Restricted Area

Chapter 41: Dead end

This weekend, the hot summer finally ushered in a heavy rain, which washed away the high temperature that lasted for many days.

The continuous sound of rain is suitable as background music when reading a book. Jiang Chijing put down the "Basic Knowledge of Go" in his hand and went to the kitchen to make a cup of bright chrysanthemum tea.

Although working as a librarian, Jiang Chijing rarely reads books. Now suddenly I have new interests, but learning is not as easy as when I was a student.

The rules of Go seem to be extremely simple, but the various tactics are extremely brain-intensive. The more Jiang Chijing looks at it, the more he feels that this game is very in line with Zheng Mingyi's temperament.

While reading a book, resting at the same time, spent most of the leisurely weekend in the rain. Jiang Chijing had planned to stay at home for two days without going out, but on Sunday afternoon, Guan Wei's phone call disrupted his original plan.

"Is the incident in the southern prison last week serious?"

In a small coffee shop outside the community, Guan Wei just drove over from the direction of the Southern Prison, with curiosity all over his face.

"It's more serious. Some prisoners set fire to make trouble." Jiang Chijing said, "The prison decided to enforce martial law for a week and prohibit all meetings and correspondence."

The fire in the prison has long been circulated and made headlines in the local news, but the martial law has not been announced to the public. It is no wonder that Guan Wei is not clear about it.

"It's really not the time to make a noise." Guan Wei took a sip of coffee, looking worried, "I just went to meet Zheng Mingyi, so I told him how to not let me apply."

"Are you looking for Zheng Mingyi for anything?" Jiang Chijing asked.

"I met with him last time and talked about our department. He gave me a trick and asked me to release several false news separately, and then use stock price fluctuations to determine who is the insider."

"Stock price fluctuations?" Jiang Chijing was stunned.

"Stock trading is an information war. Any good or bad news can be reflected in the stock market." Guan Wei said, "Zheng Mingyi analyzed the possible results of each news for me, and then I waited until Now, I finally found out the inner ghost."

"Just through stock price fluctuations?" Jiang Chijing asked incredulously.

"It's just through stock price fluctuations." Guan Wei said with emotion, "There is a false news that I have the evidence that the mistress of the chairman of XX Technology Company embezzled public funds. As a result, it didn't take long for people to sell their company's stock in large quantities."

"Is it because I foresee that the stock price will fall?" Jiang Chijing asked.

"Yes." Guan Wei said, "This is very abnormal. Because of the recent new policies that have benefited the electronic technology industry, their stock prices have begun to fall. Obviously someone is behind them."

Jiang Chijing suddenly felt that the name of XX Technology Company sounded a bit familiar. After thinking about it carefully, wasn't it the same group of people who visited the prison last time?

He recalled what Zheng Mingyi had said to the chairman of the company in the strawberry planting shed, thinking about it and asking: "This mistress has embezzled public funds, isn't it true?"

"To be honest, I don't know. Just letting out a fake news can cause such a big reaction. Isn't this a guilty conscience?" Guan Wei said gravely, "I doubt now that Zheng Mingyi gave me the few pieces of news. It's all true news."

Jiang Chijing didn't understand the whole picture, and he couldn't judge whether it was true or false. He could only breathe out and said helplessly: "This is indeed very Zheng Mingyi." From the beginning to the end, he had control of the whole situation, which made people unclear and unable to see through.

"At first, I was worried that this would affect the stock market, but after thinking about it, it is important to catch the ghost."

In fact, no matter what actions the regulators take, they will affect the stock market. Guan Wei should just think that it is not good to influence the stock market with fake news. However, it now appears that these news may still be true or false.

"Now that the inner ghost in the department has been caught, I just want to ask Zheng Mingyi if the news is true. If it is, then I must investigate."

Hearing this, Jiang Chijing frowned, "Are you not investigating Zheng Mingyi's case?"

"Check, wait for him to give me clues." Guan Wei said, "The last time I met, he asked me to find out the inner ghost before looking for him."

