Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 480 Conditions of the Emperor of the Empire, Trouble of the Lord of the Nine Prisons

The price? You hardly need to pay the price.

Jose leaned back on the chair behind him: I have only one condition, to redeem the winner's prize in advance.

The Mermaid Emperor and Merlin fell silent after hearing the words.

Redeem the winner's prize in advance, which is the [Heart of the Ocean] in the hands of the Mermaid King, and the secret method of controlling the plane with the four-element gems in the hands of Moorein.

In the past, the three major forces signed a contract in the temple of the God of Light and Justice under the witness of the God of Light and Justice. The contract stipulated that the winner would get the four-element gemstone and the secret method.

With the guarantee of the god of light and justice, the top of the gods, the three parties will not breach the contract unless they commit suicide, and the three parties, including the Red Dragon, have never thought of breaching the contract.

However, the Red Dragon asked to redeem the prizes in advance, which was equivalent to letting the Pompeii Empire and the Mermaid Dynasty admit defeat in advance.

By the way, I forgot to tell you.

Jose said slowly, Cecilia died with the Maw of Darkness.

Red Dragon continued to speak: No other meaning, just want to tell you that we will win.

After speaking, the red dragon was full of confidence, and his eyes moved back and forth between the two of them.

Red Dragon does have the capital of self-confidence.

The devil's loss of Cecilia, the only evil-level powerhouse, is no longer a threat at this stage. As for the new birth of evil-level powerhouses in the future, the newly promoted evil-level devils will inevitably live under the shadow of the red dragon.

As for the Pompeii Empire and the Mermaid Dynasty, the power of these two parties is worse than that of the devil, and naturally they cannot pose a threat to the Forsyth Empire.

In other words, I'm sure to win!

Jose crossed his fingers and said, This is why I called everyone in advance.

If everyone agrees to my proposal, the treasure on the table will be yours, and after the competition is over, the red dragon stopped speaking, spreading his hands, the meaning is self-evident.

After the competition is over, you have nothing, the mermaid emperor silently added what the red dragon hadn't said in his heart.

The Mermaid Dynasty was originally the bottom of the competition. In the face of the terrifying amount of points of the Red Dragon,

The Mermaid Emperor completely lost confidence.

Unless the mother is the goddess of luck, so that the mermaid dynasty meets ten demon lords who are seriously injured and dying, otherwise, there is absolutely no possibility of a comeback.

Anyway, you will lose [Heart of the Ocean] in the end, so it is better to hand it over now, leave the field decently, and get a valuable compensation-[Son of Winter] inheritance.

At this thought, the mermaid emperor let out a long sigh.

There are thousands of words in a sigh, it seems to be a pity that the plan of thousands of years ended in failure, but it also seems to be a relief, finally getting rid of the maelstrom of competition that may be crushed at any time.

The mermaid emperor's sad expression slowly relaxed, and when he raised his hand, a beautifully shaped staff appeared out of thin air.

The staff is slender and can be held in one hand by ordinary people. The body of the staff is spliced ​​with a large number of wave patterns made of fine blue diamonds. In the waves, a mermaid holds the top of the staff with both hands.

And the top of the staff is also a dazzling treasure, one of the four elemental gems [Heart of the Ocean], circles of light blue ripples spread from bright sapphires as the source point, appearing mysterious and awe-inspiring.

The mermaid emperor looked at the staff reluctantly for the last time, and then, as if making up his mind, he put the staff on the table and took away the cold box on the table.

She made her own choice with practical actions.

I'll congratulate His Majesty Jose for winning the crown in advance. I'm a little tired, so let's take a step first. The mermaid emperor put away the box that sealed the [Winter's Son] inheritance, got up and said goodbye.

Jose nodded to the Mermaid King, and said, Tedanol will always be your home.

The mermaid emperor was in a trance for a moment, smiled and bowed, and teleported away.

After the teleportation radiance dissipated, only the red dragon, Moorlin, and the exquisite staff lying quietly on the table remained in the room.

Your Excellency Morin, Your Excellency Situya has already made her choice, what about you? Jose stared at Morin.


Merlin bowed his head and pondered, silent.

After a moment of silence in the room, Morin raised his head and said, Your Excellency Jose, your strength and points make me feel hopeless, but this secret method was found by the teacher after all, please allow me to go back and discuss it with the teacher before replying, is that all right? ?”

Jose nodded understandingly: It's understandable, I just hope that Lord Morin won't keep me waiting, I don't like waiting.

Okay, Morin nodded, squinted at the [Heart of the Ocean] on the table, and teleported away.

Heh~! After the teleportation light dissipated, Jose chuckled.

The expression of Merlin was caught by the Red Dragon throughout the whole process, and he naturally discovered the little tricks that Merlin could hide.

Have you given up hope yet?

Jose murmured: Okay then, let's give it a try.

