Restricted Area

Chapter 16: Confinement

Facts have proved that Jiang Chijing's intuition is really accurate.

He had thought that Chen Er might provoke Zheng Mingyi, so he kindly reminded Zheng Mingyi to beware of Chen Er.

But he really did not expect that Zheng Mingyi had just been transferred to No. 2 prison building for two days, and such a serious accident would happen there.

Heart-piercing shouts sounded from the corner of the first floor, and the guards of the entire building rushed towards that corner.

Jiang Chijing had just arrived at Building 2 through the corridor between the two buildings, still holding unfinished letters in his hand. As a civilian prison guard, it is inconvenient for him to rush to the front line, so he can only lean on the fence on the second floor and look at the situation in the corner of the first floor.

Chen Er was the first to be taken out of the cell with a distorted expression and sweat on his face.

There were guards blocking him all the time, until the guards took him to the second floor and passed by Jiang Chijing, Jiang Chijing could not see clearly. A sharpened toothbrush was inserted in the palm of Chen Er's left hand, a bright red one. The blood dripped into a line behind him.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chijing asked a familiar prison guard.

"Fight with No. 1017." The prison guard stopped, "Send it to Dr. Luo for a look. I guess I'll have to go on bail for medical treatment."

"Did Chen Erxian move the hand?" Jiang Chijing asked again.

"He said it was 1017 to provoke him first, who knows." the prison guard said.

Every time a fight occurs, the participants will find a justification for themselves. Chen Er said that Zheng Mingyi provoked him first, but he didn't know how true it was.

"This number 1017 is also ruthless enough. It moved two hands and sent two people away." The prison guard joked, "Whoever wants to go on bail for medical treatment in the future, just let him have a fight."

The prison guard said that Zheng Mingyi was also brought up by other prison guards, but unlike Chen Er, he was handcuffed on his hands.

Most of the prison guards surrounding Zheng Mingyi were not as tall as him. A group of people walked in the direction of Jiang Chijing. Only Zheng Mingyi, who was wearing orange prison uniforms, had a clear sense of existence. As for the other prison guards, they seemed to be gray. Background board.

There was no expression on Zheng Mingyi's face, and even his breathing was very steady. If it weren't for the wound on his hand, it would not be obvious that he had just abolished a person's hand.

The distance between the two was getting closer and closer. When passing by Jiang Chijing, Zheng Mingyi finally showed an expression on his face, but it was also very light. He just looked at Jiang Chijing calmly, as if saying: Good morning, Officer Jiang.

Jiang Chijing had no intention of asking Zheng Mingyi early.

During this time, he and Zheng Mingyi got so close that he almost forgot how dangerous this man was.

Chen Er was sent to an outside hospital for medical treatment, and Zheng Mingyi was sent to the confinement room of No. 1 prison building after treating the wound in Luohai.

The warden immediately ordered a full round of the ward and seized all the prohibited items. The prison was busy up and down, and only Jiang Chijing and Luo Hai could leisurely smoke and chat on the balcony.

"The prison guard who brought Chen Er over said that it was Chen Er first."

Luo Hai gave Chen Er's left hand a simple treatment, and he had better access to first-hand news than Jiang Chijing.

Jiang Chijing is not surprised. In his impression, he will only be aggressive if others provoke Zheng Mingyi first.

"But there is a problem," Luo Hai breathed out a breath of smoke and looked at Jiang Chijing. "The prisoners in the same cell all said it was Chen Er who was provoked by Zheng Mingyi."

Jiang Chijing shook the soot with his thumb, and asked, "How to provoke?"

"I don't know." Luo Hai shrugged, "I just want to remind you that it's best to keep a distance from him."

Jiang Chijing didn't immediately answer the conversation. He didn't feel how close he and Zheng Mingyi were, to the point where they needed to keep a distance. He was silent for a moment and asked, "What if the old nine instructed them to say that?"

"You are still helping Zheng Mingyi to speak." Luo Haidao.

Jiang Chijing felt that he was already very objective, but Luo Hai's thoughts were not unreasonable. Thinking about it can only be because he usually has more contact with Zheng Mingyi and knows his "normal" state, and Luo Hai basically only sees Zheng Mingyi's side of beating people.

Pulling the time forward again, Jiang Chijing not only knows Zheng Mingyi's normal state, but also sees his life, so he always habitually defends him.

"You are still the same." Jiang Chijing said, "always worry about others."

"You know, it can't be changed." Luo Haidao, "I heard that Zheng Mingyi will be transferred to prison building No.1 after the confinement."

"It seems that your previous judgment was correct." Jiang Chijing exhaled, "It's better to list him as an extremely dangerous prisoner from the beginning."

Regardless of the intermediate process, Zheng Mingyi ended up in the No. 1 prison building, which has the most strict management.

The prisoners over there are not at the same level as the prisoners in ordinary cells. Most of them carry human lives, either with life imprisonment or with a suspended death sentence.

These people have a limited number of visits per month, and they cannot participate in collective entertainment activities in the evening. Although each person has a separate cell, ordinary prisoners do not want to be locked here.

This time Zheng Mingyi was detained for 72 hours. Perhaps three days may seem short, but in such a small and dark confinement room, every second will be extremely tormenting.

