Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 457: The Situation of Stalemate

Dragon City, inside the core castle.

Jose sat in the spacious office and processed the files on the desktop. The contents of the files contained information collected through various channels by the Forsyth Empire, the Pompeii Empire, and the Mermaid Dynasty, allowing the emperor to keep abreast of the movements of the abyss at various levels.

The red dragon will finish reading a piece of information, turn it into ashes with a thought, and then pick up another piece of information.

Huh?! The stronghold was attacked by strange forces.

The red dragon let out a sigh and frowned slightly as he read the details of the intelligence. This information recorded one thing: the intelligence base of the Fussey Empire located in the hills of misery on the 81st floor of the abyss was attacked by mysterious demonic forces, although the enemy was eventually repelled , but the intelligence point is also a heavy loss.

Jose took a careful look at the information, then reduced it to ashes.

Ever since the red dragon and the red-clothed devil had a deadly battle, the red-clothed devil had extinguished his eagerness for quick success, changed his strategy, and used various means to interfere with Tedanol's side. Attacking intelligence points was a common occurrence.

Of course, the Red Dragon side is not a vegetarian either. They also try their best to harass the devils, killing devils and attacking intelligence points are all routine methods.

Every one or two days, news of an intelligence point being attacked reaches the Red Dragon's ears, and the Red Dragon has long been used to it. If it weren't for the special situation on the eighty-first floor of the abyss, the Red Dragon wouldn't even take a second look.

An hour later, the emperor of the empire processed all the information and let out a long sigh of relief.


Jose leaned back in his chair, his eyes lost, thinking about recent events.

The devil in red couldn't solve Taidanol in a short time, and in turn, the same was true for Taidanol's side.

There is not much difference in strength between the two sides, and the situation has fallen into a stalemate at the point of competition. On the premise of guarding against the other side, they are doing their best to hunt down demons and increase their own points.

Today, the contest isn't about who hunts more demons, but who makes fewer mistakes.

Once you make a mistake, the opponent will seize the opportunity and your strength will be weakened.

Jose was waiting for his chance, for the devil to make a mistake.

However, judging from the current situation, the devil's side has an advantage in points and is more patient than Tidanol's side, so that the Red Dragon has to find a way to create opportunities.

Don't let me down, the red dragon muttered to himself, looking at the bloody sun slanting westward in the sky.

The hills of misery on the eighty-first floor of the abyss.

The dragon tooth clone of the emperor of the empire looked at the adventurer camp in front of him. This adventurer camp was called the stalker camp. Everything is so simple and densely packed with tents.

In the abyss infested by various dangerous creatures, even legends from various planes cannot ask for too much luxury, and safety is the greatest luxury.

And the stalker camp is safe enough, because the controller of this seemingly inconspicuous camp is a demigod powerhouse.

Dragon Tooth clone lowered the hood on its head and walked towards the gate of the stalker camp. After paying the fee, it passed through the heavily guarded camp gate.

He stepped on the muddy road, and the air was filled with the smell of mud. Fortunately, although the stalker camp was simple, the camp manager did not allow anyone to defecate anywhere in the camp.

Jose walked through the dense tents, came to the edge of the camp, and walked towards an inconspicuous tent.

Around the tent, tough adventurers stared at strangers.

Dragon Tooth's avatar didn't care about it, passed everyone's sight without looking sideways, came to the target tent, opened the tent curtain and walked in, and at the same time isolated the sight of all adventurers.

The space inside the tent is larger than it looks from the outside, because the tent is made of enchanted flannelette that is used to make space bags, which greatly expands the internal space.

For the rich and powerful Fossey Empire, this is not a difficult task.

Inside the tent, a master jackal held his long sword, stared at the strange intruder, and shouted loudly, What are you doing?!

Longya's avatar responded lightly: Look for a deal with the master.

What business are you talking about?

Small business, buying carpets.

What rug to buy?


After a series of signals, the Jackal man let go of his vigilance, and called the visitor to rest: My lord, please wait a moment, I will call the steward.

No, he's already here.

