Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 458 Sprinkle the bait and the fish take the bait

The hooked-nosed devil inquired clearly about the cause and effect of the matter, and immediately left the adventurer's camp, looking for a deserted place to cast magic and pass back the precious information.

Red Urgent Information! Sister Gwendolin is suspected of appearing in the Red Ridge Mountains!

After the devil passed the information back, it was reported layer by layer, and finally passed to the lord of the Rootless City, the demigod Devil Strong Nurgle.

The blood flail nun shows up? This news immediately attracted the great attention of the Nurgle.

The Bloody Sister Gwendoline is a demigod demon. She is not powerful in her own right, but she has a prominent background. She is the lord of the eighty-first floor of the bottomless abyss and the most trusted subordinate of Nahum the Lager.

There are even rumors that the Sister Bloodflail is the Lager's mistress.

Regardless of the specific relationship between the two, it is 100% certain that Lasher treats Sister Bloodflail differently than he treats other demigod subordinates.

Since the battle between the Flogger and Lord Cecilia in the treasury, there has been no news, and now... Strong Nurgle's mind became active.

Regarding the relationship between Sister Bloodflail and the Flagger, Sister Bloodflail is very likely to know the location of the Flagellator. If she can find the location of the severely injured Flagellator and report the news to Lord Cecilia...

You know, as a powerful abyss lord, Lasher has a bounty of 5,000 points, which is worth ten or even twenty years of hard work.

If I succeed in hunting the Lasher, then I will be the biggest contributor, said the Nurgle, thinking of the generous rewards after his meritorious service, and couldn't help but be moved.

Heartbroken, he acted immediately, and the Nurgle teleported to the eighty-first floor of the abyss, intending to investigate the matter.

He decided to verify the authenticity of the incident before reporting it to the red-clothed devil so as not to cause an oolong incident.

Regarding the abyss lord of the god level, the Nurgle was very cautious. First, he had a detailed discussion with the master-level devil intelligence agent who discovered the information. After checking that there was no problem with the devil intelligence agent, he then went to find the information provider, the adventurer, and the informant.

The memory of the devil's intelligence officer is fine, but the memory of the adventurer's informant is a false memory created by Dragon Fang's avatar using magic, which cannot stand the test of a demigod powerhouse.

Therefore, under the operation of Dragon Tooth clone, the adventure group that the adventurer informant was in was hired and left the Hills of Misery.

As expected by the Dragon Tooth clone, although the demigod Nurgle was a little suspicious, he did not give up and continued to investigate. After all, the focus of the matter was on the blood flail nun, not an insignificant adventurer.

Based on intelligence information, the Nurgle found the Red Ridge Mountains, where the Bloody Sisters had appeared.

As a result, he got nothing.

There are no traces of demigods and demons left here, not even traces of demons, it is as clean as a piece of white paper.

Just because it was too clean, it didn't look like an abyss, which aroused the devil's suspicion.

Quack quack, it's too clean! The Nurgle sneered, he believed the news of the appearance of the nun.

After all, apart from the demons of the whippers, there is no need for the other strong demons to be so cautious and deliberately clean up all traces of their whereabouts.

However, it was precisely because the cleaning was too clean that the demigod devil could not trace any information.

But the devil has always been very patient and did not give up, but carefully searched around.

In the distant sky, Longya clones are separated by tens of thousands of meters, occasionally sweeping towards the searching devil.

He communicated with the red dragon in his heart: Hey, I said the main body, this guy's strength is low, and he couldn't find the hidden magic circle you arranged.

Jose was far away in Longteng City, the battlefield of the bloody battle, and the voice of Longya's avatar sounded in his heart. With a thought, he understood what was going on, and responded lightly: If he finds it so easily, it will look suspicious.

Then leave him alone and let him go looking for it like this?

That's right.

What if he loses hope and gives up?

Always be patient, this is a good quality of the devil family.

Longya clone frowned and said, Then what should I do? Wait forever? It's so boring!

Be patient.


Three months later, the Nurgle still had nothing to show for it, and couldn't help but lose patience.

Damn it, I can't just waste it like this, he thought in his heart, deployed some monitoring magic on the Redridge Mountains, and then teleported away.

What the devil didn't know was that everything he did was seen by another demigod in the distance.

Another four months passed.

The Nurgle almost thought that the Sisters had abandoned the Redridge Mountains, but at this time, things took a turn for the better.

