.

Jiang Chijing checked the time, and it was almost nine to forty. Under normal circumstances, he should have let Zheng Mingyi leave. But in this situation, he didn't dare to light the powder keg beside him, so he took a breath and asked bluntly: "Are you angry?"

"Can't you tell?" Zheng Mingyi finally turned his attention to Jiang Chijing, as if he had been waiting for Jiang Chijing to ask him.

Seeing Zheng Mingyi's reaction, Jiang Chijing felt a headache while also amused.

Zheng Mingyi's brain is so good, but when he is awkward, he also expresses his emotions by posing. Jiang Chijing can almost imagine that if Zheng Mingyi went to participate in the Olympiad, if he only took second place, he would stand angrily and wait for someone to comfort him.

"Because of perfume?" Jiang Chijing gave birth to a cute thought, and said with a faint expression, "What perfume I wear seems to have nothing to do with you, right."

"Jiang Chijing." Zheng Mingyi frowned, "Do you know what it means to break up? Now that you broke up, why do you still use the perfume that your ex-boyfriend gave you?"

If Jiang Chijing remembers correctly, Zheng Mingyi has never called his name so seriously. Regardless of strategizing and controlling the overall situation, Jiang Chijing only saw a groundhog mad.

"Can't I use the perfume he gave me after breaking up?" Jiang Chi Jingdao couldn't smile in his heart, but he still said calmly on the surface, "You also said that the smell is very special."

Zheng Mingyi seemed to recall what he had said before, and took a deep breath, with faint veins appearing on his forehead: "So in my bedroom, it's all the perfume of your ex-boyfriend."

"Yes." Jiang Chijing couldn't help it anymore, and said with a smile, "Zheng Mingyi, why are you so cute when you are jealous?"

Before that, Jiang Chijing would never have imagined that the **** cool guy who lived opposite him would become angry like this. Just like the typo on the forum, it looks like a cold god, but in fact, it’s not even clear between “fund” and “chicken essence”.

"Cute?" Zheng Mingyi said with a cold face, "Did you not see me being angry?"

"What's so irritating about you?" Jiang Chijing reduced the smile from his lips, "I'm single, you care about what perfume I use."

"Are you single?" Zheng Mingyi narrowed his eyes slightly, "you say it again?"

"I was...well..."

Jiang Chijing bit his lip when Zheng Mingyi pressed into the blind spot of the surveillance again, but this time he didn't feel irritated because Zheng Mingyi bit his mouth like a vent. He pushed Zheng Mingyi away in irritation and wiped the corners of his sore mouth with his thumb, and there was a little blood as expected.

"Are you a dog? You bite when you're not happy."

"You should be grateful that I'm still in jail." Zheng Mingyi bit Jiang Chijing, seeming to be a little more balanced, his expression no longer so angry, "Otherwise you won't want to get out of bed all night."

The hint in the words shouldn't be too obvious, Jiang Chijing couldn't help but feel hot, and untimely yellow waste appeared in his mind. Originally, he didn't want to fight with Zheng Mingyi. He took a tissue to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Zheng Mingyi and said, "I ask you something."

"What?" Zheng Mingyi said irrationally.

"Do you like me?"

After the fire that night, Jiang Chijing's mind would have this idea from time to time. Zheng Mingyi kissed him so deeply, he didn't believe that Zheng Mingyi didn't feel for him.

But every time this idea came up, he felt very unreal again.

That was his voyeuristic object, someone he had always avoided in order to suppress this little habit. Obviously there is no intersection between the two, how could they have reached this point inexplicably?

This weekend passed, Jiang Chijing never wanted to understand, but he vaguely felt that his judgment was not wrong. Now that Zheng Mingyi was so blatantly jealous, he felt confident again and asked straightforwardly.

After asking this sentence, he thought Zheng Mingyi would be stunned and would not answer right away. As a result, Zheng Mingyi didn't expect to stop at all. He frowned slightly and looked at him and said, "Don't you know yourself?"

Jiang Chijing's heart trembled, and the first reaction was that Zheng Mingyi was mocking him for being passionate. But after another thought, I felt that something was not right, which was obviously an indirect confession.