In other words, Guan Wei needs Zheng Mingyi to indicate his next course of action. But when the old nine was making trouble at this time, Guan Wei couldn't meet Zheng Mingyi, which meant that a lot of things were all in his hands.

Jiang Chijing looked at Guan Wei and asked, "Do you want me to help?"

Before Guan Wei asked Jiang Chijing for help, Jiang Chijing still had some worries, fearing that his guarantee would affect Zheng Mingyi's judgment, and he could not explain to Zheng Mingyi in case of an accident.

But the current situation is very different from before. Since he and Zheng Mingyi are both holding a pawn, it should be more or less involved.

In the morning of the new week, after Jiang Chijing finished washing up as usual, he used the gel to scratch his hair.

The broken hair on the forehead was about to grow to the eyebrows. After all of them were combed, a full and clean forehead was revealed, adding a touch of heroism to the delicate face.

Regardless of the angle of view, Jiang Chijing is very satisfied with today's look, but when he looks at it, he always feels a little inadequate.

I took out the perfume and sprayed it on, and the faint grapefruit scent lingered around my neck, and then I was done.

Looking at the time, he was about to be late again, Jiang Chijing hurriedly took breakfast and drove to the prison.

But since entering the locker room, he has not wanted to go back home to wash up all the time.

"Officer Jiang, are you going on a date after get off work today?"

"Of course I'm going to pick up girls by dressing up like this."

"It deserves to be the jail grass of our prison."

Every time he met a colleague, Jiang Chijing would be ridiculed. He wondered if he had a convulsion in his head this morning, otherwise he would not dress up on a whim.

Fortunately, there is no need to send letters today, and I have plenty of time in the morning. After putting on his uniform, Jiang Chijing messed up his meticulous hairstyle in the mirror, but it looked messy and looks even more handsome than before.

In short, no matter how you do it, there is no charm.

In the end, Jiang Chijing could only pray that Zheng Mingyi was blind, not to notice that he was different today from the past.

But what can be discovered by straight male colleagues, how can it escape Zheng Mingyi's eyes?

Sure enough, Zheng Mingyi entered the library, sat next to Jiang Chijing, and said: "Officer Jiang, do you have activities after get off work today?"

Jiang Chijing gave a vague "um", opened the news page, and read: "Today's—"

"What activity?" Zheng Mingyi interrupted Jiang Chijing.

"It has nothing to do with you." Jiang Chijing looked directly at the computer screen and was about to continue reading, but Zheng Mingyi interrupted him again.

"why did not you tell me?"

"It doesn't matter to you."

"I haven't seen you for two days."

Perhaps because of a guilty conscience, Jiang Chijing remembered the scumbag Zheng Mingyi said about him again. He wanted to ignore Zheng Mingyi's eyes, but in the end he let out a sigh of relief and compromised: "No activity."

"Will not go to see others?" Zheng Mingyi asked.


I won’t go to see others, so today’s meticulous dressing is all for you.

Jiang Chijing also became like this somehow. He swears that he wanted to dress up on a whim this morning, and didn't think much about it, but inexplicably it turned out to be for Zheng Mingyi.

"Just keep reading, Officer Jiang."

Zheng Mingyi leaned in the direction of the screen, and his right hand naturally went around Jiang Chijing's back and put it on his waist.

Jiang Chijing looked at his waist, then at Zheng Mingyi, and asked with a bewildered look: "What are your hands doing?"

"The injury on my arm is very painful, so I need to find a place to keep it comfortable." Zheng Mingyi said.

The serious tone did not seem to be telling lies at all. Jiang Chijing even wondered for a moment whether it was because his work area was too small that Zheng Mingyi's injured hand had nowhere to rest.

But he quickly denied this idea, and looked at Zheng Mingyi blankly and said, "Take it away."

Zheng Mingyi didn't move, so he looked at Jiang Chijing, as if he was sure that Jiang Chijing would not do anything to him.

Of course, Jiang Chijing would not let Zheng Mingyi keep his feet. He frowned and stared back, warning Zheng Mingyi with his eyes that he would be angry if he didn't take it away.

The two of them refused to give in, and their eyes met in the air, doing a silent contest.

