Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 479: The Emperor’s Decision

Your master is dead! Jose's thunderous roar spread throughout the battlefield, like thunder exploding in the middle of the night.

While roaring, the ancient dragon Longwei descended, suppressing the entire battlefield like a mountain.

The battlefield was lively one second, and completely silent the next.

Including the demigod powerhouse, everyone stopped their fighting, looked up in shock at the sky, and looked at the red dragon holding the glutton's head high in the sky.

The head of the demon lord in the red dragon's hand was still dripping blood, and those wide-open eyes seemed to express the anger and unwillingness before death.

The result of the battle between the two supernatural powerhouses is obvious.

The devil lost, the red dragon won!

After a short period of silence, the side of the Soaring Dragon Alliance erupted into cheers and slashed at the demon army, which was deeply shocked by the fall of its own lord.


Hearing the screams of their companions, the army of demons reacted from the deep shock, like a bereaved dog with a broken spine, unable to even raise the heart of resistance, only hated that parents lost two legs and turned to run away.

But before he could take a step, his legs and feet felt weak, because the entire battlefield was enveloped by the might of the red dragon, and the red dragon was pressing down on the demons like a mountain.

The one-sided massacre has begun!

In the end, only a handful of lucky ones on the edge of the battlefield and several powerful demigod demons escaped with their lives, and the remaining 99% of the demons became the souls of the Dragon Alliance.

After the First World War, on the battlefield, the corpses of demons can't be seen at a glance, and people can't help but think of the phrase corpses all over the field.

Jose glanced at the battlefield, and teleported back to Feiyu City with a thought.

There is no need to order, and the dependents can handle the work of cleaning the battlefield.


two days later.


The entire Longteng City was brightly lit, the city was filled with laughter and laughter, and the smell of fine wine and food wafted throughout the city.

No matter when and where, the fall of an abyss lord is a major event worth celebrating, not to mention that after the glutton's death, the Dragon Alliance uprooted all the demon cities in the glutton's territory,

And killed countless demons.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a once-in-a-lifetime victory.

With such a big victory, the Dragon Alliance naturally wanted to celebrate.

Jose returned to Longteng City after dealing with the matters on the battlefield, and ordered his deputy - Ergou to prepare for the celebration party.

At this party, everyone from ordinary soldiers to the emperor was very relaxed, without worrying about the attacks of demons.

The gluttons are the abyssal forces that are close to the Dragon Alliance, and the death of the gluttons has left a large vacuum of forces.

According to the usual practice, there will be no other abyss lords to take over the mess left by the glutton in a short time.

What's more, the Dragon Alliance has really razed all the demon cities to the ground. Even if there is an abyss lord who is willing to take over the mess, it will take a long time to rebuild the city.

Before the arrival of the new Abyss Lord, the Dragon Alliance had a safe environment, and the word safety was the greatest luxury in the bloody battlefield.

Huh~, Jose leaned on the office chair, and took a long breath, the breath in his mouth was filled with the aroma of fine wine and food.

Since stepping into the abyss, he hasn't relaxed as much as today for a long time.

First, the death of the Maw of Darkness completely equalized or even surpassed the points gap with the devil, and then slaughtered the Gluttony, and another 20,000 points were recorded, and Tai Danol was far ahead in the total number of points.

The most important thing is the fall of the devil in red——Cecilia, which caused the devil to lose the evil-level powerhouse.

Even if a new devil succeeds in advancing to the level of evil, it will not be able to compare with the old powerhouse of evil like Red Dragon.

In this way, Tidanol not only took the lead in points, but also cut off the devil's hope of catching up.

Jose's pupils were uncertain, and the thoughts in his mind were like lightning.

After thinking for a while, the red dragon turned his head to look at the blood moon falling from the sky, and murmured: It's time to gather everyone.

Red Dragon did what he said, and immediately sent a message to Moore Lin and the Mermaid Emperor, and agreed that the three parties would hold a meeting in Longteng City early the next morning.

Time soon came to the next day.

Moore Lin and the Mermaid Emperor arrived at Longteng City as promised, and saw the red dragon they had been waiting for for a long time.

The mermaid emperor looked at the red dragon with complicated expressions, paused, and bowed to salute: I extend my sincere regards to you, Your Majesty Francisco.

On the side, Moorelin also looked at the red dragon with complicated eyes.

The glutton fell into the hands of the red dragon. When the news reached the ears of the two, both of them were taken aback.

You must know that Gluttony is not a dispensable little character, he is a veteran abyss lord who has been on the battlefield of bloody battles for thousands of years.

Sitting on the battlefield of bloody battles for thousands of years without being slaughtered is enough to show the strength of the glutton.

However, it was such a powerful old abyss lord who eventually fell into the hands of the red dragon who had stepped into the gods for less than a hundred years. This shocked the entire bloody battlefield and let the world know the power of the red dragon.

Congratulations to His Majesty Francisco, who beheaded the glutton and became famous all over the world, Moorlin also bowed.

The salute of the two has nothing to do with anything else, it is just out of respect for the strong.

Respect for the strong is also an axiom common to most planes in the multiverse.

Jose said with a smile on his face: You two are comrades in the same camp as me, so you're welcome.