Surveillance Magic found a demon, a legendary lizard.

When discovered by the surveillance magic, the lizard maintained a stealthy state, sneaking out from the Redridge Mountains.

There was no surprise at all, the demigod devil already possessed overwhelming strength, coupled with mental arithmetic and unintentional, the six-armed snake demon was knocked unconscious by the devil before he could react.

But the Nurgle can't read the memory of the Snake Demon like the clone of the dragon tooth, because there is a powerful magic ban in the spiritual sea of ​​the Snake Demon, which protects the Snake Demon's spiritual sea and prevents the enemy from invading spiritual sea.

Sure enough! Seeing the magic restriction, the Nurgle was not worried but happy.

It is necessary to use magic prohibition to seal the memory, the protection level of this stronghold is very high!

He was almost convinced now that Sister Gwendoline of the Bloodyel was in the Redridge Mountains.

Out of the devil's cautious nature, he still recorded the six-armed snake demon's physical characteristics and asked the subordinates of Rootless City to check.

A legendary six-armed snake demon is not a big man in the bottomless abyss, but he is not an unknown person, not to mention that the scope of the search has been determined to be under the flag of the whippers.

It didn't take long for the information about the six-armed snake demon to pass to the mind of the demigod devil, and the information confirmed his idea that the six-armed snake demon was the subordinate of the blood flail nun Gwendolin.

The Nurgle analyzed the magic restriction, and found that the magic restriction was very difficult to understand, and it had the function of transmitting the picture of the host before death. A venomous look flashed in his eyes.

He didn't dare to take the risk of breaking the ban, and threw the six-armed snake demon to a legendary adventure team.

In this way, even if the six-armed snake demon died, the people behind the scenes would not suspect the devil.

In the distance, beneath the Redridge Mountains.

The eight-armed snake demon Bianza suddenly opened her eyes. She felt that her subordinate was dead, and seeing the last picture sent back from the magic ban, the mage fired a magic arrow, piercing the six-armed snake demon's heart.

Heh, Bianza smiled lightly.

If she hadn't known part of the emperor's plan beforehand, she would have been fooled by the demigod.

The eight-armed snake demon got up, twisted its tail and walked out of the cave. She came to another quiet room and saw the blood flail nun Guan Delin.

In other words, Lily-san, the demon girl with a thousand faces who transformed into the appearance of the blood shackle nun.

Even after seeing Lily-san's transformation many times, Biyoza couldn't help but marvel at the magic of Lily-san's transformation technique.

Lily-san is worthy of the title of Thousand-faced Fairy, and her transformation technique is superb. Both in appearance and temperament, she is exactly the same as the blood flail nun herself, so much so that the six-armed snake demon who has followed the blood flail nun for many years did not recognize it.

Speaking of the six-armed snake demon, it is not a coincidence.

After the Lasher Fortress was breached, the Serpent escaped in stealth, but was separated from the main force. She lived in the wilderness with no human trace until she was discovered by the spies of the Forsy Empire.

The elite spies of the Empire found the Lager's insignia on the weapon of the Seraph, judged that she had belonged to the Flagellant, and reported the news to the Emperor.

The Emperor of the Empire keenly discovered the value of the Snake Demon, and did not send strong men to hunt it down, but notified the Snake Demon Bianza to subdue it, and learned all about its past.

The lizard then became an integral part of the Emperor's plan to seduce the devil.

The chess pieces are dead, and we can proceed to the next step, said the eight-armed snake demon in a soft voice while remaining humble in front of the strong man.

I will treat them well, with my beloved little one, giggling, Sister Bloodflail caressed the instrument of torture with one hand, covering her mouth with the other hand and laughing wildly.

The Eight-Armed Snake took a deep look at the Blood Flail Nun: even her personality was imitated so perfectly.


The hard work paid off, and the demigod devil Strong Nurgle finally found the entrance to the devil's stronghold after spending two months following the clues exposed by the six-armed snake demon.

The Nurgle gazed at the distant boulder with magic, and there was an inconspicuous entrance below the boulder, like a lair for an ordinary beast.

Quack quack! That's how it is. No wonder I couldn't find you. It turned out to be hiding underground like a mouse!

The Nurgles kept a close watch on the devil's stronghold day and night, waited patiently for the opportunity, and found a breakthrough point.