As soon as the words fell, the curtain of the tent partition was pushed aside, and a goblin walked in. This goblin looked very old, with wrinkled skin, and the wrinkles could almost kill mosquitoes, but there was a pair of eyes matching his face. Mismatched eyes, shrewd red eyes.

The goblin's name is Ragol Wrinkle Skin, and he is a well-known big businessman in the stalker camp. He specializes in providing adventurers with various living supplies, such as food, water, blankets, and so on.

There are merchants like Ragol Wrinkle in every camp in the abyss, and none of them are simple, and Ragol Wrinkle's identity is even more than ordinary merchants. A wealthy merchant is just a disguise , his true identity is the spy leader of the Forsyth Empire.

Lagore Wrinkled was born in the Red Dagger, an outstanding killer of the Red Dagger, a late bloomer, and when he was about to die in his later years, he understood the mystery of the shadow and successfully advanced to the legend.

After stepping into the legend, he has been serving the security of the Fussey Empire until he was selected by the prime minister of the empire more than 20 years ago and sent to the abyss to become an intelligence chief under the command of Dragon City.

The moment he saw Longya's clone, doubts flashed in Goblin's eyes. He didn't sense any aura from the comer.

Longya's avatar noticed the situation, didn't say a word, and took the initiative to leak a trace of breath.

There is a hot and slightly sulfurous smell in the breath, which is the breath of the red dragon.

Identifying the aura of the imperial emperor is a compulsory course for every member of the Red Dagger, and Lagore Wrinkle suddenly became enthusiastic. Such a strong aura of the imperial emperor's dragon veins must be the top of the empire.

My lord, please come inside.

Led by the goblin, Dragon Tooth clone entered the inner layer of the tent, which is the core of the information point here.

The two came to a room covered by a magical barrier and sat down facing each other.

Longya clone took out a letter, put the letter on the table, and pushed it towards the goblin.

Lagore Wrinkle picked up the letter, first checked whether the magic seal on the envelope was complete, and then checked the hidden anti-counterfeiting mark on the envelope. After checking, he opened the envelope and took out the letter paper inside.

The content on the letter paper is very simple, and the information point here is required to fully cooperate with the comer. The letter paper is inscribed with the magic seal of the emperor.

After reading the letter paper, the letter paper burned itself without fire, turning into ashes and dissipating in the air.

Longya's avatar said lightly: The superior told me that you found a devil's stronghold? Is the situation true?

It is absolutely true, it is indeed the stronghold of the devil.

Tell me all you know.

Lagore Wrinkle paused, organized his language, and said: Then let's start from the beginning, the thing is like this...

The process of the story is very simple. The spies who received the professional training of the empire met an adventurer when they were out. Reported this to the chief.

Lagore Wrinklepi started an investigation around this clue, found the devil's stronghold along the way, and reported the matter to the higher authorities according to the regulations.

According to normal circumstances, after receiving the information, the higher-ups will arrange manpower to remove the devil's stronghold.

However, the goblin waited for three days, but did not wait for the news that the devil's stronghold had been pulled out, but waited for the arrival of Dragon Tooth clone.

The Dragon Tooth clone has already checked the Goblin's report through the Emperor, and came here this time just to find out if there is any latest information.

After questioning Lagor Wrinklekin, he turned and left the stalker camp, behaving like a normal adventurer who had replenished his supplies.

About to leave the stalker camp, Dragon Tooth clone sensed the sight behind him, turned around and looked at the center of the camp, at the top of the stone fortress in the center of the camp, a strange man was watching him, this strange man was wearing animal skin, holding a wooden staff, with disheveled hair , looking like a savage.

At this time, the man was the leader of the stalker camp, a mysterious demigod druid, and everyone called him the stalker.

Long Ya was curious about how the stalker found him, but he was not surprised. Since the demigod druid was called the stalker, he must be good at finding and tracking prey.

And he was just entering the demigod realm for the first time, and was discovered by an old demigod who had been immersed in demigod for many years, especially this old demigod was also good at hunting, which was not surprising.

Longya clone nodded slightly to the demigod druid as a greeting, then turned and left the stalker camp and walked towards the endless low hills.

A few hours later, Longya's avatar blessed with invisibility, stood on the top of a small hill, overlooking the distant col.