Sure enough, it was Zheng Mingyi's speaking style, he liked to go around, and he didn't understand the meaning of his words at all without a little brain.

"I and Luohai brought the breakup." Jiang Chijing crumpled the toilet paper into a ball, threw it into the trash can by his feet, and said casually, "I will use another perfume in the future."

Anyway, Zheng Mingyi likes to talk around the corner, so he will accompany him around.

Zheng Mingyi obviously understood the meaning of Jiang Chijing's words, and the previous irritability disappeared immediately, raising his eyebrows and saying: "I'll choose for you."

"Yeah." Jiang Chijing replied, not wanting to talk about perfume anymore, and changed the subject, "Speaking of which Guan Wei came to me yesterday, he wanted to see you but didn't see him."

"He caught the inner ghost." Zheng Mingyi's expression was not surprising, "Do you like the plant type or the spice type?"

"Plant it." Jiang Chijing replied subconsciously, and continued to move the topic up to the point. "He said you gave him several pieces of news. Aren't these news true?"

"Really." Zheng Mingyi said, "Are there any books on perfume in the library?"

"No." Jiang Chijing said, "How can you know so much inside information?"

"Because A Guang helped me hack Wu Peng's mailbox." Zheng Mingyi gave a blockbuster message indifferently, and then said again, "Then wait for me to go out and choose for you, you are not allowed to spray perfume again during this time. ."

"Etc., etc."

Jiang Chijing raised his hand to interrupt Zheng Mingyi, this kind of game that tests reaction speed, he still can't keep up with Zheng Mingyi's rhythm.

"Yu Guang, help you, hacked your boss' mailbox?"

Jiang Chijing suddenly reacted. No wonder Yu Guang always asked him if he had any next move after he recognized him as a go. He also asked Jiang Chijing and Zheng Mingyi to get involved and brought him along. They dare to go to him before. Scheduled tasks.

After Zheng Mingyi was framed and imprisoned, Yu Guang should have nothing to do and ran to hack the government website, which also led to him being detained again.

"A few months ago, I discovered that Wu Peng was manipulating the stock market, but I couldn't find decisive evidence. I just met the hacker A Guang on the forum, so I asked him to check Wu Peng's emails for me and learned a lot of inside information."

Zheng Mingyi stopped here when he said, Jiang Chijing was already used to his appetite, and cooperated: "What then?"

"The illegally obtained evidence does not have legal effect. I can only analyze and summarize the abnormal stock market transactions, and then write an anonymous report letter."

"You mean," Jiang Chijing said surprised, "In the beginning, the investigation team noticed that Hengxiang had a problem. Is it because of your report?"

"Yeah." Zheng Mingyi said, "but I underestimated Wu Peng. He left behind when he did all these things, and destroyed all the evidence whenever there was trouble."

"The investigation team did not find the results, so you plan to hand the clues in your hands, that is, the content of Wu Peng's email to Guan Wei, and let Guan Wei investigate it by himself, but at this time you were attacked."

Jiang Chijing followed Zheng Mingyi's words to tell the story of the incident. He only now knows that the beginning of the incident was originally here in Zheng Mingyi.

"It's not just the content of the email," Zheng Mingyi said, "and the conversations between Wu Peng and other company executives."

For the mysterious clue, Zheng Mingyi gave a positive response for the first time. Jiang Chijing raised his eyebrows and asked, "Didn't you say you have no clues?"

"I've never said that before." Zheng Mingyi shrugged, "I just said it's not in my hands."

A full-body examination will be carried out when entering prison, and it is absolutely impossible for things outside to be brought into prison. Zheng Mingyi said something was not in his hands, which was tantamount to saying nonsense.

Jiang Chijing probed hopelessly: "Aren't you afraid of being found if you hide outside?"

"Don't be afraid." Zheng Mingyi replied concisely, and then said, "Speaking of which, don't we talk about my assault?"

Every time a clue was mentioned, Zheng Mingyi would change the subject. Jiang Chijing also knew that he could not get a word out of Zheng Mingyi's mouth, so he had to answer: "What is there to talk about about you being attacked? "

Although Jiang Chijing didn't mention that he helped Zheng Mingyi that night, the window of Zheng Mingyi's house was facing his house. He didn't need to say it, it was tacit.

