Restricted Area

Chapter 17: funny

There was no familiar figure in the library, and Jiang Chijing was still a little uncomfortable.

The prisoners in the prison come and go. Today this person is released from prison and tomorrow that person is transferred to prison. It is not surprising that no one is missing.

But perhaps Zheng Mingyi is still a little bit special. After all, the last few pages of the "Strawberry Planting Technique" are not finished. Jiang Chijing always feels that there is a problem in his heart that has not been resolved.

In the past two days, Yu Guang always used all kinds of excuses to come to the infirmary. Jiang Chijing didn’t know how many times he had said Luo Hai, so that he should not be so indulgent to the kid, but as long as Yu Guang call out "Doctor Luo" in a hurry, Luo Hai The sea would give up the computer without any principle.

"You really spoil him." Jiang Chijing said, "How can a prisoner be as free as him?"

"You know him, it's a silly boy, there's nothing wrong with it." Luo Hai's reason is always this.

Jiang Chijing sighed and didn't know what to say.

Luo Hai likes younger brothers, especially those who need his care. People's preferences are like genes carved into the bones. They are not that easy to change. Jiang Chijing also has his own preferences, so he knows that he has no position to dictate to Luo Hai.

"Hey." Yu Guang, who was behind the computer, leaned back on the office chair and looked at the ceiling with his eyes open and said, "Go **** has disappeared again."

"It's only a few days before you miss him that way?" Luo Hai asked.

"He has never returned my private messages." Yu Guang said listlessly. "He would always reply to me before, but I don't know what's going on this time."

"Maybe your idol doesn't bother to take care of you at all." Jiang Chijing knew Luo Hai's mind, and looked at Yu Guang caring so much about other people, and couldn't help but feel this little unscrupulous one.

"He really doesn't bother to pay attention to others, but I am his old fan, and he treats me differently."

Well, this kid is also very poisoned. Jiang Chijing patted Luo Hai on the shoulder to show his comfort.

"He is very likely to be targeted by the capitalists." Yu Guang sat up straight and analyzed with a serious expression. "A person like him who leaked secrets must be the thorn in the eyes of capitalists. Maybe he has been imprisoned."

The kid Yu Guang always liked some conspiracy theories, but when it came to imprisonment, Jiang Chijing thought of Zheng Mingyi inexplicably.

There are so many stocks, it should not be so coincidental.

But time seems...

"Do you really listen to him talking nonsense?" Luo Hai hit Jiang Chijing with his elbow, interrupting his thoughts, "His idol may just not want to go to the forum."

There are various interest groups on the Internet, and everyone seems to be enthusiastic, but anything that happens in real life can change a person’s interests.

Thinking about it carefully, Jiang Chijing used to have some netizens who could chat with him, but almost all of them have been disconnected now.

"My idol must have something wrong." Yu Guang obviously disagrees with Luo Hai's statement, "I must help him."

"Are you sure?" Jiang Chijing answered, "Have you forgotten your mission to go to prison?"

"What mission?" Luo Hai asked.

Jiang Chijing said that he was going to tell Luo Hai about this, but he didn't take it to heart. As a result, he gradually forgot about it.

Regardless of Guang's eager eyes, he told Luo Hai about his plan to provoke Zheng Mingyi. Now everyone can see that Luo Hai is really angry.

"Do you know how dangerous he is, you go to provoke him?" Luo Hai said to Guang, "Look at Lao Jiu, look at Chen Er, last time you just injured an ankle, if you go to provoke him, he It may make you unable to take care of yourself in life."

"If I can't take care of myself," Yu Guang whispered, "You will take care of me, Doctor Luo?"

"You really can't listen, can you?"

"Hehe, Doctor Luo is the best." Yu Guang smiled flatteringly.

"You get out for me." Luo Hai pointed in the direction of the gate, "Don't run to me without problems."

"Don't worry, Doctor Luo." Yu Guangwo refused to leave in the chair. "That bad guy is in confinement. How could I provoke him."

Jiang Chijing looked at these two people saying you and me, and suddenly felt that he was a little superfluous.

After all, Zheng Mingyi should be able to get out of the confinement room tomorrow morning.

Last time Jiang Chijing said that he would chat with him depending on his mood, but in fact he hasn't been there yet. It's not that he is not in the mood, or simply too lazy to go.

But today is really boring. Jiang Chijing thought for a while, said hello to Luo Hai, went to the library and picked up the unfinished copy of "Strawberry Planting Techniques".

The prison building No. 1 is the furthest away from the public affairs building. Jiang Chijing walked towards Building No. 1 through the corridor on the second floor. There were colleagues along the way wondering why he appeared in the prison building.

Jiang Chijing only said that he had something to do, so at any rate he came to the confinement room floor under the gaze of his colleagues.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chijing is too lazy to come to Zheng Mingyi. Building 1 is too far away. He walked over from the library and didn't know how many colleagues he had to greet.

Originally, going to chat with Zheng Mingyi was not something to explain. He could only hold the book under his ribs. If someone really asked about it, he would fool him and say that he was going to let Zheng Mingyi study.

Zheng Mingyi's mental state is obviously not as good as the previous two days. When Jiang Chijing opened the small window, he leaned in lazily and said hello to Jiang Chijing, "You are here, Officer Jiang."

There was an imperceptible complaint in his tone, as if he was talking about how he came now.

Just like last time, Jiang Chijing sat down with his back leaning on the iron gate. While opening the book in his hand, he asked casually: "Does it feel good to be in confinement?"

"Uncomfortable." Zheng Mingyi said.