Jiang Chijing suddenly thought of one time before, when he was hiding behind the computer monitor, Zheng Mingyi was sitting in the corner of the last row, and the two of them used their eyes to test and compete in the same way, but that time they were far apart. This time he could clearly see the changes in Zheng Mingyi's pupils.

The indifferent determination suddenly flickered twice, and there was a little danger in his eyes. The straightforward contest suddenly became ambiguous. Even Jiang Chijing couldn't focus his eyes, and couldn't help but sweep Zheng. Ming Yi's lips.

Don't look at each other, it's easy to happen.

As last time, Jiang Chijing planned to surrender again. But just as he lowered his eyes and retracted his gaze, Zheng Mingyi suddenly leaned forward, pressed him against the window, and kissed his lips.

"Are you crazy?" Jiang Chijing slammed on Zheng Mingyi's shoulders, his eyes filled with horror, "There is surveillance at the door!"

The surveillance is located above the front door of the library, and it takes pictures of the library at an angle of 45 degrees.

Although the work area where the two people are facing the front door and is located next to the window, the monitoring can not fully capture the situation here, but at least half of it can be captured, that is, Zheng Mingyi can be seen in the monitoring screen.

"I can't shoot us." Zheng Mingyi lifted his chin and covered Jiang Chijing's lips again. "Don't you want to try hiding in the blind spot of surveillance and kissing?"

Jiang Chijing almost wanted to swear.

This dog man really **** knows his likes.

He couldn't resist this secret stimulation at all, let alone it is still in broad daylight, the front door of the library is so wide open, and the atmosphere is even more tense than at night.

"Zheng Mingyi, stop for me."

Jiang Chijing was so excited that his fingertips were tingling, and the voice in his throat couldn't stop shaking, but he had to avoid Zheng Mingyi's lips and said with the last trace of reason: "Do you want to make me lose my job?" "

"I will support you." Zheng Mingyi said.

"You are a prisoner!" Jiang Chijing finally pushed Zheng Mingyi aside, and opened the window to exhale.

However, the summer when it had only rained became steamy again, and the air in my mouth did not relieve the heat in my heart.

"Wait for me to go out." Zheng Mingyi said lightly behind him.

Jiang Chijing quickly realized one thing, he couldn't calm down in such an environment. He yanked the window and stood up, looking straight down at Zheng Mingyi and said, "I'll take you to the infirmary for dressing."

Zheng Mingyi raised his eyebrows: "Now?"

"Just now." Jiang Chijing urged, "Hurry up."

After stepping into the territory of Luohai, Jiang Chijing's sanity finally returned to its normal track. He walked to Luo Hai's desk, took out the medicine cabinet from the cabinet on the side, and said to Luo Hai, "Borrow it."

"Do you want to help?" Luo Hai looked at Zheng Mingyi's hurting hands.

"It's okay, I'll be fine."

Jiang Chijing took the medicine box and turned around. Luo Hai should have smelled the perfume on his body and asked: "By the way, have you used up the perfume that I gave you before? I'm going to buy a new bottle. , Do you want to bring you a bottle?"

"Don't worry about me, I just bought a new bottle." Jiang Chijing chatted with Luo Hai casually, without noticing the change in Zheng Mingyi's eyes.

"Are you going to the city tonight?" Luo Hai asked.

"No." Jiang Chijing knew that Luo Hai knew him and didn't know how to spray perfume, so he casually found an excuse and said, "The perfume bottle is too big to run out."

"You bought a small bottle." Luo Haidao, "I gave you 100ml before."

"I didn't think so much." Jiang Chijing said, "I bought the same bottle."

The two of you chatted with each other, and no one noticed that the air pressure on the other side was getting lower and lower.

"Doctor Luo." Zheng Mingyi said suddenly, interrupting the chat between the two, "You and Officer Jiang use the same perfume?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Luo Haidao, "I picked that taste for a long time."

Only then did Jiang Chijing realize that Zheng Mingyi's expression seemed a bit wrong.

There was no emotion in his eyes, and his lips were tightened in a straight line. If Jiang Chijing didn't guess wrong, Zheng Mingyi seemed to be...angry...

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