The demigod devil took advantage of a great demon to go hunting, took the opportunity to replace it, and successfully sneaked into the demon stronghold as the great demon.

Disguised as a great demon, the Nurgle walked in the tunnel extending in all directions with a corpse of a demonized beast on his back, his eyes rolled wildly, scanning his surroundings.

Through the memory of the great devil, he has already determined that the blood-flailed nun Guan Delin is the manager of the devil's stronghold here. Next, he only needs to find an opportunity to get close to the blood-flailed nun and find a way to get information from her mouth.

Gar! Move quickly! Send the prey to the kitchen! The executioner, the manager, brandished his whip and roared viciously at the big demon.

If you move slowly and make the lady dissatisfied, I'll put you on the dining table!

Yes, yes, yes! I'm going right away! The great demon Gar nodded and bowed to the manager, and at the same time moved his legs, trotting towards the kitchen according to his memory.

Pseudo-Gar didn't take the execution demon's words to heart. In his eyes, all demons, including the blood shackle nun, would sooner or later be his own souls.

Who cares about the threat of a dead man!

He trotted all the way, observing the surroundings all the way. The great demon he transformed was just a humble low-level soldier in this stronghold, with a limited range of activities, and he didn't know the location of the blood flail nun.

Therefore, the most important thing at present is to find the location of the blood flail nun.

This can't trouble a powerful demigod demon.

Pseudo-Gar came to the kitchen of the stronghold. The so-called kitchen was a simple underground cave. There were only two people in the kitchen, a blue-skinned ogre and a short, barefoot halfling.

Seeing the halfling, this shocked the demigod devil a bit.

I didn't expect that this blood flail nun enjoys it so much, and there is even a halfling chef.

Surprised, but not surprising.

Adventurers from thousands of planes in the multiverse gather in the abyss. There are various races in the abyss. Of course, there are also halflings. The reputation of halflings as good at cooking is known by many demons. Many demons will not kill halfling adventurers if they catch them. Instead, enslave it as a chef.

The ogre is much simpler, with a simple mind, but with a lot of strength, it is most suitable as a coolie.

Dony! Decompose the prey quickly! I want to present delicious food to the lady! The halfling looked at the demonized beast on the shoulder of the big demon, and screamed to the ogre.

Okay, the ogre responded boldly.

The ogre took the prey from the big demon with some fear, placed the prey on the chopping board, picked up the boning knife and started to get busy.

It was seen that it used the boning knife to cut through the belly of the demonized beast, and quickly took out the internal organs. The blade moved in the empty chest cavity of the prey, and a complete skeleton was taken out not long after.

The great demon stood aside, seemingly attracted by the ogre's knife skills, but actually glanced around the kitchen out of the corner of his eye, and saw the large dinner plate taken out by the halfling chef.

He understood that this plate was about to be filled with food and sent to Sister Bloody. This was the easiest way for him to find her location.

Taking advantage of the halfling chef's inattention, the great demon left a magic mark on the dinner plate with his fingers.

This magic imprint is extremely weak, and it is similar to the breath of the demonized beast. When the enchanted beast is placed on the disk, the two will be mixed together. If you don't pay attention, it will be difficult to find it. The most important thing is that the magic imprint has a recording function.

Of course, the demigod devil also wants to monitor the blood flail nun in real time, but real-time monitoring requires magic power transmission information, and the process will cause weak magic power fluctuations.

Most demigods are extremely sensitive to dynamic fluctuations in magic power, and he is unwilling to take this risk.

Everything went well, and the dinner plate buried with the magic imprint was sent to the blood flail nun.

Blood flail nun was eating the food, and at the same time carefully inspected the food and the plate with mental power, and found the magic imprint left on the bottom of the plate, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

In order to prevent the devil from becoming suspicious, Sister Bloodflail did not disclose key information immediately.

a week later.

As in the past, the dinner plate buried with the magic imprint was placed on the table of the blood flail nun.

It's time to cast the bait, Sister Bloodflail murmured.

She took a deep breath, and said the lines designed by Red Dragon: Lord Nahum...

At night, Pseudo-Gar sneaked into the kitchen to obtain the information on the dinner plate. He was stunned on the spot when he heard the words recorded by the magic imprint, and then he was ecstatic.

At the same time, Jose who was far away in Longteng City received the news from Lily-san, put down the document in his hand, and leaned back in his chair.

Red Dragon Nannan said: The fish is hooked!

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