After chatting for a while, Moore went straight to the topic: Your Excellency Jose invited us here this time, what's the matter?

That's right, Red Dragon nodded.

Jose pondered for a moment: You all know that the glutton fell in my hands, right?

That's right, the Mermaid King nodded: Not only we know, but this matter has spread throughout the abyss. His Excellency Francisco killed the glutton, which greatly boosted our morale.

The red dragon nodded, and continued: Let me tell you one more thing, the glutton is not the first abyss lord to fall into my hands.

Moore Lin and the Mermaid Emperor looked at each other when they heard the words, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Your Excellency Jose, isn't Gluttonous the first abyss lord to fall since this battle?! Morin looked at the red dragon in shock.

No, you missed one, Jose shook his head.

The red dragon slowly opened his mouth and said: The...throat of the black...dark...!

Due to the particularity of the Black Mist Rift, and the lack of witnesses in the Red Dragon Pit killing the Throat of Darkness and the Red Devil, the news of their deaths has not yet spread. Except for the Red Dragon, the God of Light and Justice, No more than a handful of people know the news.

What?! Morlin and the Mermaid Emperor's expressions changed drastically, they lost their composure in shock, and stood up from their chairs.

Moore asked quickly: Your Excellency Jose! Is what you said true?!

Could I still lie to you! Red Dragon's tone was a little displeased.

In a few days, there will be news from the Alliance of Gods. Right now, that supreme being is a bit troublesome.

Realizing his gaffe, Moore sat down again: Please forgive me, this news really shocked me.

Jose nodded to express his understanding, and stopped talking, giving the two of them time to digest the news.

While waiting for the two to digest the news, the red dragon paid attention to their expressions.

Just as he expected, Merlin and the Mermaid Emperor were shocked at first, and then their faces turned blue and purple.

If we say that after knowing the news that the glutton died at the hands of the red dragon, the two were more shocked and delighted, and the joy was because the point gap between Tedanol's side and the devil had narrowed by a large margin.

Knowing the news that the Maw of Darkness had died in the hands of the Red Dragon, both of them were more desperate.

You know, the Maw of Darkness is a strong man with a reward of 200,000 points, which means that the power of the Forsyth Empire represented by the red dragon is far ahead of the Mermaid Dynasty and the Pompeii Empire in terms of points.

Based on the reward of 20,000 points offered by the Gluttonous, if the Pompeii Empire and the Mermaid Dynasty want to win the competition, they need to kill eleven Gluttonous before they can catch up with the Forsyth Empire.

As far as the facts are concerned, both of them think that if they face the Gluttonous, the probability of being beheaded is higher.

How can this huge gap not make people feel desperate!

Jose casually looked at the two of them. The mermaid emperor came out of despair first, and his expression gradually returned to normal.

The mermaid emperor closed his eyes and opened them again, looking at the red dragon with a smile in his eyes.

Your Excellency Jose, congratulations. I wish the Fosse Empire a victory in advance, and Your Excellency Jose will reach the summit, the Mermaid Emperor felt relieved as soon as he said those words.

After being attacked by the devil—Malganis, the Mermaid Emperor was far behind the two forces, and was the one with the lowest probability of winning among the three parties.

The hope of winning is not high, and the mermaid emperor has little expectation of victory, so he is the first to accept the reality.

The voice of the mermaid emperor awakened Moore. Moore adjusted his breathing and soon returned to normal, but his eyes were extremely complicated.

The Red Dragon can see from Moorlin's eyes that the disbelief that the Maw of Darkness died in the hands of the Red Dragon, the despair at the high points of the Fossey Empire, the most bitterness about the future, and the hope that Tydanor will not fall into the trap. The joy of the devil's hand.

Your Excellency Jose, congratulations, Morin resumed his smile.

Jose nodded, opened his mouth to say something, but swallowed it back.

If it were me, if I knew that the goal I pursued all my life was impossible to achieve, I would definitely be as desperate as Merlin and the Mermaid King.

The red dragon was silent for a while, and said: No matter how the future changes, Tedanol is our common home.

When Mo Lin and the Mermaid Emperor heard the words, their faces eased a lot.

Jose took the opportunity to take out the two boxes he had prepared, and put the two boxes on the table. One box was cold, and the other was made of precious Oriha steel.

I have prepared two treasures.

The red dragon pointed to the cold box and looked at the Mermaid Emperor: This box contains the inheritance of [Winter Son], and a set of materials needed to advance [Winter Son].

After finishing speaking, the red dragon turned to Moorelin again, pointing to another Oliha steel box: This box contains the treasure that I exchanged from the [Military Merit Hall] at a cost of 100,000 military merits, a god-level mage The mage's handbook, which records a lot of knowledge about space magic at the level of evil.

You can open it and check.

According to what the red dragon said, the two opened the box, took out the treasures in the box, and opened it to check.

Both can determine the value of an item with just a cursory glance.

The treasures provided by Red Dragon are genuine.

So far, Moorelin has no doubts about what the red dragon said.

Points are military achievements. If the red dragon did not kill the Roar of Darkness, where would the 100,000 military achievements be exchanged for the space magic handbook of the evil mage.

Your Excellency Jose, you don't get rewarded for nothing, what do we need to pay?

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