Jiang Chijing had seen prisoners in the confinement room had a nervous breakdown, and knew that there was no place for people to stay. However, Zheng Mingyi used 72 hours of confinement in exchange for a single cell, which shows that he is cruel to himself.

"If you feel uncomfortable, don't cause trouble." Jiang Chijing said.


Jiang Chijing flipped the book to the place where he stopped before, cleared his throat and then read: "The method of strawberry jam is..."

"Sergeant Jiang." Zheng Mingyi interrupted Jiang Chijing, "If you come here once in a while, read to me?"

"if not?"

Jiang Chijing didn't come to visit his neighbors. There was no reason to come to chat with Zheng Mingyi in his capacity.

Zheng Mingyi seemed to have thought of this too, and replied with low interest: "Then you continue."

This "Strawberry Planting Techniques" is not so much a book as it is a manual, with a total of only dozens of pages. Jiang Chijing read every word on the paper calmly, and occasionally felt distracted by the subtle noise from the iron gate.

Zheng Mingyi should leaned his head against the iron gate. Every time he moved, his clothes and hair would rub against the iron gate. The subtle vibrations passed through the iron gate to Jiang Chijing’s side, making him feel the hair on his back inexplicably. itch.

After a while, Jiang Chijing finally finished reading the last word in the book. He closed the book, checked the time, and said in the direction of the small window: "It's finished."

"Are you finished?" Zheng Mingyi's voice came from behind the iron gate, "Then you can read it to me again from the beginning."

Jiang Chijing twitched his mouth: "Am I bored?"

Zheng Mingyi said: "I am bored."

This reason is really justified.

Jiang Chijing sat still and didn't speak. It was absolutely impossible for him to read it again anyway.

Zheng Mingyi should also know that Jiang Chijing is not a patient person, so he didn't force it any more, but changed his words: "Then tell me a joke, Officer Jiang."

This request sounds normal, but the problem is—

"I can't tell jokes." Jiang Chijing said.

"No, Officer Jiang." Zheng Mingyi's tone sounded a little surprised, "Why don't you even know a joke?"

He said it as if Jiang Chijing was not a normal person. He couldn't help but wonder for a moment, could it be that telling jokes is a basic human social skill?

Jiang Chijing thinks that his social skills are fairly decent, and his relationship with his colleagues is very friendly. On the contrary, it is Zheng Mingyi who is a logical stranger who can kill his popularity without saying a few words. How can he laugh at Jiang Chijing? Can tell jokes?

Recalling that he hadn't played well several times before, the unwillingness in Jiang Chijing's heart came out inexplicably.

"Then I will tell you a funny story." Jiang Chijing said, "There used to be a chicken, and it slipped off the mountain."

After speaking, the air was quiet for a long time.

Zheng Mingyi asked uncertainly: "Officer Jiang, is this the story of your slippery chicken?"

"Yes." Jiang Chijing said, "isn't it funny? I think it's funny."

Having said that, Jiang Chijing didn't smile when he said this.

The air became quiet again, and there was no movement behind the iron gate for a long time. Jiang Chijing suddenly regretted it. People's smiles are not the same. Moreover, Zheng Mingyi is not a normal person. Why should he compete with him on this matter?

But at this moment, Jiang Chijing suddenly heard a chuckle, followed by a series of laughs. He had been watching Zheng Mingyi for more than half a year, and he had never seen him smile so happily.

"Officer Jiang." Zheng Mingyi finally stopped laughing, "So you are so cute in private?"

Jiang Chijing frowned. He really didn't like Zheng Mingyi saying he was cute. No matter how he said, he is also a 1.8-meter-long man, what is the point of his whole body that has something to do with cuteness?

It was also that the baton didn't hit Zheng Mingyi, otherwise he would definitely not be able to say such a thing.

"Let's go." Jiang Chijing stood up and patted his pants, not wanting to talk to Zheng Mingyi who was laughing endlessly.

On the morning of the new day, when Jiang Chijing went to deliver the letter in Building 1, he happened to ran into Zheng Mingyi who had come out of the confinement room.

He followed behind the prison guard with personal belongings in his hand, and he should be transferred to a new cell.

Lao Jiu, who was locked in Building 1, took the lead and made an unfriendly voice in the corridor. However, Zheng Mingyi turned a deaf ear to it. Seconds, it was said hello.

The building leader tapped the railing with a truncheon, calming the coaxing person.

Jiang Chijing didn't stay long. After sending and receiving letters according to the usual rhythm, he returned to the office building.

Today, Jiang Chijing has a lot of things. After Zheng Mingyi finishes his housework, he still has to spend time giving Zheng Mingyi an education class.

This time is a serious education class, specifically for prisoners who are always troublesome. If Zheng Mingyi's ideological tendencies are still dangerous, then Jiang Chijing can report to the building manager and extend his confinement time.

"Don't speak for him again." Luo Hai reminded Jiang Chijing.

Jiang Chijing was too lazy to argue, and said perfunctorily: "No."

At that time, Zheng Mingyi appeared at the door of the library, with a pair of handcuffs on his hands—a special treatment for prisoners in No. 1 cell, and they had to be handcuffed during the transfer.

"Go directly to the conference room on the first floor and wait for me." Jiang Chijing said.

The prison guard responsible for escorting Zheng Mingyi planned to take the people away, but Zheng Mingyi stood still and asked Jiang Chijing, "Will Officer Jiang tell me a joke today?"

Before Jiang Chijing could answer, Luo Hai on the side looked at him in a **** and said, "Do you still tell jokes?"

Jiang Chijing's ears were hot, and annoyed: "No!"

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