Today, the total points of the Fussey Empire have reached an astonishing 230,000 points. If calculated by the strength of the gluttons, it is equivalent to eleven gluttons with a surplus of 10,000 points.

The number of points in the Pompeii Empire is estimated to be not even 10,000.

No matter how hard the Pompeii Empire worked, it could not bridge the huge gap between them.

Sometimes, if you don't work hard, you don't know what despair is.

Jose shook his head, not thinking about Morin for the time being, picked up the exquisite staff on the table, and stroked the exquisite staff.

In the Mermaid Dynasty, this staff has a famous name - [Tidal Scepter], which is a symbol of the imperial power of the Mermaid Dynasty.

The Mermaid Emperor could have left only the [Heart of the Ocean], but she left the staff together, which showed her determination to abandon the Mermaid Dynasty and stop interfering with Tidanor.

It is precisely because of this that the Red Dragon will say Tedanol will always be your home.

With a thought in Jose's mind, the gem at the top of this powerful staff comparable to a sub-artifact came off and floated in front of the red dragon.

[Heart of the Ocean], you are mine now, the red dragon felt the endless energy of the water element in the [Heart of the Ocean]. powerful.

However, the water-type [Heart of the Ocean] is not suitable for the fire-type red dragon. Forcibly using it will not only fail to increase combat effectiveness, but will weaken it.

The red dragon only played with it for a while, then put away the [Heart of the Ocean], and sent it back to the Tidanor Magic Tower for safekeeping.

Huh, one step closer to the final victory, Jose muttered.

Next, to be on the safe side, wait until the end of the competition to get all the rewards, and then consider other things, Red Dragon fell into deep thought.

Today, the Fussey Empire has a clear advantage over any force participating in the competition, and it can be said that victory is in sight.

Victory was in sight, but not won.

Until the final results come out, it is still not to be taken lightly.

Of course, with such an obvious advantage, Jose doesn't have to take big risks like before. He just needs to keep an eye on his opponents, especially the devil, to prevent the devil from rising up secretly.

As for the Pompeii Empire, it was just a clown who was unwilling to accept the reality of failure.

Devil, the most troublesome thing for the devil is the Lord of the Nine Hells, but he can only rely on the God of Light and Justice to help him, Red Dragon thought in his heart.

Suddenly, a vast will descended in this small space, and this will was powerful and righteous.

Not the god of light and justice, but the same origin as the god of light and justice.

Jose, we meet again.

Seeing the figure appearing in the radiance clearly, Jose was slightly surprised, and greeted with a smile: The sage Hui Yao is here, welcome.

Sage Hui Yao nodded: To make a long story short, the Lord God asked me to bring you a message.

Oh? What news? Red Dragon listened attentively.

The relationship between the main god and the gods is like the red dragon and the dog. The god of light and justice has no time to deal with the will of the abyss. In the fierce battle, the brilliant sage of the middle divine power level came to deliver the news. This news must be no small matter.

Sage Hui Yao went straight to the point: The Lord God asked me to tell you...

Through the narration of the sage Hui Yao, the red dragon understood what happened.

Just as the red dragon hoped, the god of light and justice took advantage of the evil to deal with the will of the abyss.

In the beginning, everything was going in a good direction. The god of evil born from the corpse of the devil prince instinctively hated the abyss will, and the God of Light and Justice used this to join hands with the evil to weaken the will of the abyss.

However, not long ago, the will of the abyss thought of a way to divert the disaster, and transferred the evil teleportation to the void outside Bator Hell.

After this operation, the Lord of the Nine Prisons who was watching the battle at home was stunned.

People sit at home, and disaster comes from heaven.

The Lord of the Nine Prisons could no longer stay out of the matter and had to stand up to meet the enemy.

I don't know what method the will of the abyss used, but the abomination born from the corpse of the devil prince is eyeing Bator Hell, and keeps approaching Bator Hell.

Once the gods are allowed to approach Bator Hell, not to mention the tenth level of hell that still exists in the imagination, it may not even be able to keep the current ninth level of hell, and it will become an eighth level of hell, or even a seventh level, or even a sixth level.

You must know that the Forgotten Land fell apart in the battle between the will of the abyss and the gods, and turned into dust in the void, and Baator Hell was no stronger than the Forgotten Land.

The Lord of the Nine Prisons could not fight against the evil and the will of the abyss alone, so he had to ask the Lord God for help. He paid the price for this. He will not seek expansion within 100,000 years, and is willing to hand over [Heart of the Storm].

Sage Hui Yao paused for a moment, and then said: This also means that the Lord of the Nine Prisons has conceded defeat in this match.

Really?! Jose was pleasantly surprised and couldn't believe it.

The Lord of the Nine Prisons admitting defeat means the end of the competition, and the end of the competition also means...

Of course it's true. Having said that, the reason why the Lord of the Nine Hells surrendered so decisively is because you killed his most capable subordinate. Hell has no hope of victory.

It's just that. Sage Hui Yao changed his words, Don't be too happy too soon.


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