Besides, Zheng Mingyi repeatedly mentioned the smell of perfume in his bedroom, which also shows that he had known that the person who reminded him that night was Jiang Chijing.

"Counting the time you took the bathroom, you have saved me twice." Zheng Mingyi touched his chin and made a look of serious thinking, "According to tradition, should I agree with my body?"

"No need." Jiang Chijing said lightly, "Who in prison doesn't know that you are my little 0."

Zheng Mingyi laughed and did not correct Jiang Chijing. It seems that his focus is not on the model, but on the word "mine".

"What are you going to do next?" Jiang Chijing brought the topic back again, "Guan Wei is still waiting for you to point him out."

"He should be very interested in the news," Zheng Mingyi said, "Let him check it out, and find a famous person before coming to me."

"Don't you give him the clue in your hand?" Jiang Chijing felt strange. Compared with other things, shouldn't it be Zheng Mingyi's own business that is more important?

But as soon as he finished asking, he understood Zheng Mingyi's intentions, and said: "Or, you are testing whether he really caught the inner ghost."

"Half of this factor." Zheng Mingyi said, "Also, I have to see how he is capable, and then decide whether to leave my business to him."

It was exactly the same as Xu Sheng's situation.

Zheng Mingyi will not blindly let others participate in his affairs. He must first confirm that the other party has the corresponding ability before he will regard the other party as a transaction partner.

To put it in an inappropriate analogy, not everyone can play Zheng Mingyi's game.

Just like Xu Sheng must prove that he has enough contacts, Zheng Mingyi will help him solve the money problem, Guan Wei must also prove that he has excellent ability in handling cases, Zheng Mingyi will give him the opportunity to solve the case. .

Zheng Mingyi gave Guan Wei some real news with no evidence. On the one hand, he can let Guan Wei find out the ghosts in the department, and on the other hand, he can let Guan Wei continue to investigate, and at the same time, he can verify whether he has caught the ghosts...

This is no longer killing two birds with one stone. Zheng Mingyi is in prison, but he controls the course of the entire case.

"By the way," Jiang Chijing suddenly thought of something, "If that's the case, why didn't you see Guan Wei in the first place?"

"In the beginning, I didn't intend to start the second game so soon." Zheng Mingyi said.

"Then why now?" Jiang Chijing asked.

"Because of you." Zheng Mingyi raised his hand and squeezed Jiang Chijing's cheek. "You let me see Guan Wei. Although it is for my own judgment, at least in your heart, Guan Wei should be a good person. Tell me. My Xu Sheng's matter also let me know that he is a reliable partner. In short, things would not go so smoothly without you."

In this way, it was Jiang Chijing who helped Zheng Mingyi reduce the difficulty of the game, allowing him to speed up the layout of the second game.

Jiang Chijing also didn't expect that he could play such a big role. He uncomfortably slapped Zheng Mingyi's hand away, holding the shelf and said, "That was a mistake."

"Perhaps." Zheng Mingyi replied, and suddenly exclaimed, "Jiang Jiang."

"Huh?" Jiang Chijing frowned, "What do you call me?"

"Don't like it? That Jingjing."

"Jiang, police, officer." Jiang Chijing corrected. This person really knows how to make an inch. Is he afraid that the rumors between the two are not strong enough?

Zheng Mingyi let out a dull "Oh" and honestly said: "Officer Jiang, do you want me to go out sooner?"

It must be false to say that he does not wish. After all, Zheng Mingyi was framed and imprisoned, and normal people would not want to see an unjust case happen. And only after Zheng Mingyi goes out, Jiang Chijing can "turn the waste into treasure" in his mind...

Keke, objectively speaking, Jiang Chijing's hopes in his heart are useless, he is not a judge, and the power to decide is not in his hands.

"It's hard to talk about hope or not," Jiang Chijing said in an official manner. "When the time comes, you will naturally go out."

"Really." Zheng Mingyi looked at Jiang Chijing, as if he had already seen everything, and spit out three words leisurely, "False and serious."

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