The col looks like nothing special, but it is actually the devil's stronghold.

The devils are very cunning. In order to prevent the magic breath from revealing their existence, they did not set up any magic barriers in the mountains, but lived in the caves in a low-key manner.

Longya clone stood in the cold wind, bathed in the blood moon of the abyss, and waited patiently.

Three days later, he finally got his chance, and a hook-nosed adventurer came out of the col.

As a powerhouse at the demigod level, Dragon Tooth clone saw through the disguise of the hooked-nosed adventurer at a glance, and hidden under the adventurer's disguise was a master-level devil.

It's really a devil, the corner of Longya clone's mouth curled up into a smile.

Although it is unlikely that there is a demigod in the devil's stronghold, the dragon tooth avatar waits for the devil to be far enough away from the stronghold before making a move just in case.

No surprise at all, under the sneak attack of Dragon Tooth clone, the master-level devil passed out without even seeing who the attacker was.

The Dragon Tooth clone dragged the devil to a hiding place, arranged a magic barrier, checked the devil's body, and found no spiritual restraint on the devil.

This is very normal. Only important people can use the magic restriction, ordinary people are not qualified for this.

With a flick of the finger, a ball of water appeared out of thin air, splashing on the devil's face.

Stimulated by the cold water, the unconscious devil woke up instantly and sat up suddenly.

Look into my eyes, the words of Longya's avatar contained magic power, and one couldn't help but follow the words.

As soon as the poor devil woke up, he looked into the eyes of Longya's avatar. There was a pink light in the pupils of Longya's avatar, which made people fall into it. His expression instantly became dull, he opened his mouth slightly, and his eyes were dull.

Which city do you belong to?

I belong to Rootless City.

Rootless City? Longya clone recalled, and found the name of Rootless City in the list of opponents.

The owner of Rootless City is as ordinary as the name of the city, and has no sense of existence.

It's good luck, I found the real master right away, Longya's avatar was very happy, after all, not all devils belonged to the red-clothed devil camp, and it was indeed a part of luck to be able to find the right person all at once.

... Longya clone continued to ask.


The devil is controlled by magic, and he will answer all questions about the dragon tooth clone, unless he himself doesn't know.

A peripheral intelligence member, of course, can't ask any important news, but he is qualified to pass on the news.

Longya's avatar figured out the situation of the stronghold here. As he expected, the stronghold here is just a small information point, and the strongest is just a legendary devil.

He also figured out the purpose of the devil's going out. The purpose of the devil's going out was to meet with informants, collect information, and report it.

Hahaha, today is really my lucky day. I just dozed off, and someone gave me a pillow, Longya's avatar was in a happy mood.

The pink radiance in Longya clone's eyes became even stronger: Forget what happened just now.

Under the control of magic, the devil walked forward in a daze.

After walking a certain distance, the devil suddenly woke up and patted his head in bewilderment. He felt as if he had forgotten something important, but he still couldn't remember what it was.

It doesn't matter, the task is important. If you can't think of it, you can only put your doubts behind you.

The devil continued on his way to the destination. He was going to six adventurer camps to meet with the informants and collect the information the informants had obtained these days. The task was not small.

The Dragon Tooth avatar maintains invisibility, leaps from the air, and according to the devil's confession, arrives at the adventurer's camp first, looking for the devil's informant.

He doesn't need all six informants, just one is enough.

Without accident, he successfully found the devil's informant.

The devil's informant is not a devil, but an ordinary adventurer. The Longya avatar learned through charm magic that the adventurer was just doing things for money, and he didn't even know the true identity of his employer.

However, this adventurer is not a good bird, and he does not mind being a robber while taking risks.

... Dragon Tooth clone used magic to implant a false memory into the adventurer's mind, and then retreated quietly.

A short time later, the hook-nosed adventurer arrives and finds the informant.

What?! Is this news true?!

Of course it's true. Could it be that I still lied to you, the informant snatched the purse from the devil's hand.

But the devil doesn't care about this, he is about to make great achievements and get rich rewards, but what he doesn't know is that the information he got is what others want him to get.

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