The confinement room is located on the third floor of No. 1 prison building, and Jiang Chijing usually does not send letters to this floor.

But today, after delivering the last envelope of No. 1 prison building, Jiang Chijing hesitated for a while, and finally turned around and came to a floor he had never set foot on.

"Officer Jiang?" The head of Building No. 1 happened to be patrolling the building on the third floor. "Why are you here?"

"Come and chat with No. 1017."

It is quite normal for prison guards to come for interviews with prisoners, and this is someone else's site, and Jiang Chijing can't conceal his purpose.

"Talk about stocks?" the building leader wentssiping.

Among the prison guards, it is no longer a secret that the warden let Zheng Mingyi look at the stocks. Some guards who trade in stocks will take the initiative to find out about the news by the warden's secretary.

"Yes." Jiang Chijing didn't say much.

"Okay, he was in the third room in the past, so he was directly looking for him."

Unlike other prison cells, there is no window on the iron door of the confinement room, only a small window for food delivery underneath.

Jiang Chijing knelt down, opened the small window, and immediately heard heavy breathing from the room. He lowered his head and glanced at it. Zheng Mingyi was doing push-ups.

"1017." Jiang Chijing shouted, "It's me."

Zheng Mingyi didn't put on his shirt, and the faint light shone on his back, and the undulating muscle lines could be seen faintly.

"Officer Jiang?"

Zheng Mingyi stopped, picked up the clothes on the side and wiped off his sweat, then went to the door and sat cross-legged, "What's the matter?"

The position of the small window is a bit low. Since Zheng Mingyi is behind the iron gate, Jiang Chijing simply sat down with his back against the iron gate, put his chin in, and said in the direction of the small window: "I have a question for you."

Zheng Mingyi smiled softly, and changed his back to the iron gate posture: "You really have a lot of problems."

If there is no iron door in the middle, the backs of the two should be stuck together.

Jiang Chijing was quiet for a while, until Zheng Mingyi's breathing had calmed down behind the iron gate, he asked, "Are you intentional?"

"What deliberately?" Zheng Mingyi asked flatly.

"Chen Er." Jiang Chijing said, "Are you deliberately provoking him?"

"It counts if you ignore him."

"Why do you ignore him?"

"Probably just... treat him as air."

Each cell has a ranking of prisoners, and the top leader can have many privileges, such as allocating items and so on.

The boss of Zheng Mingyi's cell is Chen Er. If he regards Chen Er as air, he will definitely be regarded as a provocation.

Jiang Chijing got the answer in his heart, and said softly, "You really did it on purpose."

Deliberately provoking Chen Er, causing Chen Er to get angry, and when Chen Er couldn't help but act, he would be "forced" to counterattack, so as to minimize the penalty.

Although Jiang Chijing defended Zheng Mingyi in front of Luo Hai, he actually had a foreboding in his heart that Zheng Mingyi would not be a passive person. His purpose of doing this is very simple-

"You want a single cell."

Zheng Mingyi did not deny: "It was discovered by you, Officer Jiang."

Although a single-person cell will lose some freedom, it is better than not knowing when it will be calculated.

If Zheng Mingyi continues to stay in Cell Building No. 2, he will be exposed to danger all the time. On the contrary, he will be transferred to Cell Building No. 1, which seems to be dangerous, to ensure absolute safety when he is in the cell.

"You will become more and more isolated like this." Jiang Chijing said.

A single cell is not a single room in a hotel. You can only be bored by yourself, and people are social animals. If you are bored for a long time, problems will surely occur.

"I don't need to deal with prisoners." Zheng Mingyi paused here, changing into a relaxed tone, half-jokingly, "Besides, I still have you, Officer Jiang."

Jiang Chijing didn't think about joking with Zheng Mingyi. He faced the small window and said, "Don't do this next time."

"Which?" Zheng Mingyi asked.

"Rely on violence to solve problems."

The person behind the iron gate smiled indifferently and asked, "Are you giving me an education class, Officer Jiang?"

"I'm not joking to you, Zheng Mingyi." Jiang Chijing said solemnly, "If you do this again, I really won't study for you."

This time Zheng Mingyi fell silent, but there was no response behind the iron gate. Just when Jiang Chijing thought there would be no response, he listened to Zheng Mingyi's breath and asked, "What if the problem can only be solved by violence?"

Jiang Chijing didn't expect that he could change Zheng Mingyi's usual behavior by just saying a few words. He said: "If you have to do it, please pay attention to the severity of your attack."

Either beating people to fractures, or abolishing their hands, Jiang Chijing had never seen such a foolish person.

Zheng Mingyi answered calmly: "Okay, I'll listen to you, Officer Jiang."

Jiang Chijing was also not sure if Zheng Mingyi was playing him, anyway, he had already expressed his meaning. Whether Zheng Mingyi listens or not has little to do with him.

He stood up and prepared to leave, when Zheng Mingyi's voice came from the small window.

"I listen to you, can you come and chat with me tomorrow?" Zheng Mingyi lazily trailed, "It's boring here."

Of course the confinement room is boring.

Jiang Chijing stepped on Martin's boots to leave, and dropped a sentence indifferently: "It depends on my mood."

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